
Defines functions dryside windReduction profileDet LAIcommX LAIcomm LAIp plantFlame kWood bole girdle cambium flora floraTarget

Documented in bole cambium dryside flora floraTarget girdle kWood LAIcomm LAIcommX LAIp plantFlame profileDet windReduction

#' Scorch height using an isotherm, including target species
#' Calculates the height to which vegetation will be consumed,
#' and the height to a designated temperature isotherm reached for one second.
#' Output fields are:
#' Height - overall scorch height (m)
#' ns, e, m, c - height of consumption in each stratum (m)
#' b1, b2, b3, b4 - percentage of strata 1 (ns) to strata 4 (c) consumed
#' sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4 - percentage of strata 1 (ns) to strata 4 (c) scorched
#' d1, d2, d3, d4 - death (1) or survival (0) of standing foliage per stratum (50% or more scorch)
#' @param Surf The dataframe produced by the function 'summary',
#' @param Plant The dataframe produced by the function 'repFlame'.
#' @param Param A parameter dataframe used for FRaME,
#' such as produced using readLegacyParamFile
#' @param Test The temperature of the flora, default 70 degC
#' @param targSp Name of species to be watched for scorch
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

floraTarget <- function(Surf, Plant, Param = Param, targSp = "a", Test = 70)
  S <- strata(Param)
  n <- max(S$stratum)
  #Max burn height
  c <- Plant[Plant$level == "Canopy", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(c = y1)%>%
    select(repId, c)%>%
  c[is.na(c)] <- 0
  m <- Plant[Plant$level == "MidStorey", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(m = y1)%>%
    select(repId, m)%>%
    mutate(m = ifelse(c>0, S$top[3], m))
  m[is.na(m)] <- 0
  e <- Plant[Plant$level == "Elevated", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(e = y1)%>%
    select(repId, e)%>%
    mutate(e = ifelse(m>0, S$top[2], e))
  e[is.na(e)] <- 0
  ns <- Plant[Plant$level == "NearSurface", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(ns = y1)%>%
    select(repId, ns)%>%
    mutate(ns = ifelse(e>0, S$top[1], ns))
  ns[is.na(ns)] <- 0
  #Heating from surface fire
  ground <- ns%>%
    mutate(Alpha = 1/(2*lengthSurface^2),
           C = 950*lengthSurface*exp(-Alpha*lengthSurface^2),
           pAlpha = abs(C/(Test-temperature)),
           R = pAlpha*cos(angleSurface),
           El = R * tan((slope_degrees * pi)/180),
           ht = (sin(angleSurface)*pAlpha - El) * extinct,
           ns = ns * extinct,
           e = e * extinct,
           m = m * extinct,
           c = c * extinct
    select(repId, extinct, temperature, slope_degrees, wind_kph, ht, ns, e, m, c)
  #Heating from plants
    mutate(Angle = atan((y1-y0)/(x1-x0)),
           Alpha = 1/(2*flameLength*(flameLength-length)),
           C = 950*flameLength*exp(-Alpha*(flameLength-length)^2),
           pAlpha = abs(C/(Test-temperature)),
           Reach = pAlpha*cos(Angle),
           El = Reach * tan((slope_degrees * pi)/180),
           htP = (sin(Angle)*pAlpha + y0 - El) * extinct)%>%
    select(repId, htP)%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
  plant[is.na(plant)] <- 0
  #Find the corresponding number of each stratum
  NS <- S[S$name == "near surface", ]
  nNS <-ifelse(count(NS)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(NS$stratum)))
  E <- S[S$name == "elevated", ]
  nE <- ifelse(count(E)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(E$stratum)))
  M <- S[S$name == "midstorey", ]
  nM <-ifelse(count(M)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(M$stratum)))
  C <- S[S$name == "canopy", ]
  nC <- ifelse(count(C)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(C$stratum)))
  nSp <- targSp %in% unique(Param$value[which(Param$param=="name")])
  #Final heating
  Iso <- plant%>%
    mutate(Height = pmax(ht, htP),
           nsBase = ifelse(count(NS)==0, 0, S$base[which(S$name == "near surface")]),
           eBase = ifelse(count(E)==0, 0, S$base[which(S$name == "elevated")]),
           mBase = ifelse(count(M)==0, 0, S$base[which(S$name == "midstorey")]),
           cBase = ifelse(count(C)==0, 0, S$base[which(S$name == "canopy")]),
           nsTop = ifelse(count(NS)==0, 0, S$top[which(S$name == "near surface")]),
           eTop = ifelse(count(E)==0, 0, S$top[which(S$name == "elevated")]),
           mTop = ifelse(count(M)==0, 0, S$top[which(S$name == "midstorey")]),
           cTop = ifelse(count(C)==0, 0, S$top[which(S$name == "canopy")]),
           spBase = ifelse(nSp, as.numeric(filter(Param, species==targSp & param == "hc")$value), 0),
           spTop = ifelse(nSp, as.numeric(filter(Param, species==targSp & param == "hp")$value), 0),
           #Calculate scorch and burn
           b1 = ifelse(nsTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(ns-nsBase)/(nsTop-nsBase))),0)),
           b2 = ifelse(eTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(e-eBase)/(eTop-eBase))),0)),
           b3 = ifelse(mTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(m-mBase)/(mTop-mBase))),0)),
           b4 = ifelse(cTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(c-cBase)/(cTop-cBase))),0)),
           sc1 = ifelse(nsTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-nsBase)/(nsTop-nsBase))),0)),
           sc2 = ifelse(eTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-eBase)/(eTop-eBase))),0)),
           sc3 = ifelse(mTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-mBase)/(mTop-mBase))),0)),
           sc4 = ifelse(cTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-cBase)/(cTop-cBase))),0)),
           severity = case_when(b4 > 50 ~ 5,
                                b4 > 0 ~ 4,
                                sc4 > 0 ~ 3,
                                b1+b2 > 50 ~ 2,
                                b1+b2 > 0 ~ 1,
                                TRUE ~ 0),
           targSp = ifelse(spTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-spBase)/(spTop-spBase))),0)))%>%
    select(repId, wind_kph, Height, ns, e, m, c, b1, b2, b3, b4, sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4, severity, targSp)

#' Scorch height using an isotherm
#' Calculates the height to which vegetation will be consumed,
#' and the height to a designated temperature isotherm reached for one second.
#' Output fields are:
#' Height - overall scorch height (m)
#' ns, e, m, c - height of consumption in each stratum (m)
#' b1, b2, b3, b4 - percentage of strata 1 (ns) to strata 4 (c) consumed
#' sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4 - percentage of strata 1 (ns) to strata 4 (c) scorched
#' d1, d2, d3, d4 - death (1) or survival (0) of standing foliage per stratum (50% or more scorch)
#' @param Surf The dataframe produced by the function 'summary',
#' @param Plant The dataframe produced by the function 'repFlame'.
#' @param Param A parameter dataframe used for FRaME,
#' such as produced using readLegacyParamFile
#' @param Test The temperature of the flora, default 70 degC
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

flora <- function(Surf, Plant, Param = Param, Test = 70)
  S <- strata(Param)
  n <- max(S$stratum)
  #Max burn height
  c <- Plant[Plant$level == "Canopy", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(c = y1)%>%
    select(repId, c)%>%
  c[is.na(c)] <- 0
  m <- Plant[Plant$level == "MidStorey", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(m = y1)%>%
    select(repId, m)%>%
    mutate(m = ifelse(c>0, S$top[3], m))
  m[is.na(m)] <- 0
  e <- Plant[Plant$level == "Elevated", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(e = y1)%>%
    select(repId, e)%>%
    mutate(e = ifelse(m>0, S$top[2], e))
  e[is.na(e)] <- 0
  ns <- Plant[Plant$level == "NearSurface", ]%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
    mutate(ns = y1)%>%
    select(repId, ns)%>%
    mutate(ns = ifelse(e>0, S$top[1], ns))
  ns[is.na(ns)] <- 0
  #Heating from surface fire
  ground <- ns%>%
    mutate(Alpha = 1/(2*lengthSurface^2),
           C = 950*lengthSurface*exp(-Alpha*lengthSurface^2),
           pAlpha = abs(C/(Test-temperature)),
           R = pAlpha*cos(angleSurface),
           El = R * tan((slope_degrees * pi)/180),
           ht = (sin(angleSurface)*pAlpha - El) * extinct,
           ns = ns * extinct,
           e = e * extinct,
           m = m * extinct,
           c = c * extinct
    select(repId, extinct, temperature, slope_degrees, wind_kph, ht, ns, e, m, c)
  #Heating from plants
    mutate(Angle = atan((y1-y0)/(x1-x0)),
           Alpha = 1/(2*flameLength*(flameLength-length)),
           C = 950*flameLength*exp(-Alpha*(flameLength-length)^2),
           pAlpha = abs(C/(Test-temperature)),
           Reach = pAlpha*cos(Angle),
           El = Reach * tan((slope_degrees * pi)/180),
           htP = (sin(Angle)*pAlpha + y0 - El) * extinct)%>%
    select(repId, htP)%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))%>%
  plant[is.na(plant)] <- 0
  #Find the corresponding number of each stratum
  NS <- S[S$name == "near surface", ]
  nNS <-ifelse(count(NS)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(NS$stratum)))
  E <- S[S$name == "elevated", ]
  nE <- ifelse(count(E)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(E$stratum)))
  M <- S[S$name == "midstorey", ]
  nM <-ifelse(count(M)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(M$stratum)))
  C <- S[S$name == "canopy", ]
  nC <- ifelse(count(C)==0, 0,as.numeric(as.character(C$stratum)))
  #Final heating
  Iso <- plant%>%
    mutate(Height = pmax(ht, htP),
           nsBase = if(count(NS)==0){0} else {S$base[which(S$name == "near surface")]},
           eBase = if(count(E)==0) {0} else {S$base[which(S$name == "elevated")]},
           mBase = if(count(M)==0) {0} else {S$base[which(S$name == "midstorey")]},
           cBase = if(count(C)==0) {0} else {S$base[which(S$name == "canopy")]},
           nsTop = if(count(NS)==0) {0} else {S$top[which(S$name == "near surface")]},
           eTop = if(count(E)==0) {0} else {S$top[which(S$name == "elevated")]},
           mTop = if(count(M)==0) {0} else {S$top[which(S$name == "midstorey")]},
           cTop = if(count(C)==0) {0} else {S$top[which(S$name == "canopy")]},
           #Calculate scorch and burn
           b1 = ifelse(nsTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(ns-nsBase)/(nsTop-nsBase))),0)),
           b2 = ifelse(eTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(e-eBase)/(eTop-eBase))),0)),
           b3 = ifelse(mTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(m-mBase)/(mTop-mBase))),0)),
           b4 = ifelse(cTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(c-cBase)/(cTop-cBase))),0)),
           sc1 = ifelse(nsTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-nsBase)/(nsTop-nsBase))),0)),
           sc2 = ifelse(eTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-eBase)/(eTop-eBase))),0)),
           sc3 = ifelse(mTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-mBase)/(mTop-mBase))),0)),
           sc4 = ifelse(cTop == 0, 0, round(pmin(100,pmax(0,100*(Height-cBase)/(cTop-cBase))),0)),
           severity = case_when(b4 > 50 ~ 5,
                                b4 > 0 ~ 4,
                                sc4 > 0 ~ 3,
                                b1+b2 > 50 ~ 2,
                                b1+b2 > 0 ~ 1,
                                TRUE ~ 0))%>%
    select(repId, wind_kph, Height, ns, e, m, c, b1, b2, b3, b4, sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4, severity)


#' Finds radial bole necrosis depth
#' Depth to which the cambium of a tree recieves lethal heating
#' Utilises the output tables from 'threat' and 'radiation', and adds to these
#' the Reynolds Number, heat transfer coefficients, Newton's convective energy transfer coefficient,
#' and the temperature of the object each second.
#' Reynolds Number utilises a standard formulation (e.g. Gordon, N. T., McMahon, T. A. & Finlayson, B. L.
#' Stream hydrology: an introduction for ecologists. (Wiley, 1992))
#' Convective heat transfer coefficients use the widely adopted formulations of
#' Williams, F. A. Urban and wildland fire phenomenology. Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 8, 317–354 (1982),
#' and Drysdale, D. An introduction to fire dynamics. (John Wiley and Sons, 1985)
#' utilising a Prandtl number of 0.7.
#' Heat is transferred into the bark and timber using Fourier's Law
#' Thermal conductivity of bark is modelled as per Martin, R. E.
#' Thermal properties of bark. For. Prod. J. 13, 419–426 (1963)
#' Specific heat of bark is modelled using Kain, G., Barbu, M. C., Hinterreiter, S., Richter, K. & Petutschnigg, A.
#' Using bark as a heat insulation material. BioResources 8, 3718–3731 (2013)
#' Thermal conductivity of wood is modelled using an approach from Kollmann, F. F. P. & Cote, W. A.
#' Principles of wood science and technology I. Solid wood. (Springer-Verlag, 1968)
#' Evaporates water at 100 degrees C
#' Specific heat of wood is derived from an established empirical relationship in Volbehr, B.
#' Swelling of wood fiber. PhD Thesis. (University of Kiel, 1896)
#' Continues heating of the bole in the wake of the front for the duration of the surface fire for a period determined using
#' Burrows, N. D. Flame residence times and rates of weight loss of eucalypt forest fuel particles.
#' Int. J. Wildl. Fire 10, 137–143 (2001). Flame lengths are decreased exponentially over this period
#' Bark is assumed to ignite, and burn for an average of resBark seconds, with the default value of 45s used as a mean for
#' figure 6c in Penman, T. D., Cawson, J. G., Murphy, S. & Duff, T. J.
#' Messmate Stringybark: bark ignitability and burning sustainability in relation to fragment dimensions,
#' hazard and time since fire. Int. J. Wildl. Fire 26, 866–876 (2017).
#' Heats an area of 0.01m2
#' @param Surf The dataframe produced by the function 'summary',
#' @param Plant The dataframe produced by the function 'repFlame'.
#' @param percentile defines which heating statistics are used for each second, from 0 (min) to 1 (max)
#' @param Height The height on the bole directly over ground (m)
#' @param woodDensity The density of wood in the tree or log housing the hollow (kg/m3)
#' @param barkDensity The density of bark in the tree or log housing the hollow (kg/m3)
#' @param comBark Temperature directly under the burning bark (C)
#' @param bark The thickness of bark on the thinnest side of the hollow (m)
#' @param resBark Flame residence in the tree bark (s)
#' @param phloem Thickness of the tree phloem (depth to cambium, m)
#' @param RH The relative humidity (0-1)
#' @param moisture The proportion oven-dry weight of moisture in the wood
#' @param bMoisture The proportion oven-dry weight of moisture in the bark
#' @param distance The furthest horizontal distance between the flame origin and the point (m)
#' @param trail The number of seconds to continue modelling after all flames have extinguished
#' @param var The angle in degrees that the plume spreads above/below a central vector
#' @param diameter depth of the litter layer (mm)
#' @param Pressure Sea level atmospheric pressure (hPa)
#' @param Altitude Height above sea level (m)
#' @param startTemp The starting temperature of wood and bark (deg C)
#' @param necT Temperature of necrosis (deg C)
#' @param surfDecl adjusts the rate at which surface flame length declines after the front
#' @param updateProgress Progress bar for use in the dashboard
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

cambium <- function(Surf, Plant, percentile = 0.95, Height = 0.1, woodDensity = 700, barkDensity = 500,
                    bark = 0.04, comBark = 700, resBark = 45, phloem = 0.01, RH = 0.2,
                    moisture = 1, bMoisture = 0.2, distance = 50, trail = 100, var = 10, diameter = 20, Pressure = 1013.25,
                    Altitude = 0, startTemp = 25, necT = 60, surfDecl = 10,updateProgress=NULL)
  # Post-front surface flame heating
  lengthSurface <- mean(Surf$lengthSurface)
  residence <- 0.871*diameter^1.875
  depth <- diameter/1000
  # Collect step distance, time, and total distance
  ROS <- mean(Surf$ros_kph)/3.6
  Ta <- round(distance/ROS+residence)
  Tb <- round(distance/ROS)
  TIME <- Ta + trail
  Horiz <- distance
  # Description of the protection
  # Convert units from kg/m^3 to kg
  massB <- 0.01 * bark * barkDensity
  massW <- 0.0001 * woodDensity
  R <- sqrt(0.01/pi)
  startM <- moisture
  barkTemp <- startTemp
  woodTemp <- startTemp
  #Starting values
  Ca <- threat(Surf, Plant, Horiz, Height, var, Pressure, Altitude)%>%
    mutate(t = 1,
           #Convective transfer
           Re = (Plume_velocity*Density)/viscosity,
           h = 0.35 + 0.47*Re^(1/2)*0.837,
           #Incoming heat from surface
           pt = pmax(0, t-Tb),
           comBark = ifelse(pt <= resBark, comBark, 0),
           postS = bole(lengthSurface,residence, depth, h = Height,
                        surfDecl = 10, t = pt),
           tempS = ifelse(Horiz <=0, pmax(tempAir, postS, comBark), tempAir),
           qc = h * (tempS - barkTemp),
           att = tau(D=Horiz, flameTemp=flameTemp, temperature=(temperature+273.15), rh=RH),
           qr = 0.86*qr*att,
           Qi = pmax(0, qc)+qr,
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWater = bMoisture*massB,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drain = ifelse(barkTemp>95,
           # Adjusted incoming energy
           QiA = max(Qi-drain,0),
           #Bark thermal values
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpBark = ((1105+4.85*barkTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture)/1000,
           kBark = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*barkTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Fourier conduction
           fourierA = ifelse(Horiz>0, pmin(QiA,(kBark * pmax(0,tempS - barkTemp)) / bark),
                             (kBark * pmax(0,tempS - barkTemp)) / bark),
           barkTemp = pmax(barkTemp, (0.001 * fourierA / (massB * cpBark) + barkTemp)),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureA = ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((fourierA/2256400)/mWater)),
           #1ST CM________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water (kg)
           mWater = moisture*massW,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drain = ifelse(woodTemp>95,
           # Adjusted incoming energy
           QiB = max(fourierA-drain,0),
           #Thermal values
           kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTemp+273.15)^0.7919,
           cpWoodB = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moisture)+0.00253*woodTemp+0.0000628*(100*moisture)*woodTemp,
           kWoodB = kWood(woodTemp, woodDensity, kAir),
           # Fourier conduction
           fourierB = pmin(QiB,(kWoodB * pmax(0,barkTemp - woodTemp)) / 0.01),
           woodTempB = pmax(woodTemp, (0.001 * fourierB / (massW * cpWoodB) + woodTemp)),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureB = ifelse(moisture>0,max(0,moisture-((fourierB/2256400)/mWater)),
           # Heat draw-down from above
           barkTemp = pmax(barkTemp, barkTemp + (0.001 * fourierB / (massB * cpBark))),
           #2ND CM________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWater = moisture*massW,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drain = ifelse(woodTemp>95,
           # Adjusted incoming energy
           QiC = max(fourierB-drain,0),
           #Thermal values
           kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTemp+273.15)^0.7919,
           cpWoodC = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moisture)+0.00253*woodTemp+0.0000628*(100*moisture)*woodTemp,
           kWoodC = kWood(woodTemp, woodDensity, kAir),
           # Fourier conduction
           fourierC = pmin(QiC,(kWoodC * pmax(0,woodTempB - woodTemp)) / 0.01),
           woodTempC = pmax(woodTemp, (0.001 * fourierC / (massW * cpWoodC) + woodTemp)),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureC = ifelse(moisture>0,max(0,moisture-((fourierC/2256400)/mWater)),
           # Heat draw-down from above
           woodTempB = pmax(woodTempB, woodTempB + (0.001 * fourierC / (massW * cpWoodB))),
           #3RD CM________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWater = moisture*massW,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drain = ifelse(woodTemp>95,
           # Adjusted incoming energy
           QiD = max(fourierC-drain,0),
           #Thermal values
           kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTemp+273.15)^0.7919,
           cpWoodD = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moisture)+0.00253*woodTemp+0.0000628*(100*moisture)*woodTemp,
           kWoodD = kWood(woodTemp, woodDensity, kAir),
           # Fourier conduction
           fourierD = pmin(QiD,(kWoodD * pmax(0,woodTempC - woodTemp)) / 0.01),
           woodTempD = pmax(woodTemp, (0.001 * fourierD / (massW * cpWoodD) + woodTemp)),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureD = ifelse(moisture>0,max(0,moisture-((fourierD/2256400)/mWater)),
           # Heat draw-down from above
           woodTempC = pmax(woodTempC, woodTempC + (0.001 * fourierD / (massW * cpWoodC))),
           #4TH CM________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWater = moisture*massW,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drain = ifelse(woodTemp>95,
           # Adjusted incoming energy
           QiE = max(fourierD-drain,0),
           #Thermal values
           kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTemp+273.15)^0.7919,
           cpWoodE = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moisture)+0.00253*woodTemp+0.0000628*(100*moisture)*woodTemp,
           kWoodE = kWood(woodTemp, woodDensity, kAir),
           # Fourier conduction
           fourierE = pmin(QiE,(kWoodE * pmax(0,woodTempD - woodTemp)) / 0.01),
           woodTempE = pmax(woodTemp, (0.001 * fourierE / (massW * cpWoodE) + woodTemp)),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureE = ifelse(moisture>0,max(0,moisture-((fourierE/2256400)/mWater)),
           # Heat draw-down from above
           woodTempD = pmax(woodTempD, woodTempD + (0.001 * fourierE / (massW * cpWoodD))),
           #Outgoing BARK________________________________________________________
           fourierOA = pmin(0,(kBark * (tempS - barkTemp)) / bark),
           barkTemp = pmin(barkTemp, barkTemp + (0.001 * fourierOA / (massB * cpBark))),
           qrO = pmin(0,0.86*0.0000000000567*((tempS+273.15)^4 - (barkTemp+273.15)^4)),
           qR = qr + qrO,
           Q = qc + qR,
           #Outgoing 1ST________________________________________________________
           fourierOB = pmin(0,(kWoodB * (barkTemp - woodTempB)) / 0.01),
           woodTempB = pmin(woodTempB, woodTempB + (0.001 * fourierOB / (massW * cpWoodB))),
           #Outgoing 2ND________________________________________________________
           fourierOC = pmin(0,(kWoodC * (woodTempB - woodTempC)) / 0.01),
           woodTempC = pmin(woodTempC, woodTempC + (0.001 * fourierOC / (massW * cpWoodC))),
           #Outgoing 3RD________________________________________________________
           fourierOD = pmin(0,(kWoodD * (woodTempC - woodTempD)) / 0.01),
           woodTempD = pmin(woodTempD, woodTempD + (0.001 * fourierOD / (massW * cpWoodD))),
           #Outgoing 4TH________________________________________________________
           fourierOE = pmin(0,(kWoodE * (woodTempD - woodTempE)) / 0.01),
           woodTempE = pmin(woodTempE, woodTempE + (0.001 * fourierOE / (massW * cpWoodE))))
  barkTemp <- quantile(Ca$barkTemp, percentile)
  moistureA <- quantile(Ca$moistureA, percentile)
  woodTempB <- quantile(Ca$woodTempB, percentile)
  moistureB <- quantile(Ca$moistureB, percentile)
  woodTempC <- quantile(Ca$woodTempC, percentile)
  moistureC <- quantile(Ca$moistureC, percentile)
  woodTempD <- quantile(Ca$woodTempD, percentile)
  moistureD <- quantile(Ca$moistureD, percentile)
  woodTempE <- quantile(Ca$woodTempE, percentile)
  moistureE <- quantile(Ca$moistureE, percentile)
  # Advance one second's travel
  Horiz = Horiz - ROS
  pbar <-  txtProgressBar(max = TIME, style = 3)
  # Loop through each time step and collect outputs
  for(t in 2:TIME){
    Cb <-threat(Surf, Plant, Horiz, Height, var, Pressure, Altitude) %>%
      mutate(t = t,
             #Convective transfer
             Re = (Plume_velocity*Density)/viscosity,
             h = 0.35 + 0.47*Re^(1/2)*0.837,
             #Incoming heat from surface
             pt = pmax(0, t-Tb),
             comBark = ifelse(pt <= resBark, comBark, 0),
             postS = bole(lengthSurface,residence, depth, h = Height,
                          surfDecl = 10, t = pt),
             tempS = ifelse(t>Ta, tempAir, ifelse(Horiz <=0, pmax(tempAir, postS, comBark), tempAir)),
             qc = h * (tempS - barkTemp),
             att = tau(D=Horiz, flameTemp=flameTemp, temperature=(temperature+273.15), rh=RH),
             qr = 0.86*qr*att,
             Qi = pmax(0, qc)+qr,
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWater = moistureA*massB,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drain = ifelse(barkTemp>95,
             # Adjusted incoming energy
             QiA = max(Qi-drain,0),
             #Bark thermal values
             rhoM = (moistureA+moistureA^2)*barkDensity,
             cpBark = ((1105+4.85*barkTemp)*(1-moistureA)+moistureA*4185+1276*moistureA)/1000,
             kBark = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*barkTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Fourier conduction
             fourierA = ifelse(Horiz>0, pmin(QiA,(kBark * pmax(0,tempS - barkTemp)) / bark),
                               (kBark * pmax(0,tempS - barkTemp)) / bark),
             barkTemp = pmax(barkTemp, (0.001 * fourierA / (massB * cpBark) + barkTemp)),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureA = ifelse(moistureA>0,max(0,moistureA-((fourierA/2256400)/mWater)),
             #1ST CM________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWater = moistureB*massW,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drain = ifelse(woodTempB>95,
             # Adjusted incoming energy
             QiB = max(fourierA-drain,0),
             #Thermal values
             kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTempB+273.15)^0.7919,
             cpWoodB = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moistureB)+0.00253*woodTempB+0.0000628*(100*moistureB)*woodTempB,
             kWoodB = kWood(woodTempB, woodDensity, kAir),
             # Fourier conduction
             fourierB = pmin(QiB,(kWoodB * pmax(0,barkTemp - woodTempB)) / 0.01),
             woodTempB = pmax(woodTempB, (0.001 * fourierB / (massW * cpWoodB) + woodTempB)),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureB = ifelse(moistureB>0,max(0,moistureB-((fourierB/2256400)/mWater)),
             # Heat draw-down from above
             barkTemp = pmin(barkTemp, barkTemp - (0.001 * fourierB / (massB * cpBark))),
             #2ND CM________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWater = moistureC*massW,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drain = ifelse(woodTempC>95,
             # Adjusted incoming energy
             QiC = max(fourierB-drain,0),
             #Thermal values
             kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTempC+273.15)^0.7919,
             cpWoodC = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moistureC)+0.00253*woodTempC+0.0000628*(100*moistureC)*woodTempC,
             kWoodC = kWood(woodTempC, woodDensity, kAir),
             # Fourier conduction
             fourierC = pmin(QiC,(kWoodC * pmax(0,woodTempB - woodTempC)) / 0.01),
             woodTempC = pmax(woodTempC, (0.001 * fourierC / (massW * cpWoodC) + woodTempC)),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureC = ifelse(moistureC>0,max(0,moistureC-((fourierC/2256400)/mWater)),
             # Heat draw-down from above
             woodTempB = pmin(woodTempB, woodTempB - (0.001 * fourierC / (massW * cpWoodB))),
             #3RD CM________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWater = moistureD*massW,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drain = ifelse(woodTempD>95,
             # Adjusted incoming energy
             QiD = max(fourierC-drain,0),
             #Thermal values
             kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTempD+273.15)^0.7919,
             cpWoodD = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moistureD)+0.00253*woodTempD+0.0000628*(100*moistureD)*woodTempD,
             kWoodD = kWood(woodTempD, woodDensity, kAir),
             # Fourier conduction
             fourierD = pmin(QiD,(kWoodD * pmax(0,woodTempC - woodTempD)) / 0.01),
             woodTempD = pmax(woodTempD, (0.001 * fourierD / (massW * cpWoodD) + woodTempD)),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureD = ifelse(moistureD>0,max(0,moistureD-((fourierD/2256400)/mWater)),
             # Heat draw-down from above
             woodTempC = pmin(woodTempC, woodTempC - (0.001 * fourierD / (massW * cpWoodC))),
             #4TH CM________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWater = moistureE*massW,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drain = ifelse(woodTempE>95,
             # Adjusted incoming energy
             QiE = max(fourierD-drain,0),
             #Thermal values
             kAir = 0.00028683*(woodTempE+273.15)^0.7919,
             cpWoodE = 1.08+0.00408*(100*moistureE)+0.00253*woodTempE+0.0000628*(100*moistureE)*woodTempE,
             kWoodE = kWood(woodTempE, woodDensity, kAir),
             # Fourier conduction
             fourierE = pmin(QiE,(kWoodE * pmax(0,woodTempD - woodTempE)) / 0.01),
             woodTempE = pmax(woodTempE, (0.001 * fourierE / (massW * cpWoodE) + woodTempE)),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureE = ifelse(moistureE>0,max(0,moistureE-((fourierE/2256400)/mWater)),
             # Heat draw-down from above
             woodTempD = pmin(woodTempD, woodTempD - (0.001 * fourierE / (massW * cpWoodD))),
             #Outgoing 1st________________________________________________________
             fourierOA = pmin(0,(kBark * (tempS - barkTemp)) / bark),
             barkTemp = pmin(barkTemp, barkTemp + (0.001 * fourierOA / (massB * cpBark))),
             qrO = pmin(0,0.86*0.0000000000567*((tempS+273.15)^4 - (barkTemp+273.15)^4)),
             qR = qr + qrO,
             Q = qc + qR,
             #Outgoing 1ST________________________________________________________
             fourierOB = pmin(0,(kWoodB * (barkTemp - woodTempB)) / 0.01),
             woodTempB = pmin(woodTempB, woodTempB + (0.001 * fourierOB / (massW * cpWoodB))),
             #Outgoing 2ND________________________________________________________
             fourierOC = pmin(0,(kWoodC * (woodTempB - woodTempC)) / 0.01),
             woodTempC = pmin(woodTempC, woodTempC + (0.001 * fourierOC / (massW * cpWoodC))),
             #Outgoing 3RD________________________________________________________
             fourierOD = pmin(0,(kWoodD * (woodTempC - woodTempD)) / 0.01),
             woodTempD = pmin(woodTempD, woodTempD + (0.001 * fourierOD / (massW * cpWoodD))),
             #Outgoing 4TH________________________________________________________
             fourierOE = pmin(0,(kWoodE * (woodTempC - woodTempE)) / 0.01),
             woodTempE = pmin(woodTempE, woodTempD + (0.001 * fourierOE / (massW * cpWoodE))))
    Ca <- rbind(Ca, Cb)
    barkTemp <- quantile(Cb$barkTemp, percentile)
    moistureA <- quantile(Cb$moistureA, percentile)
    woodTempB <- quantile(Cb$woodTempB, percentile)
    moistureB <- quantile(Cb$moistureB, percentile)
    woodTempC <- quantile(Cb$woodTempC, percentile)
    moistureC <- quantile(Cb$moistureC, percentile)
    woodTempD <- quantile(Cb$woodTempD, percentile)
    moistureD <- quantile(Cb$moistureD, percentile)
    woodTempE <- quantile(Cb$woodTempE, percentile)
    moistureE <- quantile(Cb$moistureE, percentile)
    ##  progress bar
    if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
      text <- paste0("Number of remaining steps is ", TIME - t)
      updateProgress(detail = text)
    t = t + 1
    Horiz = Horiz - ROS
  # Create table
  Ca <- Ca %>%
    select(t, repId, tempS, barkTemp, woodTempB, woodTempC, woodTempD, woodTempE,
           moistureA, moistureB, moistureC, moistureD, moistureE)%>%
    mutate(necrosis = ifelse(woodTempE>=necT, 4,
                             ifelse(woodTempD>=necT, 3,
                                    ifelse(woodTempC>=necT, 2,
                                           ifelse(woodTempB>=necT, 1, 0)))),
           girdling = ifelse(necrosis>=phloem, 1, 0))

#' Finds radial bole necrosis depth, dividing bark into four steps
#' Depth to which the stem of a plant recieves lethal heating
#' Utilises the output tables from 'threat' and 'radiation', and adds to these
#' the Reynolds Number, heat transfer coefficients, Newton's convective energy transfer coefficient,
#' and the temperature of the object each second.
#' Reynolds Number utilises a standard formulation (e.g. Gordon, N. T., McMahon, T. A. & Finlayson, B. L.
#' Stream hydrology: an introduction for ecologists. (Wiley, 1992))
#' Convective heat transfer coefficients use the widely adopted formulations of
#' Williams, F. A. Urban and wildland fire phenomenology. Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 8, 317–354 (1982),
#' and Drysdale, D. An introduction to fire dynamics. (John Wiley and Sons, 1985)
#' utilising a Prandtl number of 0.7.
#' Heat is transferred into the bark and timber using Fourier's Law
#' Thermal conductivity of bark is modelled as per Martin, R. E.
#' Thermal properties of bark. For. Prod. J. 13, 419–426 (1963)
#' Specific heat of bark is modelled using Kain, G., Barbu, M. C., Hinterreiter, S., Richter, K. & Petutschnigg, A.
#' Using bark as a heat insulation material. BioResources 8, 3718–3731 (2013)
#' Thermal conductivity of wood is modelled using an approach from Kollmann, F. F. P. & Cote, W. A.
#' Principles of wood science and technology I. Solid wood. (Springer-Verlag, 1968)
#' Evaporates water at 100 degrees C
#' Specific heat of wood is derived from an established empirical relationship in Volbehr, B.
#' Swelling of wood fiber. PhD Thesis. (University of Kiel, 1896)
#' Continues heating of the bole in the wake of the front for the duration of the surface fire for a period determined using
#' Burrows, N. D. Flame residence times and rates of weight loss of eucalypt forest fuel particles.
#' Int. J. Wildl. Fire 10, 137–143 (2001). Flame lengths are decreased exponentially over this period
#' Bark is assumed to ignite, and burn for an average of resBark seconds, with the default value of 45s used as a mean for
#' figure 6c in Penman, T. D., Cawson, J. G., Murphy, S. & Duff, T. J.
#' Messmate Stringybark: bark ignitability and burning sustainability in relation to fragment dimensions,
#' hazard and time since fire. Int. J. Wildl. Fire 26, 866–876 (2017).
#' Heats an area of 0.01m2
#' @param Surf The dataframe produced by the function 'summary',
#' @param Plant The dataframe produced by the function 'repFlame'
#' @param Height The height on the bole directly over ground (m)
#' @param woodDensity The density of wood in the plant or log housing the hollow (kg/m3)
#' @param barkDensity The density of bark in the plant or log housing the hollow (kg/m3)
#' @param comBark Temperature directly under the burning bark (C)
#' @param bark The thickness of bark on the thinnest side of the hollow (m)
#' @param resBark Flame residence in the plant bark (s)
#' @param phloem Thickness of the plant phloem (depth to cambium, m)
#' @param RH The relative humidity (0-1)
#' @param moisture The proportion oven-dry weight of moisture in the wood
#' @param bMoisture The proportion oven-dry weight of moisture in the bark
#' @param distance The furthest horizontal distance between the flame origin and the point (m)
#' @param trail The number of seconds to continue modelling after all flames have extinguished
#' @param var The angle in degrees that the plume spreads above/below a central vector
#' @param diameter depth of the litter layer (mm)
#' @param Pressure Sea level atmospheric pressure (hPa)
#' @param Altitude Height above sea level (m)
#' @param startTemp The starting temperature of wood and bark (deg C)
#' @param necT Temperature of necrosis (deg C)
#' @param surfDecl adusts the rate at which surface flame length declines after the front
#' @param updateProgress Progress bar for use in the dashboard
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

girdle <- function(Surf, Plant, Height = 0.1, woodDensity = 700, barkDensity = 500,
                    bark = 0.04, comBark = 700, resBark = 45, phloem = 0.01, RH = 0.2,
                    moisture = 0.6, bMoisture = 0.5, distance = 5, trail = 100, var = 10, 
                    diameter = 20, Pressure = 1013.25,Altitude = 0, startTemp = 25, 
                    necT = 60, surfDecl = 10,updateProgress=NULL)
  # Post-front surface flame heating
  lengthSurface <- mean(Surf$lengthSurface)
  residence <- 0.871*diameter^1.875
  depth <- diameter/1000
  # Collect step distance, time, and total distance
  ROS <- mean(Surf$ros_kph)/3.6
  Ta <- round(distance/ROS+residence)
  Tb <- round(distance/ROS)
  TIME <- Ta + trail
  Horiz <- distance
  # Description of the protection
  step <- bark/4
  # Convert units from kg/m^3 to kg
  mass <- step * barkDensity
  massW <- phloem * woodDensity
  R <- sqrt(0.01/pi)
  startM <- moisture
  #Starting values
  Ca <- threat(Surf, Plant, Horiz, Height, var, Pressure, Altitude) %>%
    mutate(t = 1,
           #Convective transfer
           Re = (Plume_velocity*Density)/viscosity,
           h = 0.35 + 0.47*Re^(1/2)*0.837,
           #Incoming heat from surface
           pt = pmax(0, t-Tb),
           comBark = ifelse(pt <= resBark, comBark, 0),
           postS = bole(lengthSurface,residence, depth, h = Height,
                        surfDecl = 10, t = pt),
           tempS = ifelse(Horiz <=0, pmax(tempAir, postS, comBark), tempAir),
           qc = h * (tempS - startTemp),
           att = tau(D=Horiz, flameTemp=flameTemp, temperature=(temperature+273.15), rh=RH),
           qr = 0.86*qr*att,
           Qi = pmax(0, qc)+qr,
           #STEP A ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterA = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainA = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpA = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kA = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fAD = ((kA * (tempS - startTemp)) / step),
           fAU = 0,
           fourierA = fAD + fAU - max(0, min((fAD + fAU), drainA)),
           tempA = (fourierA / (mass * cpA) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureA = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((Qi/2256400)/mWaterA)),
           #STEP B ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water (kg)
           mWaterB = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainB = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpB = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kB = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fBD = ((kB * (tempA - startTemp)) / step),
           fBU = 0,
           fourierB = fBD + fBU - max(0, min((fBD + fBU), drainB)),
           tempB = (fourierB / (mass * cpB) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureB = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((fourierA/2256400)/mWaterB)),
                                                  bMoisture), bMoisture),
           #STEP C ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterC = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainC = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpC = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kC = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fCD = ((kC * (tempB - startTemp)) / step),
           fCU = 0,
           fourierC = fCD + fCU - max(0, min((fCD + fCU), drainC)),
           tempC = (fourierC / (mass * cpC) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureC = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((fourierB/2256400)/mWaterC)),
           #STEP D ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterD = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainD = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpD = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kD = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fDD = ((kD * (tempC - startTemp)) / step),
           fDU = 0,
           fourierD = fDD + fDU - max(0, min((fDD + fDU), drainD)),
           tempD = (fourierD / (mass * cpD) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureD = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((fourierC/2256400)/mWaterD)),
           #Phloem ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterE = moisture*massW,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainE = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/g/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           kAir = 0.00028683*(startTemp+273.15)^0.7919,
           cpE = 1080+408*moisture+2.53*startTemp+6.28*moisture*startTemp,
           kE = kWood(startTemp, woodDensity, kAir),
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fED = ((kE * (tempD - startTemp)) / step),
           fEU = 0,
           fourierE = fED + fEU - max(0, min((fED + fEU), drainE)),
           tempE = (fourierE / (massW * cpE) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureE = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(moisture>0,max(0,moisture-((fourierD/2256400)/mWaterE)),
  #Collect values for the next step
  tempA <- Ca$tempA
  moistureA <- Ca$moistureA
  kA <- Ca$kA
  tempB <- Ca$tempB
  moistureB <- Ca$moistureB
  kB <- Ca$kB
  tempC <- Ca$tempC
  moistureC <- Ca$moistureC
  kC <- Ca$kC
  tempD <- Ca$tempD
  moistureD <- Ca$moistureD
  kD <- Ca$kD
  tempE <- Ca$tempE
  moistureE <- Ca$moistureE
  kE <- Ca$kE
  # Advance one second's travel
  Horiz <- Horiz - ROS
  pbar <-  txtProgressBar(max = TIME, style = 3)
  # Loop through each time step and collect outputs
  for(t in 2:TIME){
    Cb <-threat(Surf, Plant, Horiz, Height, var, Pressure, Altitude) %>%
      mutate(t = t,
             #Convective transfer
             Re = (Plume_velocity*Density)/viscosity,
             h = 0.35 + 0.47*Re^(1/2)*0.837,
             #Incoming heat from surface
             pt = pmax(0, t-Tb),
             comBark = ifelse(pt <= resBark, comBark, 0),
             postS = bole(lengthSurface,residence, depth, h = Height,
                          surfDecl = 10, t = pt),
             tempS = ifelse(t>Ta, tempAir, ifelse(Horiz <=0, pmax(tempAir, postS, comBark), tempAir)),
             qc = h * (tempS - tempA),
             att = tau(D=Horiz, flameTemp=flameTemp, temperature=(temperature+273.15), rh=RH),
             qr = 0.86*qr*att,
             Qi = pmax(0, qc)+qr,
             #STEP A ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterA = moistureA*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainA = ifelse(tempA>99,
             #Bark thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureA+moistureA^2)*barkDensity,
             cpA = ((1105+4.85*tempA)*(1-moistureA)+moistureA*4185+1276*moistureA),
             kA = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempA-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fAD = ((kA * (tempS - tempA)) / step),
             fAU = ((kB * (tempB - tempA)) / step),
             fourierA = fAD + fAU - max(0, min((fAD + fAU), drainA)),
             tempA = (fourierA / (mass * cpA) + tempA),  
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureA = ifelse(tempA>99,ifelse(moistureA>0,max(0,moistureA-((Qi/2256400)/mWaterA)),
             #STEP B ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterB = moistureB*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainB = ifelse(tempB>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureB+moistureB^2)*barkDensity,
             cpB = ((1105+4.85*tempB)*(1-moistureB)+moistureB*4185+1276*moistureB),
             kB = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempB-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fBD = ((kB * (tempA - tempB)) / step),
             fBU = ((kC * (tempC - tempB)) / step),
             fourierB = fBD + fBU - max(0, min((fBD + fBU), drainB)),
             tempB = (fourierB / (mass * cpB) + tempB),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureB = ifelse(tempB>99,ifelse(moistureB>0,max(0,moistureB-((fourierA/2256400)/mWaterB)),
             #STEP C ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterC = moistureC*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainC = ifelse(tempC>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureC+moistureC^2)*barkDensity,
             cpC = ((1105+4.85*tempC)*(1-moistureC)+moistureC*4185+1276*moistureC),
             kC = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempC-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fCD = ((kC * (tempB - tempC)) / step),
             fCU = ((kC * (tempD - tempC)) / step),
             fourierC = fCD + fCU - max(0, min((fCD + fCU), drainC)),
             tempC = (fourierC / (mass * cpC) + tempC),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureC = ifelse(tempC>99,ifelse(moistureC>0,max(0,moistureC-((fourierB/2256400)/mWaterC)),
             #STEP D ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterD = moistureD*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainD = ifelse(tempD>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureD+moistureD^2)*barkDensity,
             cpD = ((1105+4.85*tempD)*(1-moistureD)+moistureD*4185+1276*moistureD),
             kD = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempD-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fDD = ((kD * (tempC - tempD)) / step),
             fDU = ((kD * (tempE - tempD)) / step),
             fourierD = fDD + fDU - max(0, min((fDD + fDU), drainD)),
             tempD = (fourierD / (mass * cpD) + tempD),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureD = ifelse(tempD>99,ifelse(moistureD>0,max(0,moistureD-((fourierC/2256400)/mWaterD)),
             #phloem ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterE = moistureE*massW,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainE = ifelse(tempE>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/g/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             kAir = 0.00028683*(tempE+273.15)^0.7919,
             cpE = 1080+408*moistureE+2.53*tempE+6.28*moistureE*tempE,
             kE = kWood(tempE, woodDensity, kAir),
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation. Below unknown.
             fED = ((kE * (tempD - tempE)) / phloem),
             fEU = 0,
             fourierE = fED + fEU - max(0, min((fED + fEU), drainE)),
             tempE = (fourierE / (massW * cpE) + tempE),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureE = ifelse(tempE>99,ifelse(moistureE>0,max(0,moistureE-((fourierD/2256400)/mWaterE)),
    Ca <- rbind(Ca, Cb)
    #Collect values for the next step
    tempA <- Cb$tempA
    moistureA <- Cb$moistureA
    kA <- Cb$kA
    tempB <- Cb$tempB
    moistureB <- Cb$moistureB
    kB <- Cb$kB
    tempC <- Cb$tempC
    moistureC <- Cb$moistureC
    kC <- Cb$kC
    tempD <- Cb$tempD
    moistureD <- Cb$moistureD
    kD <- Cb$kD
    tempE <- Cb$tempE
    moistureE <- Cb$moistureE
    kE <- Cb$kE
    ##  progress bar
    if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
      text <- paste0("Number of remaining steps is ", TIME - t)
      updateProgress(detail = text)
    t <- t + 1
    Horiz <- Horiz - ROS
  # Create table
  Ca <- Ca %>%
    select(t, repId, tempS, tempA, tempB, tempC, tempD, tempE,
           moistureA, moistureB, moistureC, moistureD, moistureE)%>%
    mutate(girdling = ifelse(tempE>=necT, 1, 0))


#' Air temperature above ambient at the tree bole behind the flame front
#' Dynamic air temperature at bole height, declining flame length exponentially
#' Air temperature is modelled from dynamic flame segments using
#' Weber R.O., Gill A.M., Lyons P.R.A., Moore P.H.R., Bradstock R.A., Mercer G.N. (1995)
#' Modelling wildland fire temperatures. CALMScience Supplement, 4, 23–26.
#' pAlphas is set to bole height - depth of surface litter
#' @param lengthSurface 
#' @param residence 
#' @param depth 
#' @param h 
#' @param surfDecl 
#' @param t 
#' @return value
#' @export

bole <- function(lengthSurface = 2, residence = 300, depth = 0.05, h = 0.1, surfDecl = 10, t = 1)
  surfPost <- lengthSurface*exp(-(surfDecl/residence)*t)
  Alpha <- 1/(2 * surfPost^2)
  C <- 950 * surfPost * exp(-Alpha * surfPost^2)
  pAlphas <- pmax(0,h-depth)
  return(ifelse(pAlphas < surfPost,
                950 + exp(-Alpha * pAlphas^2),

#' Thermal conductivity of dry wood
#' Model drawn from Kollmann, F. F. P. & Cote, W. A.
#' Principles of wood science and technology I. Solid wood. (Springer-Verlag, 1968)
#' @param rhoW 
#' @param kAir 
#' @return value
#' @export

kWood <- function(T=100, rhoW=700, kAir = 0.026)
  T <- T+273.15
  bridge <- 0.0019*T+0.0503
  r <- 1-(rhoW/1500)
  kA <- (1-r)*0.766+r*kAir
  kB <- 1/((1-r)/0.43+(r/kAir))

#' Collects flame segments for a specified plant in a stratum
#' @param paths Output table from the function repFlame
#' @param Stratum Name of the stratum being studied
#' @param Species Name of the species being studied
#' @param repId Number of the repId being studied
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples balga <- plantFlame(IPW, "NearSurface", "Xanthorrhoea preissii", 6)

plantFlame <- function(paths, Stratum, Species, repId) {
  IP <- paths[paths$level == Stratum & paths$species == Species & paths$repId == repId,] %>%
    mutate(angle = atan((y1-y0)/(x1-x0)),
           x2 = flameLength * cos(angle) + x0,
           y2 = flameLength * sin(angle) + y0)
  x0 <- IP %>%
    select(segIndex, x0)
  x1 <- IP %>%
    select(segIndex, x1)
  IPX <- left_join(x0, x1)
  x2 <- IP %>%
    select(segIndex, x2)
  IPX <- left_join(IPX,x2)
  X <- reshape2::melt(IPX, id.vars="segIndex") %>%
    mutate(x = value,
           point = case_when(variable == "x0" ~ "A",
                             variable == "x1" ~ "B",
                             variable == "x2" ~ "C")) %>%
    select(segIndex, point, x)
  y0 <- IP %>%
    select(segIndex, y0)
  y1 <- IP %>%
    select(segIndex, y1)
  IPy <- left_join(y0, y1)
  y2 <- IP %>%
    select(segIndex, y2)
  IPy <- left_join(IPy,y2)
  Y <- reshape2::melt(IPy, id.vars="segIndex") %>%
    mutate(y = value,
           point = case_when(variable == "y0" ~ "A",
                             variable == "y1" ~ "B",
                             variable == "y2" ~ "C")) %>%
    select(segIndex, point, y)
  XY <- left_join(X,Y, by = c("segIndex", "point"))
  out <- XY[order(XY$segIndex),]

#' Calculates LAI for a slice of a plant
#' @param base.params 
#' @param sp Number of the species
#' @param yu Height at the top of the slice (m)
#' @param yl Height at the base of the slice (m)
#' @return list
#' @export 

LAIp <- function(base.params, sp = 1, yu = 100, yl = 0)
  # Subset species
  spPar <- subset(base.params, species == sp)
  # Collect parameters
  Cd <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "clumpDiameter"])
  Cs <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "clumpSeparation"])
  ram <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "stemOrder"])
  hc <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "hc"])
  he <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "he"])
  ht <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "ht"])
  hp <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "hp"])
  W <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "w"])
  ll <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "leafLength"])
  lw <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "leafWidth"])
  ls <- as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "leafSeparation"])
  if (yu <= min(hc,he)) {
    l <- 0
    LA <- 0
  } else if (yl >= max(ht,hp)) {
    l <- 0
    LA <- 0
  } else {
    # Find w at cutoff cones
    topRise <- abs(hp-ht)
    baseFall <- abs(he-hc)
    # Top of slice, plant top
    wa <- ifelse(topRise==0,
    # Base of slice, plant top
    wb <- ifelse(topRise==0,
    # Top of slice, plant base
    wc <- ifelse(baseFall==0,
    # Base of slice, plant base
    wd <- ifelse(baseFall==0,
    # Leaf area per clump
    clumpLeaves <- 0.88*(Cd*ram/ls)^1.18
    laClump <- (ll*lw/2) * clumpLeaves
    # Plant volume in slice
    upperAboveSlice <- max(0,(hp-max(ht,yu))*(pi*(wa/2)^2))/3
    upperFull <- ((hp-max(yl,ht))*(pi*(wb/2)^2))/3
    upper <- max(0,upperFull-upperAboveSlice)
    centre <- max(0,(min(yu,ht)-max(yl,he)))*(pi*(W/2)^2)
    lowerFull <- ((min(yu,he)-hc)*(pi*(wc/2)^2))/3
    lowerBelowSlice <- (max(0,(min(he,yl)-hc))*(pi*(wd/2)^2))/3
    lower <- max(0,lowerFull-lowerBelowSlice)
    vol <- upper+centre+lower
    # Clumps in slice
    volC <- ((4/3)*pi*((Cd+Cs)/2)^3)
    nClumps <- vol/volC
    #LAI per plant in slice
    LA <- laClump * nClumps
    l<- ifelse(max(wa,wb,wc,wd)==0,

#' Calculates LAI for a horizontal slice of a plant community
#' @param base.params 
#' @param yu Top of slice (m)
#' @param yl Base of slice (m)
#' @return value
#' @export

LAIcomm <- function(base.params, yu = 100, yl = 0)
  # Collect plant figures
  spec  <- species(base.params)
  str <- strata(base.params)
  l <- data.frame()
  c <- data.frame()
  cover <- data.frame()
  s <- data.frame()
  w <- data.frame()
  N <- nrow(spec)
  n <- 1
  while(n <= N[1]) {
    spPar <- subset(base.params, species == n)
    laiN <- (LAIp(base.params, sp = n, yu = yu, yl = yl))[[1]]
    l <- rbind(l,laiN)
    c <- rbind(c,as.numeric(spec$comp[n]))
    cover <- rbind(cover, as.numeric(str$cover[spec$st[n]]))
    s <- rbind(s, as.numeric(str$separation[as.numeric(spPar$stratum[1])]))
    w <- rbind(w,as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "w"]))
    n <- n + 1
  # Construct table
  colnames(l) <- c("LAIp")
  l$ID <- seq.int(nrow(l))
  colnames(c) <- c("Weight")
  c$ID <- seq.int(nrow(c))
  colnames(cover) <- c("Cover")
  cover$ID <- seq.int(nrow(cover))
  LAIplant <- left_join(l,c, by = "ID")%>%
    mutate(Weight = ifelse(LAIp>0,
  # Calculate LAI
  LAIplant <- LAIplant %>% 
    mutate(LAIw = LAIp*Cover*Weight)
  LAI <- sum(LAIplant$LAIw)
  LAI[is.nan(LAI)] <- 0  

#' Title
#' @param base.params 
#' @param yu 
#' @param yl 

LAIcommX <- function(base.params, yu = 100, yl = 0)
  # Collect plant figures
  l <- data.frame()
  c <- data.frame()
  s <- data.frame()
  w <- data.frame()
  N <- count(species(base.params))
  str <- strata(base.params)
  n <- 1
  while(n <= N[1]) {
    spPar <- subset(base.params, species == n)
    laiN <- LAIp(base.params, sp = n, yu = yu, yl = yl)[[1]]
    l <- rbind(l,laiN)
    c <- rbind(c,as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "composition"]))
    s <- rbind(s, as.numeric(str$separation[as.numeric(spPar$stratum[1])]))
    w <- rbind(w,as.numeric(spPar$value[spPar$param == "w"]))
    n <- n + 1
  # Construct table
  colnames(l) <- c("LAIp")
  l$ID <- seq.int(nrow(l))
  colnames(c) <- c("Weight")
  c$ID <- seq.int(nrow(c))
  colnames(s) <- c("Separation")
  s$ID <- seq.int(nrow(s))
  colnames(w) <- c("Width")
  w$ID <- seq.int(nrow(w))
  LAIplant <- left_join(l,c)%>%
    mutate(Weight = ifelse(LAIp>0,
  # Calculate LAI
  all <- sum(LAIplant$Weight)
  LAIplant <- LAIplant %>% 
    mutate(Weight = Weight/all,
           Cover = (Width^2/Separation^2)*Weight,
           LAIw = LAIp*Cover)
  LAI <- sum(LAIplant$LAIw)
  LAI[is.nan(LAI)] <- 0  

#' Calculates a vertical wind profile
#' @param base.params 
#' @param slices Number of horizontal slices to use in calculation
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

profileDet <- function(base.params, slices = 10)
  # Collect slice details
  top <- max(species(base.params)$hp)
  slice <- top/slices
  yu <- top
  # Loop through slices
  l <- data.frame("l"=0)
  gam <- data.frame("gam"=0)
  W <- data.frame("w"=1)
  w <- 1
  n <- 1
  while(n <= slices) {
    yl <- yu-slice
    LAIslice <- LAIcomm(base.params = base.params, yl=yl, yu = yu)
    g <- 1.785*LAIslice^0.372
    w <- w*exp(g*((yl/yu)-1))
    l <- rbind(l,LAIslice)
    gam <- rbind(gam,g)
    W <- rbind(W,w)
    yu <- yl
    n = n+1
  # Construct table
  l$Slice <- seq.int(nrow(l))
  gam$Slice <- seq.int(nrow(gam))
  W$Slice <- seq.int(nrow(W))
  wind <- left_join(l,gam)%>%
    mutate(z = 1-((Slice-1)*(1/slices)),
           hm = z*top)

#' Finds the Wind Reduction Factor for a param file
#' @param base.params 
#' @param test Height at which the WRF is calculated (m)
#' @return value
#' @export

windReduction <- function(base.params, test = 1.2)
  s <- strata(base.params)
  t <- max(s$top, na.rm = TRUE)
  slice <- round(t/test)
  det <- profileDet(base.params, slices = slice)
  w <- det[nrow(det)-1,]
  wrf <- as.numeric(round(1/w$w[1], 1))

#' Calculates likelihood of basal scarring on a tree
#' Assumes lee-side vortex at bole causes flame to lean backward to a distance 2.5*DBH
#' Estimate taken from Malcolm Gill A 1974 
#' Toward an understanding of fire scar formation: field observation and laboratory simulation 
#' For. Sci. 20 198–205
#' @param Surf 
#' @param Plant 
#' @param DBH 
#' @param Height 
#' @param woodDensity 
#' @param barkDensity 
#' @param bark 
#' @param comBark 
#' @param resBark 
#' @param phloem 
#' @param RH 
#' @param moisture 
#' @param bMoisture 
#' @param distance 
#' @param trail 
#' @param var 
#' @param diameter 
#' @param Pressure 
#' @param Altitude 
#' @param startTemp 
#' @param necT 
#' @param surfDecl 
#' @param updateProgress 
#' @return dataframe

dryside <- function(Surf, Plant, DBH = 1, Height = 0.1, woodDensity = 700, barkDensity = 500,
                    bark = 0.04, comBark = 700, resBark = 45, phloem = 0.01, RH = 0.2,
                    moisture = 0.6, bMoisture = 0.5, distance = 5, trail = 100, var = 10, 
                    diameter = 20, Pressure = 1013.25,Altitude = 0, startTemp = 25, 
                    necT = 60, surfDecl = 10,updateProgress=NULL)
  # Post-front surface flame heating
  lengthSurface <- mean(Surf$lengthSurface)
  residence <- 0.871*diameter^1.875
  depth <- diameter/1000
  # Collect step distance, time, and total distance
  ROS <- mean(Surf$ros_kph)/3.6
  Ta <- round(distance/ROS+residence)
  Tb <- round(distance/ROS)
  TIME <- Ta + trail
  Horiz <- distance
  # Duration of post-front vortex
  vortex <- round(2.5*DBH/ROS,0)
  # Description of the protection
  step <- bark/4
  # Convert units from kg/m^3 to kg
  mass <- step * barkDensity
  massW <- phloem * woodDensity
  R <- sqrt(0.01/pi)
  startM <- moisture
  #Starting values
  Ca <- threat(Surf, Plant, Horiz, Height, var, Pressure, Altitude) %>%
    mutate(tS = 1,
           #Convective transfer
           Re = (Plume_velocity*Density)/viscosity,
           h = 0.35 + 0.47*Re^(1/2)*0.837,
           #Incoming heat from surface
           Pt = pmax(0, tS - Tb),
           comBark = ifelse(Pt <= resBark, comBark, 0),
           postS = if(Pt < vortex) {950} else {bole(lengthSurface,residence, depth, h = Height,
                                                    surfDecl = 10, t = Pt)},
           tempS = ifelse(Horiz <=0, pmax(tempAir, postS, comBark), tempAir),
           qc = h * (tempS - startTemp),
           att = frame:::tau(D=Horiz, flameTemp=flameTemp, temperature=(temperature+273.15), rh=RH),
           qr = 0.86*qr*att,
           Qi = pmax(0, qc)+qr,
           #STEP A ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterA = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainA = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpA = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kA = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fAD = ((kA * (tempS - startTemp)) / step),
           fAU = 0,
           fourierA = fAD + fAU - max(0, min((fAD + fAU), drainA)),
           tempA = (fourierA / (mass * cpA) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureA = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((Qi/2256400)/mWaterA)),
           #STEP B ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water (kg)
           mWaterB = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainB = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpB = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kB = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fBD = ((kB * (tempA - startTemp)) / step),
           fBU = 0,
           fourierB = fBD + fBU - max(0, min((fBD + fBU), drainB)),
           tempB = (fourierB / (mass * cpB) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureB = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((fourierA/2256400)/mWaterB)),
                                                  bMoisture), bMoisture),
           #STEP C ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterC = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainC = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpC = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kC = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fCD = ((kC * (tempB - startTemp)) / step),
           fCU = 0,
           fourierC = fCD + fCU - max(0, min((fCD + fCU), drainC)),
           tempC = (fourierC / (mass * cpC) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureC = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((fourierB/2256400)/mWaterC)),
           #STEP D ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterD = bMoisture*mass,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainD = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           rhoM = (bMoisture+bMoisture^2)*barkDensity,
           cpD = ((1105+4.85*startTemp)*(1-bMoisture)+bMoisture*4185+1276*bMoisture),
           kD = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*startTemp-166.216)*10^-4,
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fDD = ((kD * (tempC - startTemp)) / step),
           fDU = 0,
           fourierD = fDD + fDU - max(0, min((fDD + fDU), drainD)),
           tempD = (fourierD / (mass * cpD) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureD = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(bMoisture>0,max(0,bMoisture-((fourierC/2256400)/mWaterD)),
           #Phloem ________________________________________________________
           ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
           # Mass of water
           mWaterE = moisture*massW,
           # Energy removed by current water quantity
           drainE = ifelse(startTemp>99,
           #Thermal values - (cp: J/g/deg, k: W/m/deg)
           kAir = 0.00028683*(startTemp+273.15)^0.7919,
           cpE = 1080+408*moisture+2.53*startTemp+6.28*moisture*startTemp,
           kE = kWood(startTemp, woodDensity, kAir),
           # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
           fED = ((kE * (tempD - startTemp)) / step),
           fEU = 0,
           fourierE = fED + fEU - max(0, min((fED + fEU), drainE)),
           tempE = (fourierE / (massW * cpE) + startTemp),
           # Change in proportion water this step
           moistureE = ifelse(startTemp>99,ifelse(moisture>0,max(0,moisture-((fourierD/2256400)/mWaterE)),
  #Collect values for the next step
  tempA <- Ca$tempA
  moistureA <- Ca$moistureA
  kA <- Ca$kA
  tempB <- Ca$tempB
  moistureB <- Ca$moistureB
  kB <- Ca$kB
  tempC <- Ca$tempC
  moistureC <- Ca$moistureC
  kC <- Ca$kC
  tempD <- Ca$tempD
  moistureD <- Ca$moistureD
  kD <- Ca$kD
  tempE <- Ca$tempE
  moistureE <- Ca$moistureE
  kE <- Ca$kE
  # Advance one second's travel
  Horiz <- Horiz - ROS
  pbar <-  txtProgressBar(max = TIME, style = 3)
  # Loop through each time step and collect outputs
  for(tS in 2:TIME){
    Cb <-threat(Surf, Plant, Horiz, Height, var, Pressure, Altitude) %>%
      mutate(tS = tS,
             #Convective transfer
             Re = (Plume_velocity*Density)/viscosity,
             h = 0.35 + 0.47*Re^(1/2)*0.837,
             #Incoming heat from surface
             Pt = pmax(0, tS - Tb),
             comBark = ifelse(Pt <= resBark, comBark, 0),
             postS = if(Pt < vortex) {950} else {bole(lengthSurface,residence, depth, h = Height,
                                                      surfDecl = 10, t = Pt)},
             tempS = ifelse(tS > Ta, tempAir, ifelse(Horiz <=0, pmax(tempAir, postS, comBark), tempAir)),
             qc = h * (tempS - tempA),
             att = frame:::tau(D=Horiz, flameTemp=flameTemp, temperature=(temperature+273.15), rh=RH),
             qr = 0.86*qr*att,
             Qi = pmax(0, qc)+qr,
             #STEP A ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterA = moistureA*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainA = ifelse(tempA>99,
             #Bark thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureA+moistureA^2)*barkDensity,
             cpA = ((1105+4.85*tempA)*(1-moistureA)+moistureA*4185+1276*moistureA),
             kA = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempA-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fAD = ((kA * (tempS - tempA)) / step),
             fAU = ((kB * (tempB - tempA)) / step),
             fourierA = fAD + fAU - max(0, min((fAD + fAU), drainA)),
             tempA = (fourierA / (mass * cpA) + tempA),  
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureA = ifelse(tempA>99,ifelse(moistureA>0,max(0,moistureA-((Qi/2256400)/mWaterA)),
             #STEP B ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterB = moistureB*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainB = ifelse(tempB>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureB+moistureB^2)*barkDensity,
             cpB = ((1105+4.85*tempB)*(1-moistureB)+moistureB*4185+1276*moistureB),
             kB = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempB-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fBD = ((kB * (tempA - tempB)) / step),
             fBU = ((kC * (tempC - tempB)) / step),
             fourierB = fBD + fBU - max(0, min((fBD + fBU), drainB)),
             tempB = (fourierB / (mass * cpB) + tempB),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureB = ifelse(tempB>99,ifelse(moistureB>0,max(0,moistureB-((fourierA/2256400)/mWaterB)),
             #STEP C ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterC = moistureC*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainC = ifelse(tempC>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureC+moistureC^2)*barkDensity,
             cpC = ((1105+4.85*tempC)*(1-moistureC)+moistureC*4185+1276*moistureC),
             kC = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempC-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fCD = ((kC * (tempB - tempC)) / step),
             fCU = ((kC * (tempD - tempC)) / step),
             fourierC = fCD + fCU - max(0, min((fCD + fCU), drainC)),
             tempC = (fourierC / (mass * cpC) + tempC),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureC = ifelse(tempC>99,ifelse(moistureC>0,max(0,moistureC-((fourierB/2256400)/mWaterC)),
             #STEP D ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterD = moistureD*mass,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainD = ifelse(tempD>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/kg/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             rhoM = (moistureD+moistureD^2)*barkDensity,
             cpD = ((1105+4.85*tempD)*(1-moistureD)+moistureD*4185+1276*moistureD),
             kD = (2.104*barkDensity+5.544*rhoM+3.266*tempD-166.216)*10^-4,
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation
             fDD = ((kD * (tempC - tempD)) / step),
             fDU = ((kD * (tempE - tempD)) / step),
             fourierD = fDD + fDU - max(0, min((fDD + fDU), drainD)),
             tempD = (fourierD / (mass * cpD) + tempD),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureD = ifelse(tempD>99,ifelse(moistureD>0,max(0,moistureD-((fourierC/2256400)/mWaterD)),
             #phloem ________________________________________________________
             ### Water effects: evaporation and energy drain
             # Mass of water
             mWaterE = moistureE*massW,
             # Energy removed by current water quantity
             drainE = ifelse(tempE>99,
             #Thermal values - (cp: J/g/deg, k: W/m/deg)
             kAir = 0.00028683*(tempE+273.15)^0.7919,
             cpE = 1080+408*moistureE+2.53*tempE+6.28*moistureE*tempE,
             kE = kWood(tempE, woodDensity, kAir),
             # Conduction from above and below, less latent heat of evaporation. Below unknown.
             fED = ((kE * (tempD - tempE)) / phloem),
             fEU = 0,
             fourierE = fED + fEU - max(0, min((fED + fEU), drainE)),
             tempE = (fourierE / (massW * cpE) + tempE),
             # Change in proportion water this step
             moistureE = ifelse(tempE>99,ifelse(moistureE>0,max(0,moistureE-((fourierD/2256400)/mWaterE)),
    Ca <- rbind(Ca, Cb)
    #Collect values for the next step
    tempA <- Cb$tempA
    moistureA <- Cb$moistureA
    kA <- Cb$kA
    tempB <- Cb$tempB
    moistureB <- Cb$moistureB
    kB <- Cb$kB
    tempC <- Cb$tempC
    moistureC <- Cb$moistureC
    kC <- Cb$kC
    tempD <- Cb$tempD
    moistureD <- Cb$moistureD
    kD <- Cb$kD
    tempE <- Cb$tempE
    moistureE <- Cb$moistureE
    kE <- Cb$kE
    ##  progress bar
    if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
      text <- paste0("Number of remaining steps is ", TIME - tS)
      updateProgress(detail = text)
    tS <- tS + 1
    Horiz <- Horiz - ROS
  # Create table
  Ca <- Ca %>%
    select(tS, repId, tempS, tempA, tempB, tempC, tempD, tempE,
           moistureA, moistureB, moistureC, moistureD, moistureE)%>%
    mutate(scar = ifelse(tempE>=necT, 1, 0))
pzylstra/frame_r documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 1:55 a.m.