
Defines functions cran_pkg_version cran_mirror flag_release as.object_size upload_cran extract_cran_msg submit_cran cran_comments maintainer yesno find_release_questions has_cran_results release

Documented in release submit_cran

#' Release package to CRAN.
#' Run automated and manual tests, then post package to CRAN.
#' The package release process will:
#'   * Confirm that the package passes `R CMD check` on relevant platforms
#'   * Confirm that important files are up-to-date
#'   * Build the package
#'   * Submit the package to CRAN, using comments in "cran-comments.md"
#' You can add arbitrary extra questions by defining an (un-exported) function
#' called `release_questions()` that returns a character vector
#' of additional questions to ask.
#' You also need to read the CRAN repository policy at
#' 'https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html' and make
#' sure you're in line with the policies. `release` tries to automate as
#' many of polices as possible, but it's impossible to be completely
#' comprehensive, and they do change in between releases of devtools.
#' @template devtools
#' @param check if `TRUE`, run checking, otherwise omit it.  This
#'   is useful if you've just checked your package and you're ready to
#'   release it.
#' @param args An optional character vector of additional command
#'   line arguments to be passed to `R CMD build`.
#' @seealso [usethis::use_release_issue()] to create a checklist of release
#'   tasks that you can use in addition to or in place of `release`.
#' @export
release <- function(pkg = ".", check = FALSE, args = NULL) {
  pkg <- as.package(pkg)
  # Figure out if this is a new package
  cran_version <- cran_pkg_version(pkg$package)
  new_pkg <- is.null(cran_version)

  if (yesno("Have you checked for spelling errors (with `spell_check()`)?")) {

  if (check) {
      left = "Building and checking",
      right = pkg$package,
      line = 2
      cran = TRUE, remote = TRUE, manual = TRUE,
      build_args = args, run_dont_test = TRUE
  if (yesno("Have you run `R CMD check` locally?")) {

  if (yesno("Were devtool's checks successful?")) {

  if (!new_pkg) {
    show_cran_check <- TRUE
    cran_details <- NULL
    end_sentence <- " ?"
    if (requireNamespace("foghorn", quietly = TRUE)) {
      show_cran_check <- has_cran_results(pkg$package)
      cran_details <- foghorn::cran_details(pkg = pkg$package)
    if (show_cran_check) {
      if (!is.null(cran_details)) {
        end_sentence <- "\n shown above?"
        cat_rule(paste0("Details of the CRAN check results for ", pkg$package))
      cran_url <- paste0(
        cran_mirror(), "/web/checks/check_results_",
        pkg$package, ".html"
      if (yesno("Have you fixed all existing problems at \n{cran_url}{end_sentence}")) {

  if (yesno("Have you checked on R-hub (with `check_rhub()`)?")) {

  if (yesno("Have you checked on win-builder (with `check_win_devel()`)?")) {

  deps <- if (new_pkg) 0 else length(revdep(pkg$package))
  if (deps > 0) {
    msg <- paste0(
      "Have you checked the ", deps, " reverse dependencies ",
      "(with the revdepcheck package)?"
    if (yesno(msg)) {

  questions <- c(
    "Have you updated `NEWS.md` file?",
    "Have you updated `DESCRIPTION`?",
    "Have you updated `cran-comments.md?`",
    if (file_exists("codemeta.json")) "Have you updated codemeta.json with codemetar::write_codemeta()?",
  for (question in questions) {
    if (yesno(question)) return(invisible())

  if (uses_git(pkg$path)) {
    if (yesno("Were Git checks successful?")) {

  submit_cran(pkg, args = args)


has_cran_results <- function(pkg) {
  cran_res <- foghorn::cran_results(
    pkg = pkg,
    show = c("error", "fail", "warn", "note")
  sum(cran_res[, -1]) > 0

find_release_questions <- function(pkg = ".") {
  pkg <- as.package(pkg)

  q_fun <- pkgload::ns_env(pkg$package)$release_questions
  if (is.null(q_fun)) {
  } else {

yesno <- function(msg, .envir = parent.frame()) {
  yeses <- c("Yes", "Definitely", "For sure", "Yup", "Yeah", "Of course", "Absolutely")
  nos <- c("No way", "Not yet", "I forget", "No", "Nope", "Uhhhh... Maybe?")

  cli::cli_inform(msg, .envir = .envir)
  qs <- c(sample(yeses, 1), sample(nos, 2))
  rand <- sample(length(qs))

  utils::menu(qs[rand]) != which(rand == 1)

maintainer <- function(pkg = ".") {
  pkg <- as.package(pkg)

  authors <- pkg$`authors@r`
  if (!is.null(authors)) {
    people <- eval(parse(text = authors))
    if (is.character(people)) {
      maintainer <- utils::as.person(people)
    } else {
      maintainer <- Find(function(x) "cre" %in% x$role, people)
  } else {
    maintainer <- pkg$maintainer
    if (is.null(maintainer)) {
      cli::cli_abort("No maintainer defined in package.")
    maintainer <- utils::as.person(maintainer)

    name = paste(maintainer$given, maintainer$family),
    email = maintainer$email

cran_comments <- function(pkg = ".", call = parent.frame()) {
  pkg <- as.package(pkg)

  path <- path(pkg$path, "cran-comments.md")
  if (!file_exists(path)) {
        x = "Can't find {.file cran-comments.md}.",
        i = "This file is used to communicate your release process to the CRAN team.",
        i = "Create it with {.code use_cran_comments()}."
      call = call

  paste0(readLines(path, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")

cran_submission_url <- "https://xmpalantir.wu.ac.at/cransubmit/index2.php"

#' Submit a package to CRAN
#' @description

#' This submits your package to CRAN using the web-form submission process.
#' After submission, you will receive an email asking you to confirm submission
#' - this is used to check that the package is submitted by the maintainer.
#' You may prefer to use `submit_cran()` indirectly, by calling [release()]
#' instead. `release()` performs many checks verifying that your package is
#' indeed ready for CRAN, before eventually asking for your confirmation that
#' you'd like to submit it to CRAN (which it does by calling `submit_cran()`).
#' Whether to use `release()` or `submit_cran()` depends on the rest of your
#' development process. If you want to be super cautious, use `release()`, even
#' though it may be redundant with other checks you have performed. On the other
#' hand, if you have many other checks in place (such as automated checks via
#' GitHub Actions and the task list generated by
#' [usethis::use_release_issue()]), it makes sense to use `submit_cran()`
#' directly.
#' @template devtools
#' @inheritParams release
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
submit_cran <- function(pkg = ".", args = NULL) {
  if (yesno("Is your email address {maintainer(pkg)$email}?")) {

  pkg <- as.package(pkg)

  built_path <- pkgbuild::build(pkg$path, tempdir(), manual = TRUE, args = args)

  size <- format(as.object_size(file_info(built_path)$size), units = "auto")
  cli::cat_rule("Submitting", col = "cyan")
    "i" = "Path {.file {built_path}}",
    "i" = "File size: {size}"

  if (yesno("Ready to submit {pkg$package} ({pkg$version}) to CRAN?")) {

  upload_cran(pkg, built_path)


extract_cran_msg <- function(msg) {
  # Remove "CRAN package Submission" and "Submit package to CRAN"
  msg <- gsub("CRAN package Submission|Submit package to CRAN", "", msg)

  # remove all html tags
  msg <- gsub("<[^>]+>", "", msg)

  # remove tabs
  msg <- gsub("\t+", "", msg)

  # Remove extra newlines
  msg <- gsub("\n+", "\n", msg)


upload_cran <- function(pkg, built_path, call = parent.frame()) {
  pkg <- as.package(pkg)
  maint <- maintainer(pkg)
  comments <- cran_comments(pkg, call = call)

  # Initial upload ---------
  cli::cli_inform(c(i = "Uploading package & comments"))
  body <- list(
    pkg_id = "",
    name = maint$name,
    email = maint$email,
    uploaded_file = httr::upload_file(built_path, "application/x-gzip"),
    comment = comments,
    upload = "Upload package"
  r <- httr::POST(cran_submission_url, body = body)

  # If a 404 likely CRAN is closed for maintenance, try to get the message
  if (httr::status_code(r) == 404) {
    msg <- ""
      r2 <- httr::GET(sub("index2", "index", cran_submission_url))
      msg <- extract_cran_msg(httr::content(r2, "text"))
        "*" = "Submission failed",
        "x" = msg
      call = call

  new_url <- httr::parse_url(r$url)

  # Confirmation -----------
  cli::cli_inform(c(i = "Confirming submission"))
  body <- list(
    pkg_id = new_url$query$pkg_id,
    name = maint$name,
    email = maint$email,
    policy_check = "1/",
    submit = "Submit package"
  r <- httr::POST(cran_submission_url, body = body)
  new_url <- httr::parse_url(r$url)
  if (new_url$query$submit == "1") {
      "v" = "Package submission successful",
      "i" = "Check your email for confirmation link."
  } else {
    cli::cli_abort("Package failed to upload.", call = call)


as.object_size <- function(x) structure(x, class = "object_size")

flag_release <- function(pkg = ".") {
  pkg <- as.package(pkg)
  if (!uses_git(pkg$path)) {

  cli::cli_inform(c("!" = "Don't forget to tag this release once accepted by CRAN"))

  withr::with_dir(pkg$path, {
    sha <- system2("git", c("rev-parse", "HEAD"), stdout = TRUE)

  dat <- list(
    Version = pkg$version,
    Date = format(Sys.time(), tz = "UTC", usetz = TRUE),
    SHA = sha

  write.dcf(dat, file = path(pkg$path, "CRAN-SUBMISSION"))

cran_mirror <- function(repos = getOption("repos")) {
  repos[repos == "@CRAN@"] <- "https://cloud.r-project.org"

  if (is.null(names(repos))) {
    names(repos) <- "CRAN"


# Return the version of a package on CRAN (or other repository)
# @param package The name of the package.
# @param available A matrix of information about packages.
cran_pkg_version <- function(package, available = available.packages()) {
  idx <- available[, "Package"] == package
  if (any(idx)) {
    as.package_version(available[package, "Version"])
  } else {
r-lib/devtools documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 5:32 p.m.