
Defines functions format_data_PPBstats.data_network

Documented in format_data_PPBstats.data_network

#' Check and format the data to be used by PPBstats functions for network analyses
#' @description
#' \code{format_data_PPBstats} checks and formats the data to be used by PPBstats functions for network analyses
#' @param data The data frame to format, see details.
#' @param network_part element of the network, it can be "unipart" or "bipart"
#' @param vertex_type 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item for unipart network : "seed_lots" or "location"
#'  \item for bipart network : c("germplasm", "location")
#'  }
#' @param network_split For network_part = "unipart" and 
#' vertex_type = "location", split of the data that can be "germplasm" or "relation_year_start"
#' @details
#'  The data frame are different regarding type of network
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item for unipart network, two vertex_type are possible :
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item "seed_lots" : the data must have the following columns : 
#'    \itemize{
#'     \item "seed_lot_parent" : name of the seed lot parent in the relation
#'     \item "seed_lot_child" ; name of the seed lots child in the relation
#'     \item "relation_type" : the type of relation between the seed lots
#'     \item "relation_year_start" : the year when the relation starts
#'     \item "relation_year_end" : the year when the relation stops
#'     \item "germplasm_parent" : the germplasm associated to the seed lot father
#'     \item "location_parent" : the location associated to the seed lot father
#'     \item "year_parent" : represents the year of the last relation event of the seed lot father
#'     \item "germplasm_child" : the germplasm associated to the seed lot child
#'     \item "location_child" : the location associated to the seed lot child
#'     \item "year_child" : represents the year of the last relation event of the seed lot child
#'    }
#'    It can have in option : "alt_parent", "long_parent", "lat_parent",
#'    "alt_child", "long_child", "lat_child" to get map representation
#'    It can have supplementary variables with tags "_parent", "_child" or "_relation".
#'    \item "location" that represents each diffusion between location : the data can have two formats:
#'    \itemize{
#'     \item the same format than for unipart network and vertex_type = seed_lots
#'     \item the following columns (explained above): 
#'     "location_parent", "location_child"
#'     "relation_year_start", "relation_year_end"
#'     It can have in option : "germplasm_parent", "year_parent",
#'     "germplasm_child", "year_child"
#'     It can have in option : "alt_parent", "long_parent", "lat_parent",
#'     "alt_child", "long_child", "lat_child" to get map representation
#'     }
#'    }
#'   \item for bipartite network where a vertex can be a location or a germplasm, the data can have two formats:
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item the same format than for unipart network and vertex_type = seed_lots. 
#'    In this case, relation type diffusion or reproduction are kept.
#'    \item the following columns : "germplasm", "location", "year"
#'    It can have in option : "alt", "long", "lat" to get map representation
#'   }
#'  }
#' See the book for more details \href{https://priviere.github.io/PPBstats_book/introduction.html#data-network}{here}.
#' @return 
#' It returns a igraph object coming from igraph::graph_from_data_frame().
#' For unipart network on seed lots, it a list of one element
#' For unipart network on location
#' \itemize{
#'  \item for network_split = "germplasm", 
#'   it returns a list with as many elements as germplam in the data
#'   as well as all germplasms merged in the first element of the list.
#'   \item for network_split = "relation_year_start", 
#'   it returns a list with as many elements as year in the data
#'   as well as all years merged in the first element of the list.
#'   }
#' For bipart network, it returns a list with as many elements as year in the data 
#' as well as all years merged in the first element of the list.
#' If no year are provided into the data, all information are merged.
#' @author Pierre Riviere
#' @seealso \code{\link{format_data_PPBstats}}
#' @import dplyr
#' @import igraph
#' @export
format_data_PPBstats.data_network = function(
  network_part = c("unipart", "bipart"), 
  network_split = c("germplasm", "relation_year_start"),
  vertex_type = NULL
  d = data
  germplasm_parent = germplasm_child = relation_year_start = year = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  # 1.1. Error message ----------
  if( length(network_part) > 1 ) { stop("network_part must be either \"unipart\" or \"bipart\".") }
  if( !is.element(network_part, c("unipart", "bipart")) ) { stop("network_part must be either \"unipart\" or \"bipart\".") }
  mess = "
  You must settle appropriate vertex_type arg.\n
  - It can be unipart network with vertex_type = \"seed_lots\" or \"location\".\n
  - It can be bipart network with vertex_type = c(\"germplasm\", \"location\").
  if( is.null(vertex_type) ) { stop(mess) }
  if( length(vertex_type) == 1 & !is.element(vertex_type[1], c("seed_lots", "location")) ) { stop(mess) }
  if( network_part == "bipart" & length(vertex_type) != 2 ) { stop(mess) }
  if( length(vertex_type) == 2 & vertex_type[1] != "germplasm"  ) { stop(mess) }
  if( length(vertex_type) == 2 & vertex_type[2] != "location" ) { stop(mess) }
  if( length(vertex_type) > 2 ) { stop(mess) }
  mess = "With network_part = \"bipart\", vertex_type must be c(\"germplasm\", \"location\")."
  if( network_part == "bipart" & vertex_type[1] == "seed_lots"){ stop(mess) }
  if( network_part == "bipart" & vertex_type[1] == "person"){ stop(mess) }
  mess = "network_split must be either \"germplasm\" or \"relation_year_start\" and 
         can be used only with network_part = \"unipart\" and vertex_type = \"location\"."
  if( vertex_type[1] == "location" & is.null(network_split) ) { 
    stop("With vertex_type = \"location\", network_split can not be NULL", mess) 
  if( length(network_split) > 1 ) { network_split = network_split[1] }
  if(!is.element(network_split, c("germplasm", "relation_year_start"))) { stop(mess) }
  # check if only NA in a column
  for(i in 1:ncol(data)){ 
    x = data[,i]
    test = length(which(is.na(x))) == length(x)
    if (test) { stop(paste("Column", colnames(data)[i], "is only with NA, please delete it and try again.")) }
  # Functions used in this function ----------
  # Check data format ----------
  check_unipart_sl_data = function(d, display_mess = TRUE){
    return_d = TRUE
    # Factors compulsory
    vec_factor = c("seed_lot_parent", "seed_lot_child", 
                   "relation_type", "relation_year_start", "relation_year_end",
                   "germplasm_parent", "location_parent", "year_parent",
                   "germplasm_child", "location_child", "year_child"
    for(i in vec_factor) {
      if(!is.element(i, colnames(d))) { 
        if( display_mess ){ stop("Column \"", i, "\" is compulsory in data.") }  else { return_d = FALSE }
    # Variable in option to get map
    vec_variables = c("long_parent", "lat_parent", "long_child", "lat_child"
    for(i in vec_variables) {
      if(!is.element(i, colnames(d))) { 
        if( display_mess ){ warning("Column \"", i, "\" is needed to get map and not present in data.") } 
    # Variable in option to attributes to vertex or edge
    # Check that there are variable for _child and _parent
    col_d = colnames(d)
    col_d = col_d[-which(is.element(col_d, c(vec_factor, vec_variables)))]
    t = grep("_parent", col_d)
    if(length(t)==0){ tp = NULL } else { tp = sub("_parent", "", col_d[grep("_parent", col_d)]) }
    t = grep("_child", col_d)
    if(length(t)==0){ ts = NULL } else { ts = sub("_child", "", col_d[grep("_child", col_d)]) }
    t = unique(c(tp, ts))
    for(i in t){
      vec_t = col_d[grep(i, col_d)]
      if(length(grep("_parent", vec_t)) == 0){ 
        if( display_mess){ stop(i, " must be settle for _parent") } else { return_d = FALSE }
        if( display_mess){ stop(i, " must be settle for _child") } else { return_d = FALSE }
    # Extra check
    if( !is.element("diffusion", as.character(data$relation_type)) ){ 
      if( display_mess){ 
      warning("There are no diffusion event in the column relation_type in data 
(i.e. no \"diffusion\" in column relation_type). Note that \"diffusion\" are used in plot afterward.") 
    lapply(data$seed_lot_parent, function(x){
      if(length(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "_")))!=4){
        if( display_mess){ 
        warning("Note that \"seed_lot_parent\" must be under the following format : GERMPLASM_LOCATION_YEAR_DIGIT 
                in order to display plot of network with argument organize_sl = TRUE.")
    lapply(data$seed_lot_child, function(x){
      if(length(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "_")))!=4){
        if( display_mess){ 
        warning("Note that \"seed_lot_child\" must be under the following format : GERMPLASM_LOCATION_YEAR_DIGIT 
                in order to display plot of network with argument organize_sl = TRUE.")
    if(!return_d){ d = NULL }
  check_unipart_person_data = function(d, display_mess = TRUE){
    return_d = TRUE
    # Factors compulsory
    vec_factor = c("location_parent", "location_child",
                   "relation_year_start", "relation_year_end"
    for(i in vec_factor) {
      if(!is.element(i, colnames(d))) { 
        if( display_mess ){ stop("Column \"", i, "\" is compulsory in data.") } else { return_d = FALSE }
    # Year and Germplasm in option
    vec_factor_2 = c("germplasm_parent", "year_parent",
                   "germplasm_child", "year_child"
    for(i in vec_factor_2) {
      if(!is.element(i, colnames(d))) { 
        if( display_mess ){ warning("Column \"", i, "\" is optionnal and is not present in data.") } else { return_d = FALSE }
    # Variable in option to get map
    vec_variables = c("long_parent", "lat_parent", "long_child", "lat_child"
    for(i in vec_variables) {
      if(!is.element(i, colnames(d))) { 
        if( display_mess ){ warning("Column \"", i, "\" is needed to get map and not present in data.") } 
    # Variable in option to attributes to vertex or edge
    # Check that there are variable for _child and _parent
    col_d = colnames(d)
    col_d = col_d[-which(is.element(col_d, c(vec_factor, vec_factor_2, vec_variables)))]
    t = grep("_parent", col_d)
    if(length(t)==0){ tp = NULL } else { tp = sub("_parent", "", col_d[grep("_parent", col_d)]) }
    t = grep("_child", col_d)
    if(length(t)==0){ ts = NULL } else { ts = sub("_child", "", col_d[grep("_child", col_d)]) }
    t = unique(c(tp, ts))
    for(i in t){
      vec_t = col_d[grep(i, col_d)]
      if(length(grep("_parent", vec_t)) == 0){ 
        if( display_mess){ stop(i, " must be settle for _parent") } else { return_d = FALSE }
        if( display_mess){ stop(i, " must be settle for _child") } else { return_d = FALSE }
    if(!return_d){ d = NULL }
  check_bipart_data = function(d, display_mess = FALSE){
    return_d = TRUE
    # Factors compulsory
    if( !is.element("germplasm", colnames(d)) ) { 
      if(display_mess){ stop("Column \"germplasm\" is compulsory in data.") } else { return_d = FALSE }
    if( !is.element("location", colnames(d)) ) { 
      if(display_mess){ stop("Column \"location\" is compulsory in data.") } else { return_d = FALSE }
    # Year in option
    if(!is.element("year", colnames(d))) { 
      if(display_mess){ warning("Column \"year\" is optionnal and is not present in data.") }
    # Variable in option to get map
    vec_variables = c("long", "lat")
    for(i in vec_variables) {
      if(!is.element(i, colnames(d))) { 
        if(display_mess){ warning("Column \"", i, "\" is needed to get map and not present in data.") }
    if(!return_d){ d = NULL }

  # Transform format data ----------
  unipart_sl_data_to_unipart_location_data = function(data){
    relation_type = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
    d = check_unipart_sl_data(data)
    if( !is.element("diffusion", as.character(data$relation_type)) ){ 
      stop("There are no diffusion event in the column relation_type in data. Transform data for vertex_type = \"location\" is not possible.") 
    d = dplyr::filter(d, relation_type == "diffusion")
    col_to_get = is.element(colnames(d), c("location_parent", "location_child",
                                           "relation_year_start", "relation_year_end",
                                           "germplasm_parent", "year_parent", 
                                           "long_parent", "lat_parent",
                                           "germplasm_child", "year_child",
                                           "long_child", "lat_child"))
    d_person = d[,col_to_get]
  unipart_sl_data_to_bipart_data = function(data){
    relation_type = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
    d = check_unipart_sl_data(data)
    test = unique(is.element(c("reproduction", "diffusion"), as.character(data$relation_type)))
    if( (length(test) == 1 & test[1]) | length(test) ==2 ) { test = TRUE } else { test = FALSE }
    if( !test ){ 
      stop("There are no reproduction or diffusion event in the column relation_type in data. 
           Format data for network_part = \"bipart\" is not possible.") 
    d = droplevels(dplyr::filter(d, relation_type == "reproduction" | relation_type == "diffusion"))
    d_bipart = data.frame(
      c(as.character(d[,"germplasm_parent"]), as.character(d[,"germplasm_child"])),
      c(as.character(d[,"location_parent"]), as.character(d[,"location_child"])),
      c(as.character(d[,"year_parent"]), as.character(d[,"year_child"]))
    colnames(d_bipart) = c("germplasm", "location", "year")
    if( is.element("long_parent", colnames(d)) ){
      d_bipart = cbind.data.frame(
        c(as.character(d[,"long_parent"]), as.character(d[,"long_child"]))
      colnames(d_bipart)[ncol(d_bipart)] = "long"
    if( is.element("lat_parent", colnames(d)) ){
      d_bipart = cbind.data.frame(
        c(as.character(d[,"lat_parent"]), as.character(d[,"lat_child"]))
      colnames(d_bipart)[ncol(d_bipart)] = "lat"
    d_bipart = unique(d_bipart) # redondant information when diffusion, reproduction, selection same year
  # unipart & seed_lots ----------
  if( network_part == "unipart" & vertex_type[1] == "seed_lots" ){
    d = check_unipart_sl_data(d)
    t = grep("_parent", colnames(d))
    tp = sub("_parent", "", colnames(d)[grep("_parent", colnames(d))])
    t = grep("_child", colnames(d))
    ts = sub("_child", "", colnames(d)[grep("_child", colnames(d))])
    t = unique(tp, ts)
    if( length(which(t == "")) > 0  ) { t = t[-which(t == "")] }
    t = t[c(which(t == "seed_lot"), which(t != "seed_lot"))]
    d_vertex = data.frame(c(as.character(d[,paste(t[1], "_parent", sep = "")]), as.character(d[,paste(t[1], "_child", sep = "")])))
    for(i in 2:length(t)){
      d_vertex = cbind.data.frame(
        c(as.character(d[,paste(t[i], "_parent", sep = "")]), as.character(d[,paste(t[i], "_child", sep = "")]))
    colnames(d_vertex) = t
    d_vertex = cbind.data.frame(d_vertex, "relation_year" = c(as.character(d$relation_year_start), as.character(d$relation_year_end)))
    d_vertex = unique(d_vertex)
    dup = which(duplicated(d_vertex$seed_lot))
    if( length(dup) > 0 ){
      #warning(paste("The following seed_lots are duplicated : ",
      #              paste(as.character(d_vertex$seed_lot[dup]), collapse = ","),
      #              ". Only one information per seed_lots has been kept.", sep = ""
      #              )
      #        )
      d_vertex = d_vertex[!duplicated(d_vertex$seed_lot),]
    d_vertex$format = "unipart_sl"
    relation = unique(d[,c("seed_lot_parent", "seed_lot_child", "relation_type")])
    OUT = list(list("d_vertex" = d_vertex, "relation" = relation))
    names(OUT) = "all_data"

  # unipart & location ----------
  if( network_part == "unipart" & vertex_type[1] == "location" ){
    d1 = check_unipart_sl_data(d, display_mess = FALSE)
    d2 = check_unipart_person_data(d, display_mess = FALSE)
    if( is.null(d1) & is.null(d2) ) { 
        "With network = \"unipart\" and vertex_type = \"location\", two data are possible:\n
        1. the data must have the following columns : \n
        \"seed_lot_parent\", \"seed_lot_child\",\n
        \"relation_type\", \"relation_year_start\", \"relation_year_end\",\n
        \"germplasm_parent\", \"location_parent\", \"year_parent\",\n
        \"germplasm_child\", \"location_child\", \"year_child\". \n
        It can have in option : \"long_parent\", \"lat_parent\",\n
        \"long_child\", \"lat_child\" to get map representation \n
        It can have supplementary variables with tags \"_parent\", \"_child\" or \"_relation\". \n
        \n OR \n
        2. the data must have the following colums :\n
        \"location_parent\", \"location_child\", \n
        \"relation_type\", \"relation_year_start\", \"relation_year_end\",\n
        It can have in option : \"year\", \"germplasm\" and \n
        \"long\", \"lat\" to get map representation "
    if( !is.null(d1) & is.null(d2) ) { d = unipart_sl_data_to_unipart_location_data(d) }
    if( is.null(d1) & !is.null(d2) ) { d = check_unipart_person_data(d) }
    if( !is.null(d1) & !is.null(d2) ) { d = unipart_sl_data_to_unipart_location_data(d) }

    if( !is.element("germplasm_parent", colnames(d)) ){ 
      d$germplasm_parent = d$germplasm_child = "unknown_germplasm" 
    # Split on germplasm ----------
    if( network_split == "germplasm" ){
      vec_germplasm = sort(unique(c(as.character(d$germplasm_parent), as.character(d$germplasm_child))))
      d_all_germplasm = d
      d_all_germplasm$germplasm_parent = paste(vec_germplasm, collapse = " / ")
      d_all_germplasm$germplasm_child = paste(vec_germplasm, collapse = " / ")
      d = rbind.data.frame(d, d_all_germplasm)
      vec_germplasm = c(paste(vec_germplasm, collapse = " / "), vec_germplasm)
      OUT = NULL
      for(g in vec_germplasm){
        dg = dplyr::filter(d, germplasm_parent == g | germplasm_child == g)
        t = grep("_parent", colnames(dg))
        tp = sub("_parent", "", colnames(dg)[grep("_parent", colnames(dg))])
        t = grep("_child", colnames(dg))
        ts = sub("_child", "", colnames(dg)[grep("_child", colnames(dg))])
        t = unique(tp, ts)
        if( length(which(t == "")) > 0  ) { t = t[-which(t == "")] }
        if( length(which(t == "seed_lot")) > 0  ) { t = t[-which(t == "seed_lot")] }
        t = t[c(which(t == "location"), which(t != "location"))]
        d_vertex = data.frame(c(as.character(dg[,paste(t[1], "_parent", sep = "")]), as.character(dg[,paste(t[1], "_child", sep = "")])))
        for(i in 2:length(t)){
          d_vertex = cbind.data.frame(
            c(as.character(dg[,paste(t[i], "_parent", sep = "")]), as.character(dg[,paste(t[i], "_child", sep = "")]))
        colnames(d_vertex) = t
        d_vertex_bis = data.frame(
          c(as.character(dg[,"relation_year_start"]), as.character(dg[,"relation_year_start"])),
          c(as.character(dg[,"relation_year_end"]), as.character(dg[,"relation_year_end"]))
        colnames(d_vertex_bis) = c("relation_year_start", "relation_year_end")
        d_vertex = cbind.data.frame(d_vertex, d_vertex_bis)
        d_vertex = d_vertex[,-which(is.element(colnames(d_vertex), c("relation_year_start", "relation_year_end", "year", "germplasm")))]
        if( !is.data.frame(d_vertex) ){
          d_vertex = as.data.frame((d_vertex))
          colnames(d_vertex) = "location"
        d_vertex = unique(d_vertex)
        dup = which(duplicated(d_vertex$location))
        if( length(dup) > 0 ){
          warning(paste("The following location are duplicated : ",
                        paste(as.character(d_vertex$location[dup]), collapse = ","),
                        ". Only one information per location has been kept.", sep = ""
          d_vertex = d_vertex[!duplicated(d_vertex$location),]
        d_vertex$relation_type = "diffusion"
        d_vertex$format = "unipart_location"
        dtmp = dg[,c("location_parent", "location_child")]
        du = unique(dtmp)
        du$nb_diff = NA
        for(i in 1:nrow(du)){
          w = which(dtmp$location_parent == du[i, "location_parent"] & dtmp$location_child == du[i, "location_child"])
          du[i, "nb_diff"] = length(w)
        relation = du
        out = list(d_vertex, relation); names(out) = c("d_vertex", "relation")
        OUT = c(OUT, list(out))
      names(OUT) = vec_germplasm
    # Split on relation_year_start ----------
    if( network_split == "relation_year_start" ){
      vec_year = sort(unique(as.character(d$relation_year_start))) 
      d_all_year = d
      d_all_year$relation_year_start = paste(vec_year, collapse = "-")
      d = rbind.data.frame(d, d_all_year)
      vec_year = c(paste(vec_year, collapse = "-"), vec_year)
      OUT = NULL
      for(y in vec_year){
        dy = dplyr::filter(d, relation_year_start == y) # Only on child because year of the last event
        t = grep("_parent", colnames(dy))
        tp = sub("_parent", "", colnames(dy)[grep("_parent", colnames(dy))])
        t = grep("_child", colnames(dy))
        ts = sub("_child", "", colnames(dy)[grep("_child", colnames(dy))])
        t = unique(tp, ts)
        if( length(which(t == "")) > 0  ) { t = t[-which(t == "")] }
        if( length(which(t == "seed_lot")) > 0  ) { t = t[-which(t == "seed_lot")] }
        t = t[c(which(t == "location"), which(t != "location"))]
        d_vertex = data.frame(c(as.character(dy[,paste(t[1], "_parent", sep = "")]), as.character(dy[,paste(t[1], "_child", sep = "")])))
        for(i in 2:length(t)){
          d_vertex = cbind.data.frame(
            c(as.character(dy[,paste(t[i], "_parent", sep = "")]), as.character(dy[,paste(t[i], "_child", sep = "")]))
        colnames(d_vertex) = t
        d_vertex_bis = data.frame(
          c(as.character(dy[,"relation_year_start"]), as.character(dy[,"relation_year_start"])),
          c(as.character(dy[,"relation_year_end"]), as.character(dy[,"relation_year_end"]))
        colnames(d_vertex_bis) = c("relation_year_start", "relation_year_end")
        d_vertex = cbind.data.frame(d_vertex, d_vertex_bis)
        d_vertex = d_vertex[,-which(is.element(colnames(d_vertex), c("relation_year_start", "relation_year_end", "year", "germplasm")))]
        if( !is.data.frame(d_vertex) ){
          d_vertex = as.data.frame((d_vertex))
          colnames(d_vertex) = "location"
        d_vertex = unique(d_vertex)
        dup = which(duplicated(d_vertex$location))
        if( length(dup) > 0 ){
          warning(paste("The following location are duplicated : ",
                        paste(as.character(d_vertex$location[dup]), collapse = ","),
                        ". Only one information per location has been kept.", sep = ""
          d_vertex = d_vertex[!duplicated(d_vertex$location),]
        d_vertex$relation_type = "diffusion"
        d_vertex$format = "unipart_location"
        dtmp = dy[,c("location_parent", "location_child")]
        du = unique(dtmp)
        du$nb_diff = NA
        for(i in 1:nrow(du)){
          w = which(dtmp$location_parent == du[i, "location_parent"] & dtmp$location_child == du[i, "location_child"])
          du[i, "nb_diff"] = length(w)
        relation = du
        out = list(d_vertex, relation); names(out) = c("d_vertex", "relation")
        OUT = c(OUT, list(out))
      names(OUT) = vec_year
  # bipart ----------
  if( network_part == "bipart" ){
    d1 = check_unipart_sl_data(d, display_mess = FALSE)
    d2 = check_bipart_data(d, display_mess = FALSE)
    if( is.null(d1) & is.null(d2) ) { 
        "With network = \"bipart\", two data are possible:\n
        1. the data must have the following columns : \n
        \"seed_lot_parent\", \"seed_lot_child\",\n
        \"relation_type\", \"relation_year_start\", \"relation_year_end\",\n
        \"germplasm_parent\", \"location_parent\", \"year_parent\",\n
        \"germplasm_child\", \"location_child\", \"year_child\". \n
        It can have in option : \"long_parent\", \"lat_parent\",\n
        \"long_child\", \"lat_child\" to get map representation \n
        It can have supplementary variables with tags \"_parent\", \"_child\" or \"_relation\". \n
        \n OR \n
        2. the data must have the following colums :\n
        \"germplasm\", \"location\", \n
        It can have in option : \"year\" and \n
        \"long\", \"lat\" to get map representation "
    if( !is.null(d1) & is.null(d2) ) { d = unipart_sl_data_to_bipart_data(d) }
    if( is.null(d1) & !is.null(d2) ) { d = check_bipart_data(d) }
    if( !is.element("year", colnames(d)) ){ d$year = "unknown_year" }
    vec_year = sort(unique(c(as.character(d$year))))
    d_all_year = d
    d_all_year$year = paste(vec_year, collapse = "-")
    d = rbind.data.frame(d, d_all_year)
    vec_year = c(paste(vec_year, collapse = "-"), vec_year)
    OUT = NULL
    for(y in vec_year){
      dy = dplyr::filter(d, year == y)
      d_vertex = data.frame(
        c(as.character(dy[,"germplasm"]), as.character(dy[,"location"])),
        c(as.character(dy[,"year"]), as.character(dy[,"year"])),
        c(rep("germplasm", nrow(dy)), rep("location", nrow(dy))),
        c(rep(NA, nrow(dy)), as.character(dy$lat)),
        c(rep(NA, nrow(dy)), as.character(dy$long))
      colnames(d_vertex) = c("vertex", "year", "type", "lat", "long")
      d_vertex = unique(d_vertex)
      dup = which(duplicated(d_vertex$vertex))
      if( length(dup) > 0 ){
       warning(paste("The following vertex are duplicated : ",
                     paste(as.character(d_vertex$vertex[dup]), collapse = ","),
                     ". Only one information per vertex has been kept.", sep = ""
       d_vertex = d_vertex[!duplicated(d_vertex$location),]
      d_vertex$format = "bipart"
      relation = unique(dy[,c("germplasm", "location")]) 
      out = list(d_vertex, relation); names(out) = c("d_vertex", "relation")
      OUT = c(OUT, list(out))
    names(OUT) = vec_year

  # Format igraph object ----------

  d = lapply(OUT, function(out){
    i = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d = out$relation, directed = TRUE, vertices = out$d_vertex) 
  class(d) <- c("PPBstats", "data_network")
  message(substitute(data), " has been formated for PPBstats functions.")
priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.