
Defines functions cat.feedback.iq cat.feedback.irt cat.feedback.graph.plot_cat_results cat.feedback.graph.display_scores cat.feedback.graph.get_rank cat.feedback.graph.manage_scores cat.feedback.graph

Documented in cat.feedback.graph cat.feedback.iq cat.feedback.irt

#' Feedback graph
#' This function defines a feedback page for an adaptive test
#' created with psychTestRCAT,
#' plotting the participant's results against the results of previous participants.
#' Each time that this page is seen by a participant,
#' the participant's score is written to a text file in psychTestR's
#' output directory.
#' This text file is used to build the population distribution for
#' the feedback graph, once sufficiently many people have taken the test.
#' @param test_label (Character scalar)
#' Identifying label for the test (e.g. 'mdt'),
#' used to identify the file where participant results are accumulated.
#' @param text_finish (Character scalar)
#' Text to display to the participant, defaults to "You finished the test!".
#' @param text_score (Character scalar)
#' Text to prefix to the participant's score,
#' defaults to "Your final score:".
#' @param text_rank (Character scalar)
#' Text to prefix to the participant's rank,
#' defaults to "Your rank compared to previous participants:".
#' @param x_axis (Character scalar)
#' Label for the x-axis, corresponding to participant scores;
#' defaults to "Score".
#' @param y_axis (Character scalar)
#' Label for the y-axis, corresponding to the count of participant scores;
#' defaults to "Count".
#' @param next_button
#' (NULL or a character scalar or an object of class "shiny.tag")
#' If NULL, no next button is shown
#' (typically because the test has completed).
#' Otherwise, a button to progress to the next page is created,
#' displaying the content of this argument.
#' @param digits (Integerish scalar)
#' Number of digits to which participant scores should be rounded.
#' @param explain_IRT (Logical scalar)
#' If TRUE, the feedback page includes an academic explanation of
#' item response theory.
#' Currently only English language is supported.
#' @param i18n (Logical scalar)
#' Whether internationalisation should be enabled.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} to preserve back-compatibility.
#' @param dict
#' Internationalisation dictionary (see \code{\link[psychTestR]{i18n_dict}}).
#' @return
#' A test element (or, if \code{i18n} is TRUE, a timeline segment)
#' suitable for inclusion in a psychTestR timeline
#' directly after \code{\link{adapt_test}}.
#' @export
cat.feedback.graph <- function(
  text_finish = if (!i18n) "You finished the test!" else "you_finished",
  text_score = if (!i18n) "Your final score:" else "your_score",
  text_rank = if (!i18n) "Your rank compared to previous participants:" else "your_rank",
  x_axis = if (!i18n) "Score" else "score",
  y_axis = if (!i18n) "Count" else "count",
  next_button = NULL,
  digits = 3L,
  explain_IRT = !i18n,
  i18n = FALSE,
  dict = psychTestRCAT::ptrcat_dict
) {

  if (i18n && explain_IRT)
    warning("Currently the IRT explanations are not internationalised.")

  text <- function(x) {
    if (i18n) psychTestR::i18n(x) else x

  elts <- expression({
      cat.feedback.graph.manage_scores(test_label = test_label),
      cat.feedback.graph.display_scores(text_finish = text(text_finish),
                                        text_score = text(text_score),
                                        text_rank = text(text_rank),
                                        x_axis = text(x_axis),
                                        y_axis = text(y_axis),
                                        next_button = next_button,
                                        digits = digits,
                                        explain_IRT = explain_IRT)

  if (i18n) {
    psychTestR::new_timeline(eval(elts), dict = dict)
  } else {


cat.feedback.graph.manage_scores <- function(test_label) {
  psychTestR::code_block(function(answer, opt, state, ...) {
    score <- answer$ability
    file <- file.path(psychTestR::get_supplementary_results_dir(opt),
                      paste0(test_label, "_final_scores.txt"))
    write(score, file, append = TRUE)
    all_scores <- as.numeric(read.table(file)[[1]])
    num_scores <- length(all_scores)
    rank <- cat.feedback.graph.get_rank(all_scores)
    psychTestR::set_local(key = "cat_results",
                          value = list(score = as.numeric(score),
                                       all_scores = all_scores,
                                       num_scores = num_scores,
                                       rank = rank),
                          state = state)

cat.feedback.graph.get_rank <- function(all_scores) {
  num_scores <- length(all_scores)
  num_scores + 1L - rank(all_scores, ties.method = "max")[num_scores]

cat.feedback.graph.display_scores <- function(text_finish, text_score, text_rank,
                                              x_axis, y_axis,
                                              next_button, digits,
                                              explain_IRT) {
            is.scalar.character(text_finish) || is(text_finish, "shiny.tag"),
            is.scalar.character(text_score) || is(text_score, "shiny.tag"),
            is.scalar.character(text_rank) || is(text_rank, "shiny.tag"),
            is.null(next_button) || is.scalar.character(next_button) ||
              is(next_button, "shiny.tag"),
  psychTestR::reactive_page(function(state, ...) {
    res <- psychTestR::get_local(key = "cat_results", state = state)
      ui = shiny::div(
        shiny::p(text_score, shiny::strong(round(res$score, digits = digits))),
        shiny::p(text_rank, shiny::strong(sprintf("%i/%i", res$rank, res$num_scores))),
        if (res$num_scores > 1L)
            cat.feedback.graph.plot_cat_results(res, x_axis = x_axis, y_axis = y_axis),
            if (explain_IRT)
                  "Scores are plotted on an",
                  shiny::tags$a(href = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Item_response_theory",
                                "item response theory"),
                  "metric, where the mean score in the general population is approximately 0,",
                  "and the standard deviation in the population is approximately 1."),
                  "Your score places you in the top",
                  shiny::strong(paste0(100 - round(100 * stats::pnorm(res$score)), "%")),
                  "of the general population.")
            style = "border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: white;"),
        if (!is.null(next_button))
          shiny::p(psychTestR::trigger_button("next", next_button))

cat.feedback.graph.plot_cat_results <- function(res, x_axis, y_axis) {
  if (!is.list(res)) stop("<cat_results> was malformed, looking like this: ",
  num_bins <- pmax(16, ceiling(log2(res$num_scores)) + 1)
    data.frame(Score = res$all_scores), ggplot2::aes_string(x = "Score")
  ) + ggplot2::geom_histogram(bins = num_bins,
                              colour = "#004d66",
                              fill = "#00ace6") +
    ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = res$score, colour = "#e60000") +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(x_axis) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(y_axis) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::theme(panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank()),
  height = 300)
  # panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "#f7f7f7"))
  # width = 300, height = 300)

#' Feedback on IRT score
#' Displays the participant's IRT score and associated standard error
#' to the participant. Most participants won't know what these scores mean;
#' however, this feedback option can be useful to experimenters
#' conducting in-lab studies, because it means they can write down
#' the final scores manually.
#' @param text (Character scalar)
#' Text to display to the participant. This text will be treated as an
#' internationalisation key for the dictionary contained in the \code{dict}
#' argument; if the key is not present in the dictionary, the text
#' will be displayed as is.
#' @param digits_irt_score (Numeric scalar)
#' Number of digits to which the IRT score should be rounded.
#' @param digits_irt_sem (Numeric scalar)
#' Number of digits to which the IRT standard error should be rounded.
#' @return A timeline segment suitable for inclusion in a psychTestR timeline
#' directly after \code{\link{adapt_test}}.
#' @inheritParams cat.feedback.graph
#' @export
cat.feedback.irt <- function(
  text = "feedback_irt",
  dict = psychTestRCAT::ptrcat_dict,
  next_button = NULL,
  digits_irt_score = 3L,
  digits_irt_sem = 3L
) {
  psychTestR::new_timeline(psychTestR::reactive_page(function(state, ...) {
    irt_score <- psychTestR::answer(state)$ability
    irt_sem <- psychTestR::answer(state)$ability_sem
      ui = shiny::div(
            sub = c(
              irt_score = round(irt_score, digits = digits_irt_score),
              irt_sem = round(irt_sem, digits = digits_irt_sem)
        if (!is.null(next_button))
          shiny::p(psychTestR::trigger_button("next", next_button))
  dict = dict)

#' Feedback on IQ score
#' Provides feedback for the adaptive test framed in terms of an
#' 'IQ' score. IQ scores are rescaling of IRT scores to a scale
#' with mean 100 and standard deviation 15.
#' The feedback also provides an interpration of the IQ score as a percentile
#' with respect to the general population.
#' @param test_label (Character scalar)
#' The label for the test, e.g. "MDT". This will be used to label the IQ score,
#' e.g. "Your MDT-IQ was...".
#' @param feedback_iq (Character scalar)
#' Text to display to the participant. This text will be treated as an
#' internationalisation key for the dictionary contained in the \code{dict}
#' argument; if the key is not present in the dictionary, the text
#' will be displayed as is.
#' @param digits_iq (Numeric scalar)
#' Number of digits to which the IQ score should be rounded.
#' @param digits_percentile (Numeric scalar)
#' Number of digits to which the percentile score should be rounded.
#' @return A timeline segment suitable for inclusion in a psychTestR timeline
#' directly after \code{\link{adapt_test}}.
#' @inheritParams cat.feedback.graph
#' @inheritParams cat.feedback.irt
#' @export
cat.feedback.iq <- function(
  text = "feedback_iq",
  dict = psychTestRCAT::ptrcat_dict,
  next_button = NULL,
  digits_iq = 0L,
  digits_percentile = 0L
) {
  checkmate::qassert(test_label, "S1")
  checkmate::qassert(text, "S1")
  checkmate::qassert(digits_iq, "X1")
  checkmate::qassert(digits_percentile, "X1")
  psychTestR::new_timeline(psychTestR::reactive_page(function(state, ...) {
    irt_score <- psychTestR::answer(state)$ability
    iq_score <- 100 + irt_score * 15
    percentile <- stats::pnorm(irt_score)
      ui = shiny::div(
            sub = c(
              test_name = test_label,
              test_score = round(iq_score, digits = digits_iq),
              test_threshold = round(100 * percentile, digits = digits_percentile)
        if (!is.null(next_button))
          shiny::p(psychTestR::trigger_button("next", next_button))
  dict = dict)
pmcharrison/psychTestCAT documentation built on Sept. 16, 2020, 5:48 p.m.