Man pages for pkrog/biodb
biodb, a library and a development framework for connecting to chemical and biological databases

abstractClassDeclares a class as abstract.
abstractMethodDeclares a method as abstract
BiodbBiocPersistentCacheA persistent cache implementation that uses BiocCache...
BiodbConfigA class for storing configuration values.
BiodbConnThe mother abstract class of all database connectors.
BiodbConnBaseBase class of 'BiodbConn' for encapsulating all needed...
BiodbCsvEntryEntry class for content in CSV format.
BiodbCustomPersistentCacheA biodb custom persistent cache implementation.
BiodbDbInfoA class for describing the characteristics of a database.
BiodbDbsInfoA class for describing the available databases.
BiodbEntryThe mother abstract class of all database entry classes.
BiodbEntryFieldA class for describing an entry field.
BiodbEntryFieldsA class for handling description of all entry fields.
BiodbFactoryA class for constructing biodb objects.
BiodbHtmlEntryEntry class for content in HTML format.
BiodbJsonEntryEntry class for content in JSON format.
BiodbListEntryEntry class for content in list format.
BiodbMainThe central class of the biodb package.
biodb-packagebiodb: biodb, a library and a development framework for...
BiodbPersistentCacheThe abstract class for handling file caching.
BiodbRequestClass Request.
BiodbRequestSchedulerClass for handling requests.
BiodbRequestSchedulerRuleScheduler rule class.
BiodbSdfEntryEntry class for content in SDF format.
BiodbSqlBinaryOpThis class represents an SQL binary operator.
BiodbSqlExprThe SQL Expression abstact class.
BiodbSqlFieldThis class represents an SQL field.
BiodbSqlListThis class represents an SQL list.
BiodbSqlLogicalOpThis class represents an SQL logical operator.
BiodbSqlQueryThis class handles an SQL Query.
BiodbSqlValueThis class represents an SQL value.
BiodbTestMsgAckA class for acknowledging messages during tests.
BiodbTxtEntryEntry class for content in text format.
BiodbUrlClass URL.
BiodbXmlEntryEntry class for content in XML format.
checkDeprecatedCacheFoldersCheck deprecated default cache folders.
closeMatchPpmClose match PPM
CompCsvFileConnCompound CSV File connector class.
CompCsvFileEntryCompound CSV File entry class.
CompSqliteConnClass for handling a Compound database in SQLite format.
CompSqliteEntryCompound SQLite entry class.
connNameToClassPrefixConvert connector name into class prefix.
createBiodbTestInstanceCreating a BiodbMain instance for tests.
CsvFileConnCSV File connector class.
df2strConvert a data.frame into a string.
doesRCurlRequestUrlExistTest if a URL is valid according to RCurl
errorThrow an error and log it too.
error0Throw an error and log it too.
ExtConnClassExtension connector clas
ExtCppExtension C++ code class
ExtDefinitionsExtension defintions file class
ExtDescriptionFileExtension DESCRIPTION file
ExtEntryClassExtension entry class
ExtFileGeneratorExtension file generator abstract class
ExtGeneratorExtension generator abstract class
ExtGitignoreExtension Gitignore file class
ExtLicenseExtension license
ExtMakefileExtension Makefile
ExtPackageExtension package class
ExtPackageFileExtension package file class.
ExtRbuildignoreExtension Rbuildignore file class
ExtReadmeExtension README file class
ExtTestsExtension tests class
ExtTravisFileExtension Travis YAML file generator class
ExtVignetteExtension vignette class
FileTemplateFile template class.
genNewExtPkgGenerate a new extension package for biodb.
getBaseUrlContentGet URL content using base::url().
getBaseUrlRequestResultGet URL request result using base::url().
getConnClassNameGet connector class name.
getConnTypesGet connector types.
getDefaultCacheDirGet default cache folder.
getEntryClassNameGet entry class name.
getEntryTypesGet entry types.
getLicensesGet the available licenses for extension packages.
getLoggerGet the main package logger.
getPkgNameGet the package name from a package folder path.
getRCurlContentGet URL content using RCurl::getURL().
getRCurlRequestResultGet URL request result using RCurcl::getURL().
getReposNameExtract the repository name from a package folder.
getTestOutputDirGet the test output directory.
getUrlContentGet a URL content.
getUrlRequestResultSend a request and get results.
listTestRefEntriesList test reference entries.
loadFileContentsLoads the contents of files in memory.
logDebugLog debug message.
logDebug0Log debug message.
logInfoLog information message.
logInfo0Log information message.
logTraceLog trace message.
logTrace0Log trace message.
lst2strConvert a list into a string.
makeRCurlOptionsBuild an RCurl::CURLOptions object.
MassCsvFileConnMass CSV File connector class.
MassCsvFileEntryMass CSV File entry class.
MassSqliteConnClass for handling a Mass spectrometry database in SQLite...
MassSqliteEntryMass spectra SQLite entry class.
newInstCreate a new BiodbMain instance.
prepareFileContentsPrepares file contents for saving.
ProgressProgress class.
RangeRange class.
RequestResultClass RequestResult.
runGenericTestsRun generic tests.
saveContentsToFilesSaves contents to files.
SqliteConnSQLite connector class.
testContextSet a test context.
TestRefEntriesA class for accessing the test reference entries.
testThatRun a test.
upgradeExtPkgUpgrading an existing extension package for biodb.
warnThrow a warning and log it too.
warn0Throw a warning and log it too.
pkrog/biodb documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 4:24 a.m.