#' Parse and clean-up INFO Fields in a VCF File
#' This function reads a VCF file, processes the INFO fields to remove any fields that are not consistently present
#' across all records, and outputs a cleaned VCF file with "_clean" appended to the input file name before the suffix.
#' @param vcffile A character string specifying the path to the input VCF file.
#' @return Writes a cleaned VCF file to the specified or default path.
#' @examples
#' # Assume you have a VCF file "my_input.vcf" in your working directory
#' clean_vcf_INFO("my_input.vcf")
#' @export
#' @importFrom vcfR read.vcfR write.vcf getINFO
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
clean_vcf_INFO <- function(vcffile) {
# Check for required packages
required_packages <- c("vcfR", "stringr")
for (pkg in required_packages) {
if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package ", pkg, " needed for this function to work. Please install it.\n")
# Generate the output file name by appending "_clean" before the suffix
outputfile <- sub("(.*)\\.(vcf|VCF)$", "\\1_clean.\\2", vcffile)
# Read the VCF file
vcf <- vcfR::read.vcfR(file = vcffile)
# Extract INFO fields
info_tmp_2 <- vcfR::getINFO(vcf)
# Parse the INFO fields into key-value pairs
split_info <- lapply(info_tmp_2, function(x) {
pairs <- unlist(stringr::str_split(x, ";"))
key_value <- stringr::str_split(pairs, "=")
keys <- sapply(key_value, `[`, 1)
values <- sapply(key_value, `[`, 2)
setNames(values, keys)
# Determine all possible keys
all_keys <- unique(unlist(lapply(split_info, names)))
# Identify keys missing in any record
missing_keys <- all_keys[sapply(all_keys, function(k) {
any(sapply(split_info, function(x) !(k %in% names(x))))
# Remove these keys from each record
cleaned_info <- lapply(split_info, function(x) {
x[setdiff(names(x), missing_keys)]
# Reconstruct the INFO fields
info_tmp_2_cleaned <- sapply(cleaned_info, function(x) {
paste(names(x), x, sep = "=", collapse = ";")
# Replace the original INFO column with the cleaned one
vcf@fix[, 8] <- info_tmp_2_cleaned
# Remove the descriptions of the removed keys from the header
header <- vcf@meta
cleaned_header <- header[!grepl(paste0("##INFO=<ID=(", paste(missing_keys, collapse = "|"), ")"), header)]
vcf@meta <- cleaned_header
# Write the cleaned VCF to the output file
vcfR::write.vcf(vcf, file = outputfile)
message("Cleaned VCF file written to: ", outputfile)
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