# Functions associated with loading external datasets through ReactomeGSA ------------------------------------
#' find_public_datasets
#' Search for a public dataset in the resources supported
#' by ReactomeGSA as external data sources.
#' @param search_term The search terms as a single string. Multiple words
#' (seperated by a space) are combined by an "AND".
#' @param species Limit the search to selected species. The complete list of available species can be
#' retrieved through \code{\link{get_public_species}}. By default, entries as limited to
#' human datasets.
#' @param reactome_url URL of the Reactome API Server. Overwrites the URL set in the 'reactome_gsa.url' option.
#' Specific ports can be set using the standard URL specification (for example http://your.service:1234)
#' @return A data.frame containing a list of datasets found through the search.
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # search for any public dataset relating to BRAF in melanoma
#' melanoma_datasets <- find_public_datasets("melanoma braf")
#' # it is also possible to limit this to another species than human
#' melanoma_mouse <- find_public_datasets("melanoma", species = "Mus musculus")
#' # the list of available species can be retrieved using get_public_species
#' all_species <- get_public_species()
#' # datasets can then be loaded using the load_public_dataset function
find_public_datasets <- function(search_term, species = "Homo sapiens", reactome_url = NULL) {
reactome_url <- check_reactome_url(reactome_url)
# create URL safe search terms
search_term <- utils::URLencode(search_term)
species <- utils::URLencode(species)
# fetch the types
datasets <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(reactome_url, "0.1/data/search?keywords=", search_term, "&species=", species))
if(!methods::is(datasets, "data.frame")) {
# re-order the columns
datasets <- datasets[, c("title", "id", "resource_name", "description", "resource_loading_id", "loading_parameters", "web_link")]
#' load_public_dataset
#' Loads a public dataset that was found through the
#' \code{\link{find_public_datasets}} function. The dataset
#' is returned as a Biobase ExpressionSet object.
#' @param dataset_entry The entry of the respective dataset as returned by
#' the \code{\link{find_public_datasets}} function.
#' @param verbose If set to \code{TRUE}, status messages and a status bar are displayed.
#' @param reactome_url URL of the Reactome API Server. Overwrites the URL set in the 'reactome_gsa.url' option.
#' Specific ports can be set using the standard URL specification (for example http://your.service:1234)
#' @return The loaded data as an ExpressionSet object.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # As a first step, you need to find available datasets
#' available_datasets <- find_public_datasets("psoriasis tnf")
#' # have a quick look at the found datasets
#' available_datasets[, c("id", "title")]
#' # load the first one, use the whole row of the found datasets
#' # data.frame as the parameter
#' dataset_1 <- load_public_dataset(available_datasets[1,], verbose = TRUE)
load_public_dataset <- function(dataset_entry, verbose = FALSE, reactome_url = NULL) {
# ensure that the dataset_entry is a data.frame
if (!methods::is(dataset_entry, "data.frame")) {
stop("Error: 'dataset_entry' must be a row of the search result returned by 'find_public_datasets'", call. = FALSE)
# make sure the required columns are present
if (!all(c("resource_loading_id", "loading_parameters") %in% colnames(dataset_entry))) {
stop("Error: 'dataset_entry' must be a row of the search result returned by 'find_public_datasets'", call. = FALSE)
# ensure that only one dataset is passed
if (nrow(dataset_entry) != 1) {
stop("Error: Only one dataset can be loaded at a time.", call. = FALSE)
reactome_url <- check_reactome_url(reactome_url)
# create the URL
loading_url <- paste0(reactome_url, "0.1/data/load/", dataset_entry[, "resource_loading_id"])
# create the json request
json_request <- jsonlite::toJSON(dataset_entry$loading_parameters[[1]], pretty=FALSE)
# submit the request
request <- httr::POST(loading_url, body = json_request, httr::content_type("application/json"))
# wait until the dataset is ready
wait_for_loading_dataset(request, verbose, reactome_url)
# get the data
data <- fetch_public_data(dataset_entry, reactome_url)
#' fetch_public_data
#' Loads an already available public dataset from ReactomeGSA
#' and returns it as a Biobase::ExpressionSet object.
#' @param dataset_entry The entry of the respective dataset as returned by
#' the \code{\link{find_public_datasets}} function.
#' @param reactome_url URL of the Reactome API Server. Overwrites the URL set in the 'reactome_gsa.url' option.
#' Specific ports can be set using the standard URL specification (for example http://your.service:1234)
#' @return The loaded data as an ExpressionSet object.
#' @import httr
#' @importClassesFrom Biobase AnnotatedDataFrame ExpressionSet MIAME
fetch_public_data <- function(dataset_entry, reactome_url) {
# create the request
loading_url <- paste0(reactome_url, "0.1/data/download/", dataset_entry$id)
loaded_data <- list()
for (data_type in c("expr", "meta")) {
request <- httr::GET(paste0(loading_url, "?format=", data_type))
# test if the request worked
if (httr::status_code(request) != 200) {
return_content <- httr::content(request, "text")
if (substr(return_content, 1, 1) == "{") {
error_obj <- jsonlite::fromJSON(return_content)
stop("Request failed (", error_obj[["status"]], " - ", error_obj[["title"]], "): ", error_obj[["detail"]])
} else {
stop("Failed to download data", call. = FALSE)
# Convert the string to a data.frame
tab_string <- httr::content(request, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
df <- utils::read.delim(base::textConnection(tab_string), header = TRUE)
# save the data
loaded_data[[data_type]] <- df
# prepare the phenoData
sample_data <- loaded_data[["meta"]]
rownames(sample_data) <- sample_data[, 1]
pheno_data <- methods::new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = sample_data)
# prepare the expression data
expr_data <- loaded_data[["expr"]]
rownames(expr_data) <- expr_data[, 1]
expr_data[, 1] <- NULL
expr_data <- as.matrix(expr_data)
feature_data <- methods::new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(GeneName = rownames(expr_data), row.names = rownames(expr_data)))
# Create an ExpressionSet
eset <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = expr_data, phenoData = pheno_data, featureData = feature_data)
# Add some meta data
miame_data <- methods::new("MIAME",
name = dataset_entry$id,
title = dataset_entry$title,
abstract = dataset_entry$description,
url = dataset_entry$web_link,
other = list(notes = paste0("Public dataset loaded from ", dataset_entry$resource_name, " through ReactomeGSA.")))
Biobase::experimentData(eset) <- miame_data
#' wait_for_loading_dataset
#' This function loops until the dataset is available. If
#' verbose is set to \code{TRUE}, the progress is displayed
#' in a status bar.
#' @param request The httr request object of the dataset loading request.
#' @param verbose If set to \code{TRUE}, the progress is displayed as a status bar.
#' @param reactome_url URL of the Reactome API Server. Overwrites the URL set in the 'reactome_gsa.url' option.
#' Specific ports can be set using the standard URL specification (for example http://your.service:1234)
wait_for_loading_dataset <- function(request, verbose, reactome_url) {
# test if the request worked
if (httr::status_code(request) != 200) {
return_content <- httr::content(request, "text")
if (substr(return_content, 1, 1) == "{") {
error_obj <- jsonlite::fromJSON(return_content)
stop("Request failed (", error_obj[["status"]], " - ", error_obj[["title"]], "): ", error_obj[["detail"]])
} else {
stop("Failed to submit dataset loading request: ", return_content)
loading_id <- httr::content(request, "text")
# get the status
completed <- get_dataset_loading_status(loading_id, reactome_url)
# create a progress bar
if (verbose) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = 100, format = "Loading dataset [:bar:]", show_after = 0)
if (is.numeric(completed[["completed"]]))
last_message <- completed[["description"]]
# loop until the analysis is done
# this only tracks whether the progress bar reached completion as any update afterwards
# causes an error
is_done <- FALSE
error_count <- 0
while (completed[["status"]] == "running") {
completed <- tryCatch({
get_dataset_loading_status(loading_id, reactome_url)
error=function(cond) {
# simply ignore this the first 10 times
if (error_count < 10) {
error_count <- error_count + 1
# fail if the error count is too high
stop("Error: Failed to connect to ReactomeGSA. Please contact support if this error persists at help@reactome.org", call. = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
current_message <- completed[["description"]]
# only update the message if it's different and the process is still running
if (current_message != last_message && completed[["status"]] == "running" && !is_done) {
last_message <- current_message
# only update the progress if it didn't reach "1" before, otherwise this throws an error
if (!is_done) {
rel_completed <- as.numeric(completed[["completed"]])
# prevent future progress bar updates
if (rel_completed == 1) {
is_done <- TRUE
#' get_public_species
#' Return the list of found species labels in the
#' supported public data resources
#' @param reactome_url URL of the Reactome API Server. Overwrites the URL set in the 'reactome_gsa.url' option.
#' Specific ports can be set using the standard URL specification (for example http://your.service:1234)
#' @return A vector of species strings.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get the available species
#' available_species <- get_public_species()
#' # inspect the first 1 - 3 entries
#' available_species[1:3]
get_public_species <- function(reactome_url = NULL) {
reactome_url <- check_reactome_url(reactome_url)
species <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(reactome_url, "0.1/data/search/species"))
#' Retrieves the status of the submitted dataset loading request
#' @param loading_id The dataset loading process' id
#' @param reactome_url URL of the Reactome API Server. Overwrites the URL set in the 'reactome_gsa.url' option.
#' Specific ports can be set using the standard URL specification (for example http://your.service:1234)
#' @return A list containing the \code{id}, \code{status} (can be "running", "complete", "failed"),
#' \code{description}, and \code{completed} (numeric between 0 - 1)
get_dataset_loading_status <- function(loading_id, reactome_url = NULL) {
reactome_url <- check_reactome_url(reactome_url)
# get the status - on error return a default status
status_obj <- tryCatch(
jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(reactome_url, "0.1/data/status/", loading_id)),
error = function(e) list(completed = 0, description = "Unknown", status = "running")
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