
Defines functions trelli_pvalue_filter trelli_panel_by as.trelliData as.trelliData.edata .is_edata

Documented in as.trelliData as.trelliData.edata .is_edata trelli_panel_by trelli_pvalue_filter

#' @name .is_edata
#' @title Test if a file is an edata file
#' @param edata Must be a dataframe. Required.
#' @return A boolean where TRUE means the file is an acceptable edata file.
.is_edata <- function(edata) {
  # If edata is NULL, return FALSE
  if (is.null(edata) || is.data.frame(edata) == FALSE) {
    message("edata must be a data.frame.")

  # edata must have at least 2 samples
  if (ncol(edata) < 3) {
    message("edata must have at least 3 columns, a 'descriptor' column and at least 2 samples.")

  ## All columns with the exception of one column MUST be numeric

  # Get counts of the number of numeric columns
  LogicCounts <- lapply(1:ncol(edata), function(col) {
    is.numeric(edata[, col])
  }) %>%
    unlist() %>%

  # If more than one column is not numeric, return error
  if ("FALSE" %in% names(LogicCounts) && LogicCounts[["FALSE"]] > 1) {
    message("All columns in edata must be numeric, with exception of a 'descriptor' column.")

  # Otherwise, return True

#' @name as.trelliData.edata
#' @title Generate an object from edata to pass to trelliscope building
#'   functions
#' @description The only acceptable input file type is a single edata file.
#'   Transformation and normalization must be specified. Isobaric protein or NMR
#'   data does not need to be normalized.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p * (n + 1)} data.frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of biomolecules observed and \eqn{n} is the number of
#'   samples (an additional biomolecule identifier/name column should also be
#'   present anywhere in the data.frame). Each row corresponds to data for one
#'   biomolecule. One column specifying a unique identifier for each biomolecule
#'   (row) must be present. We do not recommend passing data that requires
#'   reference normalization (isobaric, nmr, etc.)
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the biomolecule identifiers. It should be the only non-numeric
#'   colummn in edata.
#' @param omics_type A string specifying the data type. Acceptable options are
#'   "pepData", "isobaricpepData", "proData", "metabData", "lipidData", 
#'   "nmrData", or "seqData". 
#' @param data_scale_original A character string indicating original scale
#'   of the data. Valid values are: 'log2', 'log', 'log10', or 'abundance'.
#'   Default is abundance. This parameter is ignored if the data is "seqData". 
#' @param data_scale A character string indicating the scale to transform the
#'   data to. Valid values are: 'log2', 'log', 'log10', or 'abundance'. If the
#'   value is the same as data_scale_original, then transformation is not
#'   applied. Default is log2. This parameter is ignored if the data is "seqData". 
#' @param normalization_fun A character string indicating the pmartR
#'   normalization function to use on the data, if is_normalized is FALSE.
#'   Acceptable choices are 'global', 'loess', and 'quantile'. This parameter is
#'   ignored if the data is "seqData". 
#' @param normalization_params A vector or list where the normalization
#'   parameters are the names, and the parameter values are the list values. For
#'   example, an acceptable entry for 'normalize_global' would be
#'   list("subset_fn" = "all", "norm_fn" = "median", "apply_norm" = TRUE,
#'   "backtransform" = TRUE). This parameter is ignored if the data is "seqData". 
#' @param is_normalized A logical indicator of whether the data is already
#'   normalized (and will therefore skip the normalization step). This parameter is
#'   ignored if the data is "seqData". 
#' @param force_normalization A logical indicator to force normalization that is
#'   not required for both isobaric protein and NMR data. This parameter is ignored
#'   if the data is "seqData." 
#' @return An object of class 'trelliData' containing the raw data.
#'  To be passed to trelliscope building functions.  
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' ###########################
#' ###########################
#' # Simple MS/NMR Example 
#' trelliData1 <- as.trelliData.edata(e_data = pep_edata,
#'                                    edata_cname = "Peptide",
#'                                    omics_type = "pepData")
#' ######################
#' ######################
#' # RNA-seq Example
#' trelliData_seq1 <- as.trelliData.edata(e_data = rnaseq_edata, 
#'                                       edata_cname = "Transcript",
#'                                       omics_type = "seqData")
#' @author David Degnan, Daniel Claborne, Lisa Bramer
#' @export
as.trelliData.edata <- function(e_data,
                                data_scale_original = "abundance",
                                data_scale = "log2",
                                normalization_fun = "global",
                                normalization_params = list(
                                  "subset_fn" = "all", "norm_fn" = "median",
                                  "apply_norm" = TRUE, "backtransform" = TRUE
                                is_normalized = FALSE,
                                force_normalization = FALSE) {
  edata <- e_data

  # Initial checks -------------------------------------------------------------

  # Run the .is_edata check to confirm the file is an acceptable edata file
  if (!.is_edata(edata)) {
  # Skip most checks if the data is seqData
  if (omics_type != "seqData") {
    # Check that the object type is in the acceptable class
    if (omics_type %in% c("pepData", "isobaricpepData", "proData", "metabData", "lipidData", "nmrData") == FALSE) {
      stop(paste(omics_type, "is not an acceptable omics_type."))
    # Check that both data_scale_original and data scale are an acceptable option.
    log_transforms <- c("abundance", "log2", "log", "log10")
    if (data_scale_original %in% log_transforms == FALSE) {
      stop(paste(data_scale_original, "is not an acceptable data scale."))
    if (data_scale %in% log_transforms == FALSE) {
      stop(paste(data_scale, "is not an acceptable data scale."))
    # Check the normalization function. Isobaric is not included since it requires f_data.
    if (normalization_fun %in% c("global", "loess", "quantile") == FALSE) {
      stop(paste(normalization_fun, "is not an acceptable normalization function type."))
    # Normalization parameters should have apply_norm in it
    if (!is.null(normalization_params) && normalization_fun == "global") {
      if ("apply_norm" %in% names(normalization_params) == FALSE || (normalization_params$apply_norm == FALSE)) {
        stop("apply_norm must be TRUE to apply normalization parameters.")
  } else {
    message(paste("Notice: seqData will be log count per million (LCPM) transformed for visualization purposes.",
                  "No other transformation method or normalization will be applied to the data.",
                  "Therefore, the statistics results may not perfectly match visualized patterns of expressed data.",
                  "We also suggest filtering out biomolecules before applying visualizations, as seqData tends to be quite large."))

  # Build an omics data object--------------------------------------------------

  # Generate a f data frame
  fdata <- data.frame("Sample" = colnames(edata)[colnames(edata) != edata_cname], "Condition" = NA)
  fdata_cname <- "Sample"

  # Diverge building paths depending on input data type 
  if (omics_type != "seqData") {
    # Build omics object - this also checks that edata_cname is in edata 
    omicsData <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
      "as.", omics_type,
      "(e_data = edata, edata_cname = edata_cname, f_data = fdata, fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
      data_scale = data_scale_original)"
    # Transform if appropriate
    if (data_scale_original != data_scale) {
      omicsData <- edata_transform(omicsData, data_scale)
    # If the data is already normalized, skip this step
    if (is_normalized == FALSE) {
      # Normalization is not required for both isobaric protein and NMR data, but can
      # be forced with .force_normalization
      if (omics_type %in% c("isobaricpepData", "nmrData") == FALSE | force_normalization) {
        # Get the normalization function
        norm_fun <- switch(normalization_fun,
                           "global" = normalize_global,
                           "global_basic" = normalize_global_basic,
                           "loess" = normalize_loess,
                           "quantile" = normalize_quantile
        # Add omics data to normalization parameters
        normalization_params[["omicsData"]] <- omicsData
        # Apply normalization with its parameters
        omicsData <- do.call(norm_fun, normalization_params)
    } else {
      attr(omicsData, "data_info")$norm_info$is_normalized <- TRUE
    # Finally, generate the trelliData object-------------------------------------
    # Put the edata into the trelliData omics slot
    trelliData <- list(
      trelliData.omics = omicsData$e_data %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(colnames(edata)[colnames(edata) != edata_cname]) %>%
        dplyr::rename(Sample = name, Abundance = value),
      trelliData.stat = NULL,
      omicsData = omicsData,
      statRes = NULL
  } else {
    # Build omics object - this also checks that edata_cname is in edata 
    omicsData <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
      "as.", omics_type,
      "(e_data = edata, edata_cname = edata_cname, f_data = fdata, fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
      data_scale = 'counts')"
    # Conduct the lcpm transformation
    biomolecules <- omicsData$e_data[[edata_cname]]
    temp_data <- omicsData$e_data %>% dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(edata_cname))
    samp_sum <- apply(temp_data, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
    div_sum <- sweep((temp_data + .5), 2, samp_sum, `/`)
    lcpm <- log2(div_sum * 10^6)
    lcpm <- lcpm %>% dplyr::mutate(!!edata_cname := biomolecules)
    # Pivot the counts data.frame longer
    counts_pivoted <- omicsData$e_data %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(colnames(edata)[colnames(edata) != edata_cname]) %>%
      dplyr::rename(Sample = name, Count = value)
    # Pivot the lcpm data.frame longer
    lcpm_pivoted <- lcpm %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(colnames(edata)[colnames(edata) != edata_cname]) %>%
      dplyr::rename(Sample = name, LCPM = value)
    # Join datasets
    pivoted <- dplyr::left_join(counts_pivoted, lcpm_pivoted, by = c(edata_cname, "Sample"))
    # Finally, generate the trelliData object-------------------------------------
    # Put the edata into the trelliData omics slot
    trelliData <- list(
      trelliData.omics = pivoted,
      trelliData.stat = NULL,
      omicsData = omicsData,
      statRes = NULL

  # Save Panel By information and set class."panel_by_options" list the potential
  # inputs for the panel_by function. "panel_by_omics"/"panel_by_stat" will hold
  # the column name of the trelliData.omics/trelliData.stat that the data has
  # been grouped by. And "panel_by" tracks whether the panel_by function has been
  # applied or not.
  attr(trelliData, "fdata_col") <- "Sample"
  attr(trelliData, "emeta_col") <- NULL
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by_options") <- c(edata_cname, fdata_cname)
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by_omics") <- NA
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by_stat") <- NA
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by") <- FALSE
  class(trelliData) <- c("trelliData", "trelliData.edata")
  # Add a special label for seqData
  if (omics_type == "seqData") {
    class(trelliData) <- c(class(trelliData), "trelliData.seqData")


#' @name as.trelliData
#' @title Generate an object from omicsData and/or statRes objects to pass to
#'   trelliscope building functions
#' @description Either an omicData and/or a statRes object are accepted.
#'   omicData must be transformed and normalized, unless the data is isobaric
#'   protein or NMR data. If group_designation() has been run on the omicData
#'   object to add "main_effects", the resulting plots will include groups. The
#'   main effects group_designation and e_meta columns are merged to the e_data
#'   in long format to create the trelliData.omics dataframe, and e_meta is
#'   merged to statRes in long format to create trelliData.stat dataframe.
#' @param omicsData an object of the class 'pepData', 'isobaricpepData',
#'   proData', 'metabData', 'lipidData', or 'nmrData', created by
#'   \code{\link{as.pepData}}, \code{\link{as.isobaricpepData}},
#'   \code{\link{as.proData}}, \code{\link{as.metabData}},
#'   \code{\link{as.lipidData}}, or \code{\link{as.nmrData}}, respectively.
#' @param statRes statRes an object of the class 'statRes', created by
#'   \code{\link{imd_anova}}
#' @return An object of class 'trelliData' containing the raw data and optionally, statRes.  
#'  To be passed to trelliscope building functions.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' ###########################
#' ###########################
#' # Transform the data
#' omicsData <- edata_transform(omicsData = pep_object, data_scale = "log2")
#' # Group the data by condition
#' omicsData <- group_designation(omicsData = omicsData, main_effects = c("Phenotype"))
#' # Apply the IMD ANOVA filter
#' imdanova_Filt <- imdanova_filter(omicsData = omicsData)
#' omicsData <- applyFilt(filter_object = imdanova_Filt, omicsData = omicsData,
#'                        min_nonmiss_anova = 2)
#' # Normalize my pepData
#' omicsData <- normalize_global(omicsData, "subset_fn" = "all", "norm_fn" = "median",
#'                              "apply_norm" = TRUE, "backtransform" = TRUE)
#' # Implement the IMD ANOVA method and compute all pairwise comparisons 
#' # (i.e. leave the `comparisons` argument NULL)
#' statRes <- imd_anova(omicsData = omicsData, test_method = 'combined')
#' # Generate the trelliData object
#' trelliData2 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData)
#' trelliData3 <- as.trelliData(statRes = statRes)
#' trelliData4 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData, statRes = statRes)
#' ######################
#' ######################
#' # Group data by condition
#' omicsData_seq <- group_designation(omicsData = rnaseq_object, main_effects = c("Virus"))
#' # Filter low transcript counts
#' omicsData_seq <- applyFilt(filter_object = total_count_filter(omicsData = omicsData_seq), 
#'  omicsData = omicsData_seq, min_count = 15)
#' # Select a normalization and statistics method (options are 'edgeR', 'DESeq2', and 'voom').
#' # See ?difexp_seq for more details
#' statRes_seq <- diffexp_seq(omicsData = omicsData_seq, method = "voom")
#' # Generate the trelliData object
#' trelliData_seq2 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData_seq)
#' trelliData_seq3 <- as.trelliData(statRes = statRes_seq)
#' trelliData_seq4 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData_seq, statRes = statRes_seq)
#' }
#' @author David Degnan, Lisa Bramer
#' @export
as.trelliData <- function(omicsData = NULL, statRes = NULL) {
  require_normalization <- TRUE

  # Initial checks--------------------------------------------------------------

  # Either omicsData or statRes must be included
  if (is.null(omicsData) & is.null(statRes)) {
    stop("At least 1 omicsData or 1 statRes object must be provided.")

  # If omicsData is provided...
  if (!is.null(omicsData)) {
    # ...it must be an omics data object
    if (any(class(omicsData) %in% c("pepData", "isobaricpepData", "proData", "metabData", "lipidData", "nmrData", "seqData")) == FALSE) {
      stop(paste(class(omicsData), "is not a supported omicsData class."))

    # ...it must be log transformed if it's not NMR, isobaric, or seqData
    if (any(class(omicsData) %in% c("nmrData", "isobaricpepData", "seqData")) == FALSE &
      get_data_scale(omicsData) %in% c("log2", "log", "log10") == FALSE) {
      stop("omicsData must be log transformed.")

    # ...it must be normalized if it's not NMR, isobaric, or seqData
    if (require_normalization & any(class(omicsData) %in% c("isobaricpepData", "nmrData", "seqData")) == FALSE) {
      if (!get_data_norm(omicsData)) {
        stop("omicsData must be normalized.")

    # ...and if group_designation is set, the first main effect must not have any singletons
    if (!is.null(attributes(omicsData)$group_DF)) {
      group_counts <- attributes(omicsData)$group_DF$Group %>%
        table(dnn = "Group") %>%
      if (1 %in% group_counts$Freq) {
          "singleton groups found in group_designation:",
          paste0(group_counts[group_counts$Freq == 1, "Group"], collapse = ", ")

  # If statRes is provided
  if (!is.null(statRes)) {
    # ...it must be a statRes object
    if ("statRes" %in% class(statRes) == FALSE) {
      stop("statRes must be an object of the statRes class. See ?imd_anova.")

  # If both omicsData and staRes are provided...
  if (!is.null(omicsData) & !is.null(statRes)) {
    # ...they should be from the same dataset.

    # Get edata cname
    edata_cname <- pmartR::get_edata_cname(omicsData)

    # Confirm that all statRes biomolecules are in omicsData.
    if (is.null(statRes[[edata_cname]])) {
      stop("omicsData and statRes are from different datasets.")
  # Generate the trelliData object----------------------------------------------

  # Create placeholders for trelliData objects
  trelliData.omics <- NULL
  trelliData.stat <- NULL
  fdata_cname <- NULL
  emeta_cname <- NULL

  # Format omicsData if applicable
  if (!is.null(omicsData)) {
    # Get edata_cname, edata, and fdata_cname
    edata_cname <- pmartR::get_edata_cname(omicsData)
    edata <- omicsData$e_data
    fdata_cname <- pmartR::get_fdata_cname(omicsData)
    fdata <- omicsData$f_data

    # Generate telliData.omics object
    trelliData.omics <- edata %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(colnames(edata)[colnames(edata) != edata_cname]) %>%
      dplyr::rename(Abundance = value, !!fdata_cname := name)

    # Add group_designation if it exists
    if (!is.null(attributes(omicsData)$group_DF)) {
      trelliData.omics <- dplyr::left_join(trelliData.omics, attributes(omicsData)$group_DF, by = fdata_cname)

    # Add emeta columns if emeta exists
    if (!is.null(omicsData$e_meta)) {
      # Pull emeta
      emeta <- omicsData$e_meta

      # Add emeta columns
      trelliData.omics <- dplyr::left_join(trelliData.omics, emeta, by = edata_cname)
    # Clean up if seqData
    if (inherits(omicsData, "seqData")) {
      # Rename abundance as count
      trelliData.omics <- trelliData.omics %>% dplyr::rename(Count = Abundance)
      # Generate log counts per million (lcpm)
      biomolecules <- omicsData$e_data[[edata_cname]]
      temp_data <- omicsData$e_data %>% dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(edata_cname))
      samp_sum <- apply(temp_data, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
      div_sum <- sweep((temp_data + .5), 2, samp_sum, `/`)
      lcpm <- log2(div_sum * 10^6)
      lcpm <- lcpm %>% dplyr::mutate(!!edata_cname := biomolecules)
      # Pivot the lcpm data.frame longer
      lcpm_pivoted <- lcpm %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(colnames(edata)[colnames(edata) != edata_cname]) %>%
        dplyr::rename(!!fdata_cname := name, LCPM = value)
      # Add LCPM to the dataframe 
      trelliData.omics <- dplyr::left_join(trelliData.omics, lcpm_pivoted, by = c(edata_cname, fdata_cname))
  } else {
    omicsData <- NULL

  # Format statRes if applicable
  if (!is.null(statRes)) {
    # Get edata cname
    edata_cname <- pmartR::get_edata_cname(statRes)

    # Get column names of all fold changes, as well as p-values
    pvalue_cols <- colnames(statRes)[grepl("P_value", colnames(statRes))]
    fold_change_cols <- colnames(statRes)[grepl("Fold_change", colnames(statRes))]
    # Change class to prevent dplyr issues
    class(statRes) <- "data.frame"
    # Determine if this is MS/NMR omics or RNA seq 
    ms_obj <- any(grepl("P_value_A|P_value_G", colnames(statRes)))
    if (ms_obj) {
      # Pivot longer so that the first column is the edata_cname, extract comparison,
      # panel_by comparison, nest dataframes, and then extract the p_value and fold_change
      # for each group. Split p-values by the ANOVA or the g-test. 
      trelliData.stat <- statRes %>%
        dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c(edata_cname, pvalue_cols, fold_change_cols))) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::all_of(c(pvalue_cols, fold_change_cols))) %>%
          Comparison = gsub("P_value_A_|P_value_G_|Fold_change_", "", name),
          Metric = ifelse(grepl("P_value_A", name), "p_value_anova", 
                   ifelse(grepl("P_value_G", name), "p_value_gtest", "fold_change"))
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(-name) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(Comparison, !!dplyr::sym(edata_cname)))) %>%
          "p_value_anova" = ifelse(length(value[which(Metric == "p_value_anova")]) == 0, NA, value[which(Metric == "p_value_anova")]),
          "p_value_gtest" = ifelse(length(value[which(Metric == "p_value_gtest")]) == 0, NA, value[which(Metric == "p_value_gtest")]),
          "fold_change" = value[which(Metric == "fold_change")]
        ) %>%
    } else {
      # Pivot longer so that the first column is the edata_cname, extract comparison,
      # panel_by comparison, nest dataframes, and then extract the p_value and fold_change
      # for each group. Here, there is just one p-value. 
      trelliData.stat <- statRes %>%
        dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c(edata_cname, pvalue_cols, fold_change_cols))) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::all_of(c(pvalue_cols, fold_change_cols))) %>%
          Comparison = gsub("P_value_|Fold_change_", "", name),
          Metric = ifelse(grepl("P_value", name), "p_value", "fold_change")
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(-name) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(Comparison, !!dplyr::sym(edata_cname)))) %>%
          "p_value" = ifelse(length(value[which(Metric == "p_value")]) == 0, NA, value[which(Metric == "p_value")]),
          "fold_change" = value[which(Metric == "fold_change")]
        ) %>%

    # Add emeta columns if emeta exists
    if (!is.null(omicsData$e_meta)) {
      # Add emeta columns
      trelliData.stat <- dplyr::left_join(trelliData.stat, emeta, by = emeta_cname)
    # Fix statRes
    class(statRes) <- c("statRes", "data.frame")
  } else {
    statRes <- NULL
  # Generate a trelliData object
  trelliData <- list(
    trelliData.omics = trelliData.omics,
    trelliData.stat = trelliData.stat,
    omicsData = omicsData,
    statRes = statRes

  # Add fdata_cname and emeta column names as attributes
  if (!is.null(fdata_cname)) {
    attr(trelliData, "fdata_col") <- fdata_cname

  if (!is.null(omicsData$e_meta)) {
    attr(trelliData, "emeta_col") <- colnames(omicsData$e_meta)[colnames(omicsData$e_meta) != edata_cname]
  } else {
    attr(trelliData, "emeta_col") <- NULL

  # Save Panel By information and set class."panel_by_options" list the potential
  # inputs for the panel_by function. "panel_by_omics"/"panel_by_stat" will hold
  # the column name of the trelliData.omics/trelliData.stat that the data has
  # been grouped by. And "panel_by" tracks whether the panel_by function has been
  # applied or not.
  group_options <- c(colnames(trelliData.omics), colnames(trelliData.stat)) %>% unique()
  group_nonoptions <- c("Abundance", "Comparison", "p_value_anova", "p_value_gtest", "p_value", "fold_change", "Group", "Count", "LCPM")
  group_options <- group_options[group_options %in% group_nonoptions == FALSE]
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by_options") <- group_options
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by_omics") <- NA
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by_stat") <- NA
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by") <- FALSE
  class(trelliData) <- c("trelliData")
  if (inherits(omicsData, "seqData") | (!is.null(statRes) && ms_obj == FALSE)) {
    class(trelliData) <- c(class(trelliData), "trelliData.seqData")
    if (!is.null(omicsData)) {
      message(paste("Notice: seqData will be log count per million (LCPM) transformed for visualization purposes.",
                    "No other transformation method or normalization will be applied to the data.",
                    "Therefore, the statistics results may not perfectly match visualized patterns of expressed data.",
                    "We also suggest filtering out biomolecules before applying visualizations, as seqData tends to be quite large."))
    } else {
      message(paste("Notice: seqData tends to be quite large, so we suggest filtering out biomolecules before applying visualizations."))  


#' @name trelli_panel_by
#' @title Set the "panel_by" variable for a trelliData object
#' @description Allows for grouping omics or stats data for downstream plotting
#'     and cognostic functions
#' @param trelliData A trelliscope data object made by as.trelliData or as.trelliData.edata. Required.
#' @param panel The name of a column in trelliData to panel the data by. Required.
#' @return A trelliData object with attributes "panel_by_omics" or "panel_by_stat" to determine 
#' which columns to divide the data by.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' trelliData1 <- as.trelliData.edata(e_data = pep_edata,
#'                                    edata_cname = "Peptide",
#'                                    omics_type = "pepData")
#' # Transform the data
#' omicsData <- edata_transform(omicsData = pep_object, data_scale = "log2")
#' # Group the data by condition
#' omicsData <- group_designation(omicsData = omicsData, main_effects = c("Phenotype"))
#' # Apply the IMD ANOVA filter
#' imdanova_Filt <- imdanova_filter(omicsData = omicsData)
#' omicsData <- applyFilt(filter_object = imdanova_Filt, omicsData = omicsData,
#'                        min_nonmiss_anova = 2)
#' # Normalize my pepData
#' omicsData <- normalize_global(omicsData, "subset_fn" = "all", "norm_fn" = "median",
#'                              "apply_norm" = TRUE, "backtransform" = TRUE)
#' # Implement the IMD ANOVA method and compute all pairwise comparisons 
#' # (i.e. leave the `comparisons` argument NULL)
#' statRes <- imd_anova(omicsData = omicsData, test_method = 'combined')
#' # Generate the trelliData object
#' trelliData2 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData)
#' trelliData3 <- as.trelliData(statRes = statRes)
#' trelliData4 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData, statRes = statRes)
#' ## "panel_by" with an edata file. 
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData1, panel = "Peptide")
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData1, panel = "Sample")
#' ## "panel_by" with trelliData containing omicsData. 
#' ## Generate trelliData2 using the example code for as.trelliData
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData2, panel = "Peptide")
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData2, panel = "RazorProtein")
#' ## "panel_by" with trelliData containing statRes. 
#' ## Generate trelliData3 using the example code for as.trelliData
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData3, panel = "Peptide")
#' ## "panel_by" with trelliData containing both omicsData and statRes. 
#' ## Generate trelliData4 using the example code for as.trelliData
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData4, panel = "Peptide")
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData4, panel = "RazorProtein")
#' trelli_panel_by(trelliData = trelliData4, panel = "SampleID")
#' }
#' @author David Degnan, Lisa Bramer
#' @export
trelli_panel_by <- function(trelliData, panel) {
  # Run initial checks----------------------------------------------------------

  # Confirm that trelliData is a trelliData object
  if (any(class(trelliData) %in% c("trelliData")) == FALSE) {
    stop("trelliData must be of the class trelliData from as.trelliData or as.trelliData.edata.")

  # Confirm that panel is an acceptable option
  if (panel %in% attr(trelliData, "panel_by_options") == FALSE) {
      "panel is not an acceptable option. The following can be selected:",
      paste(attr(trelliData, "panel_by_options"), collapse = ", ")

  # Confirm that panel_by is false
  if (attr(trelliData, "panel_by")) {
    if (is.na(attr(trelliData, "panel_by_omics"))) {
      paneled_by <- attr(trelliData, "panel_by_stat")
    } else {
      paneled_by <- attr(trelliData, "panel_by_omics")
    stop(paste("trelliData has already been paneled by", paneled_by))

  # Determine which dataframes this grouping variable applies to----------------

  # Test if grouping applies to omicsData
  if (!is.null(trelliData$trelliData.omics) &&
    panel %in% colnames(trelliData$trelliData.omics)) {
    apply_to_omics <- TRUE
  } else {
    apply_to_omics <- FALSE

  # Test if grouping applies to statRes
  if (!is.null(trelliData$trelliData.stat) &&
    panel %in% colnames(trelliData$trelliData.stat)) {
    apply_to_stat <- TRUE
  } else {
    apply_to_stat <- FALSE

  # Test panel_by option--------------------------------------------------------

  # If there are instances of groups with less than 3 data points, it is not a
  # good grouping option.
  .test_grouping <- function(trelliData_subclass, trelliData_subclass_name) {
    # Get the smallest group size
    smallest_group_size <- trelliData_subclass %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(panel) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(N = dplyr::n()) %>%
      dplyr::select(N) %>%

    # If the smallest group size is less than 3, then give warning
    if (smallest_group_size < 3) {
        "Grouping by ", panel,
        " results in panels with less than 3 ",
        "data points in ", trelliData_subclass_name, "."

  # Onlt test grouping if it applies to omics
  if (apply_to_omics) {

  # Group and nest samples------------------------------------------------------

  .group_samples <- function(trelliData_subclass) {
    trelliData_subclass %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(panel) %>%
      tidyr::nest() %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::rename(Nested_DF = data)

  # Group omicsData
  if (apply_to_omics) {
    trelliData$trelliData.omics <- .group_samples(trelliData$trelliData.omics)
    attr(trelliData, "panel_by_omics") <- panel

  # Group statRes
  if (apply_to_stat) {
    trelliData$trelliData.stat <- .group_samples(trelliData$trelliData.stat)
    attr(trelliData, "panel_by_stat") <- panel

  # Export results--------------------------------------------------------------
  attr(trelliData, "panel_by") <- TRUE

#' @name trelli_pvalue_filter
#' @title Filter a paneled trelliData object by a p-value 
#' @description This use-case-specific function allows users to filter down their plots to a 
#'    specified p-value IF statistics data has been included. This function is mostly
#'    relevant to the MODE application. 
#' @param trelliData A trelliData object with statistics results (statRes). Required.
#' @param p_value_test A string to indicate which p_values to plot. Acceptable
#'    entries are "anova" or "gtest". Default is "anova". Unlike the
#'    plotting functions, here p_value_test cannot be null. Required unless
#'    the data is seqData, when this parameter will be ignored.  
#' @param p_value_thresh A value between 0 and 1 to indicate the p-value threshold 
#'    at which to keep plots. Default is 0.05. Required.
#' @param comparison The specific comparison to filter significant values to. Can
#'    be null. See attr(statRes, "comparisons") for the available options. Optional.
#' @return A paneled trelliData object with only plots corresponding to significant
#' p-values from a statistical test.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' # Transform the data
#' omicsData <- edata_transform(omicsData = pep_object, data_scale = "log2")
#' # Group the data by condition
#' omicsData <- group_designation(omicsData = omicsData, main_effects = c("Phenotype"))
#' # Apply the IMD ANOVA filter
#' imdanova_Filt <- imdanova_filter(omicsData = omicsData)
#' omicsData <- applyFilt(filter_object = imdanova_Filt, omicsData = omicsData,
#'                        min_nonmiss_anova = 2)
#' # Normalize my pepData
#' omicsData <- normalize_global(omicsData, "subset_fn" = "all", "norm_fn" = "median",
#'                              "apply_norm" = TRUE, "backtransform" = TRUE)
#' # Implement the IMD ANOVA method and compute all pairwise comparisons 
#' # (i.e. leave the `comparisons` argument NULL)
#' statRes <- imd_anova(omicsData = omicsData, test_method = 'combined')
#' # Generate the trelliData object
#' trelliData3 <- as.trelliData(statRes = statRes)
#' trelliData4 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData, statRes = statRes)
#' ###########################
#' ###########################
#' # Filter a trelliData object with only statistics results, while not caring about a comparison
#' trelli_pvalue_filter(trelliData3, p_value_test = "anova", p_value_thresh = 0.1)
#' # Filter a trelliData object with only statistics results, while caring about a specific comparison
#' trelli_pvalue_filter(
#'  trelliData3, p_value_test = "anova", p_value_thresh = 0.1, comparison = "Phenotype3_vs_Phenotype2")
#' # Filter both a omicsData and statRes object, while not caring about a specific comparison
#' trelli_pvalue_filter(trelliData4, p_value_test = "anova", p_value_thresh = 0.001)
#' # Filter both a omicsData and statRes object, while caring about a specific comparison
#' trelli_pvalue_filter(
#'  trelliData4, p_value_test = "gtest", p_value_thresh = 0.25, 
#'  comparison = "Phenotype3_vs_Phenotype2"
#' )
#' ######################
#' ######################
#' #' # Group data by condition
#' omicsData_seq <- group_designation(omicsData = rnaseq_object, main_effects = c("Virus"))
#' # Filter low transcript counts
#' omicsData_seq <- applyFilt(
#'  filter_object = total_count_filter(omicsData = omicsData_seq), 
#'  omicsData = omicsData_seq, min_count = 15
#' )
#' # Select a normalization and statistics method (options are 'edgeR', 'DESeq2', and 'voom').
#' # See ?difexp_seq for more details
#' statRes_seq <- diffexp_seq(omicsData = omicsData_seq, method = "voom")
#' # Generate the trelliData object
#' trelliData_seq3 <- as.trelliData(statRes = statRes_seq)
#' trelliData_seq4 <- as.trelliData(omicsData = omicsData_seq, statRes = statRes_seq)
#' # Filter a trelliData seqData object with only statistics results, while not 
#' # caring about a comparison
#' trelliData_seq3_filt <- trelli_pvalue_filter(trelliData_seq3, p_value_thresh = 0.05)
#' # Filter both a omicsData and statRes object, while caring about a specific comparison
#' trelliData_seq4_filt <- trelli_pvalue_filter(trelliData_seq4, p_value_thresh = 0.05, 
#'  comparison = "StrainA_vs_StrainB")
#' }
#' @author David Degnan, Lisa Bramer
#' @export
trelli_pvalue_filter <- function(trelliData, 
                                 p_value_test = "anova", 
                                 p_value_thresh = 0.05,
                                 comparison = NULL) {
  # Run initial checks----------------------------------------------------------
  # trelliData object must be of the trelliData class
  if (any(class(trelliData) %in% c("trelliData")) == FALSE) {
    stop("trelliData must be of the class trelliData.")
  # trelliData must contain statistics 
  if (is.null(trelliData$statRes)) {
    stop("trelliData must contain a statRes object.")
  # If the data is seqData, then p_value_test is not used
  if (!inherits(trelliData, "trelliData.seqData")) {
    # Ensure the p_value_test is anova, gtest, or combined
    if (p_value_test %in% c("anova", "gtest") == FALSE) {
      stop("p_value_test must be anova, or gtest.")
  } else {message("p_value_test is ignored with seqData.")}
  # Ensure that p_value threshold is a single numeric
  if (!is.numeric(p_value_thresh)) {
    stop("p_value_threshold must be a number.")
  p_value_thresh <- abs(p_value_thresh)
  # If comparison is not NULL...
  if (!is.null(comparison)) {
    # Ensure that comparison is an acceptable input
    if (!is.character(comparison) | length(comparison) > 1) {
      stop("comparison must be a string of length 1.")
    # Ensure that comparison is from the comparisons lists
    Comparisons <- attr(trelliData$statRes, "comparisons")
    if (comparison %in% Comparisons == FALSE) {
      stop(paste0(comparison, " is not an acceptable comparison"))
  # Filter by p_value-----------------------------------------------------------
  # Pull the biomolecule name 
  biomolecule <- attr(trelliData$statRes, "cnames")$edata_cname
  # Filter down to only a comparison if the user specifies one
  if (!is.null(comparison)) {
    trelliData$trelliData.stat <- trelliData$trelliData.stat[trelliData$trelliData.stat$Comparison == comparison,]
  # Filter statRes, unless it's seqData
  if (!inherits(trelliData, "trelliData.seqData")) {
    if (p_value_test == "anova") {
      trelliData$trelliData.stat <- trelliData$trelliData.stat[trelliData$trelliData.stat$p_value_anova <= p_value_thresh,]
    } else if (p_value_test == "gtest") {
      trelliData$trelliData.stat <- trelliData$trelliData.stat[trelliData$trelliData.stat$p_value_gtest <= p_value_thresh,] 
  } else {
    trelliData$trelliData.stat <- trelliData$trelliData.stat[trelliData$trelliData.stat$p_value <= p_value_thresh,]
  # Filter omics down 
  if (!is.null(trelliData$trelliData.omics)) {
    biomolecule_subset <-  trelliData$trelliData.stat[,biomolecule] %>% unlist()
    trelliData$trelliData.omics <- trelliData$trelliData.omics[trelliData$trelliData.omics[[biomolecule]] %in% biomolecule_subset,]
pmartR/pmartR documentation built on May 5, 2024, 12:03 a.m.