
Defines functions generate_r_class

## There's a really big question here about whether odin is going to
## generate R *code* or *R objects* here.  For now I am generating
## objects and we'll come back and generate code later on.  The latter
## is needed for generating package code for example.
## TODO: The other way of doing this, which might be nicer, is for a
## top-level class and then inject dependencies into it.  We should be
## able to do this with minimal overhead and just as much of the class
## locked down to creation time.
generate_r_class <- function(core, dat, env) {
  self <- private <- NULL # quieten global check: R6 adds these later
  if (dat$features$has_interpolate) {

  if (dat$features$discrete) {
    args <- alist(step = , y = NULL, "..." = , use_names = TRUE, # nolint
                  replicate = NULL)
    call <- list(quote(private$core$run), quote(private$data),
                 quote(step), quote(y), quote(private$n_out),
                 quote(if (use_names) private$ynames else NULL),
                 replicate = quote(replicate),
                 interpolate_t = quote(private$interpolate_t))
  } else {
    args <- alist(t = , y = NULL, "..." = , use_names = TRUE, # nolint
                  tcrit = NULL)
    call <- list(quote(private$core$run), quote(private$data),
                 quote(t), quote(y), quote(private$n_out),
                 quote(if (use_names) private$ynames else NULL),
                 tcrit = quote(tcrit), quote(...),
                 use_dde = quote(private$use_dde),
                 interpolate_t = quote(private$interpolate_t))
  run <- as_function(args, r_expr_block(as.call(call)), emptyenv())

  if (dat$features$initial_time_dependent) {
    set_user <- function(..., user = list(...), unused_user_action = NULL) {
      private$core$set_user(user, private$data, unused_user_action)
      private$core$metadata(self, private)
    ## TODO: we need to have 't' become 'step' for discrete time models
    initial <- function(t) {
      private$core$ic(t, private$data)
  } else {
    set_user <- function(..., user = list(...), unused_user_action = NULL) {
      private$core$set_user(user, private$data, unused_user_action)
      private$init <- private$core$ic(NA_real_, private$data)
      private$core$metadata(self, private)
    initial <- function(t) {

  path_ir <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
  writeLines(dat$ir, path_ir)
  ir_body <- list(
    bquote(json <- readLines(.(path_ir))),
    quote(class(json) <- "json"),

  ## TODO: With a tiny bit of simplification this can be harmonised
  ## with the version in the C: we could _just_ return the path, so
  ## that the body here becomes simply
  ## > r_expr_block(ir_path)
  ## However, we might also move to supporting something more
  ## dust-like for rapid access to parameter infomation too.
  ir <- as_function(alist(), r_expr_block(ir_body), baseenv())

  env[[dat$config$base]] <- R6::R6Class(
    ## TODO: use of 'odin_model' here is somewhat incorrect because
    ## the objects are not really substituable within a class.  This
    ## should probably come from the base name
    parent_env = environment(odin),
    cloneable = FALSE,

    private = list(
      name = dat$config$base,
      core = core,
      data = NULL,
      use_dde = NULL,
      init = NULL,
      interpolate_t = NULL,
      delay = dat$features$has_delay,

      ## These are not obviously the right bit of metadata to keep
      ## All of these might want better names.
      discrete = dat$features$discrete,
      variable_order = NULL,
      output_order = NULL,
      ynames = NULL,
      n_out = NULL

    public = drop_null(list(
      ir = ir,

      ## Methods:
      initialize = function(..., user = list(...), unused_user_action = NULL,
                            use_dde = FALSE) {
        ## TODO: why is 'use_dde' here in the initialiser and not in
        ## the run function?  We could take this as a default?
        ## Nothing looks like that would would be impossible.  Most
        ## likely we will need to support a period of the argument
        ## going here as well, with deprecation.
        private$use_dde <- use_dde || private$discrete
        private$data <- private$core$create()
        self$set_user(user = user, unused_user_action = unused_user_action)
        lockBinding("ir", self)

      set_user = set_user,

      update = if (dat$features$discrete) {
        function(step, y) {
          if (private$delay) {
            stop("Can't call update() on delay models")
          private$core$rhs_dde(step, y, private$data)

      deriv = if (!dat$features$discrete) {
        function(t, y) {
          if (private$delay && is.na(private$data$initial_t)) {
            private$data$initial_t <- t[[1]]
            on.exit(private$data$initial_t <- NA_real_)
          ret <- private$core$rhs_dde(t, y, private$data)
          if (!is.null(private$core$output)) {
            attr(ret, "output") <- private$core$output(t, y, private$data)

      initial = initial,

      run = run,

      contents = function() {

      engine = function() {

      transform_variables = function(y) {
        support_transform_variables(y, private)

  generate_r_constructor(dat$config$base, dat$features$discrete, dat$user,
                         dat$ir, env)

generate_r_constructor <- function(base, discrete, user, ir, env, ...) {
  ## NOTE: dots above are to prevent concern from the static checker
  ## about list(...) below.
  args <- alist("..." = , # nolint
               user = list(...),
               unused_user_action = NULL)

  cl_init <- call("$", as.name(base), quote(new))
  call <- list(cl_init, user = quote(user),
               unused_user_action = quote(unused_user_action))
  if (!discrete) {
    call <- c(call, list(use_dde = quote(use_dde)))
    args <- c(args, alist(use_dde = FALSE))

  deprecated <- bquote(
  body <- r_expr_block(list(deprecated, as.call(call)))
  ret <- as_function(args, body, env)
  if (!is.null(env)) {
    class(ret) <- "odin_generator"
richfitz/odin documentation built on July 5, 2024, 9:32 p.m.