Man pages for ramses-antibiotics/ramses-package
R Package for Antimicrobial Stewardship & Surveillance

antibiotic_icd_indicationsCommon infections and indications for antimicrobial therapy
bridge_spell_therapy_overlap-deprecatedCreate database bridge tables
bridge_tablesCreate database bridge tables
ccsClinical Classifications Software (CCS): map to 4-character...
ccsrClinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR): map to...
clinical_feature_intervalClinical feature: number of clinical observations falling in...
clinical_feature_lastClinical feature: latest clinical observation value
clinical_feature_meanClinical feature: running mean value of a clinical...
clinical_feature_ols_trendClinical feature: temporal trend of clinical observations
collectRetrieve the database record of a Ramses object
computeCompute the database records of a Ramses object
compute_DDDsCompute Defined Daily Doses (DDDs)
connect_local_databaseConnect to (or create) a local DuckDB database
create_mock_databaseCreate a mock database for training/demonstration purposes
create_therapy_episodesRe-create therapy episodes and therapy combinations
download_icd10cmDownload the ICD-10-CM reference file by the US National...
drug_administrationsSimulated antimicrobial drug administrations
drug_prescriptionsSimulated antimicrobial drug prescriptions
EncounterAn S4 class to represent inpatient encounters
get_ATC_nameLook up ATC code name on the WHO website
import_icdImport the International Classification of Diseases from an...
inpatient_diagnosesSimulated inpatient clinical diagnoses
inpatient_episodesSimulated episodes of inpatient care
inpatient_investigationsSimulated clinical investigation results
inpatient_microbiologySimulated microbial culture and susceptibility results
inpatient_wardsSimulated hospital ward movements
load_inpatient_diagnosesLoad inpatient diagnosis records into the warehouse
load_inpatient_episodesLoad episodes of care records into the warehouse
load_inpatient_investigationsLoad observations & investigations into the warehouse
load_inpatient_microbiologyLoad microbiology cultures and susceptibilities into the...
load_medicationsLoad drug prescription records into the warehouse
longitudinal_tableGet the longitudinal_table
map_charlson_comorbiditiesMap ICD-10 to Charlson comorbidities and weights
map_ICD10_CCSMap ICD-10 codes to the Clinical Classifications Software...
map_infections_abx_indicationsMap ICD-10 to common infections and antibiotic indications
MedicationRequestAn S4 class to represent a drug-dose medication request
parenteral_changesGet parenteral antimicrobial therapy sequences
PatientAn S4 class to represent patients
patientsSimulated patients
Ramses-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'Ramses'.
RamsesObjectAn S4 virtual class for Ramses objects
Ramses-packageRamses: R Package for Antimicrobial Stewardship &...
reference_awareEnglish Adaptation of the WHO AWaRe Index
reference_drug_frequencyPrescription frequency abbreviations
reference_loincLOINC codes for clinical investigations and observations
reference_specimen_typeLaboratory specimen type reference table (SNOMED CT concepts)
showShow a Ramses object
TherapyEpisodeAn S4 class to represent episodes of antimicrobial therapy
therapy_table-deprecatedGet the therapy table (DEPRECATED)
therapy_timelineDisplay an HTML antimicrobial therapy timeline
transitive_closure_controlSet parameters for building combination therapy identifiers...
validate_administrationsValidate medication administration records
validate_inpatient_diagnosesValidate inpatient diagnosis records
validate_inpatient_episodesValidate inpatient episode and ward movement records
validate_investigationsValidate records of observations & investigations
validate_microbiologyValidate microbial isolates & susceptibility records
validate_prescriptionsValidate medication prescription records
ramses-antibiotics/ramses-package documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 1:01 p.m.