
Defines functions colext.fit colext

Documented in colext

colext <- function(psiformula = ~ 1, gammaformula = ~ 1,
                   epsilonformula = ~ 1, pformula = ~ 1,
                   data, starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, ...)

    K <- 1

    ## truncate at K
    data@y[data@y > K] <- K

    y <- getY(data)
    J <- numY(data) / data@numPrimary

    M <- nrow(y)
    nY <- ncol(y)/J
    n.det <- sum(apply(y > 0, 1, any, na.rm = TRUE))

    fc <- match.call()
    fc[[1]] <- as.name("colext.fit")
    formula <- list(psiformula = psiformula, gammaformula = gammaformula,
                    epsilonformula = epsilonformula, pformula = pformula)
    fc$formula <- as.name("formula")
    fc$bootstrap.se <- fc$covdata.site <- fc$covdata.obs <- fc$data <-
        fc$B <-  fc$psiformula <- fc$gammaformula <- fc$epsilonformula <-
            fc$pformula <- NULL
    fc$data <- as.name("data")
    fc$J <- as.name("J")
    fc$method <- as.name("method")
    #  fc$control <- as.name("control")
    fc$getHessian <- as.name("se")
    fc$se <- NULL
    if(missing(starts)) {
        fc$starts <- NULL
    } else {
        fc$starts <- eval(starts)

    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (length(extras) > 0) {
        existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(fc)))
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) fc[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if (any(!existing)) {
            fc <- as.call(c(as.list(fc), extras[!existing]))

    fm <- eval(fc)

    fm$n.det <- n.det
    opt <- fm$opt
    nP <- fm$nP; M <- fm$M; nDP <- fm$nDP; nGP <- fm$nGP
    nEP <- fm$nEP; nSP <- fm$nSP

    covMat <- invertHessian(opt, nP, se)
    ests <- opt$par
    names(ests) <- fm$mle$names
    fmAIC <- 2 * opt$value + 2 * nP # + 2*nP*(nP + 1)/(M - nP - 1)

    psiParams <- ests[1:nSP]
    colParams <- ests[(nSP + 1) : (nSP + nGP)]
    extParams <- ests[(nSP + nGP + 1) : (nSP + nGP + nEP)]
    detParams <- ests[(nSP + nGP + nEP + 1) : nP]

    psi <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Initial", short.name = "psi",
                            estimates = psiParams,
                            covMat = as.matrix(covMat[1:nSP,1:nSP]),
                            invlink = "logistic",
                            invlinkGrad = "logistic.grad")

    col <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Colonization", short.name = "col",
                            estimates = colParams,
                            covMat = as.matrix(covMat[(nSP + 1) :
                                (nSP + nGP), (nSP + 1) : (nSP + nGP)]),
                            invlink = "logistic",
                            invlinkGrad = "logistic.grad")

    ext <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Extinction", short.name = "ext",
                            estimates = extParams,
                            covMat = as.matrix(covMat[(nSP + nGP + 1) :
                                (nSP + nGP + nEP),
                                (nSP + nGP + 1) :
                                (nSP + nGP + nEP)]),
                            invlink = "logistic",
                            invlinkGrad = "logistic.grad")

    det <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Detection", short.name = "p",
                            estimates = detParams,
                            covMat = as.matrix(covMat[(nSP+nGP+nEP+1):nP,
                            invlink = "logistic",
                            invlinkGrad = "logistic.grad")

    estimateList <- unmarkedEstimateList(list(psi = psi, col = col,
                                              ext = ext, det=det))

    umfit <- new("unmarkedFitColExt", fitType = "colext",
                 call = match.call(),
                 formula = as.formula(paste(unlist(formula),collapse=" ")),
                 psiformula = psiformula,
                 gamformula = gammaformula,
                 epsformula = epsilonformula,
                 detformula = pformula,
                 data = data, sitesRemoved = fm$designMats$removed.sites,
                 estimates = estimateList,
                 AIC = fmAIC, opt = opt, negLogLike = opt$value,
                 nllFun = fm$nll,
                 projected = fm$projected,
                 projected.mean = fm$projected.mean,
                 smoothed = fm$smoothed, smoothed.mean = fm$smoothed.mean)


colext.fit <- function(formula, data, J,
                       starts=NULL, method, getHessian = TRUE,
                       wts, ...)
    K <- 1

    designMats <- getDesign(data,
        formula = as.formula(paste(unlist(formula), collapse=" ")))
    V.itjk <- designMats$V
    X.it.gam <- designMats$X.gam
    X.it.eps <- designMats$X.eps
    W.i <- designMats$W

    detParms <- colnames(V.itjk)
    gamParms <- colnames(X.it.gam)
    epsParms <- colnames(X.it.eps)
    psiParms <- colnames(W.i)

    y <- designMats$y
    M <- nrow(y)
    nY <- ncol(y)/J
    if(missing(wts)) wts <- rep(1, M)

    #  stateformula <- as.formula(paste("~",formula[3],sep=""))

    ## remove final year from X.it
    X.it.gam <- as.matrix(X.it.gam[-seq(nY,M*nY,by=nY),])
    X.it.eps <- as.matrix(X.it.eps[-seq(nY,M*nY,by=nY),])

    nDP <- length(detParms)
    nGP <- length(gamParms)
    nEP <- length(epsParms)
    nSP <- length(psiParms)
    nDMP <-  1

###   ## create linked list of parameters
###   theta.df <- data.frame(parameter = character(), start = numeric(),
###                          end = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
###   theta.df <- addParm(theta.df, "phiParms", nPhiP)
###   theta.df <- addParm(theta.df, "detParms", nDP)

    nP <- nDP + nSP + nGP + nEP  # total number of parameters

    y.itj <- as.numeric(t(y))

    ## replace NA's with 99 before passing to C++
    ## TODO: need better missing data passing mechanism (maybe NaN of Inf?)
    y.itj[is.na(y.itj)] <- 99
    V.itjk[is.na(V.itjk)] <- 9999
    # get ragged array indices
    y.it <- matrix(t(y), nY*M, J, byrow = TRUE)
    J.it <- rowSums(!is.na(y.it))

    V.arr <- array(t(V.itjk), c(nDP, nDMP, J, nY, M))
    V.arr <- aperm(V.arr, c(2,1,5,4,3))

    y.arr <- array(y.itj, c(J, nY, M))
    y.arr <- aperm(y.arr, c(3:1))
    storage.mode(J.it) <- storage.mode(y.arr) <- storage.mode(K) <-

    alpha <- array(NA, c(K + 1, nY, M))

    forward <- function(detParms, phis, psis, storeAlpha = FALSE) {

        negloglike <- 0
        psiSite <- matrix(c(1-psis,psis), K + 1, M, byrow = TRUE)

        mp <- array(V.itjk %*% detParms, c(nDMP, J, nY, M))
        for(t in 1:nY) {
            storage.mode(t) <- "integer"
            detVecs <- .Call("getDetVecs", y.arr, mp,
                             J.it[seq(from = t, to = length(J.it)-nY+t,
                                      by=nY)], t, K,
                             PACKAGE = "unmarked")
            psiSite <- psiSite * detVecs
            if(storeAlpha) alpha[,t,] <<- psiSite[,]
            if(t < nY) {
                for(i in 1:M) {
                    psiSite[,i] <- phis[,,t,i] %*% psiSite[,i]
            } else {
                negloglike <- negloglike - sum(wts*log(colSums(psiSite)))

    backward <- function(detParams, phis) {
        beta <- array(NA, c(K + 1, nY, M))
        for (i in 1:M) {
            backP <- rep(1, K + 1)
            for (t in nY:1) {

                beta[, t, i] <- backP

                detVec <- rep(1, K + 1)
                for (j in 1:J) {
                    if(y.arr[i,t,j] != 99) {
                        mp <- V.arr[,,i,t,j] %*% detParams
                        detVecObs <- .Call("getSingleDetVec",
                                           y.arr[i,t,j], mp, K,
                                           PACKAGE = "unmarked")
                        detVec <- detVec * detVecObs
                if (t > 1)
                    backP <- t(phis[,,t-1,i]) %*% (detVec * backP)

    X.gam <- X.it.gam %x% c(-1,1)
    X.eps <- X.it.eps %x% c(-1,1)
    phis <- array(NA,c(2,2,nY-1,M))
    nll <- function(params) {
        psis <- plogis(W.i %*% params[1:nSP])
        colParams <- params[(nSP + 1) : (nSP + nGP)]
        extParams <- params[(nSP + nGP + 1) : (nSP + nGP + nEP)]
        detParams <- params[(nSP + nGP + nEP + 1) : nP]
        #    psi <- plogis(params[1])
        #    colParams <- params[2:(1+nPhiP)]
        #    extParams <- params[(2 + nPhiP) : (1 + 2*nPhiP)]
        #    detParams <- params[(2 + 2*nPhiP) : nP]

        # these are in site-major, year-minor order
        phis[,1,,] <- plogis(X.gam %*% colParams)
        phis[,2,,] <- plogis(X.eps %*% -extParams)

        forward(detParams, phis, psis) + 0.001*sqrt(sum(params^2))

    if(is.null(starts)) starts <- rep(0,nP)
    fm <- optim(starts, nll, method=method, hessian = getHessian, ...)
    mle <- fm$par

    psis <- plogis(W.i %*% mle[1:nSP])
    colParams <- mle[(nSP + 1) : (nSP + nGP)]
    extParams <- mle[(nSP + nGP + 1) : (nSP + nGP + nEP)]
    detParams <- mle[(nSP + nGP + nEP + 1) : nP]

    ## computed projected estimates
    phis[,1,,] <- plogis(X.gam %*% colParams)
    phis[,2,,] <- plogis(X.eps %*% -extParams)

    projected <- array(NA, c(2, nY, M))
    projected[1,1,] <- 1 - psis
    projected[2,1,] <- psis
    for(i in 1:M) {
        for(t in 2:nY) {
            projected[,t,i] <- phis[,,t-1,i] %*% projected[,t-1,i]
    projected.mean <- apply(projected, 1:2, mean)
    rownames(projected.mean) <- c("unoccupied","occupied")
    colnames(projected.mean) <- 1:nY

    ## smoothing
    forward(detParams, phis, psis, storeAlpha = TRUE)
    beta <- backward(detParams, phis)
    gamma <- array(NA, c(K + 1, nY, M))
    for(i in 1:M) {
    for(t in 1:nY) {
        gamma[,t,i] <- alpha[,t,i]*beta[,t,i] / sum(alpha[,t,i]*beta[,t,i])
    smoothed.mean <- apply(gamma, 1:2, mean)
    rownames(smoothed.mean) <- c("unoccupied","occupied")
    colnames(smoothed.mean) <- 1:nY

    parm.names <- c(psiParms, gamParms, epsParms, detParms)
    mle.df <- data.frame(names = parm.names, value = mle)
    rownames(mle.df) <- paste(c(rep("psi", nSP), rep("col", nGP),
                                rep("ext", nEP), rep("det", nDP)),
                              c(1:nSP,1:nGP,1:nEP, 1:nDP))

    list(mle = mle.df, opt=fm, nP = nP, M = M, nDP = nDP, nGP = nGP,
         nEP = nEP, nSP = nSP,
         nllFun = nll, designMats = designMats,
         projected = projected, projected.mean = projected.mean,
         smoothed = gamma,
         smoothed.mean = smoothed.mean)
rbchan/unmarked documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 7:51 p.m.