
Defines functions loadTrExper

Documented in loadTrExper

#' Load a set of transcripts
#' @description Load a set of experimental transcripts.
#' @param tr character string giving the name of file with experimental
#'     transcripts. Allowed file formats are "fasta", "fa", "gtf" or "gff".
#' @param genome character string giving the name of BSgenome data package with
#'     full genome sequences. Default value is "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38".
#' @param workDir character string giving the path to and name of work
#'     directory. NULL by default that mean the current working directory.
#' @return List of loaded transcript sequences.
#' @author Vasily V. Grinev
#' @examples
#' trans <- system.file("extdata",
#'                      "Set.trans_sequences.fasta",
#'                      package = "ORFhunteR")
#' trans_seq <- loadTrExper(tr = trans)
#' @export

loadTrExper <- function(tr,
                        genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38",
                        workDir = NULL){
    ### Validation of file format.
    ##  Retrieving the file extension.
    frt <- tools::file_ext(x = tr)
    if(frt == "gz"){
        frt <- tools::file_ext(x = gsub(".gz", "", tr))
    ##  Validation of file format.
    if (!frt %in% c("fasta", "fa", "gtf", "gff")){
        stop("Invalid file format")
    ### Full path to the file with experimental transcripts.
    if (!is.null(workDir)){
        tr <- paste(workDir, tr, sep="/")
    ### Loading of experimental transcripts in FASTA/FA format.
    if (frt == "fasta" || frt == "fa"){
        ##  Loading of experimental transcripts as a list of character strings.
        trSeq <- as.list(x=as.character(x=readDNAStringSet(filepath=tr,
    ### Loading of experimental transcripts in GTF/GFF format.
    if (frt == "gtf" || frt == "gff"){
        # Loading of the transcript(-s) as an object of class GRanges.
        trSeq <- sort(x=import(con=tr, format=frt))
        trSeq <- trSeq[trSeq$type == "exon", ]
        #Converting a GRanges object into transcript-splitted GRangesList object
        trSeq <- split(x=trSeq, f=trSeq$transcript_id)
        # Retrieving the sequence(-s).
        trSeq <- lapply(X=trSeq,
rfctbio-bsu/ORFhunteR documentation built on July 16, 2024, 10:40 a.m.