Man pages for reptalex/dendromap
dendromap: R package for using time-scaled reference trees to scale microbial phylogenies.

anc_desc_tableGet ancestor-descendant relations a given rc pair
assemble_lineagePlot dendromap object
basal_dominance_filterRemove all (r,c) such that P(r,c)>P(r',c) for some descendant...
contrast_vectorInternal function for computing an ilr balancing element...
dendromapCoarse-grain dataset, X, based on discovered lineage
edge_ancestorsget path of ancestral edges all the way to, but not...
edge_contrastsCreate edge contrast vectors for tree
edge_registryMake registry of edges and number of descendants for quick...
edge_tipsTable of edges and max/min values of descendant tips
filter_statsPlot dendromap object
get_lineageBuild lineage from a given rc_index, using only P <= p_thresh
get_lineage_parBuild lineage from a given rc_index, using only P <= p_thresh
get_lineages_and_statsGet lineages with all lineage F-statistics
get_phylo_groupsGet list of groups defined by phylogeny
get_rc_relationsGet all ancester-descendant relations of rc pairs
global_FstatExtract global F statistic for several Lineages
grow_lineagegrow_lineage from row/col edge pair. internal function for...
incompatible_descendantsFind descendant rc_indexes incompatible with input rc_index
lineage_boxesCoarse-grain dataset, X, based on discovered lineage
lineage_plotFocused of particular lineage
lineage_statsExtract F statistics for all lineages
lstatExtract F statistic for a given lineage
make_rc_tableMake table of row tree,column tree edge pair statistics
merge_twin_sistersIdentify sister row edges with same column edge association &...
plot.dendromapPlot dendromap object
predict.dendromapPredict dataset from dendromap object
rdendromapRandom dendromap object
scan_FstatsScan P-value thresholds, computing global F-statistic for...
simplify_rc_tableRemove (r,c) pairs without ancestors/descendants, and impose...
reptalex/dendromap documentation built on April 19, 2021, 5:13 a.m.