#' Read EU Reference Scenario
#' Read EU Reference Scenario .xlsx file as magpie object
#' @return magpie object of EU reference scenario data by country. Units follow
#' REMIND report conventions and conversion factor is defined in
#' EU_ReferenceScenario2REMIND.xlsx file.
#' @param subtype data subtype. Either "techAssump.*", "2016" or "2020"
#' @author Renato Rodrigues, Falk Benke, Robin Hasse
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' test <- readSource("EU_ReferenceScenario", subtype = "2020", convert = FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom readxl excel_sheets read_excel
#' @importFrom openxlsx read.xlsx
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom quitte as.quitte
#' @importFrom magclass as.magpie collapseDim
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @export
readEU_ReferenceScenario <- function(subtype) { # nolint: object_name_linter.
# Technology assumptions -----------------------------------------------------
if (grepl("^techAssump\\..+$", subtype)) {
subsubtype <- sub("^techAssump\\.", "", subtype)
# read excel sheet
rawdata <- read.xlsx(file.path("ref2020_technology_assumptions",
"REF2020_Technology Assumptions_Energy.xlsx"),
sheet = subsubtype, startRow = 2,
colNames = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,
fillMergedCells = TRUE)
# remove notes at the bottom
data <- rawdata[cumsum(grepl("^Notes", rawdata[, 1])) == 0, ]
if (subsubtype %in% c("Domestic", "Industry", "Power&Heat")) {
## Sectors ====
# split subsector tables (Residential & Services)
splitLines <- unlist(apply(data, 1, function(l) length(unique(l)) == 1))
subsectors <- data[splitLines, 1]
if (any(splitLines)) {
splitLines <- seq_along(splitLines)[which(splitLines)]
data <- lapply(seq_along(splitLines), function(i) {
start <- splitLines[i] + 1
end <- if (i == length(splitLines)) nrow(data) else splitLines[i + 1] - 1
data[start:end, ]
names(data) <- subsectors
} else {
data <- list(subsubtype = data)
names(data) <- subsubtype
# pivot variables to long format
data <- lapply(data, function(chunk) {
chunk[1, ] <- trimws(gsub("(\n.*$)|,", "", chunk[1, ]))
variables <- unique(unlist(chunk[1, 2:ncol(chunk)]))
varCols <- lapply(variables, function(var) which(chunk[1, ] == var))
names(varCols) <- variables
if (subsubtype %in% c("Domestic", "Industry")) {
# identify group lines (end uses and units)
groupLines <- do.call(cbind, lapply(varCols, function(cols) {
var = apply(chunk[, cols], 1, function(l) length(unique(l)))) # nolint: indentation_linter
groupLines <- as.vector(apply(groupLines, 1, function(l) all(l == 1)))
groupLines[1:3] <- FALSE
# add end use column
enduses <- chunk[groupLines, 1]
enduseIndex <- cumsum(groupLines)
enduseIndex[enduseIndex == 0] <- NA
chunk[["enduse"]] <- enduses[enduseIndex]
# save units
if (subsubtype == "Domestic") {
units <- do.call(cbind, lapply(varCols, function(cols) {
dfCol <- data.frame(
var = apply(chunk[groupLines, cols], 1, function(l) unique(l))) # nolint: indentation_linter
colnames(dfCol) <- chunk[1, head(cols, 1)]
units[["enduse"]] <- chunk[groupLines, 1]
units <- pivot_longer(units, -"enduse",
names_to = "variable",
values_to = "unit")
units[["unit"]] <- sub("^in ", "", units[["unit"]])
chunk <- chunk[!groupLines, ]
# treat regional heat pump data
chunk <- chunk[!grepl("Heat pump air", chunk[, 1]), ]
hpLines <- grepl("in .* countries", chunk[, 1], ignore.case = TRUE)
chunk[["region"]] <- ifelse(hpLines, sub("in ", "", chunk[, 1]), NA)
chunk[["region"]] <- sub("Countries", "countries", chunk[["region"]])
chunk[, 1] <- ifelse(hpLines, "Heat pump air", chunk[, 1])
# pivot to long format
fixCols <- c("technology", "enduse", "region")
colnames <- apply(chunk[1:3, ], 2, paste, collapse = "_")
colnames[which(colnames(chunk) %in% fixCols)] <-
colnames(chunk)[which(colnames(chunk) %in% fixCols)]
colnames[1] <- "technology"
chunk <- chunk[4:nrow(chunk), ]
colnames(chunk) <- colnames
headerCols <- if (subsubtype == "Power&Heat") {
c("variable", "unit", "period")
} else {
c("variable", "pointInTime", "level")
chunk <- pivot_longer(chunk, -intersect(colnames(chunk), fixCols),
names_to = headerCols,
names_sep = "_")
chunk[["value"]] <- as.numeric(chunk[["value"]])
if ("level" %in% colnames(chunk)) {
chunk[chunk[["level"]] == "NA", "level"] <- "central"
if (subsubtype == "Power&Heat") {
chunk[["period"]] <- as.numeric(chunk[["period"]])
# add unit column
if (subsubtype == "Domestic") {
chunk <- left_join(chunk, units, by = c("variable", "enduse"))
} else if (subsubtype == "Industry") {
units <- "EUR\\/kW|equal to 1 in 2015"
chunk[["unit"]] <- sub(paste0(".*(", units, ").*"), "\\1",
chunk[["variable"]] <- trimws(gsub(paste0(units, "|\\(|\\)"), "",
# merge to one df with subsector column
data <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(data), function(subsector) {
chunk <- data[[subsector]]
chunk[["subsector"]] <- subsector
} else if (subsubtype == "Renovation Costs") {
## Renovation Costs ====
colnames(data) <- data[1, ]
colnames(data)[1:2] <- c("region", "renovation")
data <- data[2:nrow(data), ]
data <- pivot_longer(data, -c("region", "renovation"),
names_to = "variable",
values_to = "value")
data[["unit"]] <- sub(".*\\((.*)\\)$", "\\1", data[["variable"]])
data[["variable"]] <- trimws(sub("\\(.*\\)$", "", data[["variable"]]))
data[["value"]] <- as.numeric(data[["value"]])
} else {
stop("Invalid type of technology assumption: ", subsubtype)
# convert to magpie object
if ("region" %in% colnames(data)) {
data[is.na(data[["region"]]), "region"] <- "EUR"
x <- collapseDim(as.magpie(as.quitte(data)))
if (!subtype %in% c("2016", "2020")) {
stop("Invalid subtype. Must be either 'techAssump.*', '2016' or '2020'")
# Results --------------------------------------------------------------------
mapping <- NULL
# load mapping and data
mapping$A <- suppressMessages(read_excel(paste0("EUReferenceScenario2REMIND_", subtype, ".xlsx"), sheet = "A"))
mapping$B <- suppressMessages(read_excel(paste0("EUReferenceScenario2REMIND_", subtype, ".xlsx"), sheet = "B"))
if (subtype == "2016") {
sourceFile <- "AppendixRefSce.xls"
sheets <- excel_sheets(sourceFile)
sheets <- sheets[-c(1, 2, 3, length(sheets))]
noRows <- 12
columns <- c("REMIND")
} else {
sourceFile <- "ref2020_energy-transport-ghg.xlsx"
sheets <- excel_sheets(sourceFile)
sheets <- sheets[-c(1, 2, 3)]
noRows <- 11
columns <- c("REMIND", "REMIND_2")
data <- NULL
# looping through regions, filtering and converting values
for (sheet in sheets) {
for (column in columns) {
type <- substr(sheet, nchar(sheet), nchar(sheet)) # A or B
region <- substr(sheet, start = 1, stop = 2)
countrySheet <- suppressMessages(read_excel(sourceFile, sheet = sheet, skip = 1))
# cleaning sheet
countrySheet <- countrySheet[, seq(1, noRows)]
# replace with remind mapping
countrySheet$REMIND <- mapping[[type]][[column]][-1]
# removing extra name column
countrySheet <- countrySheet[, -1]
# making sure the data is numeric
countrySheet[, -length(colnames(countrySheet))] <-
apply(countrySheet[, -length(colnames(countrySheet))], c(1, 2), as.numeric)
# converting unit to REMIND unit
countrySheet[, -length(colnames(countrySheet))] <-
countrySheet[, -length(colnames(countrySheet))] * mapping[[type]]$factor[-1]
# remove empty rows
countrySheet <- countrySheet[-which(is.na(countrySheet$REMIND)), ]
countrySheet <- cbind(region, countrySheet)
countrySheet[is.na(countrySheet)] <- 0
# merge repeated items
countrySheet <- stats::aggregate(. ~ REMIND + region, data = countrySheet, FUN = sum)
data <- rbind(data, countrySheet)
data <- stats::aggregate(. ~ REMIND + region, data = data, FUN = sum)
# long format
data <- melt(data, id.vars = 1:2)
colnames(data) <- c("variable", "region", "period", "value")
# dump contents into magpie
x <- as.magpie(data, spatial = 2, datacol = 4, temporal = 3)
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