
Defines functions nmf_update.lnmf nmf_update_R.lnmf

# Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: Local NMF (LNMF)
# @author Renaud Gaujoux
# @created 21 Jul 2009

#' @include registry-algorithms.R

###% \item{\sQuote{lnmf}}{ Local Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. Based on a 
###% regularized Kullback-Leibler divergence, it uses a modified version of 
###% Lee and Seung's multiplicative updates.
###% See \emph{Li et al. (2001)}.}

###% Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: Local NMF (LNMF).
###% The local NMF algorithm is minimizes use the following Kullback-Leibler divergence based objective function:
###% $$ 
###% \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n\left(X_{ij} \log\frac{X_{ij}}{(WH)_{ij}} - X_{ij} + (WH)_{ij} + \alpha U_{ij}\right) - \beta \sum_i V_{ij},
###% $$
###% where $\alpha, \beta > 0$ are some constants, $U = W^TW$ and $V = HH^T$.
###% TODO: add explaination for each terms (see Wild 2002)
###% @references Learning spatially localized, parts-based representation
###% , S.Z. Li, X.W. Hou, and H.J. Zhang.
###% , In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
###% , December 2001
nmf_update_R.lnmf <- function(i, v, data, ...){
	# retrieve each factor
	w <- .basis(data); h <- .coef(data);
	# update H 
	h <- sqrt( h * crossprod(w, v / (w %*% h)) )
	# update W using the standard divergence based update
	w <- R_std.divergence.update.w(v, w, h, w %*% h)
	# scale columns of W
	w <- sweep(w, 2L, colSums(w), "/", check.margin=FALSE)	
	#every 10 iterations: adjust small values to avoid underflow 
	if( i %% 10 == 0 ){
		#precision threshold for numerical stability
		eps <- .Machine$double.eps
		h[h<eps] <- eps;
		w[w<eps] <- eps;
	# return updated data	
	.basis(data) <- w; .coef(data) <- h

nmf_update.lnmf <- function(i, v, data, ...){
	# retrieve each factor
	w <- .basis(data); h <- .coef(data);
	# update H 
	h <- sqrt( h * crossprod(w, v / (w %*% h)) )
	# update W using the standard divergence based update
	w <- std.divergence.update.w(v, w, h)
	# scale columns of W
	w <- apply(w, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
	#every 10 iterations: adjust small values to avoid underflow 
	if( i %% 10 == 0 ){
		#precision threshold for numerical stability
		eps <- .Machine$double.eps
		h[h<eps] <- eps;
		w[w<eps] <- eps;
	# return updated data	
	.basis(data) <- w; .coef(data) <- h

# register the LNMF algorithm
#nmfAlgorithm.lnmf_R <- setNMFMethod('.R#lnmf', objective='KL'
#		, Update=nmf_update_R.lnmf
#		, Stop='connectivity')
#nmfAlgorithm.lnmf <- setNMFMethod('lnmf', '.R#lnmf', Update=nmf_update.lnmf)
renozao/NMF documentation built on June 14, 2020, 9:35 p.m.