
#' Two Sample Inference for High Dimensional Mean
#' \code{hotelhd} is used to test two sample inference problem for high dimensional
#'   data.
#' @param X1,X2 matrix. n1(,n2) by p data matrix. Missing values (including NaN) will
#'  be omitted from the calculations.
#'  Data 'X1' and 'X2' only accept matrix as arguments to prevent confusion.
#'  All the methods
#'  implemented in this package assume continuous variables as inputs.
#' @param method character. The method to be used.
#'   See 'Details'.
#' @param alpha numeric. The type 1 error.
#' @param control list. Control parameters returned by \code{hotelhd_control}.
#'   Users NEED to check the function \code{\link{hotelhd_control}} when applying
#'   maximum type tests (i.e., "CLX", "Z", "M").
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{flare::sugm}.
#'   The function "sugm" estimates Gaussian precision matrix in high dimensions.
#'   Currently, 'clime' is applied. See the help of \code{flare::sugm}.
#' @return Test results.
#' @details
#' \describe{
#'   \item{H}{Hotelling's T-squared test.
#'     Implemented for convenient comparisons with other methods.
#'     Users can find more sophisticated implementation of
#'     Hotelling's T-squared test in CRAN.}
#'   \item{D}{Dempster's (1958) non-exact test.}
#'   \item{BS}{Bai and Saranadasa's (1996) test.}
#'   \item{CQ}{Chen and Qin's (2010) test.}
#'   \item{CLX}{Cai, Liu and Xia's (2014) test.}
#'   \item{Z}{blockwise bootstrap. A new method considering time series.
#'     The paper for this method is under review.}
#'   \item{M}{generalized bootstrap. A new method combining sum-of-square and maximum type.
#'     The paper for this method is under review.}
#' }
#' @references
#'   Bai, Zhidong D and Saranadasa, Hewa. (1996). Effect of high dimension: by an example
#'     of a two sample problem. \emph{Statistica Sinica}, 6(2), 311-329.
#'   Cai, T. Tony and Liu, Weidong and Xia, Yin. (2014). Two-sample test of high
#'     dimensional means under dependence.
#'    \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society:
#'    Series B (Statistical Methodology)}, 76(2), 349-372.
#'   Chen, Song Xi and Qin, Ying-Li. (2010). A two-sample test for
#'     high-dimensional data with applications to gene-set testing.
#'     \emph{Annals of Statistics}, 38(2), 808-835.
#'   Dempster, A. P. (1958). A high dimensional two sample significance test.
#'     \emph{The Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, 995-1010.
#' @importFrom nleqslv nleqslv
#' @importFrom flare sugm
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @useDynLib hotelhd
#' @export
hotelhd <- function(X1, X2, method = c("H", "D", "BS", "CQ", "CLX", "Z", "M"),
                    alpha = 0.05,
                    control = hotelhd_control(), ...)
  stopifnot(is.matrix(X1), is.matrix(X1))

  n1 <- NROW(X1)
  n2 <- NROW(X2)
  n <- n1 + n2

  p1 <- NCOL(X1)
  p2 <- NCOL(X2)
  if (p1 != p2)
    stop("Both samples must have the same number of variables (columns)")
  p <- p1

  X1bar <- colMeans(X1, na.rm=TRUE)
  X2bar <- colMeans(X2, na.rm=TRUE)
  meanDiff <- X1bar - X2bar
  S <- ((n1 - 1)*var(X1) + (n2 - 1)*var(X2)) / (n - 2)

  method <- match.arg(method)

  if (method %in% c("CLX", "Z", "M")) {
    omegaHat <- control$omegaHat
    omegaEst <- control$omegaEst
    omegaGiven <- control$omegaGiven

#     calcOmega <- function() {
#       lambda <- C * (log(p)/n)
#       if (omegaEst == "clime") {
#         ## clime package
#         clime(S, sigma=TRUE, lambda=lambda)$Omegalist[[1]]
#         ## fastclime package
#         #fc <- suppressMessages(fastclime(S))
#         #OmegaHat <- fastclime.lambda(fc$lambdamtx, fc$icovlist, lambda)$icov
#       } else if (omegaEst == "ada") {
#         delta <- 2
#         ss1 <- (sweep(X1, 2, X1bar))^2
#         ss2 <- (sweep(X2, 2, X2bar))^2
#         theta <- (t(ss1) %*% ss1 + (2-n1)*(var(X1))^2 +
#                     t(ss2) %*% ss2 + (2-n2)*(var(X2))^2) / n
#         lambda <- delta * sqrt(log(p)*theta / n)
#         Sstar <- S * (abs(S) >= lambda)
#         solve(Sstar)
#       }
#     }

    ## calculation of Omega hat
    ## if it is useful, export it later.
    calcOmega <- function(...)
      # in non-high-dimensional case, simply calculate inverse of S
      if ((n-2) > p) return(solve(S))

      extraArgs <- list(...)

      if (length(extraArgs)) {
        namesExtraArgs <- names(extraArgs)
        sugmArgs <- names(formals(sugm)) #legal arg names
        indx <- match(namesExtraArgs, sugmArgs, nomatch=0L)

        if (any(indx==0L)) {
          stop(gettextf("Argument %s not matched.", namesExtraArgs[indx==0L]),
               domain = NA)
        } else if (("method" %in% namesExtraArgs) &&
                   extraArgs[["method"]] != "clime") {
          stop("Currently, only clime can be used.", domain = NA)
        } else if ("data" %in% namesExtraArgs) {
          stop("Currently, internally caculated data is used.", domain = NA)

        if ("nlambda" %in% namesExtraArgs) {
          omegaList <- flare::sugm(S, method = "clime", ...)$icov
        } else {
          omegaList <- flare::sugm(S, nlambda=50, method = "clime", ...)$icov

        # default: where no additional arguments for 'sugm'
      } else {
        omegaList <- flare::sugm(S, nlambda=50, method="clime")$icov

      dif <- vapply(omegaList,
                    function(O) sum(diag(S%*%O))-log(det(O)),
                    FUN.VALUE=vector("numeric", 1L))


    if (method=="CLX") {
      if (is.null(omegaGiven)) {
        if (omegaHat == "omega") Omega <- calcOmega(...)
        else if (omegaHat == "identity") Omega <- diag(nrow=p, ncol=p)

      } else {
        Omega <- omegaGiven

      Z <- Omega %*% (X1bar - X2bar)
      omega1 <- (n1-1)/n1 * var(X1 %*% Omega)
      omega2 <- (n2-1)/n2 * var(X2 %*% Omega)
      omega0 <- diag(n1/n * omega1 + n2/n * omega2)

      M <- n1*n2/n * max((Z*Z) / omega0)
      #part1 <- 2*log(p) - log(log(p)) - log(pi)
      rejected <- M >= 2*log(p) - log(log(p)) - log(pi) -
      #rejected <- function(alpha) {
      #  M >= part1 - 2*log(log(1/(1-alpha)))

      list(statistic=M, nobs=c(n1=n1, n2=n2), nvar=p,
           rejected=rejected, method=method)

    } else if (method == "Z") {
      B <- control$B
      block <- control$block

      if (block > min(n1, n2)) stop("The block size is greater than nobs.")

      if (is.null(omegaGiven)) {
        if (omegaHat == "omega") Omega <- calcOmega(...)
        else if (omegaHat == "identity") Omega <- diag(nrow=p, ncol=p)

      } else {
        Omega <- omegaGiven

      Z <- Omega %*% (X1bar - X2bar)
      XI1 <- X1 %*% Omega
      XI2 <- X2 %*% Omega
      XI1diff <- sweep(XI1, 2, colMeans(XI1), check.margin=FALSE)
      XI2diff <- sweep(XI2, 2, colMeans(XI2), check.margin=FALSE)
      omega1 <- t(XI1diff) %*% XI1diff / n1
      omega2 <- t(XI2diff) %*% XI2diff / n2
      omega0sqrt <- sqrt(diag(n1/n * omega1 + n2/n * omega2))

      ## test statistics
      sqnn <- sqrt(n1*n2/n)
      T <- max(abs(sqnn * Z))
      Tt <- max(abs(sqnn * Z / omega0sqrt))

      # number of blocks
      if (n1 %% block) l1 <- (n1 %/% block) + 1
      else l1 <- n1 / block

      if (n2 %% block) l2 <- (n2 %/% block) + 1
      else l2 <- n2 / block

      T_boot <- sqnn * quantile(
        vapply(1:B, function(i) {
            (colMeans(sweep(XI1diff, 1, rep(rnorm(l1), each=block)[1:n1],
                            FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)) -
               colMeans(sweep(XI2diff, 1, rep(rnorm(l2), each=block)[1:n2],
                              FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)))))},
          FUN.VALUE=vector("numeric", 1), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
        1 - alpha, names=FALSE)

      Tt_boot <- sqnn * quantile(
        vapply(1:B, function(i) {
            (colMeans(sweep(XI1diff, 1, rep(rnorm(l1), each=block)[1:n1],
                            FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)) -
               colMeans(sweep(XI2diff, 1, rep(rnorm(l2), each=block)[1:n2],
                              FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)))/omega0sqrt))},
          FUN.VALUE=vector("numeric", 1), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
        1 - alpha, names=FALSE)

      list(T=c(T=T, T_boot=T_boot), Tt=c(Tt=Tt, Tt_boot=Tt_boot),
           nobs=c(n1=n1, n2=n2), nvar=p,
           rejected=c(T=T > T_boot, Tt=Tt > Tt_boot), method=method)

    } else if (method == "M") {
      B <- control$B
      sub <- control$sub
      ndim <- control$ndim

      if (is.null(omegaGiven)) {
        if (omegaHat == "omega") Omega <- calcOmega(...)
        else if (omegaHat == "identity") Omega <- diag(nrow=p, ncol=p)

      } else {
        Omega <- omegaGiven

      ## \hat{Z}_{(b)}
      X1b <- sweep(X1, 2, X1bar, check.margin=FALSE) %*% Omega
      X2b <- sweep(X2, 2, X2bar, check.margin=FALSE) %*% Omega

      ## temporally commented out for simulation
      jk <- combn(p, ndim) # column index
      jkc <- NCOL(jk)

      ## M statistic (omitted constant term)
      calcM1 <- function(Z, Omega, ndim) {
        max(# M(Omega)
          vapply(1:jkc, function(i) {
            jk_i <- jk[, i]
            Z_jk <- Z[jk_i]
            omegaInv_jk <- solve(Omega[jk_i, jk_i])
            t(Z_jk) %*% omegaInv_jk %*% Z_jk
          FUN.VALUE=vector("numeric", 1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))

      ## M statistic (omitted constant term)
      ##  - efficient way of using diagonal of omegaInv_jk
      ## !! replaced by Rcpp !! calcM2C
      ## calcM2 <- function(Z, Omega, ndim) {
      ##   sum(sort(Z*Z / diag(Omega), decreasing=TRUE)[c(1:ndim)])
      ## }

      ## calculate 1 ~ ndim M at once
      calcM2 <- function(Z, Omega, ndim) {
        cumsum(sort(Z*Z / diag(Omega), decreasing=TRUE)[c(1:ndim)])

      if (sub == "sub") calcM <- calcM1
      else calcM <- calcM2 # if (sub == "diag")

      ## test statistic
      Zo <- Omega %*% (X1bar - X2bar)
      M <- calcM(Zo, Omega, ndim)

      ## constant related to n1, n2 are safely ommitted in calculation and comparison
      ## M_boot <- quantile(
      ##     vapply(1:R, function(i) {# R of boot statistics
      ##       Zb <-
      ##         colMeans(
      ##             sweep(X1b, 1, rnorm(n1),
      ##                   FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)) -
      ##         colMeans(
      ##             sweep(X2b, 1, rnorm(n2),
      ##                   FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE))
      ##       calcM(Zb, Omega, ndim)
      ##     },
      ##     FUN.VALUE=vector("numeric", 1), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
      ##     1 - alpha, names=FALSE)

      M_boot <- apply(
        vapply(1:B, function(i) {# R of boot statistics
          Zb <-
              sweep(X1b, 1, rnorm(n1),
                    FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)) -
              sweep(X2b, 1, rnorm(n2),
                    FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE))
          calcM(Zb, Omega, ndim)
        FUN.VALUE=vector("numeric", ndim), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
        1, function(rr) quantile(rr, 1 - alpha, names=FALSE))

      list(M=(n1*n2/(n1+n2)) * M,
           nobs=c(n1=n1, n2=n2), nvar=p,
           rejected= M > M_boot, method=method)

  } else if (method=="H") { # Hotelling's T2
    Sinv <- solve(S)
    H <- as.vector(n1*n2/n * t(meanDiff) %*% Sinv %*% (meanDiff))
    F_H <- (n - p - 1)/(p * (n - 2)) * H
    pF_H <- pf(F_H, p, n-p-1, lower.tail=FALSE)

    list(statistic=F_H, pval=pF_H, df=c(df1=p, df2=n-p-1),
         nobs=c(n1=n1, n2=n2), nvar=p,
         rejected= pF_H < alpha, method=method)

  } else if (method=="D") {
    X <- rbind(X1, X2)
    Htmp <- cbind(1/sqrt(n) * rep(1, n), # 1st row
                    c(rep(sqrt(n2/(n*n1)), n1),
                      -rep(sqrt(n1/(n*n2)), n2))) # 2nd row
    ## n * n orthogonal matrix with given the first two rows
    H <- t(qr.X(qr(Htmp), complete=TRUE))
    Y <- H %*% X

    ## Q vector (Q1,...,Qn)
    Fpre <- Y * Y
    Qs <- rowSums(Fpre)

    ## calculate r1
    t <- (n-2) * log(1/(n-2) * sum(Qs[3:n])) - sum(log(Qs[3:n]))
    r1eq <- function(r1) {
      (1/r1 + (1+1/(n-1))/(3 * r1 * r1)) * (n-3) - t
    r1 <- nleqslv(10, r1eq)$x

    ## calculate r2
    idx <- combn(3:n, 2)
    idx_n <- NCOL(idx)

    sinTheta <- vector("numeric", length=idx_n)
    sinTheta_i <- 0
    for (i in 3:(n-1)) {
      y1 <- Y[i, ]
      for (j in (i+1):n) {
        sinTheta_i <- sinTheta_i + 1
        y2 <- Y[j, ]
        sinTheta[sinTheta_i] <- sin(# angle of every two vectors
            acos(sum(y1 * y2) / sqrt(Qs[i] * Qs[j])))
    w <- -sum(log(sinTheta * sinTheta))

    r2eq <- function(r2) {
      (1/r2 + (1 + 1/(n-2))/(3*r2*r2)) * (n - 3) +
          (1/r2 + 3/(2*r2*r2)) * choose(n-2, 2) - t - w
    r2 <- nleqslv(10, r2eq)$x

    ## test statistics F
    F_D <- (n-2) * sum(Fpre[2, ]) / sum(Fpre[3:n, ])
    pF1_D <- pf(F_D, r1, r1*(n-2), lower.tail=FALSE)
    pF2_D <- pf(F_D, r2, r2*(n-2), lower.tail=FALSE)

    list(statistic=F_D, r=c(r1=r1, r2=r2),
         pval=c(pval1=pF1_D, pval2=pF2_D),
         nobs=c(n1=n1, n2=n2), nvar=p,
         rejected=c(r1=pF1_D < alpha, r2=pF2_D < alpha), method=method)

  } else if (method=="BS") {
    trS <- sum(diag(S))
    trS2 <- sum(diag(S %*% S))
    Z_Mn <- (n1*n2/n * sum(meanDiff * meanDiff) - trS) /
        sqrt(2*(n-1)*(n-2)/(n*(n-3)) * (trS2 - 1/(n-2)*trS*trS))
    pZ_Mn <- pnorm(Z_Mn, lower.tail=FALSE)

    list(statistics=Z_Mn, pval=pZ_Mn,
         nobs=c(n1=n1, n2=n2), nvar=p,
         rejected=pZ_Mn < alpha, method=method)

  } else if (method=="CQ") {
    prod11 <- tcrossprod(X1)
    prod22 <- tcrossprod(X2)

    Tn <- (sum(prod11) - sum(diag(prod11))) / (n1*(n1-1)) +
        (sum(prod22) - sum(diag(prod22))) / (n2*(n2-1)) -
            2 * sum(tcrossprod(X1, X2)) / (n1*n2)

    ## caltrSigmaSq <- function(X, nn) {
    ##   Sigma1Sq <- matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=p)
    ##   for (i in 1:(nn-1)) {
    ##     Xj <- X[i, , drop=FALSE]
    ##     for (j in (i+1):nn) {
    ##       Xk <- X[j, , drop=FALSE]
    ##       Xbar_jk <- colMeans(X[-c(i,j), ])
    ##       Sigma1Sq <- Sigma1Sq +
    ##           t(Xj - Xbar_jk) %*% Xj %*% t(Xk - Xbar_jk) %*% Xk
    ##     }
    ##   }
    ##   1/(nn*(nn-1)) * 2*sum(diag(Sigma1Sq))
    ## }

    ## trSigma1Sq <- caltrSigmaSq(X1, n1)
    ## trSigma2Sq <- caltrSigmaSq(X2, n2)

    ## Sigma12 <- matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=p)
    ## for (j in 1:n1) {
    ##   X1j <- X1[j, , drop=FALSE]
    ##   X1bar_j <- colMeans(X1[-j, ])
    ##   for (k in 1:n2) {
    ##     X2k <- X2[k, , drop=FALSE]
    ##     X2bar_k <- colMeans(X2[-k, ])
    ##     Sigma12 <- Sigma12 +
    ##         t(X1j - X1bar_j) %*% X1j %*% t(X2k - X2bar_k) %*% X2k
    ##   }
    ## }

    ## trSigma12 <- 1/(n1*n2) * sum(diag(Sigma12))

    trSigma1Sq <- caltrSigmaSqC(X1, n1, p)
    trSigma2Sq <- caltrSigmaSqC(X2, n2, p)
    trSigma12 <- caltrSigma12C(X1, X2, n1, n2, p)

    Var_Tn <- 2/(n1*(n1-1)) * trSigma1Sq + 2/(n2*(n2-1)) * trSigma2Sq +
        4/(n1*n2) * trSigma12

    Z_Tn <- Tn / sqrt(Var_Tn)
    pZ_Tn <- pnorm(Z_Tn, lower.tail=FALSE)

    list(statistics=Z_Tn, pval=pZ_Tn,
         nobs=c(n1=n1, n2=n2), nvar=p,
         rejected=pZ_Tn < alpha, method=method)

qpsy/hotelhd documentation built on May 26, 2019, 12:34 p.m.