
Defines functions meta_d2

Documented in meta_d2

#' Estimate meta-analytic standardized mean difference across multiple
#' two group studies (all paired, all independent, or a mix).
#' @description
#' `meta_d2` is suitable for synthesizing across multiple two-group studies
#' (paired or independent) with a continuous outcome measure but where not
#' all studies are measured on the same scale, and instead the magnitude of
#' difference for each study is expressed as d_s or d_avg.
#' @details
#' Once you generate an estimate with this function, you can visualize
#' it with [esci::plot_meta()].
#' Each study's effect size should be expressed as:
#'   Cohen's d_s: (comparison_mean - reference_mean) / sd_pooled
#' or
#'   Cohen_'s d_avg: (comparison_mean - reference_mean) / sd_avg
#' To enter d_s, set assume_equal_variance to TRUE
#' To enter d_avg, set assume_equal_variance to FALSE
#' And the d values should all be corrected for bias.
#' The function [esci::CI_smd_ind_contrast()] can assist with converting
#' raw data from each study to d_s or d_avg with bias correction.  It also
#' has more details on calculation of these forms of d and their CIs.
#' The meta-analytic effect size, confidence interval and heterogeneity
#' estimates all come from [metafor::rma()].
#' The diamond ratio and its confidence interval come from
#' [esci::CI_diamond_ratio()].
#' @param data A data frame or tibble
#' @param ds Set of bias-adjusted cohen's d_s or d_avg values, 1 for each study
#' @param comparison_ns Set of comparison_group sample sizes, positive integers,
#'   1 for each study
#' @param reference_ns Set of reference_groups sample sizes, positive integers,
#'   1 for each study
#' @param r optional correlation between measures for w-s studies, NA otherwise
#' @param labels Optional set of labels, 1 for each study
#' @param moderator Optional factor as a categorical moderator; should have k >
#'   2 per group
#' @param contrast Optional vector specifying a contrast between moderator
#'   levels
#' @param effect_label Optional character providing a human-friendly label for
#'   the effect
#' @param random_effects Boolean; TRUE for a random effects model; otherwise
#'   fixed effects
#' @param assume_equal_variance Defaults to FALSE
#' @param conf_level The confidence level for the confidence interval.  Given in
#'   decimal form.  Defaults to 0.95.
#' @inherit meta_any return
#' @examples
#' # Data set -- see Introduction to the New Statistics, 1st edition
#' data("data_damischrcj")
#' # Meta-analysis, random effects, assuming equal variance, no moderator
#' estimate <- esci::meta_d2(
#'   data = esci::data_damischrcj,
#'   ds = "Cohen's d unbiased",
#'   comparison_ns = "n Control",
#'   reference_ns = "n Lucky",
#'   labels = Study,
#'   assume_equal_variance = TRUE,
#'   random_effects = TRUE
#' )
#' # Forest plot
#' myplot_forest <- esci::plot_meta(estimate)
#' # Add a categorical moderator
#' estimate_moderator <- esci::meta_d2(
#'   data = esci::data_damischrcj,
#'   ds = "Cohen's d unbiased",
#'   comparison_ns = "n Control",
#'   reference_ns = "n Lucky",
#'   labels = "Study",
#'   moderator = "Research Group",
#'   assume_equal_variance = TRUE,
#'   random_effects = TRUE
#' )
#' # Forest plot
#' myplot_forest_moderator <- esci::plot_meta(estimate_moderator)
#' @export
meta_d2 <- function(
  r = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  moderator = NULL,
  contrast = NULL,
  effect_label = "My effect",
  assume_equal_variance = FALSE,
  random_effects = TRUE,
  conf_level = .95
)  {

  # Initialization ---------------------------
  # Create quosures and quonames.
  # Stolen directly from dabestr
  ds_enquo        <-  rlang::enquo(ds)
  ds_quoname      <-  rlang::quo_name(ds_enquo)

  comparison_ns_enquo        <-  rlang::enquo(comparison_ns)
  comparison_ns_quoname      <-  rlang::quo_name(comparison_ns_enquo)

  reference_ns_enquo        <-  rlang::enquo(reference_ns)
  reference_ns_quoname      <-  rlang::quo_name(reference_ns_enquo)

  r_enquo        <-  rlang::enquo(r)
  r_quoname      <-  rlang::quo_name(r_enquo)
  if (r_quoname == "NULL") r_quoname <- NULL

  moderator_enquo        <-  rlang::enquo(moderator)
  moderator_quoname      <-  rlang::quo_name(moderator_enquo)
  if (moderator_quoname == "NULL") moderator_quoname <- NULL

  labels_enquo        <-  rlang::enquo(labels)
  labels_quoname      <-  rlang::quo_name(labels_enquo)
  if (labels_quoname == "NULL") labels_quoname <- NULL

  warnings <- NULL

  # Input checks --------------------------------
  # * data must be a data frame
  #    all rows with an NA a parameter column will be dropped, warning issued
  # * the column ds must exist and be numeric,
  #    with > 1 row after NAs removed
  # * the column comparison_ns must exist and be numeric integers > 0
  #    with > 1 row after NAs removed
  # * the column reference_ns must exist and be numeric integers > 0
  #    with > 1 row after NAs removed
  # * the column r is optional but if passed must be numeric fro -1 to 1 or NA
  # * the column labels is optional, but if passed must exist and
  #    have > 1 row after NAs removed
  # * the column moderator is optional; checks happen in meta_any
  # * contrast should only be passed in moderator is defined; checks in meta_any
  # * effect_label should be a character, checked in meta_any
  # * random_effect must be a logical, TRUE or FALSE, checked in meta_any
  # * conf_level must be a numeric >0 and < 1, checked in meta_any

  # Check that data is a data.frame
  # assume_equal_variance <- TRUE

  esci_assert_type(data, "is.data.frame")

  # ds
  esci_assert_valid_column_name(data, ds_quoname)
  esci_assert_column_type(data, ds_quoname, "is.numeric")
  row_report <- esci_assert_column_has_valid_rows(
    lower = 2,
    na.rm = TRUE
  if (row_report$missing > 0) {
    warnings <- c(warnings, row_report$warning)
    data <- data[-row_report$NA_rows, ]

  # reference_ns
  esci_assert_valid_column_name(data, reference_ns_quoname)
  esci_assert_column_type(data, reference_ns_quoname, "is.numeric")
  if (!all(data[[reference_ns_quoname]] > 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
Some n values in {reference_ns_quoname} are 0 or less.
These are rows {paste(which(data[[reference_ns_quoname]] <= 0), collapse = ', ')}.
  if (!all(is.whole.number(data[[reference_ns_quoname]]), na.rm = TRUE)) {
Some n values in {reference_ns_quoname} are not integers.
These are rows {paste(which(!is.whole.number(data[[reference_ns_quoname]])), collapse = ', ')}.
  row_report <- esci_assert_column_has_valid_rows(
    lower = 2,
    na.rm = TRUE
  if (row_report$missing > 0) {
    warnings <- c(warnings, row_report$warning)
    data <- data[-row_report$NA_rows, ]

  # comparison_ns
  esci_assert_valid_column_name(data, comparison_ns_quoname)
  esci_assert_column_type(data, comparison_ns_quoname, "is.numeric")
  if (!all(data[[comparison_ns_quoname]] > 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
Some sample-size values in {comparison_ns_quoname} are 0 or less.
These are rows {paste(which(data[[comparison_ns_quoname]] <= 0), collapse = ', ')}.
  if (!all(is.whole.number(data[[comparison_ns_quoname]]), na.rm = TRUE)) {
Some n values in {comparison_ns_quoname} are not integers.
These are rows {paste(which(!is.whole.number(data[[comparison_ns_quoname]])), collapse = ', ')}.
  row_report <- esci_assert_column_has_valid_rows(
    lower = 2,
    na.rm = TRUE
  if (row_report$missing > 0) {
    warnings <- c(warnings, row_report$warning)
    data <- data[-row_report$NA_rows, ]

  # r
  if (!is.null(r_quoname)) {
    esci_assert_valid_column_name(data, r_quoname)
    esci_assert_column_type(data, r_quoname, "is.numeric")
    if (!all(data[[r_quoname]] >= -1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
Some r values in {r_quoname} are < -1.
These are rows {paste(which(data[[r_quoname]] < -1), collapse = ', ')}.

    if (!all(data[[r_quoname]] <= 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
Some r values in {r_quoname} are > 1.
These are rows {paste(which(data[[r_quoname]] > 1), collapse = ', ')}.

    check_n <- data[!is.na(data[[r_quoname]]), ]
    if (!all(check_n[[reference_ns_quoname]] == check_n[[comparison_ns_quoname]])) {
Some studies are passed with r but with n for reference and comparison not set the same.
The rows with r but mismatching n are:
{paste(check_n[which(check_n[[reference_ns_quoname]] != check_n[[comparison_ns_quoname]]), ], collapse = ', ')}.


  # labels
  if (is.null(labels_quoname)) {
    data$esci_label <- paste("Study", seq(1:nrow(data)))
    labels_quoname <- "esci_label"
  } else {
    esci_assert_valid_column_name(data, labels_quoname)
  row_report <- esci_assert_column_has_valid_rows(
    lower = 2,
  if (row_report$missing > 0) {
    warnings <- c(warnings, row_report$warning)
    data <- data[-row_report$NA_rows, ]

  # moderator
  moderator <- !is.null(moderator_quoname)
  if (moderator) {
    esci_assert_valid_column_name(data, moderator_quoname)
    row_report <- esci_assert_column_has_valid_rows(
      lower = 2,
    if (row_report$missing > 0) {
      warnings <- c(warnings, row_report$warning)
      data <- data[-row_report$NA_rows, ]

  # Check options
  esci_assert_type(assume_equal_variance, "is.logical")

  report_smd <- TRUE
  correct_bias <- FALSE

  # All other checks happen in meta_any
  # * additional constraints on moderator
  # * contrast
  # * effect_label
  # * random_effects
  # * conf_level

  # Data prep------------------------------------------
  # vector of passed column names
  just_cols <- c(
    if (moderator) moderator_quoname,
    if (!is.null(r_quoname)) r_quoname

  # vector of cannonical column names
  numeric_cols <- c(
    if (!is.null(r_quoname)) "r"
  col_names <- c(
    if (moderator) "moderator"

  # reduce data down to just needed columns with cannonical names
  data <- data[ , just_cols]
  colnames(data) <- col_names

  data$reference_mean <- 0
  data$comparison_sd <- 1
  data$reference_sd <- 1
  numeric_cols <- c(

  # Calculations -------------------------------------------------
  # Get yi and vi for raw scores
    es_data <- as.data.frame(
          X = data[ , numeric_cols],
          MARGIN = 1,
          FUN = apply_ci_stdmean_two,
          assume_equal_variance = assume_equal_variance,
          correct_bias = correct_bias,
          conf_level = conf_level

  res <- meta_any(
    data = cbind(data, es_data),
    yi = "yi",
    vi = "vi",
    moderator = !!if (moderator) "moderator" else NULL,
    contrast = contrast,
    labels = "label",
    effect_label = effect_label,
    effect_size_name = if(assume_equal_variance)"d_s" else "d_avg",
    moderator_variable_name = if (moderator) moderator_quoname else "My moderator",
    random_effects = random_effects,
    conf_level = conf_level

  data$label <- NULL
  data$moderator <- NULL
  data$reference_mean <- NULL
  data$comparison_mean <- NULL
  data$reference_sd <- NULL
  data$comparison_sd <- NULL
  if (is.null(r_quoname)) data$r <- NA
  data$df <- es_data$df
  data$p <- es_data$p

  res$raw_data <- cbind(res$raw_data, es_data[ , c("LL", "UL")], data)

  res$warnings <- c(res$warnings, warnings)

  # Effect size labels

  res$properties$effect_size_name <- if(assume_equal_variance)"d_s" else "d_avg"

  res$properties$effect_size_name_html <- if(assume_equal_variance) "<i>d</i><sub>s</sub>" else "<i>d</i><sub>avg</sub>"

  res$properties$effect_size_name_ggplot <- if(assume_equal_variance) "*d*<sub>s</sub>" else "*d*<sub>avg</sub>"

rcalinjageman/esci documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:30 p.m.