
Defines functions SSplotProfile

Documented in SSplotProfile

#' Plot likelihood profile results
#' Makes a plot of change in negative-log-likelihood for each likelihood
#' component that contributes more than some minimum fraction of change in
#' total.
#' @param summaryoutput List created by the function [SSsummarize()].
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @param models Optional subset of the models described in
#' `summaryoutput`.  Either "all" or a vector of numbers indicating
#' columns in summary tables.
#' @param profile.string Character string used to find parameter over which the
#' profile was conducted. If `exact=FALSE`, this can be a substring of
#' one of the SS parameter labels found in the Report.sso file.
#' For instance, the default input 'steep'
#' matches the parameter 'SR_BH_steep'. If `exact=TRUE`, then
#' profile.string needs to be an exact match to the parameter label.
#' @param profile.label Label for x-axis describing the parameter over which
#' the profile was conducted.
#' @param exact Should the `profile.string` have to match the parameter
#' label exactly, or is a substring OK.
#' @param ylab Label for y-axis. Default is "Change in -log-likelihood".
#' @param components Vector of likelihood components that may be included in
#' plot. List is further refined by any components that are not present in
#' model or have little change over range of profile (based on limit
#' `minfraction`). Hopefully this doesn't need to be changed.
#' @param component.labels Vector of labels for use in the legend that matches
#' the vector in `components`.
#' @param minfraction Minimum change in likelihood (over range considered) as a
#' fraction of change in total likelihood for a component to be included in the
#' figure.
#' @param sort.by.max.change Switch giving option to sort components in legend
#' in order of maximum amount of change in likelihood (over range considered).
#' Default=TRUE.
#' @param col Optional vector of colors for each line.
#' @param pch Optional vector of plot characters for the points.
#' @param lty Line type for the likelihood components.
#' @param lty.total Line type for the total likelihood.
#' @param lwd Line width for the likelihood components.
#' @param lwd.total Line width for the total likelihood.
#' @param cex Character expansion for the points representing the likelihood
#' components.
#' @param cex.total Character expansion for the points representing the total
#' likelihood.
#' @param xlim Range for x-axis. Change in likelihood is calculated relative to
#' values within this range.
#' @param ymax Maximum y-value. Default is 10% greater than largest value
#' plotted.
#' @param xaxs The style of axis interval calculation to be used for the x-axis
#' (see ?par for more info)
#' @param yaxs The style of axis interval calculation to be used for the y-axis
#' (see ?par for more info).
#' @param type Line type (see ?plot for more info).
#' @template legend
#' @template legendloc
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template res
#' @template ptsize
#' @template cex.main
#' @template plotdir
#' @param add_cutoff Add dashed line at ~1.92 to indicate 95% confidence interval
#' based on common cutoff of half of chi-squared of p=.95 with 1 degree of
#' freedom: `0.5*qchisq(p=cutoff_prob, df=1)`. The probability value
#' can be adjusted using the `cutoff_prob` below.
#' @param cutoff_prob Probability associated with `add_cutoff` above.
#' @param add_no_prior_line Add line showing total likelihood without
#' the prior (only appears when profiled parameter that includes a prior)
#' @template verbose
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to the `plot` command.
#' @note Someday the function [profile()] will be improved and
#' made to work directly with this plotting function, but they don't yet work
#' well together. Thus, even if [profile()] is used, the output
#' should be read using [SSgetoutput()] or by multiple calls to
#' [SS_output()].
#' @author Ian G. Taylor, Ian J. Stewart
#' @export
#' @seealso [SSsummarize()], [SSgetoutput()]
#' @family profile functions

SSplotProfile <-
           plot = TRUE, print = FALSE,
           models = "all",
           profile.string = "steep",
           profile.label = "Spawner-recruit steepness (h)",
           exact = FALSE,
           ylab = "Change in -log-likelihood",
           components =
           component.labels =
               "Equilibrium catch",
               "Index data",
               "Mean body weight",
               "Length data",
               "Age data",
               "Size-at-age data",
               "Generalized size data",
               "Morph composition data",
               "Tag recapture distribution",
               "Tag recapture total",
               "Initital equilibrium recruitment",
               "Forecast recruitment",
               "Soft bounds",
               "Parameter deviations",
               "F Ballpark",
               "Crash penalty"
           minfraction = 0.01,
           sort.by.max.change = TRUE,
           col = "default",
           pch = "default",
           lty = 1, lty.total = 1,
           lwd = 2, lwd.total = 3,
           cex = 1, cex.total = 1.5,
           xlim = "default",
           ymax = "default",
           xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r",
           type = "o",
           legend = TRUE, legendloc = "topright",
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10, cex.main = 1,
           plotdir = NULL,
           add_cutoff = FALSE,
           cutoff_prob = 0.95,
           add_no_prior_line = TRUE,
           verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    if (print) {
      if (is.null(plotdir)) {
        stop("to print PNG files, you must supply a directory as 'plotdir'")
      # create directory if it's missing
      if (!file.exists(plotdir)) {
        if (verbose) {
          message("creating directory:", plotdir)
        dir.create(plotdir, recursive = TRUE)

    if (length(components) != length(component.labels)) {
      stop("Inputs 'components' and 'component.labels' should have equal length")

    # get stuff from summary output
    n <- summaryoutput[["n"]]
    likelihoods <- summaryoutput[["likelihoods"]]
    if (is.null(likelihoods)) {
        "Input 'summaryoutput' needs to be a list output from SSsummarize\n",
        "and have an element named 'likelihoods'."
    pars <- summaryoutput[["pars"]]
    par_prior_likes <- summaryoutput[["par_prior_likes"]]

    # check number of models to be plotted
    if (models[1] == "all") {
      models <- 1:n
    } else {
      if (!all(models %in% 1:n)) {
        stop("Input 'models' should be a vector of values from 1 to n=", n, " (for your inputs).\n")

    # find the parameter that the profile was over
    if (exact) {
      parnumber <- match(profile.string, pars[["Label"]])
    } else {
      parnumber <- grep(profile.string, pars[["Label"]])
    if (length(parnumber) <= 0) {
      stop("No parameters matching profile.string='", profile.string, "'", sep = "")
    parlabel <- pars[["Label"]][parnumber]
    if (length(parlabel) > 1) {
      stop("Multiple parameters matching profile.string='", profile.string, "':\n",
        paste(parlabel, collapse = ", "),
        "\nYou may need to use 'exact=TRUE'.",
        sep = ""

    # get vector of parameter values
    parvec <- as.numeric(pars[pars[["Label"]] == parlabel, models])
    if (verbose) {
      message("Parameter matching profile.string=", profile.string, ": ", parlabel)
        "Parameter values (after subsetting based on input 'models'): ",
        paste0(parvec, collapse = ", ")

    # get vector of prior likelihoods for this parameter
    par_prior_like_vec <- as.numeric(par_prior_likes[par_prior_likes[["Label"]] == parlabel, models])
    # turn off addition of "Total without prior" line if there is no prior
    # on the parameter being profiled over
    if (all(is.na(par_prior_like_vec))) {
      add_no_prior_line <- FALSE
    par_prior_like_vec[is.na(par_prior_like_vec)] <- 0
    if (all(par_prior_like_vec == 0)) {
      add_no_prior_line <- FALSE

    if (verbose & add_no_prior_line) {
        "Parameter prior likelihoods: ",
        paste0(par_prior_like_vec, collapse = ", ")

    # set x-axis limits
    if (xlim[1] == "default") xlim <- range(parvec)

    # rearange likelihoods to be in columns by type
    # Fixed bug that crashes plot when only a subset of components are listed (Steve Teo)
    prof.table <- data.frame(t(likelihoods[likelihoods[["Label"]] %in% components, models]))
    names(prof.table) <- likelihoods[likelihoods[["Label"]] %in% components, ncol(likelihoods)]
    component.labels.good <- rep("", ncol(prof.table))
    for (icol in 1:ncol(prof.table)) {
      ilabel <- which(components == names(prof.table)[icol])
      # print(names(prof.table)[icol])
      # print(ilabel)
      # print(component.labels[ilabel])
      component.labels.good[icol] <- component.labels[ilabel]

    # calculate total likelihood without any prior on the profiled parameter
    TOTAL_no_prior <- prof.table[["TOTAL"]] - par_prior_like_vec

    # subtract minimum value from each likelihood component (over requested parameter range)
    subset <- parvec >= xlim[1] & parvec <= xlim[2]
    for (icol in 1:ncol(prof.table)) {
      prof.table[, icol] <- prof.table[, icol] - min(prof.table[subset, icol])
    TOTAL_no_prior <- TOTAL_no_prior - min(TOTAL_no_prior)
    if (ymax == "default") {
      ymax <- 1.1 * max(prof.table[subset, ])
    ylim <- c(0, ymax)

    # remove columns that have change less than minfraction change relative to total
    column.max <- apply(prof.table[subset, ], 2, max)
    change.fraction <- column.max / column.max[1]
    include <- change.fraction >= minfraction

    nlines <- sum(include)
    if (verbose) {
        "Likelihood components showing max change as fraction of total change.\n",
        "To change which components are included, change input 'minfraction'.\n"
      print(data.frame(frac_change = round(change.fraction, 4), include = include, label = component.labels.good))
    # stop function if nothing left
    if (nlines == 0) {
      stop("No components included, 'minfraction' should be smaller.")
    component.labels.used <- component.labels.good[include]

    # reorder values
    prof.table <- prof.table[order(parvec), include]
    TOTAL_no_prior <- TOTAL_no_prior[order(parvec)]
    parvec <- parvec[order(parvec)]

    # reorder columns by largest change (if requested, and more than 1 line)
    change.fraction <- change.fraction[include]
    if (nlines > 1) {
      if (sort.by.max.change) {
        neworder <- c(1, 1 + order(change.fraction[-1], decreasing = TRUE))
        prof.table <- prof.table[, neworder]
        component.labels.used <- component.labels.used[neworder]

    # add TOTAL_no_prior to table
    # Note: this is done at this stage rather than when first calculated
    # to avoid dealing with this column while filtering and reordering
    # the other columns
    prof.table <- data.frame(prof.table, TOTAL_no_prior)
    if (add_no_prior_line) {
      component.labels.used <- c(component.labels.used, "Total without prior")

    # define colors and line types
    if (col[1] == "default") {
      col <- rich.colors.short(nlines)
    if (pch[1] == "default") {
      pch <- 1:nlines
    # total without prior matches total (first value)
    if (add_no_prior_line) {
      col <- c(col, col[1])
      pch <- c(pch, NA)

    # make total line wider with bigger points (or whatever user chooses)
    # uses switch() instead of ifelse() because ifelse() doesn't return NULL
    lwd <- c(lwd.total, rep(lwd, nlines - 1), switch(add_no_prior_line + 1,
    cex <- c(cex.total, rep(cex, nlines - 1), switch(add_no_prior_line + 1,
    lty <- c(lty.total, rep(lty, nlines - 1), switch(add_no_prior_line + 1,

    # make plot
    plotprofile <- function() {
        type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = profile.label, ylab = ylab,
        yaxs = yaxs, xaxs = xaxs, ...
      abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
      # optionally add horizontal line at ~1.92 (or other value depending
      # on chosen probability)
      if (add_cutoff) {
        abline(h = 0.5 * qchisq(p = cutoff_prob, df = 1), lty = 2)
        x = parvec,
        y = prof.table,
        type = type,
        pch = pch, col = col,
        cex = cex, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, add = T

      if (legend) {
          bty = "n", legend = component.labels.used,
          lwd = lwd, pt.cex = cex, lty = lty, pch = pch, col = col

    if (plot) plotprofile()
    if (print) {
        plotinfo = NULL,
        file = "profile_plot_likelihood.png",
        plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
        pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize
    out <- data.frame(parvec = parvec, prof.table)
    names(out)[1] <- parlabel
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.