
Defines functions .onUnload LogSumExp NeatPlot GetKnnRandomProjection CheckLocalMax GetInNeighbour NearestNeighbour AssignCluster EnhanceDensity MergeCut SelectCluster MergeCluster DensityCut PlotDensitycut

Documented in DensityCut GetKnnRandomProjection NeatPlot

.onUnload = function(libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("cytosee", libpath)

##############util.R ##################
#' @useDynLib cytosee sexp_log_sum_exp
LogSumExp = function(x) {
  # The log-sum-exp trick, x is a vector.
  # A matrix input will be converted to a vector

  x = as.numeric(x)
  x = na.omit(x)
  if (length(x) < 1) {
    stop("Error: x should be a vector of length greater than zero!")

  tmp = .Call("sexp_log_sum_exp", x)


#' Reset the default parameters for the plot function
#' @export
#' @param ... go to plot
#' @param xlab A title for the x axis
#' @param ylab A title for the y axis
#' @param xaxt see par
#' @param yaxt see par
#' @param xtck.label Logical, wheter to draw the x axis tick labels
#' @param ytck.label Logical, wheter to draw the y axis tick labels
#' @param cex.axis cex for axis
#' @importFrom graphics plot axis mtext
NeatPlot = function(..., xlab, ylab, xaxt="s", yaxt="s",
                    xtck.label=TRUE, ytck.label=TRUE, cex.axis=0.8) {

  plot(xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab=NA, ylab=NA, ...)

  if (xaxt == "s") {
    axis(side=1, tck=-0.015, labels=NA)
    axis(side=1, lwd=0, mgp=c(3,0.5,0), line=-0.4,
         labels=xtck.label, cex.axis=cex.axis)
  if (yaxt == "s") {
    axis(side=2, tck=-0.015, labels=NA)
    axis(side=2, lwd=0, mgp=c(3,0.5,0), line=-0.4,
         labels=ytck.label, cex.axis=cex.axis)

  if (!missing(xlab)) {
    mtext(side=1, text=xlab, cex=cex.axis, line=1.0)
  if (!missing(ylab)) {
    mtext(side=2, text=ylab, cex=cex.axis, line=1.0)

##########get knn.R
#' Efficient Knn-search in high-dimensional search (upto 1000 dimensions)
#' export
#' @param X A data matrix (columns are features and rows are data points)
#' @param num.tree The number of trees for random projection
#' @param K A integer to specify the number of neighbours in building the Knn graph.
#' Default to \eqn{K=\log_2(N)}, where N is the number of data points
#' @return A list containg knn.index, knn.dist, the dimensionality D,
#' and the projected trees: tree.index

GetKnnRandomProjection = function(X, num.tree=50, K) {
  X = as.matrix(X)
  D = ncol(X)
  tree.index = new(RcppAnnoy::AnnoyEuclidean, D)
  N = nrow(X)

  for (i in seq(N)) {
    tree.index$addItem(i-1, X[i, ])

  if (missing(K)) {
    K  = ceiling(log2(N))
  knn.index = matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=K)
  knn.dist  = knn.index
  for (i in seq(N)) {
    idx = tree.index$getNNsByItem(i-1, K+1)
    idx = idx[-1]

    knn.dist[i, ]  =  sapply(idx, function(z)
      tree.index$getDistance(i-1, z))

    knn.index[i, ] = idx + 1

              knn.dist =knn.dist,

# densityCut v1.0
# Jiarui Ding (jiaruid@cs.ubc.ca)
# Department of Computer Science, The University of British Columbia
# Department of Molecular Oncology, BC Cancer Reseach Centre
# Novmber 25, 2015

# Fast version of finding local-maxima, Time:O(NK), Space:O(NK)
# Using either out-nodes or in-nodes
CheckLocalMax = function(knn, index, V) {
  N = length(knn)

  local.maxima = sapply(seq(N), function(z) {
    id = knn[[z]][, 1]
    z1 = index[z]

    if (all(V[id] <= V[z1])) {
    } else {


# Fast calculate in-neighbours
GetInNeighbour = function(knn.index.row, knn.index.col, distance) {
  len = length(knn.index.col)

  id  = order(distance)
  id1 = order(knn.index.col[id])
  id  = id[id1]

  knn.index.col = knn.index.col[id]
  knn.index.row = knn.index.row[id]
  distance = distance[id]

  knn.index.col.minus = knn.index.col[-1]
  knn.index.col.minus = c(knn.index.col.minus, knn.index.col[len])

  ## because of float-point data,
  #  and the last one should be an end index
  id.end = which(knn.index.col.minus - knn.index.col >= 0.5)
  id.end = c(id.end, len)

  N = length(id.end)
  id.start = c(1, id.end+1)[1:N]

  nn = lapply(seq(N), function(z) {
    id = id.start[z]:id.end[z]
    cbind(knn.index.row[id], distance[id])
  index = knn.index.col[id.end]

  return(list(knn=nn, index=index))

# Time O(NK), Space O(NK)
# knn[[z]] is sorted ascendently based on distance
# Either in-neighbours or out-neighbours
NearestNeighbour = function(knn, index, V, id) {
  N = length(knn)

  if (missing(id)) {
    id = seq(N)

  nearest.neighbour = lapply(id, function(z) {
    x  = knn[[z]]
    id = x[, 1]
    v  = V[id]

    z1 = index[z]
    v.diff  = (v - V[z1]) #/ (x[, 2]+.Machine$double.eps)
    id.high = v.diff > 0

    id.nn = NA
    if (sum(id.high) > 0) {
      # id.nn.high = which.max(v.diff)
      id.nn.high = which(id.high)[1]
      id.nn = id[id.nn.high]



# Given a knn-graph and the estimated densities, initial clustering
# data and detecting valley separating clusters
# Vertices are labeld from 1 to N
# Worst-case memory: O(C^2 + N), Time: O(NK)
AssignCluster = function(nearest.neighbour, knn, index, V, mode,
                         N, K, adjust=TRUE) {
  M = length(mode)

  mode.name = seq(M)
  value = vector("list", M)
  for (i in mode.name) {
    value[[i]] = list()
  cluster = value

  # Initialization, assign points to modes
  cluster.assign = rep(0, M)
  V.assign = rep(0, N)

  id.mode = order(V[mode], decreasing=TRUE)
  V.assign[mode[id.mode]] = mode.name

  id = order(V[index], decreasing=TRUE)
  iter = 0
  for (id.i in id) {
    iter = iter + 1

    id.i1 = index[id.i] # convert to the actual coordinate
    label = V.assign[nearest.neighbour[[id.i]]]
    V.assign[id.i1] = label
    cluster.assign[label] = cluster.assign[label] + 1
    if (label == 0) { # the only possibility is outliers

    # This is the interesting part.
    # A new bondary point - neighbours with higher densities
    # than V[id.i] and labeled differently
    knn.index = knn[[id.i]][, 1]

    id.high   = which(V[knn.index] >= V[id.i1]) # sub index
    if (length(id.high) > 0) {
      id.high.new = knn.index[id.high]
      assign.boundary = V.assign[id.high.new]

      # New adjacent boundary cluster. remove outliers
      known.boundary = c(0, label, unlist(cluster[[label]]))
      cluster.index  = !(assign.boundary %in% known.boundary)
      if (sum(cluster.index) <= 0) {
      # Cluster does not include the current label
      cluster.uniq = unique(assign.boundary[cluster.index])

      if (adjust == FALSE) {
        out = sapply(cluster.uniq, function(z) V[id.i1])
      } else {
        valley.adjust = median(V[knn.index])

        if (valley.adjust > V[id.i1]) {
          weight = 2 - iter / N
        } else {
          weight = 1
        out = sapply(cluster.uniq, function(z) V[id.i1] * weight)

      len = length(value[[label]])
      for (ii in seq(length(cluster.uniq))) {
        id = len + ii
        value[[label]][[id]] = out[[ii]]
        cluster[[label]][[id]] = cluster.uniq[[ii]]

              valley=list(cluster=cluster, value=value),

# Enhance densities based on the transition matrix
EnhanceDensity = function(P, V, smooth=FALSE, debug=TRUE,
                          maxit=50, alpha=0.85, eps=1e-5) {
  iter = 0
  done = FALSE

  V0 = V
  while (!done) {
    iter = iter + 1
    if (smooth == TRUE) {
      V1 =  alpha * P %*% V  + (1-alpha) * V0
    } else {
      V1 =  alpha * V %*% P  + (1-alpha) * V0
    V1 = as.vector(V1)
    V1 = V1 / sum(V1)

    v.diff = sum(abs(V1 - V))
    if (debug == TRUE) {
      cat("Iter: ", iter, " V-diff: ", v.diff, "\n")

    if (v.diff <= eps) {
      done = TRUE
    }  else if (iter > maxit) {
      cat(paste("WARNING! not converged"), "\n")
      done = TRUE
    V = V1


MergeCut = function(valley, cluster.assign, V.local.maxima,
                    nu, show.plot, tip.color, show.tip.label,
                    text, xlab) {
  M = length(valley$cluster)
  index = which(sapply(valley$cluster, length) > 0)

  cluster = lapply(valley$cluster, function(z) do.call(rbind, z))
  value   = lapply(valley$value, function(z) do.call(rbind, z))

  ## Loop through each cluster, find the valley height
  contrast = lapply(index, function(z) {
    valley.a = value[[z]]
    cluster.id = cluster[[z]]

    ## Change from min to max -- condition specific?
    valley.height = sapply(seq(length(cluster.id)), function(x) {
      id = cluster.id[x]
      id.overlap = which(cluster[[id]] %in% z)

      if (length(id.overlap) > 0) {
        xx = max(value[[id]][id.overlap], valley.a[x])
      } else {
        xx = valley.a[x]

  ## Re-label local-maxima and change V, do not change contrast
  MergeClusterThreshold = function(nu, merge.order) {
    for (id.index in merge.order) {
      done  = FALSE
      cluster.id = index[id.index]
      point.boundary = contrast[[id.index]]

      ratio = point.boundary /
        pmin(V[cluster.id], V[cluster[[cluster.id]]])

      id = cluster[[cluster.id]][which(ratio > nu)]

      ## Use label to find the un-merged clusters
      while (!done) {
        if (length(id) >= 1) {
          id.merge = which(label[id] != label[cluster.id])
          if (length(id.merge) == 0) {
            done = TRUE
          } else {
            id.merge.order = order(ratio[id.merge], decreasing=TRUE)
            id = id[id.merge[id.merge.order][1]]

          merged.cluster = c(id, cluster.id)
          label.merge = unique(label[merged.cluster])
          if (length(label.merge) > 1) {
            min.lab = min(label.merge)

            id = which(label %in% label.merge)
            label[id] = min.lab

            V[id] = max(V[id])
        } else {
          done = TRUE

        ratio = point.boundary /
          pmin(V[cluster.id], V[cluster[[cluster.id]]])

        id = cluster[[cluster.id]][which(ratio > nu)]
      } # End while
    } # End for
    return (list(label, V))

  ## Merging by re-setting the heights and labels of local-maxima
  label = as.numeric(names(V.local.maxima))
  V = V.local.maxima

  label.all = vector("list", length(nu))
  iter = length(nu)

  if (length(index) > 0) {
    merge.order = seq(length(index))
  } else {
    merge.order = NULL

  CheckNeighbour = function() {
    id = sapply(index[merge.order], function(z) {
      any(label[cluster[[z]][,1]] != label[z])
    if (is.list(id)) {
      id = unlist(id)
    merge.order = merge.order[id]

  for (nu.i in rev(nu)) {
    merge.order = CheckNeighbour()
    out = MergeClusterThreshold(nu.i, merge.order)
    label = out[[1]]
    label.all[[iter]] = label
    V = out[[2]]

    iter = iter - 1
  label = label.all
  merged.label = do.call("cbind", label)
  colnames(merged.label) = nu

  ## Remove the labels to prevent generating a collaped tree
  if (show.plot == TRUE) {
    if (length(label[[length(label)]]) > 1) {
      id = sapply(label, function(z) !all(z == z[1]))
      id = which(id)
      merged.label.plot = merged.label[, id, drop=FALSE]

      mtext(text, side=3, line=0.5, adj=-0.08, cex=0.8, col="black")
    } else {
      text(0.5, 0.5, label="Only one cluster!", cex=0.8)


SelectCluster = function(label, show.plot=TRUE, xlab=TRUE) {
  ## Determine the number of cluster and centers
  cluster.count = apply(label, 2, function(z) length(unique(z)))

  x = table(cluster.count)
  name  = as.numeric(names(x))
  len   = length(x)

  SelectClusterNumber = function(x) {
    name  = as.numeric(names(x))

    x.max = max(x)
    level = which(x == x.max)
    level = level[length(level)]

    level = which(cluster.count == name[level])
    level = names(level)[1]

  if (length(x) > 1) {
    xx = name
    xx.end = xx[-1]
    xx = xx[-len]
    id = xx.end - xx

    id.start = which(id <= 0)
    if (length(id.start) > 0) {
      id.end   = id.start + 1
      id.other = setdiff(seq(len), c(id.start, id.end))

      len.increase = length(id.start)
      if (len.increase > 1) {
        id.intermediate =
          id.start[2:len.increase] == id.end[1:(len.increase-1)]

        id.intermediate = which(id.intermediate)

        if (length(id.intermediate) > 0) {
          id.end   = id.end[-id.intermediate]
          id.start = id.start[-(id.intermediate+1)]

      id.keep = id.start
      for (z in seq(length(id.start))) {
        id = id.start[z]:id.end[z]

        max.x = max(x[id])
        id.max = which(x[id] == max.x)
        id.max = id.max[length(id.max)]

        id.keep[z] = id[id.max]

        x[id.keep[z]] = sum(x[id])

      id = setdiff(seq(len), c(id.keep, id.other))
      if (length(id) > 0) {
        x = x[-id]
  level = SelectClusterNumber(x)

  if (show.plot == TRUE) {
    space = 6 / length(x)
    if (space < 0.5) {
      space = 0.5

    if (length(x) == 1) {
      bar = barplot(x/sum(x), xlab=NA,
                    col=AddTrans("dodgerblue4", 0.45),
    } else {
      bar = barplot(x/sum(x), xlab=NA,
                    col=AddTrans("dodgerblue4", 0.45),

    axis(side=2, tck=-0.015, labels=NA)
    axis(side=2, lwd=0, mgp=c(3,0.5,0), line=-0.4,
         labels=TRUE, cex.axis=0.8)

    axis(side=1, tck=-0.015, labels=NA, at=bar)
    axis(side=1, lwd=0, mgp=c(3,0.5,0), line=-0.4, at=bar,
         labels=names(x), cex.axis=0.8)

    if (xlab == TRUE) {
      mtext(side=1, text="# clusters", line=1.0, cex=0.8)
      mtext(side=2, text="Frequency",  line=1.0, cex=0.8)


MergeCluster = function(label, V.assign,
                        local.maxima, V.local.maxima) {
  AssignLabel = function(label, V.assign) {
    label.uniq = unique(label)

    cluster = V.assign
    for (lab in label.uniq) {
      id = label == lab
      id = as.numeric(names(which(id)))

      cluster[V.assign %in% id] = lab
    return (cluster)
  cluster = AssignLabel(label, V.assign)

  # Cluster center
  mode = local.maxima
  if (length(V.local.maxima) > 1) {
    uniq.label = unique(label)
    id = sapply(uniq.label, function(z) {
      id = names(which(label == z))
    #id = as.numeric(id)
    mode = local.maxima[id]

  return (list(cluster=cluster, mode=mode))

#' The densityCut algorithm
#' @export
#' @param X A data matrix (columns are features and rows are data points)
#' @param K A integer to specify the number of neighbours in building the Knn graph.
#' Default to \eqn{K=\log_2(N)}, where N is the number of data points
#' @param knn.index An N*K data matrix for the nearest neighbour indices
#' @param knn.dist An N*K data matrix for the nearest neighbour distances
#' @param threshold A number between 0 and 1 specifying the saliency index to cut the tree.
#' If not specified, it is selecting by stability analysis of the clustering tree
#' @param V The initial density vector of length N
#' @param D The dimensionality of data
#' @param G A sparse Knn graph, reseaved for extension
#' @param alpha The damping factor between 0 and 1, default to 0.90
#' @param nu The saliency index in merging trees, default to \eqn{seq(0.0, 1.0, by=0.05)}
#' @param adjust Lotical, whether to ajdust valley height or not
#' @param maxit The maximum number of iteration allowed in density refinement, default to 50
#' @param eps The threshold in density refinement, default to 1e-5
#' @param col A vector of clours
#' @param show.plot Logical, whether to draw clustering results
#' @param show.tip.label Logical, whether to draw the tip labels of trees
#' @param debug Logical, whether to print debug information
#' @param xlab Logical, whether to show the xlab
#' @param text subplot label
#' @param ... Reserved for extension
#' @return A list contains the clustering memberships,
#' the modes of each cluster, and the estimated densities at each point
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @examples
#' library(mvtnorm)
#' data(distinct.col)
#' set.seed(0)
#' N = 2^12
#' number.cluster = 64
#' N = N / number.cluster
#' i  = j = seq(-3.5, 3.5, by=1)
#' mu = expand.grid(i, j)
#' mu = as.matrix(mu)
#' sigma = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1)*0.05, byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
#' x = lapply(seq(number.cluster), function(z) rmvnorm(N, mu[z,], sigma))
#' x = do.call(rbind, x)
#' label = lapply(1:number.cluster, function(z) rep(z, N))
#' col = AssignLabelColor(distinct.col, unlist(label))
#' NeatPlot(x, col=col, pch=4, cex=0.5)
#' K = ceiling(log2(N * number.cluster))
#' a = DensityCut(X=x, K=K, alpha=0.85, nu=seq(0.0, 1.0, by=0.05),
#'                debug=FALSE, show.plot=TRUE,
#'                col=distinct.col)
#' col = AssignLabelColor(distinct.col, a$cluster)
#' NeatPlot(x, col=col, pch=4, cex=0.5)
DensityCut = function(X, K, knn.index, knn.dist, V, D, G, threshold,
                      alpha=0.90, nu=seq(0.0, 1.0, by=0.05),
                      adjust=TRUE, maxit=50, eps=1e-5,
                      col, show.plot=TRUE, show.tip.label=FALSE,
                      debug=FALSE, xlab=TRUE, text=NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(G)) {
    if (missing(X) & (missing(knn.index) | missing(knn.dist))) {
      stop("Either X or both knn.index and knn.dist should be provided!")

    if (!missing(X)) {
      N = nrow(X)
      D = ncol(X)
    } else if (!missing(knn.dist)) {
      N = nrow(knn.dist)
      K = ncol(knn.dist)
    if (missing(D)) {
      D = 2

    if (missing(K)) {
      K = ceiling(log2(N))
      if (K %% 2 != 0) {
        K = K + 1

    if (!missing(X) & (missing(knn.index) | missing(knn.dist))) {
      if (D > 20) {
        warning("Dimension D is greater than 20. Considering approximate knn search!")

      ## knn search
      knn = FNN::get.knn(X, k=1*K, algorithm="kd_tree")
      knn.index = knn$nn.index[, 1:K]
      knn.dist  = knn$nn.dist[, 1:K]

    if (missing(V)) {
      if (D <= 10 & D > 0) {
        V = -D * log(knn.dist[, K])
      } else {
        V = -10 * log(knn.dist[, K])
      id = is.finite(V)
      V[!id] = max(V[id])

      V = exp(V - LogSumExp(V))

    knn.index.col = as.vector(t(knn.index))
    knn.index.row = rep(seq(N), each=1*K)
    G = Matrix::sparseMatrix(knn.index.row,
                             dims=c(N,N)) # important

    knn.out =
      lapply(seq(N), function(z) cbind(knn.index[z,], knn.dist[z,]))
    index.out = seq(N)

    InNeighbour = GetInNeighbour(knn.index.row,
    knn   = InNeighbour[[1]]
    index = InNeighbour[[2]]

  name.all = seq(N)
  diag(G)  = 1
  P        = G / (K + 1)

  id       = V <= .Machine$double.eps
  V[id]    = .Machine$double.eps
  V        = V / sum(V)

  V        = EnhanceDensity(P=P, V=V, maxit=maxit, debug=debug,
                            alpha=alpha, eps=eps, smooth=FALSE)

  # Remove outlier modes before clustering
  nearest.neighbour = NearestNeighbour(knn, index, V)

  id = which(is.na(nearest.neighbour))
  mode = index[id]
  nearest.neighbour[id] = mode

  ## Candidate outliers
  nearest.neighbour.out =
    NearestNeighbour(knn=knn.out, index=index.out, V=V, id=mode)
  id.outlier = !is.na(nearest.neighbour.out)
  mode.outlier = mode[id.outlier]

  mode.outlier.filt = -1
  if (length(mode.outlier) > 0) {
    neighbour.outlier.in =
      lapply(id[id.outlier], function(z) knn[[z]][,1])
    neighbour.outlier.out =
      lapply(mode.outlier, function(z) knn.out[[z]][,1])

    in.out.intersect = lapply(seq(length(mode.outlier)), function(z)

    k.top = min(K, 2)
    id.outlier.filt = sapply(in.out.intersect, length) < K/2 |
      sapply(mode.outlier, function(z)
        sum(V[knn.out[[z]][1:k.top,1]] > V[z]) > 0)

    mode.outlier.filt = mode.outlier[id.outlier.filt]
    mode = setdiff(mode, mode.outlier.filt)

    nearest.neighbour[id[id.outlier][id.outlier.filt]] =

  # Initial clustering
  id = AssignCluster(nearest.neighbour=nearest.neighbour, index=index,
                     adjust=adjust, mode=mode, knn=knn, V=V, K=K, N=N)
  mode.index = id$id.mode
  local.maxima = mode[mode.index]
  valley = id$valley
  V.assign = id$V.assign
  cluster.assign = id$cluster.assign

  # Assign outliers without in-neighbours, no boundary points
  id.outlier.in = which(V.assign == 0)
  id.order = order(V[id.outlier.in], decreasing=TRUE)
  id.outlier.in = id.outlier.in[id.order]

  V.assign[id.outlier.in] = sapply(id.outlier.in, function(z) {
    id = knn.out[[z]][, 1]
    id.sub = which(!(id %in% mode.outlier.filt))
    if (length(id.sub > 0)) {
      id = id[id.sub]
    id = id[1]


  if (is.list(V.assign)) {
    V.assign = unlist(V.assign)

  if (!missing(threshold)) {
    if (threshold >= 1) {
      return(list(cluster=V.assign, mode=local.maxima, V=V))

  if (show.plot == TRUE) {
    unique.label = length(unique(V.assign))
    if (missing(col)) {
      col = cytosee::distinct.col

    if (unique.label > length(col)) {
      col = colorRampPalette(col)(unique.label)
  } else {
    col = NULL

  # Merge clusters and select the most stable clustering
  V.local.maxima = V[local.maxima]
  mode.name = order(V[local.maxima], decreasing=TRUE)
  names(V.local.maxima) = mode.name
  names(local.maxima)   = mode.name

  label = MergeCut(valley=valley,

  if (!missing(threshold)) {
    id = which.min(abs(threshold - nu))
    level = colnames(label)[id]
  } else {
    level = SelectCluster(label, show.plot=show.plot, xlab=xlab)

  tmp  = label[, level]
  names(tmp) = mode.name
  cluster = MergeCluster(tmp, V.assign, local.maxima, V.local.maxima)
  mode = cluster$mode
  cluster = cluster$cluster

  return(list(cluster=cluster, mode=mode, V=V))

PlotDensitycut = function(label, base, show.tip.label=TRUE,
                          tip.color, xlab=TRUE) {
  ## For a subtree, start from the roots and traverse to the tips
  TraverseSubTree = function(x, i, add.internal.node=FALSE,
                             prob, prev.prob) {
    # Current distance
    if (missing(prob)) {
      prob = nu.max - merge.point[i]

    # Previous spliting distance
    if (missing(prev.prob)) {
      prev.prob = single.root

    # Internal nodes
    if (i < (ncol(label))) {
      id = which(as.character(label[,i]) == x)
      next.level.node = as.character(unique(label[id, i+1]))
      desc = NULL

      # No divergence - proceed to the next level
      if (length(next.level.node) == 1) {
        newickout = TraverseSubTree(x=next.level.node,
      } else {
        prob = merge.point[i+1] - prev.prob
        prev.prob = prob + prev.prob

        for (x.i in next.level.node) {
          subtree = TraverseSubTree(x.i, i+1,
          desc = c(desc, paste(subtree, sep=""))

        internal.node = NULL
        if (add.internal.node == TRUE) internal.node = x

        sub.tree  = paste(desc, collapse=",")
        newickout = paste("(", sub.tree, "):",
                          prob, internal.node, sep="")
    } else {
      newickout = x
      newickout = paste(newickout, prob, sep=":")

  merge.point = as.numeric(colnames(label))
  single.root = merge.point[1]
  nu.max = merge.point[length(merge.point)]

  ConvertClusterNewick = function(x, add.internal.node=FALSE) {
    newick = NULL

    # For each subtree
    level.one = as.character(unique(x[,1]))
    for(x in level.one) {
      subtree.x = TraverseSubTree(x, 1,
                                  prob=nu.max - single.root)
      newick = c(newick, subtree.x)
    newick = paste(newick, collapse=",")
    newick = paste("(", newick, "):", single.root, ";", sep="")


  # (A:0.1,B:0.2,(C:0.3,D:0.4)E:0.5)F;
  out  = ConvertClusterNewick(label, add.internal.node=FALSE)
  tree = ape::read.tree(text=out)
  tree = ape::collapse.singles(tree)

  id.col = match(tree$tip.label, unique(label[, ncol(label)]))
  tip.color = tip.color[unique(label[, ncol(label)])][id.col]

  ape::plot.phylo(tree, type="phylogram",
                  x.lim=c(base, nu.max))
  ape::tiplabels(bg=tip.color, pch=21, col="ivory4", cex=1)

  line.space = 0.10
  label.tick = seq(0, nu.max, by=nu.max/5)
  axis(side=1, tck=-0.015, labels=NA, at=label.tick, line=line.space)
  axis(side=1, lwd=0, mgp=c(3,0.5,0), line=-0.4,
       at=label.tick, labels=label.tick, cex.axis=0.8)

  if (xlab == TRUE) {
    mtext(side=1, text="saliency index", line=1.0, cex=0.8)

poipou/cytosee documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:39 p.m.