
Defines functions QuantitativeDescriptors NodeQuantitativeDescriptors Omnivory Omnivores IsOmnivore MeanMaximumTrophicSimilarity TrophicSimilarity MinimiseSumConsumerGaps MinimiseSumDietGaps .MinimisePredationMatrixGaps SumConsumerGaps SumDietGaps .SumPredationMatrixGap CharacteristicPathLength ShortestPaths FractionConnectedNodes FractionIsolatedNodes FractionIntermediateNodes FractionNonTopLevelNodes FractionTopLevelNodes FractionNonBasalNodes FractionBasalNodes RemoveCannibalisticLinks .DoLinksExist TrophicLinksForNodes TrophicSpecies TrophicHeight LongWeightedTrophicLevel LongestTrophicLevel ShortWeightedTrophicLevel ShortestTrophicLevel TrophicLevels FlowBasedTrophicLevel PreyAveragedTrophicLevel .MatrixInversionTL FractionCannibalistic Cannibals IsCannibal DirectedConnectance DegreeDistribution Degree LinkageDensity NumberOfTrophicLinks ResourcesAndConsumersByNode ConsumersOfNodes ConsumersByNode ResourcesOfNodes ResourcesByNode ConnectedNodes IsConnectedNode IsolatedNodes IsIsolatedNode IntermediateNodes IsIntermediateNode NonTopLevelNodes IsNonTopLevelNode TopLevelNodes IsTopLevelNode NonBasalNodes IsNonBasalNode BasalNodes IsBasalNode NormalisedTrophicVulnerability NumberOfConsumers NormalisedTrophicGenerality NumberOfResources PredationMatrix .ResolveTrophicLinksToRowIndices .ResolveTrophicLinksToNodeNames

Documented in BasalNodes Cannibals CharacteristicPathLength ConnectedNodes ConsumersByNode ConsumersOfNodes Degree DegreeDistribution DirectedConnectance FlowBasedTrophicLevel FractionBasalNodes FractionCannibalistic FractionConnectedNodes FractionIntermediateNodes FractionIsolatedNodes FractionNonBasalNodes FractionNonTopLevelNodes FractionTopLevelNodes IntermediateNodes IsBasalNode IsCannibal IsConnectedNode IsIntermediateNode IsIsolatedNode IsNonBasalNode IsNonTopLevelNode IsolatedNodes IsOmnivore IsTopLevelNode LinkageDensity LongestTrophicLevel LongWeightedTrophicLevel MeanMaximumTrophicSimilarity MinimiseSumConsumerGaps MinimiseSumDietGaps NodeQuantitativeDescriptors NonBasalNodes NonTopLevelNodes NormalisedTrophicGenerality NormalisedTrophicVulnerability NumberOfConsumers NumberOfResources NumberOfTrophicLinks Omnivores Omnivory PredationMatrix PreyAveragedTrophicLevel QuantitativeDescriptors RemoveCannibalisticLinks ResourcesAndConsumersByNode ResourcesByNode ResourcesOfNodes ShortestPaths ShortestTrophicLevel ShortWeightedTrophicLevel SumConsumerGaps SumDietGaps TopLevelNodes TrophicHeight TrophicLevels TrophicLinksForNodes TrophicSimilarity TrophicSpecies

# Community functions that operate on trophic links
.ResolveTrophicLinksToNodeNames <- function(community, links)
    # Returns a matrix with the columns 'resource' and 'consumer', both 
    # containing node names. 
    # links should be a matrix or data.frame with columns 'resource' and 
    # 'consumer'. If either column in links contains characters, they should be 
    # node names. If not characters, they should be integer node indices.
    # The function does not check to make sure that the links are present in 
    # TLPS(community)
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    # Get appropriate columns from links matrix
        stopifnot(all(is.element(c('resource','consumer'), colnames(links))))
        links <- links[,c('resource','consumer'),drop=FALSE]
        # Assume first two columns
        links <- links[,c(1,2),drop=FALSE]

    node <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))

    # Get resource and consumer as a node name
    f <- function(values)
            return (as.character(values))
        else if(!is.character(values))
            stopifnot(all(values>0 & values<=length(node)))
            return (node[values])
            return (values)

    links <- cbind(resource=f(links[,1]), consumer=f(links[,2]))
    rownames(links) <- NULL

    bad <- !links %in% node
        stop(paste('The names [', paste(unique(links[bad]), collapse=','), 
                   '] are not nodes', sep=''))

    return (links)

.ResolveTrophicLinksToRowIndices <- function(community, links)
    # Returns a vector of integer indices in TLPS(community) for each row in 
    # links; NA for links that do not exist.

    # links should be a matrix or data.frame with columns 'resource' and 
    # 'consumer'. If either column in links contains characters, they should be 
    # node names. If not characters, they should be integer node indices.

    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    links <- .ResolveTrophicLinksToNodeNames(community, links)

    tlp <- TLPS(community)
    match <- apply(links, 1, function (row)
        l <- which(row[1]==tlp[,1] & row[2]==tlp[,2])

            return (l)
        else if(0==length(l))
            return (NA)
            # If more than one row matches this link, something has gone really 
            # wrong.
            stop(paste('Link from [', row[1], '] to [', row[2], '] appears ', 
                       length(l), ' times in trophic links', sep=''))

    return (match)

PredationMatrix <- function(community, weight=NULL)
    # Returns a predation matrix. Columns and rows are named by node. 
    # Columns are consumers, rows are resource. If weight is NULL, elements 
    # will be either 0 (no trophic link) or 1 (trophic link).
    # If not NULL, weight should be the names of a link property; non-zero 
    # elements of the matrix will contain the value of the weight property.
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    tlp <- TLPS(community, link.properties=weight)
    np <- NPS(community)
    n.nodes <- nrow(np)

    # Create predation matrix
    # Casts to as.integer keep pm as a matrix of integer rather than 
    # numeric, which I think what we want.
    pm <- matrix(as.integer(0), ncol=n.nodes, nrow=n.nodes)
    colnames(pm) <- rownames(pm) <- np$node

        stopifnot(all(tlp$resource %in% np$node))
        stopifnot(all(tlp$consumer %in% np$node))

        # Get numerical indices of resources and consumers
        res <- sapply(tlp$resource, function(n) return (which(n==np$node)))
        con <- sapply(tlp$consumer, function(n) return (which(n==np$node)))

        pm[res + n.nodes * (con-1)] <- as.integer(1)

            pm[res + n.nodes * (con-1)] <- tlp[,weight]

    return (pm)

InDegree <- TrophicGenerality <- NumberOfResources <- function(community)
    # The number of resources of each node
    tlps <- TLPS(community)
        res <- rep(0, NumberOfNodes(community))
        names(res) <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))
        return (res)
        return (with(tlps, sapply(NP(community, 'node'), 
                                  function(n) sum(consumer==n))))

NormalisedTrophicGenerality <- function(community)
    # The number of resources of each node, normalised with 
    # L/S. Williams and Martinez 2000 Nature.
    return ( (1/LinkageDensity(community)) * TrophicGenerality(community))

OutDegree <- TrophicVulnerability <- NumberOfConsumers <- function(community)
    # The number of consumers of each node
    tlps <- TLPS(community)
        res <- rep(0, NumberOfNodes(community))
        names(res) <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))
        return (res)
        return (with(tlps, sapply(NP(community, 'node'), 
                                  function(n) sum(resource==n))))

NormalisedTrophicVulnerability <- function(community)
    # The number of consumers of each node, normalised with 
    # L/S. Williams and Martinez 2000 Nature.
    return ( (1/LinkageDensity(community)) * TrophicVulnerability(community))

IsBasalNode <- function(community)
    # TRUE for those nodes that consume no others, excluding 
    # themselves; will therefore return TRUE for nodes that are cannibalistic, 
    # have no resources and some consumers. Biologically, this should not 
    # happen, but mathematically, it should be accounted for.
    community <- RemoveCannibalisticLinks(community)
    return (0==NumberOfResources(community) & 0<NumberOfConsumers(community))

BasalNodes <- function(community)
    # Names of nodes that consume no others
    return (names(which(IsBasalNode(community))))

IsNonBasalNode <- function(community)
    # TRUE for those nodes that are not basal
    return (!IsBasalNode(community))

NonBasalNodes <- function(community)
    # Names of nodes that consume at least one other
    return (names(which(IsNonBasalNode(community))))

IsTopLevelNode <- function(community)
    # TRUE for those node that are consumed by no others, excluding 
    # themselves; will therefore return TRUE for cannibalistic top level 
    # predators.
    community <- RemoveCannibalisticLinks(community)
    return (0==NumberOfConsumers(community) & 0<NumberOfResources(community))

TopLevelNodes <- function(community)
    # Names of nodes that are consumed by no others, excluding themselves.
    return (names(which(IsTopLevelNode(community))))

IsNonTopLevelNode <- function(community)
    # Cannibalism ignored
    return (!IsTopLevelNode(community))

NonTopLevelNodes <- function(community)
    # Cannibalism ignored
    return (names(which(IsNonTopLevelNode(community))))

IsIntermediateNode <- function(community)
    # Neither basal nor top level. Cannibalism ignored.
    community <- RemoveCannibalisticLinks(community)
    return (0<NumberOfResources(community) & 0<NumberOfConsumers(community))

IntermediateNodes <- function(community)
    # Neither basal nor top level
    return (names(which(IsIntermediateNode(community))))

IsIsolatedNode <- function(community)
    # TRUE for those node with no resource and no consumers
    # Cannibalism ignored
    community <- RemoveCannibalisticLinks(community)
    return (0==NumberOfResources(community) & 0==NumberOfConsumers(community))

IsolatedNodes <- function(community)
    # Nodes with no resources and no consumers
    return (names(which(IsIsolatedNode(community))))

IsConnectedNode <- function(community)
    # Cannibalism ignored
    community <- RemoveCannibalisticLinks(community)
    return (!IsIsolatedNode(community))

ConnectedNodes <- function(community)
    return (names(which(IsConnectedNode(community))))

ResourcesByNode <- function(community)
    # A named list of length NumberOfNodes(). Elements are vectors containing 
    # those nodes that are resources.
    tlps <- TLPS(community)
        return (lapply(NP(community, 'node'), 
                       function(n) vector(mode='character')))
        return (with(tlps, lapply(NP(community, 'node'), 
                                  function(n) resource[consumer==n])))

ResourcesOfNodes <- function(community, nodes)
    # Node should be either a vector of names or a vector of integer indices
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    nodes <- .ResolveToNodeIndices(community, nodes)
    r <- ResourcesByNode(community)
        # A vector of resources
        return (r[[nodes]])
        # A list of resource by node
        return (r[nodes])

ConsumersByNode <- function(community)
    # A named list of length NumberOfNodes(). Elements are vectors containing 
    # those nodes that are consumers.
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    tlps <- TLPS(community)
        return (lapply(NP(community, 'node'), 
                       function(n) vector(mode='character')))
        return (with(tlps, lapply(NP(community, 'node'), 
                                  function(n) consumer[resource==n])))

ConsumersOfNodes <- function(community, nodes)
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    nodes <- .ResolveToNodeIndices(community, nodes)
    c <- ConsumersByNode(community)
        # A vector of consumers
        return (c[[nodes]])
        # A list of consumers by node
        return (c[nodes])

ResourcesAndConsumersByNode <- function(community)
    # A named list of length NumberOfNodes(). Elements are vectors containing 
    # those nodes that are either resources or consumers.
    rc <- mapply(c, ResourcesByNode(community), ConsumersByNode(community), 
    return (lapply(rc, unique))

NumberOfTrophicLinks <- function(community)
    # The total number of links in the web.
    tlps <- TLPS(community)
    if(is.null(tlps))   return (0)
    else                return (nrow(tlps))

LinkageDensity <- function(community)
    # The number of links per node
    return (NumberOfTrophicLinks(community) / NumberOfNodes(community))

Degree <- function(community)
    # A vector of length NumberOfNodes() containing the number of links
    # for each node. Food web links are directed so cannibalistic links 
    # count twice.
    return (InDegree(community) + OutDegree(community))

DegreeDistribution <- function(community, cumulative=FALSE)
    # A vector of proportions of nodes with 0:max(degree) trophic 
    # links. 
    degree <- Degree(community)
    dd <- tabulate(factor(degree, levels=0:max(degree)))
    names(dd) <- 0:max(degree)
    dd <- dd / sum(dd)

        dd <- rev(cumsum(rev(dd)))

    return (dd)

DirectedConnectance <- function(community)
    # Martinez 1992 Ecological Monographs
    return (NumberOfTrophicLinks(community) / NumberOfNodes(community)^2)

IsCannibal <- function(community)
    # TRUE if the node is a consumer of itself
    tlps <- TLPS(community)
        res <- rep(FALSE, NumberOfNodes(community))
        names(res) <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))
        return (res)
        return (with(tlps, sapply(NP(community, 'node'), 
                                function(n) 1==sum(resource==n & consumer==n))))

Cannibals <- function(community)
    # The names of those nodes which consume themselves
    return (names(which(IsCannibal(community))))

FractionCannibalistic <- function(community)
    n <- IsCannibal(community)
    return (sum(n)/length(n))

.MatrixInversionTL <- function(community, weight.by, include.isolated)
    # Returns a vector of trophic levels. If the trophic levels can not be 
    # computed then there is a problem with the community's network topology 
    # (see comment from Rich below), in which case all elements of the 
    # returned vector will be NA. 

    # Use the method described in Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, Limits 
    # to Trophic Levels and Omnivory in Complex Food Webs: Theory and Data. 
    # Algorithm proposed by Levine 1980 J Theor Biol, Several measures of 
    # trophic structure applicable to complex food webs

    # weight.by should be either NULL or the name of a trophic link property 
    # or function that gives diet fraction or similar. 
    # If weight.by is NULL, the returned values are 'prey-averaged TL' 
    # (Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat. If weight.by is not NULL, 
    # returned values are 'flow-based TL'.

    # This method is quick and easy and accounts for flows through loops. 

        tl <- rep(NA, NumberOfNodes(community))
        names(tl) <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))
        # If requested by the caller, weighting is added to the matrix by 
        # PredationMatrix().
        # In the absence of weighting / diet fraction information weight 
        # each link will be equally weighted.
        pm <- PredationMatrix(community, weight=weight.by)

        # The algorithm needs consumers on rows
        W <- t(pm)

        # Make each row sum to one.
        rs <- rowSums(W)
        W <- W / matrix(rs, ncol=ncol(W), nrow=nrow(W))
        W[0==rs,] <- 0      # Fix NA resulting from div by zero

        # Identity matrix
        I <- diag(ncol(W))

        # Invert the matrix. From Rich 2011-08-17: "If this matrix inversion 
        # fails, there is an important problem with the network topology. 
        # For a food web to be energetically feasible, every node must be 
        # connected to a basal node. When the inversion fails it is because 
        # there is at least one node that has no connection to a basal node."
        result <- tryCatch(solve(I-W), error = function(e) e)

        if('error' %in% class(result))
            tl <- rep(NA, ncol(pm))
            names(tl) <- colnames(pm)
            # Returned vector is named by node
            tl <- rowSums(result)   # Isolated nodes have tl of 1

                tl[IsolatedNodes(community)] <- NA

    return (tl)

PreyAveragedTrophicLevel <- function(community, include.isolated=TRUE)

    # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
    # "Prey-averaged TL is equal to 1 + the mean TL of all the consumer's 
    #  trophic resources TLj =  1 + sum{i=1 to s} l_{ij} TL_i / n_j
    #  where nj is the number of prey species in the diet of species j. 
    #  This equation is equivalent to equation (1) [flow-based trophic level], 
    #  with each nonzero link strength pij p 1/nj, which assumes that a consumer 
    #  consumes all its prey species equally. "
    return (.MatrixInversionTL(community, weight.by=NULL, 

FlowBasedTrophicLevel <- function(community, weight.by, include.isolated=TRUE)
    # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
    # Flow-based trophic level
    return (.MatrixInversionTL(community, weight.by=weight.by, 
TrophicLevels <- function(community, weight.by=NULL, include.isolated=TRUE)
    # Returns a matrix of either six or seven different measures of trophic 
    # level: the matrix-inversion method of PreyAveragedTrophicLevel, 
    # the matrix-inversion method of FlowBasedTrophicLevel (if weight is not 
    # NULL) and the five chain-position methods.
    patl <- PreyAveragedTrophicLevel(community, 
    fbtl <- NULL
        fbtl <- FlowBasedTrophicLevel(community, weight.by=weight.by, 

    # The following measures of trophic level are computed using the 
    # position of nodes in each unique food chain.
    chain.stats <- TrophicChainsStats(community)

    S <- NumberOfNodes(community)
        # If no trophic links or if NumberOfTrophicLinks()>0 but chains is 
        # NULL (will happen if all links are cannibalistic), all trophic levels 
        # are NA
        stl <- swtl <- ltl <- lwtl <- catl <- rep(NA, S)
        # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
        # "Shortest TL is equal to 1 + the shortest chain length from a 
        #  consumer to a basal species."
        stl <- apply(chain.stats$node.pos.counts, 1, function(row)
            if(all(0==row)) NA
            else            min(which(0!=row))

        # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
        # "Short-weighted TL is the average of shortest TL and prey-averaged 
        #  TL. This gives a measure biased toward shorter food chains."
        swtl <- sapply(1:S, function(n) mean(c(stl[n],patl[n])))

        # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
        # "Longest TL is equal to 1 + the longest chain length from a consumer 
        #  to a basal species."
        ltl <- apply(chain.stats$node.pos.counts, 1, function(row)
            if(all(0==row)) NA
            else            max(which(0!=row))

        # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
        # "Long-weighted TL is the average of longest TL and prey-averaged TL. 
        #  This gives a measure biased toward longer food chains. "
        lwtl <- sapply(1:S, function(n) mean(c(ltl[n], patl[n])))

        # I think that Williams and Martinez's Chain-averaged TL is the same 
        # as Jonsson et al's Trophic Height:

        # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
        # "Chain-averaged TL is equal to 1 + the average chain length of all 
        #  paths from a species to a basal species (Martinez 1991; Polis 1991; 
        #  Fussman and Heber 2002)."

        # Jonsson et al (2005) AER, p 8
        # "The trophic position of a species in a food chain is 1 + the 
        #  number of species preceding it in the ordered list of species in the 
        #  chain... Trophic height is the average trophic position of a species 
        #  in all food chains of which it is a part."

        # A additional comment on flow-based vs chain-averaged TL
        # Williams and Martinez (2004) Am Nat, p 460
        # "Flow-based TL and prey-averaged TL are both computed using the 
        #  matrix algebra method of Levine (1980) based on summing an infinite 
        #  geometric series that includes the contributions from all loops. 
        #  In contrast, the computation of chain-averaged TL maintains 
        #  tractability in complex food webs by only passing through a loop 
        #  once (Martinez 1991)."
        catl <- apply(chain.stats$node.pos.counts, 1, function(row)
            if(all(0==row)) NA
            else            weighted.mean(1:length(row), row)

            # Isolated species will have been assigned a TL of NA in the 
            # following measures. Set these to 1.
            i <- IsIsolatedNode(community)
            stl[i] <- swtl[i] <- ltl[i] <- lwtl[i] <- catl[i] <- 1

    return (cbind(ShortestTL=stl, 

# Convenience functions to access just one of the chain-averaged measures
ShortestTrophicLevel <- function(community, include.isolated=TRUE)
    tl <- TrophicLevels(community, weight.by=NULL, 
    res <- tl[,'ShortestTL']
    names(res) <- rownames(tl)
    return (res)

ShortWeightedTrophicLevel <- function(community, include.isolated=TRUE)
    tl <- TrophicLevels(community, weight.by=NULL, 
    res <- tl[,'ShortWeightedTL']
    names(res) <- rownames(tl)
    return (res)

LongestTrophicLevel <- function(community, include.isolated=TRUE)
    tl <- TrophicLevels(community, weight.by=NULL, 
    res <- tl[,'LongestTL']
    names(res) <- rownames(tl)
    return (res)

LongWeightedTrophicLevel <- function(community, include.isolated=TRUE)
    tl <- TrophicLevels(community, weight.by=NULL, 
    res <- tl[,'LongWeightedTL']
    names(res) <- rownames(tl)
    return (res)

ChainAveragedTrophicLevel <- 
TrophicHeight <- function(community, include.isolated=TRUE)
    tl <- TrophicLevels(community, weight.by=NULL, 
    res <- tl[,'ChainAveragedTL']
    names(res) <- rownames(tl)
    return (res)

TrophicSpecies <- function(community, include.isolated=TRUE)
    # Returns a vector containing the trophic species number of each 
    # node in the community. Nodes with identical sets of resources and 
    # consumers are assigned to the same trophic species.

    # If include.isolated is TRUE, isolated node are assigned a trophic 
    # node. If include.isolated is FALSE isolated nodes have a trophic 
    # node of NA.

    #    library(cheddar)
    #    data(Benguela, BroadstoneStream, TL84, TL86, SkipwithPond,YthanEstuary)
    #    for(community in list(Benguela, BroadstoneStream, TL84, TL86, 
    #                          SkipwithPond, YthanEstuary))
    #    {
    #        print(community)
    #        print(system.time(ts <- TrophicSpecies(community)))
    #    }

    #    Benguela containing 29 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.008   0.000   0.009 
    #    Broadstone Stream containing 37 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.008   0.000   0.008 
    #    Tuesday Lake sampled in 1984 containing 56 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.012   0.000   0.012 
    #    Tuesday Lake sampled in 1986 containing 57 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.012   0.000   0.012 
    #    Skipwith Pond containing 37 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.012   0.000   0.012 
    #    Ythan Estuary containing 92 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.032   0.000   0.030 

    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')
    trophic.species = rep(NA, NumberOfNodes(community))
    names(trophic.species) <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))

    remaining <- 1:NumberOfNodes(community)

        remaining <- setdiff(remaining, which(IsIsolatedNode(community)))

    resources <- ResourcesByNode(community)
    consumers <- ConsumersByNode(community)

    trophic.species.number <- 1
        # Consider the first node that has not yet been assigned a trophic 
        # species
        node <- remaining[1]

        # Remove from remaining and assign trophic species number
        remaining <- setdiff(remaining, node)

        trophic.species[node] <- trophic.species.number

        for(t in remaining)
            if(length(resources[[node]])==length(resources[[t]]) && 
               length(consumers[[node]])==length(consumers[[t]]) && 
               all(resources[[node]]==resources[[t]]) && 
                # Remove from remaining and assign trophic species number
                remaining <- setdiff(remaining, t)
                trophic.species[t] <- trophic.species.number

        trophic.species.number <- trophic.species.number + 1

    return (trophic.species)

TrophicLinksForNodes <- function(community, nodes, node.properties=NULL, 
    # Returns a matrix of links in-to and out-of the given nodes. 
    # nodes should be either node numbers or node names. 
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    stopifnot((is.character(nodes) && all(nodes %in% NP(community, 'node'))) || 
              all(0<nodes & nodes<=NumberOfNodes(community)))
        nodes <- unname(NP(community, 'node')[nodes])

    tlp <- TLPS(community, node.properties=node.properties, 
    links <- tlp[tlp$resource %in% nodes | tlp$consumer %in% nodes,,drop=FALSE]
    rownames(links) <- NULL
    return (links)

.DoLinksExist <- function(community, links)
    # Returns TRUE or FALSE for each row in links.
    # links should be either a matrix or a data.frame. 
    # links should contain column called resource and consumer.
    # Values should be either node numbers or node names.
    l <- .ResolveTrophicLinksToRowIndices(community, links)
    return (!is.na(l))

RemoveCannibalisticLinks <- function(community, 
                                     title=paste(CP(community, 'title'), 
                                               '(cannibalistic links removed)'))
    # Returns a copy of community with cannibalistic links removed
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    tlp <- TLPS(community)
        return (community)
        remove <- tlp[,1] == tlp[,2]
        tlp <- tlp[!remove,,drop=FALSE]

        properties <- CPS(community)
        properties$title <- title

        return (Community(NPS(community), trophic.links=tlp, 

FractionBasalNodes <- function(community)
    n <- IsBasalNode(community)
    return (length(which(n)) / length(n))

FractionNonBasalNodes <- function(community)
    n <- IsNonBasalNode(community)
    return (length(which(n)) / length(n))

FractionTopLevelNodes <- function(community)
    n <- IsTopLevelNode(community)
    return (length(which(n)) / length(n))

FractionNonTopLevelNodes <- function(community)
    n <- IsNonTopLevelNode(community)
    return (length(which(n)) / length(n))

FractionIntermediateNodes <- function(community)
    n <- IsIntermediateNode(community)
    return (length(which(n)) / length(n))

FractionIsolatedNodes <- function(community)
    n <- IsIsolatedNode(community)
    return (length(which(n)) / length(n))

FractionConnectedNodes <- function(community)
    n <- IsConnectedNode(community)
    return (length(which(n)) / length(n))

ShortestPaths <- function(community, weight.by=NULL)
    # Returns a matrix of NumberOfNodes square. 
    # Dijkstra's algorithm is used to compute path lengths. 

    #    library(cheddar)
    #    data(Benguela, BroadstoneStream, TL84, TL86, SkipwithPond,YthanEstuary)
    #    for(community in list(Benguela, BroadstoneStream, TL84, TL86, 
    #                          SkipwithPond, YthanEstuary))
    #    {
    #        print(community)
    #        print(system.time(y <- ShortestPaths(community)))
    #    }
    #    Benguela containing 29 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.024   0.000   0.024 
    #    Broadstone Stream containing 37 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.020   0.000   0.018 
    #    Tuesday Lake sampled in 1984 containing 56 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.032   0.000   0.034 
    #    Tuesday Lake sampled in 1986 containing 57 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.032   0.000   0.032 
    #    Skipwith Pond containing 37 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.032   0.000   0.034 
    #    Ythan Estuary containing 92 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.060   0.000   0.067 

    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    # Get the food web as two adjancency lists
    consumers <- .CAdjacencyList(community, ConsumersByNode(community))
    resources <- .CAdjacencyList(community, ResourcesByNode(community))
    pm <- PredationMatrix(community, weight=weight.by)

    n <- NumberOfNodes(community)
    lengths <- as.double(rep(NA, n*n))
    status <- as.integer(-1)
    res <- .C('shortest_paths', 

        # Take the subset of the matrix that we are interested in
        sp <- res$lengths
        dim(sp) <- c(n,n)
        colnames(sp) <- rownames(sp) <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))
    else if(1==res$status)
        stop('Problem with an input parameter')
        stop(paste('Unknown status [', res$status, ']', sep=''))

    return (sp)

CharacteristicPathLength <- function(community)
    # From Williams and Martinez 2002 PNAS:
    # "...characteristic path length, D quantifies the average number of
    # links necessary for information or an effect to propagate along
    # the shortest paths between nodes in a network"
    spl <- ShortestPaths(community)
    spl[is.infinite(spl)] <- NA
    return (mean(spl, na.rm=TRUE))

.SumPredationMatrixGap <- function(community, diet.gap)
    # Stouffer et al (2006) PNAS. Delegate to the C implementation not for 
    # speed but for consistency. 
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')
    pm <- PredationMatrix(community)
        pm <- t(pm)

    n <- as.integer(ncol(pm))
    sum_diet_gaps <- as.integer(0)
    status <- as.integer(-1)

    res <- .C('sum_diet_gaps', 
              as.integer((1:n) - 1),   # Row order, 0-indexed
        stop('Unexpected error')
    else if(0==res$status)
        # C 0-index back to R 1-index
        return (res$sum_diet_gaps)
    else if(1==res$status)
        stop('Problem with an input parameter')
        stop(paste('Unknown status [', res$status, ']', sep=''))

SumDietGaps <- function(community)
    # Stouffer et al (2006) PNAS. Delegate to the C implementation not for 
    # speed but for consistency. 
    return (.SumPredationMatrixGap(community, diet.gap=TRUE))

SumConsumerGaps <- function(community)
    # Zook et al (2011) J Theor Biol. Delegate to the C implementation not for 
    # speed but for consistency. 
    return (.SumPredationMatrixGap(community, diet.gap=FALSE))

.MinimisePredationMatrixGaps <- function(community, T.start, T.stop, c, 
                                         swaps.per.T, trace.anneal, 
                                         diet.gap, n, best)
    # Using Stouffer et al's (2006) PNAS simulated annealing learning method.
    # If diet.gap is TRUE then the sum diet gap is minimized otherwise the 
    # sum in each species' consumers is minimized (ZookEtAl2011JTheorEcol).
    #    library(cheddar)
    #    data(Benguela, BroadstoneStream, TL84, TL86, SkipwithPond,YthanEstuary)
    #    for(community in list(Benguela, BroadstoneStream, TL84, TL86, 
    #                          SkipwithPond,YthanEstuary))
    #    {
    #        print(community)
    #        print(system.time(i <- MinimiseSumDietGaps(community)))
    #        print(paste('Diet gap:',i$sum.gaps))
    #    }

    #    Benguela containing 29 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.144   0.000   0.144 
    #    [1] "Diet gap: 27"
    #    Broadstone Stream containing 37 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.080   0.004   0.083 
    #    [1] "Diet gap: 7"
    #    Tuesday Lake sampled in 1984 containing 56 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.204   0.000   0.204 
    #    [1] "Diet gap: 8"
    #    Tuesday Lake sampled in 1986 containing 57 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.184   0.004   0.185 
    #    [1] "Diet gap: 9"
    #    Skipwith Pond containing 37 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.156   0.000   0.159 
    #    [1] "Diet gap: 31"
    #    Ythan Estuary containing 92 nodes.
    #       user  system elapsed 
    #      0.512   0.000   0.513 
    #    [1] "Diet gap: 262"

    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    stopifnot(c>0 && c<1)
        stop('The community has no trophic links')

    pm <- PredationMatrix(community)
        pm <- t(pm)

    F <- function()
        # Out-params
        sum.gaps <- as.integer(-1)
        best <- as.integer(rep(NA, NumberOfNodes(community)))
        status <- as.integer(-1)

        res <- .C('minimise_sum_diet_gaps', 

            stop('Unexpected error')
        else if(0==res$status)
            # C 0-index back to R 1-index
            best <- res$best + 1
            stopifnot(all(best>0 & best<=NumberOfNodes(community)))
            reordered <- OrderCommunity(community, new.order=best, 
                                title=paste(CP(community, 'title'), 
                                             ifelse(diet.gap, 'diet', 'consumer'), 
                                            'gap minimised to',
            return (list(sum.gaps=res$sum.gaps, 
                         order=unname(NP(community, 'node'))[best], 
        else if(1==res$status)
            stop('Problem with an input parameter')
            stop(paste('Unknown status [', res$status, ']', sep=''))

    res <- replicate(n, F(), simplify=FALSE)
    res <- res[order(sapply(res, '[[', 'sum.gaps'))]
    if(best || 1==n)
        return (res[[1]])
        return (res)

MinimiseSumDietGaps <- function(community, T.start=10, T.stop=0.1, c=0.9, 
                                swaps.per.T=1000, trace.anneal=FALSE, n=1, 
    return (.MinimisePredationMatrixGaps(community, T.start, T.stop, c, 
                                         swaps.per.T, trace.anneal, 
                                         diet.gap=TRUE, n, best))


MinimiseSumConsumerGaps <- function(community, T.start=10, T.stop=0.1, c=0.9, 
                                    swaps.per.T=1000, trace.anneal=FALSE, 
                                    n=1, best=TRUE)
    return (.MinimisePredationMatrixGaps(community, T.start, T.stop, c, 
                                         swaps.per.T, trace.anneal, 
                                         diet.gap=FALSE, n, best))

TrophicSimilarity <- function(community)
    # Martinez 1991 Ecol. Monog. 61, 367-392 p 370.
    # I = c/(a+b+c)
    # where c = number of predators and prey common to the two taxa, 
    # a = number of predators and prey unique to one taxon, and b = number 
    # of predators and prey unique to one taxon. When the two taxa have the 
    # same set of predators and prey, I = 1, When the two taxa have no 
    # common predators or common prey, I = 0.

    rc <- ResourcesAndConsumersByNode(community)
    nodes <- names(rc)
    I <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(nodes), nrow=length(nodes), 
    diag(I) <- 1

        # Inner loop depends upon the community having more than one node
        for(x in 1:(length(nodes)-1))
            for(y in (x+1):length(nodes))
                a <- length(setdiff(rc[[x]], rc[[y]]))
                b <- length(setdiff(rc[[y]], rc[[x]])) 
                c <- length(intersect(rc[[x]], rc[[y]]))
                I[x,y] <- I[y,x] <- c/(a+b+c)

    I[IsolatedNodes(community),IsolatedNodes(community)] <- NA
    stopifnot(all.equal(I, t(I)))
    stopifnot(all(is.na(I)) || 1>=max(I, na.rm=TRUE))
    return (I)

MeanMaximumTrophicSimilarity <- function(community)
    # Williams and Martinez 2000 Nature 404 180-182, p 181.
    # MxSim = 1/S \sum_1^S max(s_{ij}) (i!=j)
    I <- TrophicSimilarity(community)
    diag(I) <- NA    # Exclude diagonal
    return (mean(apply(I, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)))

IsOmnivore <- function(community, level=PreyAveragedTrophicLevel)
    # Species that consume two or more species and have a non-integer 
    # trophic level
    # Polis, G. A. Complex desert food webs: an empirical critique of food web 
    # theory. Am. Nat. 138, 123-155 (1991).
    n.resources <- sapply(ResourcesByNode(community), length)
    tl <- level(community)
    return (n.resources>=2 & 0!=(tl %% 1))

Omnivores <- function(community, ...)
    return (names(which(IsOmnivore(community, ...))))

FractionOmnivorous <- Omnivory <- function(community, ...)
    # The fraction of species that are omnivores
    return (length(Omnivores(community, ...))/NumberOfNodes(community))

NodeQuantitativeDescriptors <- function(community, weight)
    # Bersier et al (2002) Ecology

    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    # A common operation
    vlog2v <- function(v)   v*log2(v)

    b <- PredationMatrix(community, weight)
    bIn <- colSums(b)
    bOut <- rowSums(b)

    # Diversity of inflows and outflows
    HN <- -rowSums(vlog2v(t(b)/bIn), na.rm=TRUE)    # p 2397, eq 5
    HP <- -rowSums(vlog2v(b/bOut), na.rm=TRUE)      # p 2397, eq 6

    # Equivalent numbers of prey and predators
    nN <-2^HN          # p 2397, eq 7
    nN[0==bIn] <- 0
    nP <-2^HP          # p 2397, eq 8
    nP[0==bOut] <- 0

    d.prime <- nN / (nN + nP)            # p 2397, eq 9
    d <- bIn*nN / (bIn*nN + bOut*nP)     # p 2397, eq 10

    # p 2396:
    # Trophic level of a taxon (Yodzis 1989); the characterization we adopt 
    # here is 'one plus the length of the longest chain from the focal taxon
    # to a basal taxon.'
    t <- LongestTrophicLevel(community)
    res <- ResourcesByNode(community)
    o.prime <- -1 + 2^sapply(1:NumberOfNodes(community), function(k)
        # Compute the number of prey taxa located at each trophic level t
        r <- res[[k]]     # Resources of k
        n <- table(t[r])  # The number of resources at each trophic level
        return (-sum(vlog2v(n/sum(n))))

    o <- -1 + 2^sapply(1:NumberOfNodes(community), function(k)
        r <- res[[k]]     # Resources of k
        # Biomass going into k summed by trophic level of resource
        bt <- tapply(b[r,k], t[r], sum)
        return (-sum(vlog2v(bt/sum(bt))))

    # Standardised quantitative G and V, p 2400, eq 28-29
    g.prime <- nN*NumberOfNodes(community) / sum(nN)
    g <- bIn*nN*NumberOfNodes(community) / sum(bIn*nN)
    v.prime <- nP*NumberOfNodes(community) / sum(nP)
    v <- bOut*nP*NumberOfNodes(community) / sum(bOut*nP)

    # Bersier et al table 1
    res <- cbind(NResources=NumberOfResources(community), 
    rownames(res) <- unname(NP(community, 'node'))
    return (res)

QuantitativeDescriptors <- function(community, weight, top.level.threshold=0.99)
    # A common operation
    vlog2v <- function(v)   v*log2(v)

    # Community-level descriptors are derived from the node-level decsriptors

    # TODO prevent double-computation of chains

    np <- NodeQuantitativeDescriptors(community, weight)

    b <- PredationMatrix(community, weight)
    sumb <- sum(b)

    # Diversity of inflows and outflows
    HN <- -rowSums(vlog2v(t(b)/np[,'bIn']), na.rm=TRUE)    # p 2397, eq 5
    HP <- -rowSums(vlog2v(b/np[,'bOut']), na.rm=TRUE)      # p 2397, eq 6

    # See comment at bottom of 2397 about about top-level threshold
    fracT.q.prime <- mean(np[,'d.prime']>=top.level.threshold)
    fracI.q.prime <- mean(0<np[,'d.prime'] & np[,'d.prime']<top.level.threshold)
    fracB.q.prime <- mean(0==np[,'d.prime'])

    fracT.q <- mean(np[,'d']>=top.level.threshold)
    fracI.q <- mean(0<np[,'d'] & np[,'d']<top.level.threshold)
    fracB.q <- mean(0==np[,'d'])

    # Ratios of resources to consumers - p 2398, eq 11 and 12
    NP.q.prime <- 2^(-sum(vlog2v(np[,'nP']/sum(np[,'nP'])), na.rm=TRUE)) / 
                  2^(-sum(vlog2v(np[,'nN']/sum(np[,'nN'])), na.rm=TRUE))

    NP.q <- 2^(-sum(vlog2v((np[,'bOut']*np[,'nP'])/sum(np[,'bOut']*np[,'nP'])), na.rm=TRUE)) / 
            2^(-sum(vlog2v((np[,'bIn']*np[,'nN'])/sum(np[,'bIn']*np[,'nN'])), na.rm=TRUE))

    # Link properties
    # p 2398, eq 13
    LD.q.prime <- (sum(np[,'nP']) + sum(np[,'nN'])) / (2*NumberOfNodes(community))
    # p 2398, eq 14
    LD.q <- (sum(np[,'bOut']*np[,'nP']/sumb, na.rm=TRUE) + 
             sum(np[,'bIn']*np[,'nN']/sumb, na.rm=TRUE))/2

    # p 2398, col 2
    C.q.prime <- LD.q.prime/NumberOfNodes(community)
    C.q <- LD.q/NumberOfNodes(community)

    # ...the sum of the diversity of outflows weighted by the total outflows, 
    # of the diversity of inflows weighted by the total inflows. Phi can be 
    # thought of as the average amount of choice in trophic pathways (Ulanowicz 
    # and Wolff 1991)
    Phi <- sum(HP*np[,'bOut']/sumb) + sum(HN*np[,'bIn']/sumb) # p 2398, eq 16
    m <- 2^(Phi/2) # Effective connectance per node p 2398, eq 15

    # Page 2398, eq 18
    PhiAB <- function(A, B)
        # A and B should be functions that take a community and return node 
        # names or indices.
        A <- A(community)
        B <- B(community)
        bOut <- rowSums(b)[A]
        bIn <- colSums(b)[B]
        return (sum((bOut/sumb) * -vlog2v(b[A,B]/bOut),  na.rm=TRUE) + 
                sum((bIn/sumb)  * -vlog2v(t(b[A,B])/bIn), na.rm=TRUE))

    fracTI.q <- PhiAB(IntermediateNodes, TopLevelNodes) / Phi
    fracTB.q <- PhiAB(BasalNodes, TopLevelNodes) / Phi
    fracII.q <- PhiAB(IntermediateNodes, IntermediateNodes) / Phi
    fracIB.q <- PhiAB(BasalNodes, IntermediateNodes) / Phi

    # Page 2399, top left
    PhiPrime <- sum(HP/NumberOfNodes(community)) + sum(HN/NumberOfNodes(community))
    PhiABPrime <- function(A, B)
        # A and B should be functions that take a community and return node 
        # names or indices.
        A <- A(community)
        B <- B(community)
        bOut <- rowSums(b)[A]
        bIn <- colSums(b)[B]
        s <- NumberOfNodes(community)
        return (sum((1/s) * -vlog2v(b[A,B]/bOut),  na.rm=TRUE) + 
                sum((1/s) * -vlog2v(t(b[A,B])/bIn), na.rm=TRUE))

    fracTI.q.prime <- PhiABPrime(IntermediateNodes, TopLevelNodes) / PhiPrime
    fracTB.q.prime <- PhiABPrime(BasalNodes, TopLevelNodes) / PhiPrime
    fracII.q.prime <- PhiABPrime(IntermediateNodes, IntermediateNodes) / PhiPrime
    fracIB.q.prime <- PhiABPrime(BasalNodes, IntermediateNodes) / PhiPrime

    # Weighted chain lengths, p 2399, eq 19 and 20
    tlps <- TLPS(community, link.properties=weight)
    chains <- TrophicChains(community)

    # The biomass flowing through every link in every chain
    bc <- apply(as.matrix(chains), 1, function(r)
        links <- r[which(""!= r)]
        sapply(2:length(links), function(index)
            tlps[tlps$resource==links[index-1] & tlps$consumer==links[index],3]
    cl.q.prime <- 2^(-sapply(bc, function(b.chain) sum(vlog2v(b.chain/sum(b.chain)))))
    bc.mean <- sapply(bc, sum)/cl.q.prime
    cl.q <- cl.q.prime*bc.mean*nrow(chains) / sum(bc.mean)

    # Quantitative generality and vulnerability, p 2400, eq 24-27
    nT <- length(TopLevelNodes(community))
    nI <- length(IntermediateNodes(community))
    nB <- length(BasalNodes(community))
    G.q.prime <- sum(np[,'nN'])/(nT+nI)
    G.q <- sum(np[,'nN']*np[,'bIn']/sumb, na.rm=TRUE)
    V.q.prime <- sum(np[,'nP'])/(nI+nB)
    V.q <- sum(np[,'nP']*np[,'bOut']/sumb, na.rm=TRUE)

    # Bersier et al table 2
    tlps <- TLPS(community, node.properties=c('IsTopLevelNode', 'IsIntermediateNode', 'IsBasalNode'))
    fracTI <- with(tlps, sum(resource.IsIntermediateNode & consumer.IsTopLevelNode))/nrow(tlps)
    fracTB <- with(tlps, sum(resource.IsBasalNode & consumer.IsTopLevelNode))/nrow(tlps)
    fracII <- with(tlps, sum(resource.IsIntermediateNode & consumer.IsIntermediateNode))/nrow(tlps)
    fracIB <- with(tlps, sum(resource.IsBasalNode & consumer.IsIntermediateNode))/nrow(tlps)
    # This is far faster than ChainLengths
    chains.length <- TrophicChainsStats(community)$chain.lengths
    Qualitative <- c(FractionTopLevelNodes(community), 
                     sum(NumberOfConsumers(community)>0) / sum(NumberOfResources(community)>0), 
                     Omnivory(community, level=ChainAveragedTrophicLevel),

    Unweighted <- c(fracT.q.prime, 

    Weighted <- c(fracT.q, 
    res <- cbind(Qualitative, Unweighted, Weighted)

    rownames(res) <- c('Fraction top level', 
        'Fraction intermediate', 'Fraction basal', 'Ratio resources:consumers', 
        'Link density', 'Connectance', 'Fraction links top:intermediate', 
        'Fraction links top:basal', 'Fraction links intermediate:intermediate', 
        'Fraction links intermediate:basal', 'Mean chain length', 
        'Median chain length', 'SD chain length', 'Max chain length', 
        'Degree of omnivory', 'Generality', 'Vulnerability', 
        'SD standardised generality', 'SD standardised vulnerability')
    return (res)
quicklizard99/cheddar documentation built on July 25, 2024, 10:53 a.m.