#' @title SoftImpute/SoftSVD matrix factorization
#' @description Fit SoftImpute/SoftSVD via fast alternating least squares. Based on the
#' paper by Trevor Hastie, Rahul Mazumder, Jason D. Lee, Reza Zadeh
#' by "Matrix Completion and Low-Rank SVD via Fast Alternating Least Squares" -
#' \url{http://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.2596}
#' @param x sparse matrix. Both CSR \code{dgRMatrix} and CSC \code{dgCMatrix} are supported.
#' CSR matrix is preffered because in this case algorithm will benefit from multithreaded
#' CSR * dense matrix products (if OpenMP is supported on your platform).
#' On many-cores machines this reduces fitting time significantly.
#' @param rank maximum rank of the low-rank solution.
#' @param lambda regularization parameter for the nuclear norm
#' @param n_iter maximum number of iterations of the algorithms
#' @param convergence_tol convergence tolerance.
#' Internally functions keeps track of the relative change of the Frobenious norm
#' of the two consequent iterations. If the change is less than \code{convergence_tol}
#' then the process is considered as converged and function returns result.
#' @param init \link{svd} like object with \code{u, v, d} components to initialize algorithm.
#' Algorithm benefit from warm starts. \code{init} could be rank up \code{rank} of the maximum allowed rank.
#' If \code{init} has rank less than max rank it will be padded automatically.
#' @param final_svd \code{logical} whether need to make final preprocessing with SVD.
#' This is not necessary but cleans up rank nicely - hithly recommnded to leave it \code{TRUE}.
#' @return \link{svd}-like object - \code{list(u, v, d)}. \code{u, v, d}
#' components represent left, right singular vectors and singular values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' data('movielens100k')
#' k = 10
#' seq_k = seq_len(k)
#' m = movielens100k[1:100, 1:200]
#' svd_ground_true = svd(m)
#' svd_soft_svd = soft_svd(m, rank = k, n_iter = 100, convergence_tol = 1e-6)
#' m_restored_svd = svd_ground_true$u[, seq_k] %*%
#' diag(x = svd_ground_true$d[seq_k]) %*%
#' t(svd_ground_true$v[, seq_k])
#' m_restored_soft_svd = svd_soft_svd$u %*%
#' diag(x = svd_soft_svd$d) %*%
#' t(svd_soft_svd$v)
#' all.equal(m_restored_svd, m_restored_soft_svd, tolerance = 1e-1)
soft_impute = function(x,
rank = 10L, lambda = 0,
n_iter = 100L, convergence_tol = 1e-3,
init = NULL, final_svd = TRUE) {
rank = rank, lambda = lambda,
n_iter = n_iter, convergence_tol = convergence_tol,
init = init, final_svd = final_svd,
target = "soft_impute")
#' @rdname soft_impute
#' @export
soft_svd = function(x,
rank = 10L, lambda = 0,
n_iter = 100L, convergence_tol = 1e-3,
init = NULL, final_svd = TRUE) {
rank = rank, lambda = lambda,
n_iter = n_iter, convergence_tol = convergence_tol,
init = init, final_svd = final_svd,
target = "svd")
# workhorse for soft_impute
solve_iter_als_softimpute = function(x, svd_current, lambda, singular_vectors = c("u", "v")) {
singular_vectors = match.arg(singular_vectors)
if(singular_vectors == "v") {
A = t(svd_current$u) * sqrt(svd_current$d)
B = t(svd_current$v) * sqrt(svd_current$d)
} else {
A = t(svd_current$v) * sqrt(svd_current$d)
B = t(svd_current$u) * sqrt(svd_current$d)
x_delta = x
# make_sparse_approximation calculates values of sparse matrix X_new = X - A %*% B
# for only non-zero values of X
x_delta@x = x@x - make_sparse_approximation(x, A, B)
loss = (as.numeric(crossprod(x_delta@x)) + lambda * sum(svd_current$d)) / length(x_delta@x)
logger$trace("[solve_iter_als_softimpute] calculating first part of result")
first = (x_delta %*% svd_current[[singular_vectors]]) %*% diag( sqrt(svd_current$d) / (svd_current$d + lambda))
logger$trace("[solve_iter_als_softimpute] calculating second part of result")
second = t(A * (svd_current$d / (svd_current$d + lambda)))
res = first + second
data.table::setattr(res, "loss", loss)
# workhorse for soft_svd
solve_iter_als_svd = function(x, svd_current, lambda, singular_vectors = c("u", "v")) {
singular_vectors = match.arg(singular_vectors)
(x %*% svd_current[[singular_vectors]]) %*% diag((svd_current$d / (svd_current$d + lambda)))
# core EM-like algorithm for soft-svd and soft-impute
soft_als = function(x,
rank = 10L, lambda = 0,
n_iter = 100L, convergence_tol = 1e-3,
init = NULL, final_svd = TRUE,
target = c("svd", "soft_impute")) {
target = match.arg(target)
stopifnot(is.logical(final_svd) && length(final_svd) == 1)
is_input_float = inherits(x, "float32")
if(is_input_float) lambda = float::fl(lambda)
tx = t(x)
if(is.null(init)) {
# draw random matrix and make columns orthogonal with QR decomposition
U = matrix(rnorm(n = nrow(x) * rank), nrow = nrow(x))
if(is_input_float) U = fl(U)
U = qr.Q(qr(U, LAPACK = TRUE))
# FIXME - to be addressed after fix in upstream https://github.com/wrathematics/float/issues/27
if(is_input_float) U = fl(U)
# init with dummy values
D = rep(1, rank)
if(is_input_float) D = fl(D)
V = matrix(rep(0, ncol(x) * rank), nrow = ncol(x))
if(is_input_float) V = fl(V)
svd_old = list(d = D, u = U, v = V); rm(U, V)
} else {
# warm start with another SVD
stopifnot(all(names(init) %in% c("u", "d", "v")))
if(length(init$d) > rank)
stop("provided initial svd 'init' has bigger rank than model rank")
svd_old = pad_svd(init, rank)
trace_iter = vector("list", n_iter)
k = 1L
svd_new = svd_old
for(i in seq_len(n_iter)) {
# Alternating algorithm
# 1. calculate for items
logger$trace(sprintf("running iter %d of the %s", i, target))
if(target == "soft_impute") {
B_hat = solve_iter_als_softimpute(tx, svd_new, lambda, "u")
B_hat = B_hat %*% diag(sqrt(svd_new$d))
} else if(target == "svd") {
B_hat = solve_iter_als_svd(tx, svd_new, lambda, "u")
logger$trace(sprintf("running svd on item embeddings %s", paste(dim(B_hat), collapse = "*")))
Bsvd = svd_tall_skinny(B_hat)
svd_new$v = Bsvd$u
svd_new$d = Bsvd$d
# not sure why this line is required
svd_new$u = svd_new$u %*% Bsvd$v
# 2. calculate for users
if(target == "soft_impute") {
A_hat = solve_iter_als_softimpute(x, svd_new, lambda, "v")
A_hat = A_hat %*% diag(sqrt(svd_new$d))
} else if(target == "svd") {
A_hat = solve_iter_als_svd(x, svd_new, lambda, "v")
loss = attr(A_hat, "loss")
if(is.null(loss)) loss = NA_real_
logger$trace(sprintf("running svd on user embeddings %s", paste(dim(A_hat), collapse = "*")))
Asvd = svd_tall_skinny(A_hat)
svd_new$u = Asvd$u
svd_new$d = Asvd$d
# not sure why this line is required
svd_new$v = svd_new$v %*% Asvd$v
#log values of loss and change in frobenious norm
frob_delta = calc_frobenius_norm_delta(svd_old, svd_new)
trace_iter[[k]] = list(iter = i, scorer = "frob_delta", value = frob_delta)
k = k + 1L
trace_iter[[k]] = list(iter = i, scorer = "loss", value = loss)
k = k + 1L
logger$info(sprintf("soft_als: iter %03d, frobenious norm change %.3f loss %.3f ", i, frob_delta, loss))
svd_old = svd_new
# check convergence and
if(frob_delta < convergence_tol) {
logger$info("soft_impute: converged with tol %f after %d iter", convergence_tol, i)
setattr(svd_new, "trace", data.table::rbindlist(trace_iter))
logger$warn("soft_impute: hasn't converged with tol %f after %d iterations - returning latest solution",
convergence_tol, i)
if(final_svd) {
logger$trace("running final svd")
if(target == "soft_impute") {
A = t(svd_new$u) * sqrt(svd_new$d)
B = t(svd_new$v) * sqrt(svd_new$d)
x@x = x@x - make_sparse_approximation(x, A, B)
m = x %*% svd_new$v + t(A) %*% (B %*% svd_new$v)
} else if(target == "svd") {
m = x %*% svd_new$v
m_svd = svd(m)
final_singular_values = pmax(m_svd$d - lambda, 0)
# FIXME cast back to float because there is no pmax/pmin in float at the moment
if(is_input_float) final_singular_values = fl(final_singular_values)
n_nonzero_singular_values = sum(final_singular_values > 0)
if(n_nonzero_singular_values == 0) {
msg = sprintf("regularization lambda=%f is too high - all singular vectors are zero", lambda)
} else {
logger$trace("final rank = %d", n_nonzero_singular_values)
svd_new = list(d = final_singular_values[seq_len(n_nonzero_singular_values)],
u = m_svd$u[, seq_len(n_nonzero_singular_values)],
v = tcrossprod(svd_new$v, m_svd$v)[, seq_len(n_nonzero_singular_values)])
# faster SVD for tall and skinny matrix
# https://image.slidesharecdn.com/nqvq4hvkrfslgqjzv7lm-signature-3cf9294a7bfebfdfcce57e9cc1bcdd5388b43a4e16ef2b29e8c2cab313ecbd3d-poli-150629181710-lva1-app6892/95/advanced-data-science-with-apache-sparkreza-zadeh-stanford-27-638.jpg?cb=1435601886
# https://image.slidesharecdn.com/nqvq4hvkrfslgqjzv7lm-signature-3cf9294a7bfebfdfcce57e9cc1bcdd5388b43a4e16ef2b29e8c2cab313ecbd3d-poli-150629181710-lva1-app6892/95/advanced-data-science-with-apache-sparkreza-zadeh-stanford-28-638.jpg?cb=1435601886
svd_tall_skinny = function(x) {
xtx = crossprod(x)
svd_xtx = svd(xtx)
d = sqrt(svd_xtx$d)
dvt = d * t(svd_xtx$v)
u = x %*% solve(dvt)
list(d = d, u = as.matrix(u), v = as.matrix(svd_xtx$v))
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