Man pages for pouryany/PanomiR
Detection of miRNAs that regulate interacting groups of pathways

aggInvCoverFnInternal function for modification of prioritization.
aggInvFnThe function calculate targeting score of miRNA w.r.t to a...
aggLogCoverFnInternal function for modification of prioritization.
aggLogFnThe function calculate targeting score of miRNA w.r.t to a...
alignToUniversefunction to align a list of sets and a reference universe
clusterPlotPlots clusters of pathways with associated directionality.
differentialPathwayAnalysisDifferential Expression Analysis For Pathways
enrichAllPairsPairwise enrichment analysis between two given lists of sets
getDesignMatrixObtain Design Matrix
getDiffExpTablefunction to get a DE table
getResidualfunction to get residuals with respect to a set of covariates
gscExampleExample genesets from MSigDB
jackKnifeBaseOutputs a table with col x (miRNA), probability of observing...
linColumnFinderFunction imported from...
mappingPathwaysClustersOutputs a table with pathways and their respective clusters
methodProbBaseOutputs a table with col x, miRNA, probability of observing k...
miniTestsPanomiRReadouts and datasets for minimal reproducible examples of...
miRNAPathwayEnrichmentEnrichment Probability Of miRNAs
msigdb_c2Canonical pathways from Molecular Signatures Database, MsigDb...
path_gene_tableA table of gene-pathway association. based on the pathways of...
pathwayGeneTabPathway-Gene Associations
pathwaySummaryPathway Summary Statistics
pCutCoverFnInternal function for modification of prioritization.
pCutFnScore miRNAs In a Cluster Of Pathways
pcxnToNetCreates a network out of pcxn table
prioritizeMicroRNAPrioritize miRNA
reportEnrichmentPublication-ready miRNA-Pathway Enrichment table
samplingDataBaseOutputs a table of sampling data(rows are miRNA and cols are...
sumlogCoverFnInternal function for modification of prioritization.
sumlogFnThe function calculate targeting score of miRNA w.r.t to a...
sumzCoverFnInternal function for modification of prioritization.
sumzFnThe function calculate targeting score of miRNA w.r.t to a...
tableFromGSCPathway-Gene Associations from GeneSet collections
targetScan_03A processed list of miRNA target gene sets from the...
pouryany/PanomiR documentation built on Aug. 20, 2022, 11:17 p.m.