
Defines functions evaluate.epl get.coordinates get.voxel.index create.intervals generate.values.from.events remove.values.outside.voi points2intervals identify.slice interpolate.values get.values_at.points meshgrid get.profiles get.profile ray.tracing get.subset.values add.array.values get.array.values set.origin get.origin combine.values merge.values threshold.values sanitize.values values.from.sparse.array sparse.array.from.values dataframe.from.values get.values.dataframe get.sparse.array.gate get.values.gate.plan get.values.plankit.plan get.values.list get.values create.values

Documented in add.array.values combine.values create.intervals create.values dataframe.from.values evaluate.epl generate.values.from.events get.array.values get.coordinates get.origin get.profile get.profiles get.sparse.array.gate get.subset.values get.values get.values_at.points get.values.dataframe get.values.gate.plan get.values.list get.values.plankit.plan get.voxel.index identify.slice interpolate.values merge.values meshgrid points2intervals ray.tracing remove.values.outside.voi sanitize.values set.origin sparse.array.from.values threshold.values values.from.sparse.array

# VALUES -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create values object
#' Create values object from array. Note: the value distributions are stored in a multidimensional array:
#' values$values with dim(values$values) = c(Nv, Nx, Nz, Ny).
#' @param array the 3D array. Optional. If it is not specified an array of zeros is assumed.
#' @param variables The name of the variable (can be a vector of names).
#' @param x,y,z coordinate vectors
#' @return a \code{values} object
#' @family Values
#' @export
create.values <- function(array.values=NULL, variables='variable name', x, y, z)

  Nx <- length(x)
  Ny <- length(y)
  Nz <- length(z)
  Nv <- length(variables)

  if(is.null(array.values)) {
    if(Nv>1) {
      array.values <- array(0, dim=c(Nv, Nx, Ny, Nz))
    } else {
      array.values <- array(0, dim=c(Nx, Ny, Nz))

  values <- list()
  values$values <- array.values
  values$x <- x
  values$y <- y
  values$z <- z
  values$Nx <- Nx
  values$Ny <- Ny
  values$Nz <- Nz
  values$Nv <- Nv
  values$variables <- variables
  values$file <- NULL

  # check dimensioni
  my.dims <- dim(values$values)
  if(length(my.dims)==3) {
    if(my.dims[1]!=values$Nx | my.dims[2]!=values$Ny | my.dims[3]!=values$Nz) {
      message('create.values warning: inconsistent size with coordinates')
  } else {
    if(my.dims[1]!=values$Nv | my.dims[2]!=values$Nx | my.dims[3]!=values$Ny | my.dims[4]!=values$Nz) {
      message('create.values warning: inconsistent size with coordinates')

  # definisci classe
  class(values) <- 'values'


#' Get values object
#' Get the values matrices for a plan.
#' @param plan The plan object.
#' @family Values
#' @export
get.values <- function(plan, ...) UseMethod("get.values")

#' Get values objects
#' Get the values objects associated to a list of plans (PlanKIT/Gate).
#' @param plan The plan list.
#' @family Values
#' @export
get.values.list <- function(plans) {
  values <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(plans)) {
    values[[i]] <- get.values(plans[[i]])

#' Get values object (PlanKIT)
#' Get the values object associated to a plan (PlanKIT).
#' @param plan The plan object.
#' @param input Get the input values (if exits).
#' @family Values
#' @export
get.values.plankit.plan <- function(plan, input=FALSE)
  if(!is.null(plan[['values']])) {
  } else {
    if(input) {values.file <- plan[['inputValuesFile']]}
    else {values.file <- plan[['outputValuesFile']]}
    if(is.null(values.file)) {
      stop('values object not present')
    } else { 

#' Get values object (Gate)
#' Get the values object associated to a plan (Gate).
#' @param plan.gate The plan object.
#' @param center.coordinates The coordinates of the center of the values 3D distribution. If it is NULL, the center of the CT is assumed.
#' @family Values
#' @export
get.values.gate.plan <- function(plan, center.coordinates=NULL)
  values <- list()
  variables <- plan$computingValues
  for(i in 1:length(variables))
    variable.file <- file.variable.gate(variables[i])
    variable.file <- paste(plan$name, '/output/', variable.file, sep='')
    message('reading ', variables[i], ' ... (', variable.file, ')')
    values[[i]] <- read.3d.hdr(file.name=variable.file, variable=variables[i])
  values <- combine.values(values.list=values)
  # recupera le coordinate assolute dalla CT
  if(is.null(center.coordinates)) {
    ct <- get.ct(plan)
    center.coordinates[1] <- sum(range(ct$x))/2
    center.coordinates[2] <- sum(range(ct$y))/2
    center.coordinates[3] <- sum(range(ct$z))/2
    message('center coordinates: ', center.coordinates[1], ', ', center.coordinates[2], ', ', center.coordinates[3])
  # traslazione del centro
  x.c <- sum(range(values$x))/2
  y.c <- sum(range(values$y))/2
  z.c <- sum(range(values$z))/2
  values$x <- values$x + (center.coordinates[1]-x.c)
  values$y <- values$y + (center.coordinates[2]-y.c)
  values$z <- values$z + (center.coordinates[3]-z.c)

#' Get sparse array values (Gate)
#' Get the sparse array evaluated for a plan (Gate).
#' Note: the plan has to be evaluated via run.gate.forward() with the option evaluate.sparse.arrays=TRUE.
#' @param plan.gate The plan object.
#' @family Values
#' @export
get.sparse.array.gate <- function(plan.gate)
  load(paste(plan.gate$name, 'values.sparse.Rdata', sep='/'))

#' recupera matrice di valori in formato dataframe
#' Obsoleto
#' @family Values
get.values.dataframe <- function(plan)
  if(is.null(plan[['outputValuesFile']])) {
    cat('The plan "', plan[['name']], '" has no values file.\n', sep='')
  return(read.3d( paste(plan[['name']], '/', plan[['outputValuesFile']], sep='') ))

#' Generate data.frame from values object
#' Uses only voxels belogning to the specified VOIs.
#' Each row of the output data.frame is a single voxel.
#' Each voxel is associated to a VOI.
#' Voxels assiciated to different VOIs are replicated on different rows.
#' @family Values
#' @export
dataframe.from.values <- function(values=values, vois=vois, variables=NULL, rois=NULL)
  # identifica i vois da mettere nel dataframe
  if(is.null(rois)) {
    rois <- vois$vois
    index.r <- 1:length(rois)
  } else {
    index.r <- which(vois$vois %in% rois) # gli indici dei voi si riferiscono al vettore vois$vois

  # identifica le variabili da mettere nel dataframe
  if(is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- values$variables
    index.v <- 1:values$Nv
  } else {
    index.v <- which(values$variables %in% variables) # gli indici delle variabili si riferiscono al vettore values$variables

  # crea le matrici X,Y,Z
  X <- array(values$x, dim=c(values$Nx,values$Ny,values$Nz))
  Y <- array(values$y, dim=c(values$Ny,values$Nx,values$Nz))
  Y <- aperm(Y, c(2,1,3))
  Z <- array(values$z, dim=c(values$Nz,values$Nx,values$Ny))
  Z <- aperm(Z, c(2,3,1))

  # crea dataframe per ogni voi specificato nella lista rois
  for(i in 1:length(index.r))
    message('extracting dataframe for: ', vois$vois[index.r[i]])

    index.voi <- get.voi.logical(vois, voi=vois$vois[index.r[i]])

    # estrai coordinate dei voi
    x <- X[index.voi]
    y <- Y[index.voi]
    z <- Z[index.voi]

    # ciclo sulle variabili
    for(j in 1:length(index.v)) {
      message('- variable: ', values$variables[index.v[j]])
      if(values$Nv > 1) {
        my.array <- values$values[index.v[j],,,][index.voi]
      } else {
        my.array <- values$values[,,][index.voi]
      df.tmp <- data.frame(voi=vois$vois[index.r[i]], variable=values$variables[index.v[j]], x=x, y=y, z=z, value=my.array)
      if(i==1 & j==1) {df.all <- df.tmp} else {df.all <- rbind(df.all, df.tmp)}


#' get sparse format data from a values object
#'@param values the values object
#'@param variables a vector of variable names. If it is not specified, all variabels stored in values are extracted in the sparse matrix.
#'@param threshold applay a threshold selection on the first variable stored in values (usually 'Dose[Gy]')
#' @family Values
#' @export
sparse.array.from.values <- function(values, variables=NULL, threshold=0)
  # identifica variabile
  if(is.null(variables)) {variables <- values$variables}
  if(values$Nv>1) {
    v.index <- which(values$variables %in% variables)
    # print(v.index)
    #my.array <- values$values[v.index,,,]
    voxel.index <- which(values$values[1,,,]>threshold) # assume threshold sulla dose...?
    Nvoxels <- sum(voxel.index>0)
    message('found ', Nvoxels, ' voxels above threshold.')
    if(Nvoxels==0) return(NULL)
    df <- NULL
    for(i in v.index) {
      my.array <- values$values[i,,,]
      sparse.array <- my.array[voxel.index]
      message('adding ', values$variables[i])
      if(i==1) {
        df <- data.frame(voxel.index=voxel.index, value=sparse.array, variable=as.factor(values$variables[i]))
      } else {
        df <- rbind(df, data.frame(voxel.index=voxel.index, value=sparse.array, variable=as.factor(values$variables[i])))
  } else {
    message('adding ', variables)
    my.array <- values$values
    voxel.index <- which(my.array>threshold)
    sparse.array <- my.array[voxel.index]
    return(data.frame(voxel.index=voxel.index, value=sparse.array))

#' Create values from sparse array
#' Create a values object from a sparse array.
#' @param sparse.array The sparse array. Note: the sparse array is a dataframe containing at least the following columns: 'voxel.index' and 'value'. Optionally it could contain also the column 'variable'. The latter is mandatory if there are multiple variables.
#' @param variables The name of the variable(s). If there is only one variable specified and the sparse array dose not contain the column "variable", it is assumed that all the value correspond to the specified variable. It it is NULL, the values object will contains all the variable found in the sparse array.
#' @return Values object.
#' Note: the sparse array is a dataframe containing at least the following columns: 'voxel.index' and 'value'
#' @family Values
#' @export
values.from.sparse.array <- function(sparse.array, variables=NULL, x, y, z)
  #values <- list()
  Nx <- length(x)
  Ny <- length(y)
  Nz <- length(z)
  # variables
  if(is.null(variables)) {
    if('variable' %in% colnames(sparse.array)) {
      variables <- as.character(unique(sparse.array$variable))
    } else {
      warning('variable not specified, using dummy...')
      variables <- 'dummy'
  } else {
    if('variable' %in% colnames(sparse.array)) {
      sparse.array <- subset(sparse.array, variable %in% variables)
      variables <- unique(as.character(sparse.array$variable))
    } else {
      if(length(variables)>1) {stop('variable names not present in sparse array')}
  Nv <- length(variables)
  values <- create.values(variables=variables, x=x, y=y, z=z)
  if(Nv==1) {values$values[sparse.array$voxel.index] <- sparse.array[,2]}
  else {
    for(i in 1:Nv) {
      temp.array <- array(0, dim=c(Nx, Ny, Nz))
      temp.array[sparse.array$voxel.index] <- sparse.array$value[sparse.array$variable==variables[i]]
      values$values[i,,,] <- temp.array

#' Set not defined or not "physical" values to NA
#' @param values a values object
#' @return a values object with NA where the radiobiological quantities are not defined (e.g. where the dose is zero)
#' @family Values
#' @export
sanitize.values <- function(values)
  variables <- c('Alpha[Gy^(-1)]', 'Beta[Gy^(-2)]', 'RBE', 'DoseAveragedLET[keV/um]', 'DoseAveragedLET[keV/um]')
  for(vs in variables) {
    v <- which(values$variables==vs)
    if (length(v)>0) {
      vv <- values$values[v,,,]
      vv[vv<=0] <- NA
      values$values[v,,,] <- vv

#' Set values under threshold to NA
#' The treshold is definied for a single variable. Where the specified quantities is equal or less the threshold, all variables are set to NA.
#' @param values a values object
#' @param threshold the threshold value
#' @param the variable associated to the threshold
#' @return a values object with NA where the specified variable is equal or less the threshold value
#' @family Values
#' @export
threshold.values <- function(values, threshold = 0, variable = 'Dose[Gy]')
  variable.array <- get.array.values(values = values, variable = variable)
  index.t <- variable.array <= threshold
  if(values$Nv == 1) {values$values[index.t] <- NA}
  else {
    for(iv in 1:values$Nv) {
      variable.array <- values$values[iv,,,]
      variable.array[index.t] <- NA
      values$values[iv,,,] <- variable.array

#' Merge a list of values
#' Merge a list of values objects in a single object. It assumes that the variable names are not overlapping among different values objects.
#' @param values.list A list of values objects.
#' @return A values object
#' @family Values
#' @export
merge.values <- function(values.list)
  NV <- length(values.list)
  if(NV==1) {return(values.list[[1]])}
  values1 <- values.list[[1]]
  for(i in 2:NV) {
    values <- values.list[[i]]
    nv <- values$Nv
    for(v in 1:nv) {
      values1 <- add.array.values(values=values1, new.array=values$values, variable=values$variable[v])

#' Combine values
#' Combine a list of values in a unique values object. The voxel values are taken from the different values in the list, according to the tissue
#' specification in the contours and their belonging to the corresponding VOI. In case of a voxel belonging to multiple VOIS, the last tissue specification in the contours will overwrite the previous ones. The values in the list and the vois object should have the same dimensionality.
#' @param values.list the list of the values. The elements of this list have to be named according to the names of the tissues specified in the contours (e.g. list(tissue1=values1, tissue2=values2, ....))
#' @param vois the vois object.
#' @param contours the contours object.
#' @return a values object.
#' @family Values
#' @export
combine.values <- function(values.list, vois, contours) {
  NV <- length(values.list)
  if(NV<=1) {
    error('no set of values to combine.')
  # check dimensionality
  d0 <- dim(values.list[[1]][['values']])
  for(iV in 2:NV) {
    d <- dim(values.list[[iV]][['values']])
    if(!all.equal(d,d0)) {
      error('not consistent dimensionality among values in values.list')
    d0 <- d
  # check tissues specifications
  tissues <- unique(contours$tissue)
  tissues.list <- names(values.list)
  if(!all(tissues %in% tissues.list)) {
    error('not consistent tissue definitions.')
  # combining loop
  cc <- unique(contours[['contour']])
  NC <- length(cc)
  variables <- values.list[[1]][['variables']]
  Nv <- length(variables)
  values <- create.values(variables = variables, x=values.list[[1]][['x']], y=values.list[[1]][['y']], z=values.list[[1]][['z']])
  values[['values']] <- values[['values']] * NA
  for(iC in 1:NC) {
    tissue.C <- unique(contours['tissue'][contours['contour']==cc[iC]])
    message('combining contour: ', cc[iC], ' -> ', tissue.C)
    index.voi <- get.voi.logical(vois = vois, voi = cc[iC], Nv = Nv)
    values[['values']][index.voi] <- values.list[[tissue.C]] [['values']] [index.voi]

# VALUES MANIPULATION ----------------------------------------------------

#' Get origin coordinates
#' Get the coordinates of origin corner (corner of voxel [1,1,1]).
#' @param values the values object
#' @return a vector of the coordinates x, y and z.
#' @family Values Manipulation
#' @export
get.origin <- function(values)
  x0 <- values$x[1] - (values$x[2] - values$x[1])/2
  y0 <- values$y[1] - (values$y[2] - values$y[1])/2
  z0 <- values$z[1] - (values$z[2] - values$z[1])/2
  return(c(x0, y0, z0))

#' Set origin coordinates
#' Set the coordinates of origin corner (corner of voxel [1,1,1]).
#' @param coordinates a vector of the coordinates x, y and z.
#' @return the translated values object
#' @family Values Manipulation
#' @export
set.origin <- function(values, coordinates)
  x0 <- values$x[1] - (values$x[2] - values$x[1])/2
  y0 <- values$y[1] - (values$y[2] - values$y[1])/2
  z0 <- values$z[1] - (values$z[2] - values$z[1])/2

  values$x <- values$x - x0 + coordinates[1]
  values$y <- values$y - y0 + coordinates[2]
  values$z <- values$z - z0 + coordinates[3]


#' estrai array della variabile specificata dai values
#' @family Values Manipulation
#' @export
get.array.values <- function(values, variable)
  index.v <- which(values$variables==variable) # identifica indice della variabile specificata
  if(length(index.v)==0) {message('Variable not found.'); return()}
  if(values$Nv > 1) {
  } else {

#' Add an array to values
#' Add an array of a new variable to a \code{values} object.
#' @param values the \code{values} object
#' @param new.array the array to be added
#' @param variable the name of the new variable
#' @family Values Manipulation
#' @export
add.array.values <- function(values, new.array, variable='New Data')
  # check per vedere se la variabile specificata giร  esiste
  if(length(which(values$variables==variable)) >= 1) {
    message('Variable already in values')

  if(values$Nv > 1) {
    v <- aperm(values$values, c(2,3,4,1))
  } else {
    v <- values$values
  v <- array(c(v, new.array), c(values$Nx, values$Ny, values$Nz, values$Nv+1))
  values$values <- aperm(v, c(4,1,2,3))
  values$Nv <- values$Nv+1
  values$variables[values$Nv] <- variable


#' Get a subset of a  \code{values} object.
#' @param values the \code{values} object
#' @param variables A vector of the subset of variables to extract from the values object.
#' @param xlim,ylim,zlim The ranges of the subset coordinates.
#' @family Values Manipulation
#' @export
get.subset.values <- function(values, variables=NULL, xlim=c(-Inf,Inf), ylim=c(-Inf,Inf), zlim=c(-Inf,Inf))
  # estrai range
  xlim[1] <- max(min(values$x), xlim[1]); xlim[2] <- min(max(values$x), xlim[2])
  ylim[1] <- max(min(values$y), ylim[1]); ylim[2] <- min(max(values$y), ylim[2])
  zlim[1] <- max(min(values$z), zlim[1]); zlim[2] <- min(max(values$z), zlim[2])
  ix.min <- max(which(values$x<xlim[1]), 1); ix.max <- min(which(values$x>xlim[2]), values$Nx); # print(c(ix.min,ix.max))
  iy.min <- max(which(values$y<ylim[1]), 1); iy.max <- min(which(values$y>ylim[2]), values$Ny)
  iz.min <- max(which(values$z<zlim[1]), 1); iz.max <- min(which(values$z>zlim[2]), values$Nz)
  x <- values$x[ix.min:ix.max]
  y <- values$x[iy.min:iy.max]
  z <- values$z[iz.min:iz.max]

  # estrai variabili
  if(is.null(variables)) {variables <- values$variables}
  if(values$Nv>1) {
    v <- which(values$variables %in% variables)
    array.v <- values$values[v,ix.min:ix.max,iy.min:iy.max,iz.min:iz.max]
  } else {
    array.v <- values$values[ix.min:ix.max,iy.min:iy.max,iz.min:iz.max]

  return(create.values(array.values = array.v, variables = variables, x=x, y=y, z=z))

# PROFILES ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Ray-tracing (intersections)
#' Evaluate the intersections along voxels
#' @export
#' @family Values, Profiles
ray.tracing <- function(ray, xi, yi, zi, values=NULL) {

  if(!is.null(values)) {
    # coordinate piani tra i voxels
    xi <- create.intervals(values$x)
    yi <- create.intervals(values$y)
    zi <- create.intervals(values$z)

  R <- c(ray$X, ray$Y, ray$Z)
  rn <- c(ray$xn, ray$yn, ray$zn)
  px <- py <- pz <- list()

  # calcola intersezione dei piani
  if(rn[1]!=0) {
    tx <- (xi - R[1])/rn[1]
    px.x <- R[1]+tx*rn[1]
    px.y <- R[2]+tx*rn[2]
    px.z <- R[3]+tx*rn[3]
    px <- data.frame(x=px.x, y=px.y, z=px.z, t=tx)
  } else {
    tx <-NULL
    px <- data.frame(x=NA, y=NA, z=NA, t=NA)
  if(rn[2]!=0) {
    ty <- (yi - R[2])/rn[2]
    py.x <- R[1]+ty*rn[1]
    py.y <- R[2]+ty*rn[2]
    py.z <- R[3]+ty*rn[3]
    py <- data.frame(x=py.x, y=py.y, z=py.z, t=ty)
  } else {
    ty <- NULL
    py <- data.frame(x=NA, y=NA, z=NA, t=NA)
  if(rn[3]!=0) {
    tz <- (zi - R[3])/rn[3]
    pz.x <- R[1]+tz*rn[1]
    pz.y <- R[2]+tz*rn[2]
    pz.z <- R[3]+tz*rn[3]
    pz <- data.frame(x=pz.x, y=pz.y, z=pz.z, t=tz)
  } else {
    tz <- NULL
    pz <- data.frame(x=NA, y=NA, z=NA, t=NA)

  # merge di punti
  p <- rbind(px, py, pz)

  # elimina punti fuori array
  p <- subset(p, x>=min(xi, na.rm=TRUE) & x<=max(xi, na.rm=TRUE) &
                y>=min(yi, na.rm=TRUE) & y<=max(yi, na.rm=TRUE) &
                z>=min(zi, na.rm=TRUE) & z<=max(zi, na.rm=TRUE))

  # sorting dei punti
  p <- p[order(p$t),]


#' Get profile
#' Get a profile (values along a specific axis, or voxel line) from a \code{values} object. The axis is specifed trough the definition of two of the following three coordinates: x, y, z, or with a single ray object for arbitrary directions.
#' @param values the \code{values object}
#' @param variable the variable to be profiled. If it is not specified, the fist available variable will be used.
#' @param x,y,z definition of the axis (only two coordinates should be defined). For example \code{x=4.4} and \code{z=0.5} specifies a profile along the y-axis passing through x=4.4 and z=0.5
#' @param integrate perform an integration over the two coordinates (boolean, optional). Note: integration is not yet implemented around an arbitrary ray.
#' @param ray The ray object, Note the ray is a data.frame defined by 6 components (X, Y, Z, xn, yn, zn), i.e. point coordinates + normalized vector direction.
#' @param return.voxel.index Returns also the index of the voxel crossed by the ray (used only for a ray profile).
#' @param return.xyz Returns also the x,y,z of the points along the ray (used only for a ray profile).
#' @return a dataframe containing the specified profile.
#' @family Values, Values Manipulation, Profiles
#' Note: for the evaluation of multiple profiles see "get.profiles"
#' @export
get.profile <- function(values, variable=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, z=NULL, integrate=FALSE, ray=NULL, return.voxel.index=FALSE, return.xyz=FALSE)

  # variable
  v <- NULL
  if(!is.null(variable)) {v <- which(values$variables==variable)}
  if(length(v)==0) {v <- 1}
  variable <- values$variable[v]
  message('using ', variable, ' ...')
  if(values$Nv>1) {values$values <- values$values[v,,,]}

  Nx <- Ny <- Nz <- NULL
  if(!is.null(x)) {Nx <- identify.slice(x, values$x)}
  if(!is.null(y)) {Ny <- identify.slice(y, values$y)}
  if(!is.null(z)) {Nz <- identify.slice(z, values$z)}

  # recupera coordinate
  if(is.null(x)) {coord.name <- 'x[mm]'; coord.value <- values$x}
  if(is.null(y)) {coord.name <- 'y[mm]'; coord.value <- values$y}
  if(is.null(z)) {coord.name <- 'z[mm]'; coord.value <- values$z}

  # calcoli preliminari per l'integrazione
  if(integrate) {
    variable <- paste(variable, '[mm^2]', sep='')

    dx <- diff(points2intervals(values$x))
    dy <- diff(points2intervals(values$y))
    dz <- diff(points2intervals(values$z))


  # calcola profili
  if(!is.null(Nx) & !is.null(Ny)) {
    if(integrate) {
      profile.value <- apply(values$values, c(3), sum) #* dx * dy
    } else {
      profile.value <- values$values[Nx,Ny,]
  if(!is.null(Nx) & !is.null(Nz)) {
    if(integrate) {
      profile.value <- apply(values$values, c(2), sum) #* dx * dz
    } else {
      profile.value <- values$values[Nx,,Nz]
  if(!is.null(Ny) & !is.null(Nz)) {
    if(integrate) {
      profile.value <- apply(values$values, c(1), sum) #* dy * dz
    } else {
      profile.value <- values$values[,Ny,Nz]

  # profilo su direzione arbitraria (ray-tracing)
  if(!is.null(ray)) {

    # coordinate piani tra i voxels
    #dx <- mean(diff(values$x)); dy <- mean(diff(values$y)); dz <- mean(diff(values$z))
    xi <- create.intervals(values$x)
    yi <- create.intervals(values$y)
    zi <- create.intervals(values$z)

    # evaluate ray-tracing
    p <- ray.tracing(ray, xi, yi, zi)

    np <- nrow(p)-1

    # punti centrali dei segmenti
    p.mid <- data.frame(x=(p$x[1:np]+diff(p$x)/2), y=(p$y[1:np]+diff(p$y)/2), z=(p$z[1:np]+diff(p$z)/2), t=(p$t[1:np]+diff(p$t)))

    # identifica voxels
    voxel.index <- get.voxel.index(Xv=values$x, Yv=values$y, Zv=values$z, x=p.mid$x, y=p.mid$y, z=p.mid$z)

    coord.name <- 'r [mm]'
    coord.value <- p.mid$t - min(p$t) # la coordinata รจ zero all'ingresso
    profile.value <- values$values[voxel.index]

  #profile.df <- data.frame(variable=variable, axis=coord.name, depth=coord.value, value=profile.value, variable='variable')
  profile.df <- data.frame(variable=variable, axis=coord.name, depth=coord.value, value=profile.value)

  if(return.voxel.index & !is.null(ray)) {profile.df$voxel.index <- voxel.index}
  if(return.xyz  & !is.null(ray)) {
    profile.df$x <- p.mid$x
    profile.df$y <- p.mid$y
    profile.df$z <- p.mid$z


#' Get profiles
#' Get multiple profiles (values along a specific axis, or voxel line) from a \code{values} object. The axis is specifed trough the definition of two of the following three coordinates: x, y, z, or with a single ray object for arbitrary directions.
#' @param values the \code{values object}
#' @param variables the variables to be profiled. If it is not specified, al the available variables in values will be used.
#' @param x,y,z definition of the axis (only two coordinates should be defined). For example \code{x=4.4} and \code{z=0.5} specifies a profile along the y-axis passing through x=4.4 and z=0.5
#' @param integrate perform an integration over the two coordinates (boolean, optional). Note: integration is not yet implemented around an arbitrary ray.
#' @param ray The ray object, Note the ray is a data.frame defined by 6 components (X, Y, Z, xn, yn, zn), i.e. point coordinates + normalized vector direction.
#' @param return.voxel.index Returns also the index of the voxel crossed by the ray (used only for a ray profile).
#' @param return.xyz Returns also the x,y,z of the points along the ray (used only for a ray profile).
#' @return a dataframe containing the specified profile.
#' @family Values, Values Manipulation, Profiles
#' @export
get.profiles <- function(values, variables=NULL, ...)
  if(is.null(variables)) {variables <- values$variables}
  Nv <- length(variables)
  for(iv in 1:Nv) {
    if(iv==1) profiles.df <- get.profile(values = values, variable = variables[iv], ...)
    else profiles.df <- rbind(profiles.df, get.profile(values = values, variable = variables[iv], ...))

# VALUES UTILITIES -------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create a meshgrid
#' Generate X, Y and Z matrices for three-dimensional arrays starting from x, y and z vectors. The function is similar to the Matlab function "meshgrid".
#' @param x,y,z Coordinates vector.
#' @return A list with X, Y and Z 3D arrays
#' @family ValuesUtilities
#' @export
meshgrid <- function(x, y, z)
  Nx <- length(x); Ny <- length(y); Nz <- length(z)
  # crea le matrici X,Y,Z
  X <- array(x, dim=c(Nx,Ny,Nz))
  Y <- array(y, dim=c(Ny,Nx,Nz))
  Y <- aperm(Y, c(2,1,3))
  Z <- array(z, dim=c(Nz,Nx,Ny))
  Z <- aperm(Z, c(2,3,1))
  return(list(X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z))

#' get values at coordinates
#' @param values Values object
#' @param x,y,z coordinates of a 3D point on which to evaluate the values (they can be vectors).
#' @return a vector of values.
#' @family ValuesUtilities
#' @export
get.values_at.points <- function(values, x, y, z, variable='Dose[Gy]')
  if(values$Nv==1) {array.v <- values$values}
    v <- which(variable==values$variables)
    array.v <- values$values[v,,,]
    #stop('Interpolation of more than one variable not yet implemented...')
  # subsetting...
  ix.min <- max(which(values$x<min(x)), 1)
  ix.max <- min(which(values$x>max(x)), values$Nx)
  iy.min <- max(which(values$y<min(y)), 1)
  iy.max <- min(which(values$y>max(y)), values$Ny)
  iz.min <- max(which(values$z<min(z)), 1)
  iz.max <- min(which(values$z>max(z)), values$Nz)
  #message(ix.min, ' ', ix.max, ' ', iy.min, ' ', iy.max, ' ', iz.min, ' ', iz.max)
  array.v <- array.v[ix.min:ix.max, iy.min:iy.max, iz.min:iz.max]
  c.dim <- dim(array.v); nx <- c.dim[1]; ny <- c.dim[2]; nz <- c.dim[3]
  xx <- values$x[ix.min:ix.max]
  yy <- values$y[iy.min:iy.max]
  zz <- values$z[iz.min:iz.max]
  array.x <- array(0, dim=c(ny, nz))
  array.y <- array(0, dim=c(nz))
  v.out <- rep(NA, length(x))
  # 46, 28, 40 -> 0.5192853
  # -1.078, 21.1719, -72
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(x), style = 3)
  for(ixyz in 1:length(x)) {
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, ixyz)
    array.x <- array.x*0
    array.y <- array.y*0
    # interpolazione lungo x
    for(iy in 1:ny) {
      for(iz in 1:nz) {
        vx.fun <- approxfun(x=xx, y=array.v[,iy,iz], rule=2)
        array.x[iy,iz] <- vx.fun(x[ixyz])
    # interpolazione lungo y
    for(iz in 1:nz) {
      vy.fun <- approxfun(x=yy, y=array.x[,iz], rule=2)
      array.y[iz] <- vy.fun(y[ixyz])
    # interpolazione lungo z
    vz.fun <- approxfun(x=zz, y=array.y, rule=2)
    v.out[ixyz] <- vz.fun(z[ixyz])

#' Tri-linear interpolation
#' @param values Values object
#' @param x,y,z cartesian coordinate on which evaluate the interpolation.
#' @return a values object (with elements at coordinates x,y,z).
#' @family ValuesUtilities
#' @export
interpolate.values <- function(values, x, y, z)
  Nx <- length(x); Ny <- length(y); Nz <- length(z)

  # crea oggetto values
  values.intrp <- create.values(variables=values$variables, x=x, y=y, z=z)

  for(v in 1:values$Nv) {
    if(values$Nv==1) {array.v <- values$values} else {array.v <- values$values[v,,,]}
    array.x <- array(0, dim=c(Nx, values$Ny, values$Nz))
    array.y <- array(0, dim=c(Nx, Ny, values$Nz))
    array.z <- array(0, dim=c(Nx, Ny, Nz))

    message('interpolating ', values$variables[v])

    # interpolazione lungo x
    for(iy in 1:values$Ny) {
      for(iz in 1:values$Nz) {
        vx.fun <- approxfun(x=values$x, y=array.v[,iy,iz], rule=2)
        vx <- vx.fun(x)
        array.x[,iy,iz] <- vx

    # interpolazione lungo y
    for(ix in 1:Nx) {
      for(iz in 1:values$Nz) {
        vy.fun <- approxfun(x=values$y, y=array.x[ix,,iz], rule=2)
        vy <- vy.fun(y)
        array.y[ix,,iz] <- vy

    # interpolazione lungo z
    for(ix in 1:Nx) {
      for(iy in 1:Ny) {
        vz.fun <- approxfun(x=values$z, y=array.y[ix,iy,], rule=2)
        vz <- vz.fun(z)
        array.z[ix,iy,] <- vz

    if(values$Nv==1) {
      values.intrp$values <- array.z
    } else {
      values.intrp$values[v,,,] <- array.z


#' identifica slice corrispondente alla coordinata
#' @family ValuesUtilities
#' @export
identify.slice <- function(x, xvec)
  return(which( abs(x-xvec) == min(abs(x-xvec)))[1])

#' Evaluate intervals
#' Evaluate intervals vector from points vector.
#' Voxel coordinates are usually specified by indicating (x,y,z) the middle point. Another way is to indicate the intervals (xmin,xmax), (ymin,ymax) (zmin,zmax). Since it is assumed that voxels are contiguous, xmax[i] = xmin[i-1], for each axis the coordinates can be stored in a single vector.
#' @param x the puntual coordinate vector
#' @return the intervals vector (the length of this vector is Nx+1, where Nx = length(x))
#' @export
#' @family Values Utilities
points2intervals <- function(x)
  if(length(x)>1) {
    dx <- diff(x)
    xi <- c(x[1]-mean(dx)/2,
  } else {xi <- c(x-0.5, x+0.5)}

#' Removes values outside VOI
#' @param values The original values
#' @param vois The vois object
#' @param voi the name of the VOI
#' @param index.voi It is possible to pass directly the logical index array.
#' @return A values object
#' @export
#' @family Vois, Values, Values Utilities
remove.values.outside.voi <- function(values, vois, voi, index.voi=NULL)

  if(is.null(index.voi)) {
    index.voi <- get.voi.logical(vois, voi)

  Nv <- values$Nv
  if(Nv==1) {
    values$values[!index.voi] <- NA
  } else {
    for(i in 1:Nv) {
      values.tmp <- values$values[i,,,]
      values.tmp[!index.voi] <- NA
      values$values[i,,,] <- values.tmp


#' Create values form events
#' Uses the (x,y,z) coordinates of a shower of events to create a values object with the 3D histogram of the events.
#' @param Xe event x coorditate vector.
#' @param Ye event y coordinate vector.
#' @param Ze event z coordinate vector.
#' @param weight weight vector.
#' @param xbin bins x coordinates (extremes).
#' @param ybin bins y coordinates (extremes).
#' @param zbin bins z coordinates (extremes).
#' @param variable The variable name.
#' @param sparse.matrix Return a sparse matrix if TRUE.
#' @return Values object or a sparse matrix.
#' @export
#' @family Values, Values Utilities
generate.values.from.events <- function(Xe, Ye, Ze,
                                        xbin, ybin, zbin,
                                        weight=1, variable='Activity', sparse.matrix=FALSE)

  message('histogramming the ', variable, '...')
  if(length(weight)==1) {weight=rep(weight, length(Xe))}

  # intervalli (da coordinate puntuali)
  Nx <- length(xbin) - 1
  Ny <- length(ybin) - 1
  Nz <- length(zbin) - 1
  x <- (xbin[1:Nx] + xbin[2:(Nx+1)])/2
  y <- (ybin[1:Ny] + ybin[2:(Ny+1)])/2
  z <- (zbin[1:Nz] + zbin[2:(Nz+1)])/2

  # cuts (se riuscissi a fare direttamente un cut=voxel index...)
  Xe.c <- cut(Xe, breaks=xbin)
  Ye.c <- cut(Ye, breaks=ybin)
  Ze.c <- cut(Ze, breaks=zbin)
  voxel.index <- as.numeric(interaction(Xe.c, Ye.c, Ze.c)) # questo รจ quasi un miracolo della fede.
  # crea oggetto values (vuoto)
  # values <- create.values(variables=variable, x=x, y=y, z=z)

  #XYZ <- aggregate(list(weigth=weight), list(x=Xe.c, y=Ye.c, z=Ze.c), sum)
  XYZ <- aggregate(list(value=weight), list(voxel.index=voxel.index), sum)

  if(sparse.matrix) {
  } else {
    return(values.from.sparse.array(sparse.array=XYZ, variables=variable, x=x, y=y, z=z))

#' Generate bin intervals from points
#' @param x A vector.
#' @return A vector (with N+1 elements)
#' @family Values, Values Utilities
#' @export
create.intervals <- function(x)
  dx <- diff(x)
  nx <- length(x)
  xi <- c(x[1] - dx[1]/2, x[1:(nx-1)]+dx/2, x[nx]+dx[nx-1]/2)

#' Get voxel index from coordinates
#' @param x,y,z coordinate vectors.
#' @param Xv,Yv,Zv coordinates of the voxels.
#' @return A vector.
#' @family Values, Values Utilities
#' @export
get.voxel.index <- function(x, y, z, Xv, Yv, Zv)
  xbin <- create.intervals(Xv)
  ybin <- create.intervals(Yv)
  zbin <- create.intervals(Zv)

  X.c <- cut(x, breaks=xbin)
  Y.c <- cut(y, breaks=ybin)
  Z.c <- cut(z, breaks=zbin)
  return(as.numeric(interaction(X.c, Y.c, Z.c)))

#' Get coordinates from voxel index
#' @param x,y,z coordinate vectors corresponding to the 3D array.
#' @param voxel.index The voxels index (can be a vectors of voxel index).
#' @return A data.frame (x,y,z) for more than a single voxel index.
#' @family Values, Values Utilities
#' @export
get.coordinates <- function(voxel.index, x, y, z)
  # crea le matrici X,Y,Z
  Nx <- length(x); Ny <- length(y); Nz <- length(z)
  # X
  A <- array(x, dim=c(Nx,Ny,Nz))
  X <- A[voxel.index]
  # Y
  A <- array(y, dim=c(Ny,Nx,Nz)); A <- aperm(A, c(2,1,3))
  Y <- A[voxel.index]
  # Z
  A <- array(z, dim=c(Nz,Nx,Ny)); A <- aperm(A, c(2,3,1))
  Z <- A[voxel.index]

  return(data.frame(x=X, y=Y, z=Z))

#' Evaluate the equivalent path length
#' The evaluation is performed by matching the two cumulative distributions.
#' @param r0 vector of incremental coordinates in the reference "equivalent" material
#' @param v0 vector of values in the reference material evaluated at r0
#' @param r1 vector of incremental coordinates in the actual material
#' @param v1 vector of values in the actual material evaluated at r1
#' @param add.extrapolation evaluate the extrapolation values using a linear fit over EPL(r). If it is FALSE, it will use 1 as angular coefficient (i.e. it will assume that the teo materials are equal outside the specified coordinates: EPL = r)
#' @return a function r0=r0(r1): the epl in the reference material as a function of the length in the actual material.
#' @family Values Utilities
#' @export
evaluate.epl <- function(r0, v0, r1, v1, add.extrapolation=FALSE)
  dr0 <- diff(create.intervals(r0))
  dr1 <- diff(create.intervals(r1))
  v0.cum <- cumsum(v0*dr0); v0.cum.fun <- approxfun(x=r0, y=v0.cum, rule=2)
  v1.cum <- cumsum(v1*dr1); v1.cum.fun <- approxfun(x=r1, y=v1.cum, rule=2)

  r <- sort(unique(c(r0, r1)))
  epl <- rep(0, length(r))
  v0.cum.r <- v0.cum.fun(r)
  v1.cum.r <- v1.cum.fun(r)

  for(i in 1:length(r)) {
    epl[i] <- mean(r[(v1.cum.r[i]-v0.cum.r)^2==min((v1.cum.r[i]-v0.cum.r)^2)])

  if(add.extrapolation) {
    r1.fit <- lm(epl~r)
    r.l <- -1e14
    r.u <- 1e14
    epl.l <- r1.fit$coefficients[1] + r1.fit$coefficients[2]*r.l
    epl.u <- r1.fit$coefficients[1] + r1.fit$coefficients[2]*r.u
    epl <- c(epl.l, epl, epl.u)
    r <- c(r.l, r, r.u)
  } else {
    r.l <- -1e14
    r.u <- 1e14
    epl.l <- epl[1] +1*r.l
    epl.u <- epl[length(epl)] + 1*r.u
    epl <- c(epl.l, epl, epl.u)
    r <- c(r.l, r, r.u)

  return(approxfun(x=r, y=epl, rule=2))
planit-group/Rplanit documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 11:10 p.m.