#' @export
get_channels_by_sample <- function(
x, # Vector of directory & file paths
keep_sans_desc = expression({
d$channels_by_sample_full_desc %<>%
dplyr::mutate(across(starts_with("desc"), ~ dplyr::coalesce(.x, replace = .data$name)))
verbose = TRUE
l0 <- keystone::psapply(x,
ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(a, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE,
which.lines = 1)
p <- flowCore::pData(flowCore::parameters(ff))
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Are all the channels given in the same order? If no, 'flowCore::read.flowSet()' might fail.
## Decide yes or no by transitivity of equality.
if (length(l0) > 1) {
commonChannelOrder <- sapply(l0, function(a) { a$name }, simplify = FALSE) %>% {
flit <- .
seq(length(flit)) %>% utils::combn(m = 2) %>% keystone::dataframe() %>% as.list %>%
sapply(function(b) { if (length(flit[[b[1]]]) != length(flit[[b[2]]])) return (FALSE);
all(flit[[b[1]]] == flit[[b[2]]]) }) %>% all
if (!commonChannelOrder && verbose)
warning("Some samples have their channels ordered differently from the other samples.",
immediate. = TRUE)
#l <- rlang::duplicate(l0, shallow = FALSE)
d <- sapply(list(channels_by_sample = l0),
function(x) {
i <- 1
d <- c(
head(x, 1)[[1]] %>% dplyr::select(name, desc) %>% dplyr::rename(desc_01 = desc) %>% list,
tail(x, -1)
) %>%
function(a, b)
i <<- i + 1
newName <- sprintf("desc_%02d", i)
dplyr::select(b, name, desc) %>% dplyr::rename(!!newName := desc),
by = "name")
d %>% dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = everything(), .fns = as.vector))
}, simplify = FALSE) %>% `$<-`("channels_by_sample_full_desc", .$channels_by_sample)
## N.B. Use expression 'keep_sans_desc' to make changes to
## 'd$channels_by_sample_full_desc' before continuing.
channelNamesCounts <- apply(dplyr::select(d$channels_by_sample_full_desc, -name), 1, table,
simplify = FALSE) %>% unlist
if (!all(channelNamesCounts == NCOL(d$channels_by_sample_full_desc) - 1) && verbose)
warning("Some channels may have multiple descriptions among samples. Run 'premessa::paneleditor_GUI()' to fix them.",
immediate. = TRUE)
## N.B. Should I randomly reorder multiple names for a single channel having the same frequency?
desc_freq_by_channel <- apply(dplyr::select(d$channels_by_sample, -name), 1,
table(a, useNA = "ifany") %>%
as.data.frame %>% `colnames<-`(c("desc", "freq")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(desc = keystone::unfactor(desc)) %>%
}) %>% structure(.Names = d$channels_by_sample %>% dplyr::pull(name))
desc_remap <- desc_freq_by_channel %>%
sapply(function(a) { if (NROW(a) > 1) a$desc[1] else NULL }) %>%
purrr::compact() %>% unlist
channels_by_sample <- structure(d$channels_by_sample,
#path_map = keystone::dataframe(desc = tail(names(d$channels_by_sample), -1), path = x),
path_map = structure(x, .Names = tail(names(d$channels_by_sample), -1)),
desc_freq_by_channel = desc_freq_by_channel,
common_channels = commonChannelOrder,
#channel_names_counts = channelNamesCounts,
desc_remap = desc_remap,
channels_by_sample_full_desc = d$channels_by_sample_full_desc
class(channels_by_sample) <- c("cbs", class(channels_by_sample)) %>% unique
#' @export
any_noncommon_descs <- function(
channels_by_sample # "cbs" object
if (!inherits(channels_by_sample, "cbs"))
stop("Input must be an object returned by 'get_channels_by_sample()'")
channelNamesCounts <- apply(
dplyr::select(attr(channels_by_sample, "channels_by_sample_full_desc"), -name),
1, table, simplify = FALSE) %>% unlist
structure(!all(channelNamesCounts ==
NCOL(attr(channels_by_sample, "channels_by_sample_full_desc")) - 1),
channel_names_counts = channelNamesCounts)
## Drop-in update of 'premessa::rename_fcs_parameters_name()' for regular 'flowCore::flowFrame's
#' @export
rename_fcs_parameters_name <- function(
fcs, # flowCore::flowFrame
names.map # Named vector of channels to rename
ret <- fcs
old.names <- flowCore::colnames(ret) %>% structure(., .Names = .)
new.names <- old.names %>% `[<-`(names(names.map), names.map) %>% as.character
flowCore::colnames(ret) <- new.names
spill.keyword <- grep("SPILL", names(flowCore::keyword(ret)), value = TRUE)
if (length(spill.keyword) > 0) {
m <- flowCore::keyword(ret)[[spill.keyword]]
colnames(m) <- colnames(m) %>% structure(., .Names = .) %>%
`[<-`(names(names.map), names.map) %>% as.character
flowCore::keyword(ret) <- structure(list(m), .Names = spill.keyword)
return (ret)
append_fcs_blank_cols <- function(
x, # flowCore::flowFrame
value = 0.0 # Or maybe 'NA_real_'
matrix(rep(value, flowCore::nrow(x) * length(new_cols)), ncol = length(new_cols)),
.Dimnames = list(NULL, new_cols)
## In-situ reshuffling of FCS columns to a common order
## (Slightly time-consuming, but keeps 'flowCore::read.flowSet()' from failing)
#' @export
reorder_fcs_common_columns <- function(
x, # Vector of file paths
column_order = NULL, # If NULL, use the column ordering of first file in 'x'
columnOrder <- column_order
pp <- sapply(x,
ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(a, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
if (is.null(columnOrder))
columnOrder <<- flowCore::colnames(ff)
if (all(columnOrder == flowCore::colnames(ff)))
return (a)
flowCore::write.FCS(ff[, columnOrder], a)
}, simplify = TRUE)
#' @export
rename_fcs_parameters_name_desc <- function(
## For non-automatic renaming, provide a named-vector argument to 'desc_remap':
desc_remap = attr(channels_by_sample, "desc_remap"),
name_remap = NULL, # Named vector of channels to rename, NA to remove channel
output_dir = NULL,
outfile_suffix = "_renamed",
reorder_columns = # Put columns in each file in common order?
!attr(channels_by_sample, "common_channels")
cbs <- channels_by_sample
path_map <- attr(cbs, "path_map")
## Rename descriptions according to map 'desc_remap'
cbs_update <- cbs %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate(
across(.cols = starts_with("desc"),
.fns = function(a)
structure(a, .Names = .$name) %>%
`[<-`(names(desc_remap), desc_remap) %>%
) %>% as.data.frame
pp <- keystone::psapply(names(path_map),
descAbo <- structure(cbs[[a]], .Names = cbs$name)
descNew <- structure(cbs_update[[a]], .Names = cbs_update$name)
commonNames <- cbs_update$name %>% structure(., .Names = .)
path <- path_map[a] %>% as.vector
if (!identical(descAbo, descNew) || !is.null(name_remap)) { # Need to rewrite files w/ updated descriptions
ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(path, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
if (!is.null(output_dir)) {
if (!dir.exists(output_dir))
dir.create(output_dir, recursive = TRUE)
path <- sprintf("%s/%s%s.fcs", output_dir, tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(path)), outfile_suffix)
## Update channel descriptions
p <- flowCore::pData(flowCore::parameters(ff))
p$desc <- descNew[p$name] %>% as.vector
flowCore::parameters(ff) <- as(p, "AnnotatedDataFrame")
## Might be able to do this w/ 'flowCore::markernames()'...?
## Rename/remove channels according to map 'name_remap'; NA means remove
if (!is.null(name_remap)) {
renameNameMap <- name_remap[!is.na(name_remap)]
removeNameMap <- name_remap[is.na(name_remap)]
if (!is_invalid(renameNameMap)) {
if (!is_invalid(missingCols <- setdiff(names(renameNameMap), flowCore::colnames(ff))))
ff <- append_fcs_blank_cols(ff, missingCols)
flowCore::colnames(ff) <- flowCore::colnames(ff) %>% structure(., .Names = .) %>%
`[<-`(names(renameNameMap), renameNameMap)
commonNames <- commonNames %>% `[<-`(names(renameNameMap), renameNameMap) %>%
as.vector %>% structure(., .Names = .)
if (length(removeNameMap) > 0) {
ff <- ff[, setdiff(flowCore::colnames(ff), names(removeNameMap))]
commonNames <- commonNames[setdiff(names(commonNames), names(removeNameMap))]
if (!is_invalid(missingCols <- setdiff(commonNames %>% as.vector, flowCore::colnames(ff)))) {
## Add missing columns to flowFrame
ff <- append_fcs_blank_cols(ff, missingCols)
## Update channel descriptions again in case a blank channel nevertheless has a description
p <- flowCore::pData(flowCore::parameters(ff))
p$desc <- descNew[p$name] %>% as.vector
flowCore::parameters(ff) <- as(p, "AnnotatedDataFrame")
flowCore::keyword(ff) <- list(`$FIL` = basename(path))
flowCore::write.FCS(ff, path)
}, simplify = TRUE)
if (reorder_columns) {
#' @export
split_pmm_by_cluster <- function(
x, # "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
l, # Named list of cluster sets
fcs_dir = NULL,
export_id_map = FALSE,
default_colname = "orig",
lfs <- sapply(names(l),
## Split "pmm" matrix into multiple 'flowCore::flowFrames' by cluster
cid <- l[[a]]
if (is_invalid(cid))
stop("PMM object has no 'cluster_id' attribute")
eff <- flowCore::flowFrame(exprs = x %>% unclass)
#p <- flowCore::pData(flowCore::parameters(eff))
if (!is.matrix(cid))
cid <- structure(as.matrix(cid), .Dimnames = list(NULL, default_colname))
fs <- keystone::psapply(colnames(cid),
b <- cid[, bc]
lff <- flowCore::split(eff[!is.na(b), ], b[!is.na(b)])
if (!is_invalid(fcs_dir)) {
fcs_path <-
paste(fcs_dir, a,
fs::path_sanitize(paste0(paste(stringr::str_trunc(as.character(bc), 31), names(lff)[[bb]], sep = "#"),
".fcs"), "_"), sep = "/")
attr(lff[[bb]], "fcs_path") <<- fcs_path
flowCore::keyword(lff[[bb]]) <<- list(`$FIL` = basename(fcs_path))
## Check:
# sapply(lff, function(x) { attr(x, "fcs_path") })
}, simplify = FALSE, .parallel = FALSE)
if (export_id_map) {
x = x,
export_path = paste(fcs_dir, a, a %_% "-id-map.xlsx", sep = "/")
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Check:
# rrapply::rrapply(lfs, f = function(x, .xname, .xparents) { attr(x, "fcs_path") }, class = "flowFrame", how = "replace")
if (!is.null(fcs_dir)) {
fcs_paths <- rrapply::rrapply(lfs,
f = function(x, .xname, .xparents)
fcs_path <- attr(x, "fcs_path")
if (!dir.exists(dirname(fcs_path)))
dir.create(dirname(fcs_path), recursive = TRUE)
flowCore::write.FCS(x, fcs_path, ...)
}, class = "flowFrame", how = "flatten")
#' @export
export_id_map <- function(
x, # "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
d <- keystone::dataframe(
id = attr(x, "id_map") %>% as.vector,
file = attr(x, "id_map") %>% names %>% basename %>% tools::file_path_sans_ext()
if (!missing(export_path)) {
if (!dir.exists(dirname(export_path)))
dir.create(dirname(export_path), recursive = TRUE)
rio::export(d, export_path, overwrite = TRUE)
#' @export
count_events <- function(
x, # Any vector of FCS or PMM file paths
rv <- NA_integer_
fileExt <- tools::file_ext(a)
if (stringr::str_detect(fileExt, stringr::regex("fcs$", ignore_case = TRUE))) {
rv <- nrow(flowCore::read.FCS(a))
} else if (stringr::str_detect(fileExt, stringr::regex("rdata$", ignore_case = TRUE))) {
e <- new.env()
load(a, envir = e)
rv <- flowCore::exprs(e$tff) %>% NROW
}, ...)
#' @export
as_flowFrame <- function(x, ...)
as_flowFrame.default <- function(x, ...)
as_flowFrame.matrix(x, ...)
as_flowFrame.matrix <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, name, desc, ...)
x <- data.matrix(x)
if (missing(desc))
desc = colnames(x)
if (missing(name)) {
name = colnames(x)
} else {
colnames(x) <- name
pData <- keystone::dataframe(
name = name,
desc = desc,
range = apply(apply(x, 2, range, na.rm = na.rm), 2, keystone::diff_),
minRange = apply(x, 2, min, na.rm = na.rm),
maxRange = apply(x, 2, max, na.rm = na.rm)
ff <- new(getClass(structure("flowFrame", package = "flowCore")),
exprs = x,
parameters = Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(pData)
## usage:
# d <- structure(rnorm(500), dim = c(50L, 10L), dimnames = list(NULL, LETTERS[1:10]))
# ff <- as_flowFrame(d)
as_flowFrame.data.frame <- function(x, ...)
as_flowFrame.matrix(x, ...)
as_flowFrame.character <- function(x, ...)
d <- rio::import(x)
ff <- as_flowFrame.matrix(d, ...)
flowCore::keyword(ff) <- list(`$FIL` = basename(x))
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