
Defines functions crrwald.test crrFits terms.crr2 coef.crr deviance.crr logLik.crr BIC.crr AIC.crr extractAIC.crr extractIC

Documented in AIC.crr BIC.crr coef.crr crrFits crrwald.test deviance.crr extractAIC.crr extractIC logLik.crr terms.crr2

### stat functions
# extractAIC.crr, AIC.crr, BIC.crr, extractIC, logLik.crr, deviance.crr,
# coef.crr, coefficients.crr, terms.crr2, terms.crr, crrFits, crrWald.test
# unexported: wald.test

#' \code{crr} model fit statistics
#' @description
#' Functions to assess the quality of fitted \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}}
#' and \code{\link{crr2}} objects.
#' Select multiple types of Akaike or Bayesian (Schwarz) information
#' criterion from a \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}} object to assess the relative
#' quality of models for a given data set.
#' @details
#' \code{AIC} and \code{BIC} are calculated in the usual way. \code{AICc}
#' is the AIC with a correction for finite sample sizes. This assumes that
#' the model is univariate, linear, and has normally-distributed residuals
#' (conditional upon regressors).
#' \code{BICc} is a newly proposed criteria that is a modified BIC for
#' competing risks data subject to right censoring (Kuk, 2013).
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}}
#' @param ic information criterion, one of \code{"AIC"}, \code{"BIC"},
#'   \code{"AICc"}, or \code{"BICc"}; see details
#' @param p an optional penalty term to be multiplied by, \code{k}, the
#'   number of free parameters estimated in each model including the intercept
#'   term
#' @param fit,scale,k see \code{\link{extractAIC}}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{crrFits}}; \code{\link{crrwald.test}}
#' @references
#' Kuk D, Varadhan R. Model selection in competing risks regression.
#' \emph{Stat Med}. 2013 Aug \strong{15};32.
#' @examples
#' crrs <- crr2(Surv(futime, event(censored) == death) ~ age, transplant)
#' crr1 <- crrs[[1L]]
#' crr1$coef
#' coef(crr1)
#' coefficients(crr1)
#' extractAIC(crr1)
#' sapply(crrs, AIC)
#' ## these are equivalent
#' extractIC(crrs[[1L]], p = 0)
#' -2 * logLik(crrs[[1]])[1]
#' -2 * crrs[[1]]$loglik
#' deviance(crr1)
#' crrFits(crr1)
#' crrwald.test(crr1)
#' @name crrfit

#' @rdname crrfit
#' @export
extractIC <- function(object, ic = c('AIC', 'BIC', 'AICc', 'BICc'), p) {
  cl <- object$call
  ic <- match.arg(ic)
  n  <- object[['n']]
  k  <- length(object[['coef']])
  ## get number of events of interest from function call
  ne <- tryCatch(
    sum({object$nuftime} %||% {eval(cl$fstatus) %in% eval(cl$failcode)}),
    error = function(e) {
      if (ic == 'BIC')
          'BIC is approximate: use p = # events of interest', call. = FALSE
  p <- if (!missing(p)) {
    ic <- paste('p', p, sep = '=')
  } else
      AIC = 2,
      BIC = log(ne),
      AICc = 2,
      BICc = log(length(object[['res']][, 1L]))
  res <- p * k - 2 * object[['loglik']]
  if (ic == 'AICc')
    res <- res + 2 * (k + 1) * (k + 2) / (n - k - 2)
  setNames(res, ic)

#' @rdname crrfit
#' @export
extractAIC.crr <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...) {
  extractIC(fit, p = k)

#' @rdname crrfit
#' @export
AIC.crr <- function(object, ...) {
  extractIC(object, 'AIC')

#' @rdname crrfit
#' @export
BIC.crr <- function(object, ...) {
  extractIC(object, 'BIC')

#' @rdname crrfit
#' @export
logLik.crr <- function(object, ...) {
    object[['loglik']], df = length(object[['coef']]),
    class = 'logLik'

#' @rdname crrfit
#' @export
deviance.crr <- function(object, ...) {
  x  <- summary(object)
  dv <- unname(x$logtest[['test']])
  df <- x$logtest[['df']]
  pv <- pchisq(dv, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
  cat('Deviance =', signif(dv, 3L), 'on', df, 'df,',
      format.pval(pv, show.p = TRUE), '\n\n')
  invisible(c(chi.sq = dv, df = df, p.value = pv))

#' \code{crr} model coefficients
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}}
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export

coef.crr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname coef.crr
#' @export
coefficients.crr <- coef.crr

#' \code{crr2} model terms
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{crr2}}
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export

terms.crr2 <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, 'crr2')) {
    message('\'terms\' is not available for a \'crr\' object - try \'?crr2\'')
  terms(attr(x, 'model.frame'))

#' @rdname terms.crr2
#' @export
terms.crr <- terms.crr2

#' \code{crr} model selection table
#' Return several types of fit statistics for a \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}}
#' saturated model compared to the null model. Note that comparisons among
#' models only make sense for ones fit to the same data set.
#' @param ... one or more objects of class \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}}
#' @param p an optional penalty term to be multiplied by, \code{k}, the
#'   number of free parameters estimated in each model including the intercept
#'   term
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{crrfit}}; \code{\link{crrwald.test}}
#' @references
#' Scrucca L, Santucci A, Aversa F (2009). Regression Modeling of Competing
#' Risk Using R: An In Depth Guide for Clinicians. \emph{Bone Marrow
#' Transplantation} (2010) \strong{45}, 1388-1395.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## example, figures, tables from
#' ## http://www.nature.com/bmt/journal/v45/n9/full/bmt2009359a.html
#' bmt <- read.csv('http://www.stat.unipg.it/luca/misc/bmtcrr.csv')
#' bmt <- within(bmt, {
#'   Sex <- relevel(Sex, 'M')
#'   Phase <- relevel(Phase, 'Relapse')
#' })
#' cov1 <- with(bmt, model.matrix(~ Age + Sex + D + Phase + Source)[, -1])
#' m1 <- with(bmt, crr(ftime, Status, cov1))
#' summary(m1)
#' crrwald.test(m1, c(Phase = 'Phase'))
#' ## model selection
#' m2 <- with(bmt, crr(ftime, Status, cov1[, c(4:6)]))
#' m3 <- with(bmt, crr(ftime, Status, cov1[, c(4:6, 7)]))
#' m4 <- with(bmt, crr(ftime, Status, cov1[, c(4:6, 7, 1)]))
#' m5 <- with(bmt, crr(ftime, Status, cov1[, c(4:6, 7, 2)]))
#' m6 <- with(bmt, crr(ftime, Status, cov1[, c(4:6, 7, 3)]))
#' crrFits(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, p = 3)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' with(m2, {
#'   for (ii in seq.int(ncol(res)))
#'     scatter.smooth(uftime, res[, ii], main = names(coef)[ii],
#'                    xlab = 'Failure time', ylab = 'Schoenfeld residuals')
#' })
#' pred <- with(bmt, model.matrix(~ levels(Phase)))[, -1L]
#' pred <- predict(m2, pred)
#' plot(
#'   pred, col = 1:4, lty = 1, ylim = c(0, 1),
#'   xlab = 'Failure time', ylab = 'CIF'
#' )
#' legend(
#'   'top', lty = 1L, col = 1:4, horiz = TRUE, bty = 'n',
#'   title = 'Phase', legend = levels(bmt$Phase),
#'   x.intersp = 0.1, y.intersp = 0.5
#' )
#' }
#' @export

crrFits <- function(..., p) {
  l <- if (islist(..1)) {
    if (inherits(..1[[1L]], 'crr2') & is.null(coef(..1[[1L]])))
      unlist(c(...), recursive = FALSE) else c(...)
  } else {
    if (inherits(..1, 'crr2') & is.null(coef(..1)))
      c(...) else list(...)
  ## drop cox models from crr2 objects
  l <- Filter(function(x) !inherits(x, 'coxph'), l)
    all(sapply(l, inherits, 'crr')),
    ## assert same data was used to fit
    # all(diff(sapply(l, function(x) x[['loglik.null']])) == 0),
    all(diff(sapply(l, function(x) x[['n']])) == 0L)
  null <- l[[1L]]
  null$loglik <- null$loglik.null
  null$coef <- null$call$cov1 <- null$call$cov2 <- NULL
  l <- c(list(null), l)
  n <- length(l)
  # model <- c('Null model', sapply(l[-1L], function(x) x[['call']]))
  model <- sapply(seq_along(l), function(ii)
      if (ii == 1L)
        cat('0: Null Model', '\n')
      else {
        cat(sprintf('%s: Model %1$s call:\n', ii - 1L))
  res <- list()
  res$n      <- vapply(l, function(x) x$n, integer(1L))
  res$loglik <- vapply(l, logLik, numeric(1L))
  res$df     <- vapply(l, function(x) length(x$coef), integer(1L))
  res$k      <- res$df + 1L
  res$`-2logLik`      <- vapply(l, extractIC, p = 0, numeric(1L))
  res$`-2logLik diff` <- res$`-2logLik` - min(res$`-2logLik`)
  res$AIC        <- vapply(l, AIC, numeric(1L))
  res$`AIC diff` <- res$AIC - min(res$AIC)
  res$BIC        <- vapply(l, BIC, numeric(1L))
  res$`BIC diff` <- res$BIC - min(res$BIC)
  if (!missing(p)) {
    res[[sprintf('p=%s', p)]] <- pv <- vapply(l, extractIC, p = p, numeric(1L))
    res[[sprintf('p=%s diff', p)]] <- pv - min(pv)
  res <- as.data.frame(res, check.names = FALSE)
  rownames(res) <- seq.int(n) - 1L
  title <- 'Model selection table\n'
  # model <- sprintf('Model %s: %s', rownames(res), model)
    res, heading = c(title, unlist(model), ''),
    class = c('anova', 'data.frame')

#' Wald test for \code{crr} model coefficients
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}}
#' @param terms a list (optionally named) giving the indices of the
#'   coefficients to test; a list of length \code{n} will perform \code{n}
#'   tests; default is an overall test and each coefficient individually
#'   Alternatively, a (named) vector (or list) of character strings can be
#'   used which will \code{\link{grep}} for each pattern in the coefficient
#'   names; patterns that match multiple terms will be tested as a group, and
#'   only one character string per test will be used
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[aod]{wald.test}}; \code{\link{crrfit}}; \code{\link{crrFits}}
#' @examples
#' crrs <- crr2(Surv(futime, event(censored) == death) ~
#'                age + sex + abo, transplant)
#' ## default is to test all estimates overall and individually
#' crrwald.test(crrs[[1L]])
#' summary(crrs[[1]])$coef[, 'p-value']
#' ## identical ways to call crrwald.test
#' crrwald.test(crrs[[1L]], list(overall = 1:5, Age = 1,
#'                               Sex = 2, ABO = 3:5))
#' crrwald.test(crrs[[1L]], c(overall = '.', Age = 'age', ## or list()
#'                            Sex = 'sex', ABO = 'abo'))
#' @export

crrwald.test <- function(object, terms) {
  assert_class(object, 'crr')
  co <- coef(object)
  nn <- names(co)
  nt <- seq_along(co)
  if (missing(terms)) {
    terms <- c(list(nt), nt)
    names(terms) <- c('Overall', nn)
  if (is.character(unlist(terms)))
    terms <- lapply(terms, function(x) grep(x, nn))
  wald <- lapply(terms, function(x)
    wald.test(object[['var']], co, x)$result$chi2)
  res <- do.call('rbind', wald)
  rownames(res) <- names(terms)

wald.test <- function (Sigma, b, Terms = NULL, L = NULL, H0 = NULL,
                       df = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  ## aod::wald.test
  if (is.null(Terms) & is.null(L))
    stop('One of the arguments Terms or L must be used.')
  if (!is.null(Terms) & !is.null(L)) 
    stop('Only one of the arguments Terms or L must be used.')
  w <- if (is.null(Terms)) {
    Terms <- seq(length(b))[colSums(L) > 0]
  } else length(Terms)
  if (is.null(H0))
    H0 <- rep_len(0, w)
  if (w != length(H0))
    stop('Vectors of tested coefficients and of null hypothesis have different lengths\n')
  if (is.null(L)) {
    L <- matrix(rep_len(0, length(b) * w), ncol = length(b))
    for (i in seq.int(w))
      L[i, Terms[i]] <- 1
  dimnames(L) <- list(paste0('L', as.character(seq.int(NROW(L)))), names(b))
  f <- L %*% b
  V <- Sigma
  mat <- qr.solve(L %*% V %*% t(L))
  stat <- t(f - H0) %*% mat %*% (f - H0)
  p <- pchisq(stat, df = w, lower.tail = FALSE)
  res <- if (is.null(df))
    list(chi2 = c(chi2 = stat, df = w, P = p))
  else {
    fstat <- stat / nrow(L)
    df1 <- nrow(L)
    df2 <- df
    list(chi2 = c(chi2 = stat, df = w, P = p),
         Ftest = c(Fstat = fstat, df1 = df1, df2 = df2,
                   P = pf(fstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)))
    list(Sigma = Sigma, b = b, Terms = Terms, H0 = H0,
         L = L, result = res, verbose = verbose, df = df),
    class = 'wald.test'
raredd/cmprsk2 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 5:34 a.m.