
Defines functions ffVector2Matrix .CreateEmptyRamdisk insertRasterImageAtMass insertRasterImageAtCols builRasterImageFromMass builRasterImageFromCols saveImageSliceAtMass loadImageSliceFromMass getImageColsFromMass saveImageSliceAtCols loadImageSliceFromCols getCoordsFromIds getIdsFromMotorCoords getIdsFromCoords getCubeRowFromIds getCubeRowFromCoords saveImgChunkToCube loadImgChunkFromCube saveImgChunkAtCoords loadImgChunkFromCoords saveImgChunkAtIds loadImgChunkFromIds

Documented in builRasterImageFromCols builRasterImageFromMass ffVector2Matrix getCoordsFromIds getCubeRowFromCoords getCubeRowFromIds getIdsFromCoords getIdsFromMotorCoords getImageColsFromMass insertRasterImageAtCols insertRasterImageAtMass loadImageSliceFromCols loadImageSliceFromMass loadImgChunkFromCoords loadImgChunkFromCube loadImgChunkFromIds saveImageSliceAtCols saveImageSliceAtMass saveImgChunkAtCoords saveImgChunkAtIds saveImgChunkToCube

#     rMSI - R package for MSI data handling and visualization
#     Copyright (C) 2014 Pere Rafols Soler
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#Image ramdisk API

#' Loads a part of a ff data img in RAM.
#' Loads a part of a rMSI object in computer memory. The spectra to load is specified by its identifiers (Ids).
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Ids Identifiers of spectra to load.
#' @return a matrix containing the loaded spectra.
#' @export
loadImgChunkFromIds<-function(Img, Ids)
  #Avoid duplicates
  Ids <- unique(Ids)
  cubeRows <- getCubeRowFromIds(Img, Ids)

  #Read data from ramdisk
  dM <-matrix(ncol = length(Img$mass), nrow = length(Ids))
  istart <- 1
  for( i in 1:length(cubeRows))
    istop <- istart + length(cubeRows[[i]]$row) - 1
    dM[istart:istop , ]<- Img$data[[cubeRows[[i]]$cube]][cubeRows[[i]]$row, ]
    istart<-istop + 1
  #Re-order the dM matrix accordin the Ids order
    sortedIds <- unlist(lapply(cubeRows, function(x){x$id}))
    sorted_rows <- rep(0, length(Ids))
    for( i in 1:length(Ids))
      sorted_rows[i] <- which( sortedIds == Ids[i] )
    dM <- dM[ sorted_rows, ]

#' Stores a data matrix to a part of ff data img.
#' Overwrites a part of rMSI object with the provided data matrix. The part of rMSI object that is overwrited is specified by the Ids vector.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Ids Identifiers of spectra to be overwrited.
#' @param dm a matrix containing the data to overwrite the rMSI object.
#' @export
saveImgChunkAtIds<-function(Img, Ids, dm)
  #Avoid duplicates
  Ids <- unique(Ids)
  cubeRows <- getCubeRowFromIds(Img, Ids)

  # sort dm for fast wrinting (cube by cube)
  if(nrow(dm) > 1)
    sortedIds <- unlist(lapply(cubeRows, function(x){x$id}))
    sorted_rows <- rep(0, length(Ids))
    for( i in 1:length(Ids))
      sorted_rows[i] <- which( sortedIds[i] == Ids )
    dm <- dm[ sorted_rows, ]
  # Store data
  istart <- 1
  for( i in 1:length(cubeRows))
    istop <- istart + length(cubeRows[[i]]$row) - 1
    Img$data[[cubeRows[[i]]$cube]][cubeRows[[i]]$row, ] <- dm[istart:istop , ]
    istart<-istop + 1

#' Loads a part of a ff data img in RAM.
#' Loads a part of a rMSI object in computer memory. The spectra to load is specified by its pixel coordinates (Coords).
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Coords a coordinates vector of spectra to load represented as complex numbers where real part corresponds to X and imaginary to Y.
#' @return a matrix containing the loaded spectra.
#' @export
loadImgChunkFromCoords<-function(Img, Coords)
  return(loadImgChunkFromIds(Img, getIdsFromCoords(Img, Coords)))

#' Stores a data matrix to a part of ff data img.
#' Overwrites a part of rMSI object with the provided data matrix. The part of rMSI object that is overwrited is specified by the Coords vector.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Coords a coordinates vector of spectra to load represented as complex numbers where real part corresponds to X and imaginary to Y.
#' @param dm a matrix containing the data to overwrite the rMSI object.
#' @export
saveImgChunkAtCoords<-function(Img, Coords, dm)
  saveImgChunkAtIds(Img, getIdsFromCoords(Img, Coords), dm)

#' Loads a part of a ff data img in RAM.
#' This function loads a specified ff datacubes.
#' It loads full cubes so it should be the most eficient and fast way of loading data to RAM.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Cube The datacube index to load.
#' @return a matrix containing the loaded spectra.
#' @export
loadImgChunkFromCube<-function(Img, Cube)

#' Save a data matrix to a whole cube in rMSI object
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data will be overwrited (ramdisk).
#' @param Cube the cube index that will be overwrited
#' @param dm the data matrix that will overwrite the selected cube
#' @export
saveImgChunkToCube<-function(Img, Cube, dm)
  Img$data[[Cube]][,] <- dm

#' Obtain the cube index and cube row of a given image coords.
#' Calculates where is located the data provided by pixel coordinates. The cube index and the cube row are returned.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Coords a coordinates vector of spectra to load represented as complex numbers where real part corresponds to X and imaginary to Y.
#' @return a list of two vectors of cube index and row index in ff data objects list corresponding to given coords spectra.
#' @export
getCubeRowFromCoords<-function(Img, Coords)
  return(getCubeRowFromIds(Img, getIdsFromCoords(Img, Coords)))

#' Obtain the cube index and cube row of a given image Ids.
#' Calculates where is located the data provided by pixel Identifiers. The cube index and the cube row are returned.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Ids Identifiers of spectra.
#' @return a list of the same length as the total number of read cubes. Each list element contain the cube, a vector of ID's and rows.
#' @export
getCubeRowFromIds<-function(Img, Ids)
  icube<-(1+((Ids - 1) %/% max_nrow))
  irow<- (Ids - (icube -1) * max_nrow)
  df.cr <- data.frame( id = Ids, cube = icube, row = irow)
  df.cr <- df.cr[order(df.cr$id),] 
  un_icube <- unique(df.cr$cube)
  for( i in 1:length(un_icube))
    selItems <- which(df.cr$cube == un_icube[i])
    cls[[length(cls) + 1]] <- list( cube = un_icube[i],
                                    id = df.cr$id[selItems],
                                    row = df.cr$row[selItems])

#' Obtain the image Identifiers from a given set of images coords
#' Calculate the pixel identifiers from the pixel coordinates.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Coords a coords vector of spectra to load represented as complex numbers where real part corresponds to X and imaginary to Y.
#' @return a vector of identifiers corresponding to given coords.
#' @export
getIdsFromCoords<-function(Img, Coords)
  Zpos <-complex(real = Img$pos[,"x"], imaginary = Img$pos[,"y"]) #Convert positions to a complex numbers
  Ids<-unlist(sapply(Coords, function(x) { which(Zpos == x) }))

#' Obtain the image Identifiers from a given set of images motor coords
#' Calculate the pixel identifiers from the pixel motor coordinates.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param MotorCoords a coords vector of spectra to load represented as complex numbers where real part corresponds to X and imaginary to Y.
#' @return a vector of identifiers corresponding to given coords.
#' @export
getIdsFromMotorCoords<-function(Img, MotorCoords)
  Zpos <-complex(real = Img$posMotors[,"x"], imaginary = Img$posMotors[,"y"]) #Convert positions to a complex numbers
  Ids<-unlist(sapply(MotorCoords, function(x) { which(Zpos == x) }))

#' getCoordsFromIds Obtain images coords from a set of Ids.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Ids from which coords will be obtained.
#' @return a matrix containing the coords.
#' @export
getCoordsFromIds<-function(Img, Ids)
  return( Img$pos[Ids, ] )

#' Load a image slice from a specified datacube columns.
#' Loads a slice of an rMSI object into RAM. The slice is determined by the columns specified in Cols parameter.
#' The returned value is not a MS image, in order to obtain a plotable image the function builRasterImageFromCols must be used.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Cols the columns indexes from which data will be taken.
#' @return a data matrix containing the image slice.
#' @export
loadImageSliceFromCols<-function(Img, Cols)
  dm <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Img$pos), ncol = length(Cols))
  for( i in 1:length(Img$data))
      dm[ ptr:(ptr + nrow(Img$data[[i]]) - 1), ]<-Img$data[[i]][,Cols]
      ptr <- ptr + nrow(Img$data[[i]])


#' Overwrite an image slice of an rMSI object.
#' Overwrite a part of a ramdisk in rMSI object with the provided data matrix in the specified columns.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Cols  the columns indexes at which data will be overwriten.
#' @param dm the new data matrix overwrite current rMSI slected columns.
#' @export
saveImageSliceAtCols<-function(Img, Cols, dm)
  for( i in 1:length(Img$data))
    Img$data[[i]][,Cols]<- dm[ ptr:(ptr + nrow(Img$data[[i]]) - 1), ]
    ptr <- ptr + nrow(Img$data[[i]])

#' Obtain the rMSI datacube columns corresponding to a mass.
#' Obtains the rMSI datacube columns that corresponds to a mass range defined by a central mass and a tolerance.
#' The central mass and tolerance are also recalculated to fit acurately in the dataset mass axis.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Mass the slected mass.
#' @param Tolerance a tolerance expressed in daltons around the slected mass.
#' @return A list with: a Cols vector containing columns of the datacube, Mass and Tolerance recalculated to correctly fit the dataset.
#' @export
getImageColsFromMass<-function(Img, Mass, Tolerance)

  l1 <-which.min( abs( Img$mass - ( Mass - Tolerance ) ) )
  l2 <-which.min( abs( Img$mass - ( Mass + Tolerance ) ) )

  l1 <- l1[1] #Store only the first element
  l2 <- l2[length(l2)] #store only the last element
  Mass <- round(mean(c(Img$mass[l2] , Img$mass[l1])), digits = 4)
  Tolerance <- round(0.5*(Img$mass[l2] - Img$mass[l1]), digits = 4)

  return(list( Cols = l1:l2, Mass = Mass, Tolerance = Tolerance ))

#' Load a image slice from a specified mass and tolerance.
#' Loads a slice of an rMSI object into RAM. The slice is determined by a mass and a tolerance.
#' The returned value is not a MS image, in order to obtain a plotable image the function builRasterImageFromMass must be used.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Mass the slected mass.
#' @param Tolerance a tolerance expressed in daltons around the slected mass.
#' @return a list with data matrix containing the image slice, the used mass and tolerance.
#' @export
loadImageSliceFromMass<-function(Img, Mass, Tolerance)
  location<-getImageColsFromMass(Img, Mass, Tolerance)
  return( list( data = loadImageSliceFromCols(Img,location$Cols), Mass = location$Mass, Tolerance = location$Tolerance ) )

#' Overwrite an image slice of an rMSI object.
#' Overwrite a part of a ramdisk in rMSI object with the provided data matrix in the specified mass range.
#' The mass range is obtained by the provided central mass and the necessary columns to fit the full data matrix in rMSI.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Mass  the central mass at which data will be overwriten.
#' @param dm the new data matrix overwrite current rMSI slected columns.
#' @export
saveImageSliceAtMass<-function(Img, Mass, dm)
  central_col <- getImageColsFromMass(Img, Mass, 0)$Cols
  sel_cols <- ((central_col - floor(0.5*ncol(dm))) : (central_col + floor(0.5*ncol(dm))))

  #Remove the most distant case if the resulting vector is to long
  if(length(sel_cols) > ncol(dm))
    sel_cols <- sel_cols[ -which.max( abs( Mass - Img$mass[sel_cols] ) )]

  #Trim sel_cols to data limits
  sel_cols <- c(sel_cols[ sel_cols >= 1 ], seq( from = ( 1 + sel_cols[length(sel_cols)]),  to = ( sel_cols[length(sel_cols)] + length( sel_cols[ sel_cols < 1  ] )), length.out =  length( sel_cols[ sel_cols < 1  ] )))
  sel_cols <- c(seq( from = ( sel_cols[1] - length( sel_cols[ sel_cols > length(Img$mass)  ] )),  to =  (sel_cols[ 1 ] - 1 ), length.out =  length( sel_cols[ sel_cols > length(Img$mass)  ] )), sel_cols[ sel_cols <= length(Img$mass)]  )
  sel_cols <- sel_cols[ sel_cols >= 1 & sel_cols <= length(Img$mass)]

  saveImageSliceAtCols(Img, sel_cols, dm)

#' Build a image slice from specified datacube columns.
#' Builds a image from the selected columns in the rMSI object. The image is returned arranged in a matrix containing each pixel value.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Cols the columns indexes from which data will be taken.
#' @param method the method used to calculate the pixel value. Can be max or mean.
#' @param Normalization optionally a vector of the normalization factor for each pixel.
#' @return a matrix with the same size as image size containing the pixel values.
#' @export
builRasterImageFromCols<-function( Img, Cols, method = "max", Normalization = NULL)
  #Set the method
  if( method == "max")
    fmethod <- max
  else if(method == "mean")
    fmethod <- mean
    stop(paste("The specified method", method, "is invalid\n"))
  #Set no normalization if is null
    Normalization <- rep(1, nrow(Img$pos))
  #Avoid dimension error when a single column is selected
  if(length(Cols) == 1)
    Cols <- c(Cols, Cols)
  zplots<-matrix(0, nrow=Img$size["x"], ncol=Img$size["y"])#Now I'm using a zero instead of NA to display a completely black background
  for( i in 1:length(Img$data))
    #Preload data from hdd for faster access in the next loop
    dm <- Img$data[[i]][ , Cols]
    for( j in 1:nrow(Img$data[[i]]))
      #Calculate the img ID corresponding to current cube and row
      idCurr <- nrow(Img$data[[1]]) * (i - 1) + j
      #Fill the raster matrix
      zplots[Img$pos[ idCurr , "x" ], Img$pos[ idCurr , "y" ]] <- fmethod( dm[j, ]  ) / Normalization[idCurr]
  return( zplots )

#' Build a image slice from specified datacube masses.
#' Builds a image from the selected masses in the rMSI object. The image is returned arranged in a matrix containing each pixel value.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Mass the slected mass.
#' @param Tolerance  a tolerance expressed in daltons around the slected mass.
#' @param method the method used to calculate the pixel value. Can be max or mean.
#' @param Normalization  optionally a vector of the normalization factor for each pixel.
#' @return list with a matrix with the same size as image size containing the pixel values, used mass and tolerance.
#' @export
builRasterImageFromMass<-function( Img, Mass, Tolerance, method = "max", Normalization = NULL)
  location<-getImageColsFromMass(Img, Mass, Tolerance)
  return( list( pixels = builRasterImageFromCols(Img, location$Cols, method, Normalization),  Mass = location$Mass, Tolerance = location$Tolerance ) )

#' Inserts a image at specified Cols of a rMSI object.
#' A raster image provided as a matrix is inserted at given Cols with a gaussian shape.
#' The raster_matrix has nrows as X direction.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Cols the columns indexes from which data will be inserted
#' @param raster_matrix a raster image represented as a matrix with pixel values.
#' @export
insertRasterImageAtCols<-function( Img, Cols, raster_matrix)
  dm <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Img$pos), ncol = length(Cols) )

  for( i in 1:nrow(dm))
    dm[i ,] <- raster_matrix[ Img$pos[i, "x"], Img$pos[i, "y"] ] * dnorm( Cols, mean = mean(Cols) )

  saveImageSliceAtCols(Img, Cols, dm)

#'  Inserts a image at specified mass of a rMSI object.
#' A raster image provided as a matrix is inserted at given Mass with a gaussian shape in the given Tolerance.
#' @param Img the rMSI object where the data is stored (ramdisk).
#' @param Mass the slected mass.
#' @param Tolerance  a tolerance expressed in daltons around the slected mass.
#' @param raster_matrix a raster image represented as a matrix with pixel values.
#' @export
insertRasterImageAtMass<-function( Img, Mass, Tolerance, raster_matrix)
  insertRasterImageAtCols(Img, getImageColsFromMass(Img, Mass, Tolerance)$Cols, raster_matrix)

#Internal method to create an empty ramdisk of specified size
.CreateEmptyRamdisk<-function(num_of_columns, num_of_spectrums, ff_data_folder, max_ff_file_size_MB = 512, vmode_type = "integer")
  #Bytes per data point
  Bpdp <- NULL
  if (vmode_type == "byte"){Bpdp <-1}
  if (vmode_type == "ubyte"){Bpdp <-1}
  if (vmode_type == "short"){Bpdp <-2}
  if (vmode_type == "ushort"){Bpdp <-2}
  if (vmode_type == "integer"){Bpdp <-4}
  if (vmode_type == "single"){Bpdp <-4}
  if (vmode_type == "double"){Bpdp <-8}
  if (is.null(Bpdp))
    #Raise an error if data type is not supported

  #Do not create to big files (> 50 MB by default)
  max_nrow <- floor((max_ff_file_size_MB*1024*1024)/(Bpdp*num_of_columns))
  max_nrow <- min(max_nrow, floor(.Machine$integer.max / (num_of_columns)))

  for(i in 1:ceiling(num_of_spectrums/ max_nrow))
    nrows<-min(max_nrow, (num_of_spectrums - sum(unlist(lapply(dataCube, nrow)))))
    dataCube[[i]]<-ff::ff(vmode = vmode_type, dim = c(nrows, num_of_columns), filename = file.path(ff_data_folder, paste("ramdisk",i,".dat",sep = "")))
    names(dataCube)[i]<-paste("ramdisk",i,".dat",sep = "")

#' ffVector2Matrix.
#' Ensures the returned ff object is always a numeric matrix. This solves the problem of new ff release retuning a numeric vector when matrix has only a single row.
#' @param ff_object the ff object.
#' @return a numeric matrix
ffVector2Matrix <- function(ff_object)
  if(class(ff_object) == "numeric")
    ff_object <- matrix(ff_object, nrow = 1, ncol = length(ff_object))
prafols/rMSI documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 7:29 p.m.