
context("Calculation of Welch test statistics and p-values")

p <- 53
n <- 35
## null distribution
mat <- matrix(rnorm(p * n), ncol = n)
cls <- rep(c(0, 1), times = c(10, n - 10))

test_that("rowWelchTests <=> welch.test", {
  alt <- sample(c("two.sided", "greater", "less"), 1)

  # Ordinary Welch t-test (reasonably fast for small number of tests)
  wt <- apply(mat, 1, FUN = function(x) {
    tt <- t.test(x[cls == 1], x[cls == 0], alternative = alt) ## test stat positive if "1 > 0"
    c(tt$p.value, tt$statistic, tt$parameter)
  dwt <- as.data.frame(t(wt))
  names(dwt) <- c("p.value", "statistic", "parameter")

  fwt1 <- rowWelchTests1(mat, categ = cls, alternative = alt)
  fwt <- rowWelchTests(mat, categ = cls, alternative = alt)
  expect_equal(fwt1, fwt)

  expect_equal(fwt$p.value, dwt$p.value)
  expect_equal(fwt$statistic, dwt$statistic)
  expect_equal(fwt$parameter, dwt$parameter)

test_that("rowWelchTests <=> welch.test (several contrasts at a time)", {
  alt <- sample(c("two.sided", "greater", "less"), 1)
  mat_small <- head(mat, 20)

  cls_perm <- replicate(10, sample(cls))
  fwt <- rowWelchTests(mat_small, categ = cls_perm, alternative = alt)

  # Ordinary Welch t-test (reasonably fast for small number of tests)
  nr <- nrow(mat_small)
  nc <- ncol(cls_perm)
  res <- matrix(NA_real_, nr, nc)
  for (rr in seq_len(nr)) {
    xy <- mat_small[rr, ]
    for (cc in seq_len(nc)) {
      cp <- cls_perm[, cc]
      tt <- t.test(xy[cp == 1],
        xy[cp == 0],
        alternative = alt
      ) ## test stat positive if "1 > 0"
      res[rr, cc] <- tt$p.value

  expect_equivalent(fwt$p.value, res)

test_that("correctness of rowWelchTests alternative", {
  p <- 100
  n <- 54
  ## null distribution
  mat <- matrix(rnorm(p * n), ncol = n)
  cls <- rep(c(0, 1), times = c(n / 2, n - n / 2))

  ## adding some signal
  i1 <- which(cls == 1)
  idx_greater <- 1:10
  idx_less <- 11:20
  idx_two.sided <- c(idx_greater, idx_less)
  idx_null <- setdiff(1:p, idx_two.sided)
  mat[idx_greater, i1] <- 1 + mat[idx_greater, i1]
  mat[idx_less, i1] <- -1 + mat[idx_less, i1]

  alt <- "two.sided"
  pval <- rowWelchTests(mat, categ = cls, alternative = alt)$p.value
  m0 <- mean(pval[idx_null])
  mg <- mean(pval[idx_greater])
  ml <- mean(pval[idx_less])
  mt <- mean(pval[idx_two.sided])
  expect_lt(mt, m0)
  expect_lt(ml, m0)
  expect_lt(mg, m0)

  alt <- "greater"
  pval <- rowWelchTests(mat, categ = cls, alternative = alt)$p.value
  m0 <- mean(pval[idx_null])
  mg <- mean(pval[idx_greater])
  ml <- mean(pval[idx_less])
  mt <- mean(pval[idx_two.sided])
  expect_lt(mg, m0)
  expect_gt(ml, m0)

  alt <- "less"
  pval <- rowWelchTests(mat, categ = cls, alternative = alt)$p.value
  m0 <- mean(pval[idx_null])
  mg <- mean(pval[idx_greater])
  ml <- mean(pval[idx_less])
  mt <- mean(pval[idx_two.sided])
  expect_gt(mg, m0)
  expect_lt(ml, m0)

test_that("suffWelchTest gives identical results to welch.test", {
  replicate(10, {
    x <- rnorm(1234)
    y <- rnorm(2345)
    target <- t.test(x, y)
    swt <- suffWelchTests(mean(x), mean(y), sd(x), sd(y), length(x), length(y))
    swt1 <- suffWelchTests1(mean(x), mean(y), sd(x), sd(y), length(x), length(y))
    expect_identical(swt, swt1)

    expect_equivalent(swt$statistic, target$statistic)
    expect_equal(swt$p.value, target$p.value)
    expect_equivalent(swt$parameter, target$parameter)
    expect_equivalent(swt$estimate, -diff(target$estimate))

test_that("Sanity checks of 'categCheck' throw errors when expected to", {
  n <- 10

  vec <- rep(1, 5)
    categCheck(vec, n),
    "vec should be of length 10, not5"

  categCheck(c(0, 1, 0, 1), 4)

  # expect_error(categCheck(c(1,2,1,2), 4),
  #              "'c1212' should consist only of '0' and '1'! Or distinct values (for a covariate).")

  categCheck(c(1, 2, 3, 4), 4)

test_that("Corner case with almost null within-group level variance", {
  file <-  system.file("testdata", "issue-94_y.rds", package = "sanssouci")
  y <- readRDS(file)
  groups <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
  res_stat <- t.test(y~groups)
  res_sanssouci <- sanssouci::rowWelchTests(y, groups)
  expect_equivalent(res_stat$statistic, -res_sanssouci$statistic) # inconsistent direction??
  expect_equivalent(res_stat$p.value, res_sanssouci$p.value)
  expect_equivalent(res_stat$parameter, res_sanssouci$parameter)
pneuvial/sanssouci documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 4:18 a.m.