
Defines functions coef_matrix

digits <- function (x) {
  x <- log(abs(x), base = 10) * -1
    return (as.integer(0))

#' @importFrom plyr round_any
round_any_digits <- function (x, digits = 0, f = round) {
  accuracy <- 0.1^trunc(digits)
  round_any(x, accuracy = accuracy, f = f)

significance <- function (x) {
  n <- length(x)
  d <- sum(as.integer(x >= 0))
  p <- min(d, n - d) * 2
  p <- max(p, 1)
  round_any_digits(p / n, digits(n) * -1 + 1, ceiling)

get_estimates <- function (x, level, estimate) {
  assert_that(is.numeric(x) && noNA(x))
  assert_that(is.string(estimate) && estimate %in% c("mean", "median"))
  estimate <- ifelse(estimate == "mean", mean(x), median(x))
  sd <- sd(x)
  lower <- (1 - level) / 2
  upper <- level + lower
  quantiles <- quantile(x, c(lower, upper), names = FALSE)
  lower <- quantiles[1]
  upper <- quantiles[2]
  bound <- upper - lower
  error <- bound / 2 / abs(estimate)
  error <- signif(round(error * 100),2)
  n <- length(x)
  digits <- digits(bound) - digits(length(x)) 
  estimate <- round(estimate, digits = digits)
  lower <- round(lower, digits = digits)
  upper <- round(upper, digits = digits)
  sd <- round(sd, digits = digits)
  significance <- significance(x)
  estimates <- c(estimate, lower, upper, sd, error, significance)
  names(estimates) <- c("estimate", "lower", "upper", "sd", "error", "significance")

as_list_coef <- function (object) {
  assert_that(all(colnames(object) %in% c("estimate", "lower", "upper", 
                                          "sd", "error", "significance")))
  assert_that(length(row.names(object)) > 0)
  object <- object[,c("estimate", "lower", "upper", 
                      "sd", "error", "significance"), drop = FALSE]
  est <- object
  ss <- strsplit(rownames(est),"\\[|,|]")
  ss <- lapply(ss,function (x) return (x[x != ""]))
  pars <- sapply(ss,function (x) return (x[1]))
  ndims <- sapply(ss,function (x) return (length(x)-1))
  df <- data.frame(pars,ndims)
  df <- unique(df)
  df <- df[order(df$pars),]
  estimates <- list()
  estimates$estimate <- list()
  estimates$lower <- list()
  estimates$upper <- list()
  estimates$sd <- list()
  estimates$error <- list()
  estimates$significance <- list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    par <- as.character(df$pars[i])
    ndim <- df$ndims[i]
    if (ndim == 0) {
      estimates$estimate[[par]] <- est[par,"estimate"]
      estimates$lower[[par]] <- est[par,"lower"]
      estimates$upper[[par]] <- est[par,"upper"]
      estimates$sd[[par]] <- est[par,"sd"]
      estimates$error[[par]] <- est[par,"error"]
      estimates$significance[[par]] <- est[par,"significance"]
    } else {
      bol <- substr(rownames(est),1,nchar(par)+1) == paste0(par,"[")
      sss <- lapply(ss[bol],function (x) x[-1])
      estimates$estimate[[par]] <- array(est$estimate[bol], dim = sss[[length(sss)]])
      estimates$lower[[par]] <- array(est$lower[bol], dim = sss[[length(sss)]])
      estimates$upper[[par]] <- array(est$upper[bol], dim = sss[[length(sss)]])
      estimates$sd[[par]] <- array(est$sd[bol], dim = sss[[length(sss)]])
      estimates$error[[par]] <- array(est$error[bol], dim = sss[[length(sss)]])
      estimates$significance[[par]] <- array(est$significance[bol], dim = sss[[length(sss)]])

#' @importFrom stats sd quantile
coef_matrix <- function(object, level, estimate, as_list) {
  stopifnot(is_bounded(level, 0.5, 1.0))
  stopifnot(estimate %in% c("mean","median"))
  estimates<-data.frame(t(apply(object,MARGIN=2,FUN = get_estimates, level = level, estimate = estimate)))
  if (as_list)
    return (as_list_coef(estimates))

coef.jagr_chains <- function (object, parm, level, estimate, 
                              as_list, ...) {
  mat <- as.matrix(object)
  mat <- mat[,colnames(mat) %in% parm,drop = FALSE]
  if (level > 0) {
    return (coef_matrix (mat, level = level, estimate = estimate, 
                         as_list = as_list))
  data <- data.frame(row = 1:ncol(mat))  
  jags_sample_coef(object, parm, data)

#' @title Coefficients
#' @description
#' Calculates coefficients for a jags_sample object
#' @param object a jags_sample object from predict(...,level = "no")
#' @param level a numeric scalar specifying the significance level or a character
#' scalar specifying which mode the level should be taken from. By default the
#' level is as currently specified by \code{opts_jagr} in the global options.
#' @param estimate a character scalar specifying whether the point estimate should
#' be the "mean" or the "median" or a character scalar which mode the level should be #' taken from. By default the
#' estimate is as currently specified by \code{opts_jagr} in the global options.
#' @param as_list a logical scalar indicating whether the coefs should be in the
#' form of a list (as_list = TRUE) or the default (as_list = FALSE) a data.frame.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return a data.frame of the parameter estimates with the point estimate and 
#' lower and upper credible limits as well as the standard deviation, percent
#' relative error and significance
#' @seealso \code{\link{opts_jagr}} 
#' and \code{\link{jaggernaut}}
#' @method coef jags_sample
#' @export
coef.jags_sample <- function (object, level = "current", estimate = "current",
                              as_list = FALSE, ...) {
  assert_that(is.flag(as_list) && noNA(as_list))
  if (!is.numeric(level) && level != "current") {
    old_opts <- opts_jagr(mode = level)
  if (!is.numeric(level)) {
    level <- opts_jagr("level")
  if(!estimate %in% c("mean","median") && estimate != "current") {
    old_opts <- opts_jagr(mode = level)
  if(!estimate %in% c("mean","median")) {
    estimate <- opts_jagr("estimate")
  coef <- coef_matrix(t(samples(object)), level = level, estimate = estimate,
                      as_list = as_list)
    return (coef)
  cbind(dataset(object), coef)

replace_coef_parameter_names <- function (coef, object) {
  nodes <- jg_vnodes(model_code(object), type = "both")
  nodes <- nodes[names(nodes) != nodes]
  if (length(nodes)) {
    names(nodes) <- gsub("\\", "\\\\",  names(nodes), fixed = TRUE)
    for(i in seq_along(nodes)) {
      row.names(coef) <- gsub(paste0("^", nodes[i], ("(?=$|[[])")), 
                              names(nodes)[i], row.names(coef), perl = TRUE)

coef.jagr_analysis <- function (object, parm, level, estimate, 
                                as_list, latex, ...) {
  parm <- expand_parm(object, parm = parm)
  coef <- coef(as.jagr_chains(object), parm = parm, 
               level = level, estimate = estimate, 
               as_list = as_list, ...)
  if (latex) 
    coef %<>% replace_coef_parameter_names (object)

coef_jagr_analysis <- function (object, parm, level, estimate, 
                                as_list, latex, ...) {
  coef(object, parm = parm, level = level, estimate = estimate,
       as_list = as_list, latex = latex, ...)

#' @title Calculate parameter estimates
#' @description
#' Calculates parameter estimates for a JAGS analysis
#' @param object a \code{jags_analysis} object
#' @param parm a character vector of the parameters to calculate the estimates
#' @param level a numeric scalar specifying the significance level or a character
#' scalar specifying which mode the level should be taken from. By default the
#' level is as currently specified by \code{opts_jagr} in the global options.
#' If level = "no" then returns a jags_sample object.
#' @param estimate a character scalar specifying whether the point estimate should
#' be the "mean" or the "median" or a character scalar which mode the level should be 
#' taken from. By default the
#' estimate is as currently specified by \code{opts_jagr} in the global options.
#' @param as_list a logical scalar indicating whether the coefs should be in the
#' form of a list (as_list = TRUE) or the default (as_list = FALSE) a data.frame.
#' @param latex A flag indicating whether to replace parameter names with latex math comments.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return a data.frame of the parameter estimates with the point estimate and 
#' lower and upper credible limits as well as the standard deviation, percent
#' relative error and significance 
#' @seealso \code{\link{jags_analysis}}, \code{\link{opts_jagr}} and \code{\link{jaggernaut}}
#' @method coef jags_analysis
#' @export
coef.jags_analysis <- function (object, parm = "fixed", level = "current", 
                                estimate = "current", 
                                as_list = FALSE, latex = FALSE, ...) {
  assert_that(is.flag(latex) && noNA(latex))
    stop("parm must be a character vector")
  assert_that(is.flag(as_list) && noNA(as_list))
  if (!is.numeric(level) && level != "current") {
    if (level == "no") {
      level <- 0
    } else {
      old_opts <- opts_jagr(mode = level)
  if (!is.numeric(level)) {
    level <- opts_jagr("level")
  if(!estimate %in% c("mean","median") && estimate != "current") {
    old_opts <- opts_jagr(mode = level)
  if(!estimate %in% c("mean","median")) {
    estimate <- opts_jagr("estimate")
  if(is_one_model(object)) {
    return (coef(analysis(object), parm = parm, level = level, 
                 estimate = estimate, 
                 as_list = as_list, latex = latex, ...))
  lapply(analyses(object), coef_jagr_analysis, 
         parm = parm, level = level, estimate = estimate,
         as_list = as_list, latex = latex, ...)
poissonconsulting/jaggernaut documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 11:10 p.m.