API for ressomlab/INDEED
Interactive Visualization of Integrated Differential Expression and Differential Network Analysis for Biomarker Candidate Selection

Global functions
INDEED Man page
Met_GU Man page
Met_Group_GU Man page
Met_name_GU Man page
choose_rho Man page Source code
compute_cor Man page Source code
compute_dns Man page Source code
compute_edge_weights Man page Source code
compute_par Man page Source code
compute_pvalue_edge Man page Source code
compute_pvalue_edge_fdr Man page Source code
loglik_ave Man page Source code
network_display Man page Source code
non_partial_cor Man page Source code
partial_cor Man page Source code
permutation_cor Man page Source code
permutation_pc Man page Source code
permutation_thres Man page Source code
pvalue_M_GU Man page
pvalue_logit Man page Source code
select_rho_partial Man page Source code
ressomlab/INDEED documentation built on Aug. 3, 2022, 4:45 p.m.