
Defines functions utiml_measure_wlp utiml_measure_mlp utiml_measure_clp multilabel_evaluate

Documented in multilabel_evaluate

#' Compute the confusion matrix for a multi-label prediction
#' The multi-label confusion matrix is an object that contains the prediction,
#' the expected values and also a lot of pre-processed information related with
#' these data.
#' @family evaluation
#' @param mdata A mldr dataset
#' @param mlresult A mlresult prediction
#' @return A mlconfmat object that contains:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{Z}{The bipartition matrix prediction.}
#'    \item{Fx}{The score/probability matrix prediction.}
#'    \item{R}{The ranking matrix prediction.}
#'    \item{Y}{The expected matrix bipartition.}
#'    \item{TP}{The True Positive matrix values.}
#'    \item{FP}{The False Positive matrix values.}
#'    \item{TN}{The True Negative matrix values.}
#'    \item{FN}{The False Negative matrix values.}
#'    \item{Zi}{The total of positive predictions for each instance.}
#'    \item{Yi}{The total of positive expected for each instance.}
#'    \item{TPi}{The total of True Positive predictions for each instance.}
#'    \item{FPi}{The total of False Positive predictions for each instance.}
#'    \item{TNi}{The total of True Negative predictions for each instance.}
#'    \item{FNi}{The total False Negative predictions for each instance.}
#'    \item{Zl}{The total of positive predictions for each label.}
#'    \item{Yl}{The total of positive expected for each label.}
#'    \item{TPl}{The total of True Positive predictions for each label.}
#'    \item{FPl}{The total of False Positive predictions for each label.}
#'    \item{TNl}{The total of True Negative predictions for each label.}
#'    \item{FNl}{The total False Negative predictions for each label.}
#'  }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' prediction <- predict(br(toyml), toyml)
#' mlconfmat <- multilabel_confusion_matrix(toyml, prediction)
#' # Label with the most number of True Positive values
#' which.max(mlconfmat$TPl)
#' # Number of wrong predictions for each label
#' errors <- mlconfmat$FPl + mlconfmat$FNl
#' # Examples predict with all labels
#' which(mlconfmat$Zi == toyml$measures$num.labels)
#' # You can join one or more mlconfmat
#' part1 <- create_subset(toyml, 1:50)
#' part2 <- create_subset(toyml, 51:100)
#' confmatp1 <- multilabel_confusion_matrix(part1, prediction[1:50, ])
#' confmatp2 <- multilabel_confusion_matrix(part2, prediction[51:100, ])
#' mlconfmat <- confmatp1 + confmatp2
#' }
multilabel_confusion_matrix <- function (mdata, mlresult) {
  mdim <- c(mdata$measures$num.instances, mdata$measures$num.labels)
  if (any(mdim != dim(mlresult))) {
    stop("Wrong dimension between the real and expected data")

  if (!is(mlresult, "mlresult")) {
    mlresult <- as.mlresult(mlresult)

  expected <- mdata$dataset[, mdata$labels$index]
  bipartition <- as.bipartition(mlresult)
  scores <- as.probability(mlresult)

  #TODO see if apply is correcty
  #TODO review ties.method to use the default
  ranking <- t(apply(1 - scores, 1, rank, ties.method = "first"))

  predict_and_expected <- expected & bipartition
  predict_and_nexpected <- !expected & bipartition
  npredict_and_nexpected <- !expected & !bipartition
  npredict_and_expected <- expected & !bipartition

  cm <- list(
    Z = bipartition,
    Y = expected,
    Fx = scores,
    R = ranking,
    TP = predict_and_expected,
    FP = predict_and_nexpected,
    TN = npredict_and_nexpected,
    FN = npredict_and_expected,
    Zi = rowSums(bipartition),
    Yi = rowSums(expected),
    Zl = colSums(bipartition),
    Yl = colSums(expected),
    TPi = rowSums(predict_and_expected),
    FPi = rowSums(predict_and_nexpected),
    TNi = rowSums(npredict_and_nexpected),
    FNi = rowSums(npredict_and_expected),
    TPl = colSums(predict_and_expected),
    FPl = colSums(predict_and_nexpected),
    TNl = colSums(npredict_and_nexpected),
    FNl = colSums(npredict_and_expected)
  class(cm) <- "mlconfmat"

#' Join two multi-label confusion matrix
#' @param mlcm1 A mlconfmat
#' @param mlcm2 Other mlconfmat
#' @return mlconfmat
#' @export
`+.mlconfmat` <- function (mlcm1, mlcm2) {
  if (ncol(mlcm1$Z) != ncol(mlcm1$Z)) {
    stop("Different number of labels for each confusion matrix")

  mlcm1$Z <- rbind(mlcm1$Z, mlcm2$Z)
  mlcm1$Y <- rbind(mlcm1$Y, mlcm2$Y)
  mlcm1$Fx <- rbind(mlcm1$Fx, mlcm2$Fx)
  mlcm1$R <- rbind(mlcm1$R, mlcm2$R)
  mlcm1$TP <- rbind(mlcm1$TP, mlcm2$TP)
  mlcm1$FP <- rbind(mlcm1$FP, mlcm2$FP)
  mlcm1$TN <- rbind(mlcm1$TN, mlcm2$TN)
  mlcm1$FN <- rbind(mlcm1$FN, mlcm2$FN)
  mlcm1$Zi <- c(mlcm1$Zi, mlcm2$Zi)
  mlcm1$Yi <- c(mlcm1$Yi, mlcm2$Yi)
  mlcm1$Zl <- mlcm1$Zl + mlcm2$Zl
  mlcm1$Yl <- mlcm1$Yl + mlcm2$Yl
  mlcm1$TPi <- c(mlcm1$TPi, mlcm2$TPi)
  mlcm1$FPi <- c(mlcm1$FPi, mlcm2$FPi)
  mlcm1$TNi <- c(mlcm1$TNi, mlcm2$TNi)
  mlcm1$FNi <- c(mlcm1$FNi, mlcm2$FNi)
  mlcm1$TPl <- mlcm1$TPl + mlcm2$TPl
  mlcm1$FPl <- mlcm1$FPl + mlcm2$FPl
  mlcm1$TNl <- mlcm1$TNl + mlcm2$TNl
  mlcm1$FNl <- mlcm1$FNl + mlcm2$FNl


#' Join a list of multi-label confusion matrix
#' @param object A mlconfmat object or a list of mlconfmat objects
#' @param ... mlconfmat objects
#' @return mlconfmat
#' @export
merge_mlconfmat <- function (object, ...) {
  Reduce('+', c(object, list(...)))

#' Evaluate multi-label predictions
#' This method is used to evaluate multi-label predictions. You can create a
#' confusion matrix object or use directly the test dataset and the predictions.
#' You can also specify which measures do you desire use.
#' @family evaluation
#' @param object A mldr dataset or a mlconfmat confusion matrix
#' @param mlresult The prediction result (Optional, required only when the
#'  mldr is used).
#' @param measures The measures names to be computed. Call
#'  \code{multilabel_measures()} to see the expected measures. You can also
#'  use \code{"bipartition"}, \code{"ranking"}, \code{"label-based"},
#'  \code{"example-based"}, \code{"macro-based"}, \code{"micro-based"} and
#'  \code{"label-problem"} to include a set of measures. (Default: "all").
#' @param labels Logical value defining if the label results should be also
#'  returned. (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param ... Extra parameters to specific measures.
#' @return If labels is FALSE return a vector with the expected multi-label
#'  measures, otherwise, a list contained the multi-label and label measures.
#' @references
#'  Madjarov, G., Kocev, D., Gjorgjevikj, D., & Dzeroski, S. (2012). An
#'    extensive experimental comparison of methods for multi-label learning.
#'    Pattern Recognition, 45(9), 3084-3104.
#'  Zhang, M.-L., & Zhou, Z.-H. (2014). A Review on Multi-Label Learning
#'    Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(8),
#'    1819-1837.
#'  Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel Learning.
#'    ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-2:38.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' prediction <- predict(br(toyml), toyml)
#' # Compute all measures
#' multilabel_evaluate(toyml, prediction)
#' multilabel_evaluate(toyml, prediction, labels=TRUE) # Return a list
#' # Compute bipartition measures
#' multilabel_evaluate(toyml, prediction, "bipartition")
#' # Compute multilples measures
#' multilabel_evaluate(toyml, prediction, c("accuracy", "F1", "macro-based"))
#' # Compute the confusion matrix before the measures
#' cm <- multilabel_confusion_matrix(toyml, prediction)
#' multilabel_evaluate(cm)
#' multilabel_evaluate(cm, "example-based")
#' multilabel_evaluate(cm, c("hamming-loss", "subset-accuracy", "F1"))
#' }
multilabel_evaluate <- function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn multilabel_evaluate Default S3 method
#' @export
multilabel_evaluate.mldr <- function (object, mlresult, measures = c("all"),
                                      labels=FALSE, ...) {
  mdata <- object
  if (!is(mdata, "mldr")) {
    stop("First argument must be an mldr object")

  mlconfmat <- multilabel_confusion_matrix(mdata, mlresult)
  multilabel_evaluate.mlconfmat(mlconfmat, measures, labels, ...)

#' @describeIn multilabel_evaluate Default S3 method
#' @export
multilabel_evaluate.mlconfmat <- function (object, measures = c("all"),
                                           labels=FALSE, ...) {
  mlconfmat <- object
  if (!is(mlconfmat, "mlconfmat")) {
    stop("First argument must be an mlconfmat object")

  default.methods <- list(
    'accuracy' = "utiml_measure_accuracy",
    'average-precision' = "utiml_measure_average_precision",
    'coverage' = "utiml_measure_coverage",
    'F1' = "utiml_measure_f1",
    'hamming-loss' = "utiml_measure_hamming_loss",
    'is-error' = "utiml_measure_is_error",
    'macro-accuracy' = "utiml_measure_macro_accuracy",
    'macro-AUC' = "utiml_measure_macro_AUC",
    'macro-F1' = "utiml_measure_macro_f1",
    'macro-precision' = "utiml_measure_macro_precision",
    'macro-recall' = "utiml_measure_macro_recall",
    'margin-loss' = "utiml_measure_margin_loss",
    'micro-accuracy' = "utiml_measure_micro_accuracy",
    'micro-AUC' = "utiml_measure_micro_AUC",
    'micro-F1' = "utiml_measure_micro_f1",
    'micro-precision' = "utiml_measure_micro_precision",
    'micro-recall' = "utiml_measure_micro_recall",
    'one-error' = "utiml_measure_one_error",
    'precision' = "utiml_measure_precision",
    'ranking-error' = "utiml_measure_ranking_error",
    'ranking-loss' = "utiml_measure_ranking_loss",
    'recall' = "utiml_measure_recall",
    'subset-accuracy' = "utiml_measure_subset_accuracy",
    "clp" = "utiml_measure_clp",
    "mlp" = "utiml_measure_mlp",
    "wlp" = "utiml_measure_wlp"

  #Extra methods
  measures <- utiml_measure_names(measures)
  midx <- measures %in% names(default.methods)
  extra.methods <- measures[!midx]

  if (!all(sapply(extra.methods, exists, mode="function"))) {
    stop(paste("Some methods are not found: ",
               extra.methods[!sapply(extra.methods, exists, mode="function")]))
  names(extra.methods) <- extra.methods
  all.methods <- c(unlist(default.methods[measures[midx]]), extra.methods)

  extra = list(...)
  measures <- sapply(all.methods, function (mname) {
    params <- c(list(mlconfmat = mlconfmat), extra)
    do.call(mname, params)
  }, simplify = FALSE)

  mlvalues <- sapply(measures, mean)
  if (labels) {
    confmat <- do.call(cbind, mlconfmat[c("TPl","TNl","FPl","FNl")])
    colnames(confmat) <- c("TP","TN","FP","FN")

    if (!"macro-accuracy" %in% names(measures)) {
      measures$`macro-accuracy` <- utiml_measure_macro_accuracy(mlconfmat)
    measures$balacc <- utiml_measure_macro_balacc(mlconfmat)
    labelbased <- do.call(cbind, measures[which(sapply(measures, length) > 1)])

    colnames(labelbased) <- gsub("macro-", "", colnames(labelbased))
        labels=cbind(labelbased[,sort(colnames(labelbased))], confmat)
  } else {

# MULTILABEL MEASURES -------------------------------------------------------

# Multi-label Accuracy Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_accuracy <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  sum(mlconfmat$TPi / rowSums(mlconfmat$Z | mlconfmat$Y), na.rm = TRUE) /

# Multi-label Average Precision Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Schapire, R. E., & Singer, Y. (2000). BoosTexter: A boosting-
# based system for text categorization. Machine Learning, 39(2), 135-168.
utiml_measure_average_precision <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  #Remove instance without labels
  non.empty <- which(mlconfmat$Yi > 0)
  Y <- mlconfmat$Y[non.empty, ]
  Yi <- mlconfmat$Yi[non.empty]
  Rank <- mlconfmat$R[non.empty, ]

  mean(sapply(seq(nrow(Y)), function (i){
    rks <- Rank[i, Y[i,] == 1]
    sum(unlist(lapply(rks, function (r) sum(rks <= r) / r)))
  }) / Yi)

# Multi-label Coverage Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Schapire, R. E., & Singer, Y. (2000). BoosTexter: A boosting-
# based system for text categorization. Machine Learning, 39(2), 135-168.
utiml_measure_coverage <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  #Remove instance without labels
  non.empty <- which(mlconfmat$Yi > 0)
  Y <- mlconfmat$Y[non.empty, ]
  Rank <- mlconfmat$R[non.empty, ]

  mean(sapply(seq(nrow(Y)), function (i) {
    max(Rank[i, Y[i,] == 1]) - 1

# Multi-label F1 Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_f1 <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  sum((2 * mlconfmat$TPi) / (mlconfmat$Zi + mlconfmat$Yi), na.rm = TRUE) /

# Multi-label Hamming Loss Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Schapire, R. E., & Singer, Y. (1999). Improved boosting
#  algorithm using confidence-rated predictions. Machine Learning, 297-336.
utiml_measure_hamming_loss <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  mean(apply(xor(mlconfmat$Z, mlconfmat$Y), 1, sum) / ncol(mlconfmat$Y))

# Multi-label Is Error Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ranking The expected matrix ranking
# @param ... ignored
# @references Crammer, K., & Singer, Y. (2003). A Family of Additive Online
#  Algorithms for Category Ranking. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3(6),
#  1025-1058.
utiml_measure_is_error <- function (mlconfmat, ranking, ...) {
  if (missing(ranking)) {
    stop("Argument ranking not informed for measure 'is-error'")

  mean(rowSums(mlconfmat$R != ranking) != 0)

# Multi-label Macro-Accuracy Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_macro_accuracy <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_accuracy(mlconfmat$TPl, mlconfmat$FPl,
                                mlconfmat$TNl, mlconfmat$FNl)

# Multi-label Macro-AUC Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Zhang, M.-L., & Zhou, Z.-H. (2014). A Review on Multi-Label
#  Learning Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
#  26(8), 1819-1837.
utiml_measure_macro_AUC <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  sapply(seq(ncol(mlconfmat$Y)), function (col){
    utiml_measure_binary_AUC(mlconfmat$Fx[, col], mlconfmat$Y[, col])

utiml_measure_macro_balacc <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_balacc(mlconfmat$TPl, mlconfmat$FPl,
                              mlconfmat$TNl, mlconfmat$FNl)

# Multi-label Macro-F1 Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_macro_f1 <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_f1(mlconfmat$TPl, mlconfmat$FPl,
                          mlconfmat$TNl, mlconfmat$FNl)

# Multi-label Macro-Precision Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_macro_precision <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_precision(mlconfmat$TPl, mlconfmat$FPl,
                                 mlconfmat$TNl, mlconfmat$FNl)

# Multi-label Macro-Recall Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_macro_recall <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_recall(mlconfmat$TPl, mlconfmat$FPl,
                              mlconfmat$TNl, mlconfmat$FNl)

# Multi-label Margin Loss Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Loza Mencia, E., & Furnkranz, J. (2010). Efficient Multilabel
# Classification Algorithms for Large-Scale Problems in the Legal Domain.
# In Semantic Processing of Legal Texts (pp. 192-215).
utiml_measure_margin_loss <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  mean(sapply(seq(nrow(mlconfmat$Y)), function (i){
    idxY <- mlconfmat$Y[i,] == 1
    max(0, max(mlconfmat$R[i, idxY], 0) -
          min(mlconfmat$R[i, !idxY], length(idxY)))

# Multi-label Micro-Accuracy Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_micro_accuracy <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_accuracy(sum(mlconfmat$TPl), sum(mlconfmat$FPl),
                                sum(mlconfmat$TNl), sum(mlconfmat$FNl))

# Multi-label Macro-AUC Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Zhang, M.-L., & Zhou, Z.-H. (2014). A Review on Multi-Label
#  Learning Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
#  26(8), 1819-1837.
utiml_measure_micro_AUC <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {

# Multi-label Micro-F1 Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_micro_f1 <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_f1(sum(mlconfmat$TPl), sum(mlconfmat$FPl),
                          sum(mlconfmat$TNl), sum(mlconfmat$FNl))

# Multi-label Micro-Precision Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_micro_precision <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_precision(sum(mlconfmat$TPl), sum(mlconfmat$FPl),
                                 sum(mlconfmat$TNl), sum(mlconfmat$FNl))

# Multi-label Micro-Recall Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Gibaja, E., & Ventura, S. (2015). A Tutorial on Multilabel
#  Learning. ACM Comput. Surv., 47(3), 52:1-52:38.
utiml_measure_micro_recall <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  utiml_measure_binary_recall(sum(mlconfmat$TPl), sum(mlconfmat$FPl),
                              sum(mlconfmat$TNl), sum(mlconfmat$FNl))

# Multi-label One Error Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Schapire, R. E., & Singer, Y. (2000). BoosTexter: A boosting-
# based system for text categorization. Machine Learning, 39(2), 135-168.
utiml_measure_one_error <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  rowcol <- cbind(seq(nrow(mlconfmat$Y)), apply(mlconfmat$R, 1, which.min))
  mean(1 - mlconfmat$Y[rowcol])

# Multi-label Precision Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Godbole, S., & Sarawagi, S. (2004). Discriminative Methods for
# Multi-labeled Classification. In Proceedings of the 8th Pacific-Asia
# Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2004) (pp. 22-30).
utiml_measure_precision <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  sum(mlconfmat$TPi / mlconfmat$Zi, na.rm = TRUE) / nrow(mlconfmat$Y)

# Multi-label Ranking Error Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ranking A matrix ranking
# @param ... ignored
# @references Park, S.-H., & Furnkranz, J. (2008). Multi-Label Classification
#  with Label Constraints. Proceedings of the ECML PKDD 2008 Workshop on
#  Preference Learning (PL-08, Antwerp, Belgium), 157-171.
utiml_measure_ranking_error <- function (mlconfmat, ranking, ...) {
  if (missing(ranking)) {
    stop("Argument ranking not informed for measure 'is-error'")

# Multi-label Hamming Loss Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Schapire, R. E., & Singer, Y. (1999). Improved boosting
#  algorithm using confidence-rated predictions. Machine Learning, 297-336.
utiml_measure_ranking_loss <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  weight <- 1 / (mlconfmat$Yi * (length(mlconfmat$Yl) - mlconfmat$Yi))
  weight <- ifelse(weight == Inf, 0, weight)
  E <- sapply(seq(nrow(mlconfmat$Y)), function (i) {
    idxY <- mlconfmat$Y[i,] == 1
    rkNY <- mlconfmat$R[i, !idxY]
    sum(unlist(lapply(mlconfmat$R[i, idxY], function (r) sum(r > rkNY))))
  mean(weight * E)

# Multi-label Recall Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Godbole, S., & Sarawagi, S. (2004). Discriminative Methods for
# Multi-labeled Classification. In Proceedings of the 8th Pacific-Asia
# Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2004) (pp. 22-30).
utiml_measure_recall <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  sum(mlconfmat$TPi / mlconfmat$Yi, na.rm = TRUE) / nrow(mlconfmat$Y)

# Multi-label Subset Accuracy Measure
# @param mlconfmat Confusion matrix
# @param ... ignored
# @references Zhu, S., Ji, X., Xu, W., & Gong, Y. (2005). Multilabelled
#  Classification Using Maximum Entropy Method. In Proceedings of the 28th
#  Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
#  Information Retrieval (SIGIR'05) (pp. 274-281).
utiml_measure_subset_accuracy <- function (mlconfmat, ...) {
  mean(apply(mlconfmat$Z == mlconfmat$Y, 1, all))

# BINARY MEASURES -----------------------------------------------------------

# Compute the binary accuracy
# @param TP The number of True Positive values
# @param FP The number of False Positive values
# @param TN The number of True Negative values
# @param FN The number of False Negative values
# @return Accuracy value between 0 and 1
utiml_measure_binary_accuracy <- function (TP, FP, TN, FN) {
  (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + TN + FN)

# Compute the binary AUC
# @param scores The probability/score from a single label
# @param labels The expected label predictions
# @return AUC value between 0 and 1
utiml_measure_binary_AUC <- function (scores, labels) {
  if (nlevels(as.factor(labels)) != 2) {
  } else {
    ROCR::performance(ROCR::prediction(scores, labels), "auc")@y.values[[1]]

# Compute the binary balanced accuracy
# @param TP The number of True Positive values
# @param FP The number of False Positive values
# @param TN The number of True Negative values
# @param FN The number of False Negative values
# @return Balanced accuracy value between 0 and 1
utiml_measure_binary_balacc <- function (TP, FP, TN, FN) {
  (TP / (TP + FN) + TN / (TN + FP)) / 2

# Compute the binary precision
# @param TP The number of True Positive values
# @param FP The number of False Positive values
# @param TN The number of True Negative values
# @param FN The number of False Negative values
# @return Precision value between 0 and 1
utiml_measure_binary_precision <- function (TP, FP, TN, FN) {
  ifelse(TP + FP == 0, 0, TP / (TP + FP))

# Compute the binary recall
# @param TP The number of True Positive values
# @param FP The number of False Positive values
# @param TN The number of True Negative values
# @param FN The number of False Negative values
# @return Recall value between 0 and 1
utiml_measure_binary_recall <- function (TP, FP, TN, FN) {
  ifelse(TP + FN == 0, 0, TP / (TP + FN))

# Compute the binary F1 measure
# @param TP The number of True Positive values
# @param FP The number of False Positive values
# @param TN The number of True Negative values
# @param FN The number of False Negative values
# @return F1 measure value between 0 and 1
utiml_measure_binary_f1 <- function (TP, FP, TN, FN) {
  prec <-  utiml_measure_binary_precision(TP, FP, TN, FN)
  rec  <- utiml_measure_binary_recall(TP, FP, TN, FN)
  ifelse(prec + rec == 0, 0, 2 * prec * rec / (prec + rec))

utiml_measure_clp <- function(mlconfmat, ...) {
  sum(mlconfmat$TNl + mlconfmat$FNl == 0) / ncol(mlconfmat$Y)

utiml_measure_mlp <- function(mlconfmat, ...) {
  sum(mlconfmat$TPl + mlconfmat$FPl == 0) / ncol(mlconfmat$Y)

utiml_measure_wlp <- function(mlconfmat, ...) {
  sum(mlconfmat$TPl == 0) / ncol(mlconfmat$Y)

# MEASURES METHODS ----------------------------------------------------------

# Return the tree with the measure names
# @return list
utiml_all_measures_names <- function (){
    'all' = c(
    'bipartition' = c(
    'ranking' = c(
    'label-based' = c(
    'example-based' = c(
    'macro-based' = c(
    'micro-based' = c(
    "label-problem" = c(

#' Return the name of measures
#' @param measures The group of measures (Default: "all").
#' @return array of character contained the measures names.
#' @examples
#' utiml_measure_names()
#' utiml_measure_names("bipartition")
#' utiml_measure_names(c("micro-based", "macro-based"))
#' @export
utiml_measure_names <- function (measures =  c("all")) {
  measures.names <- utiml_all_measures_names()

  names <- unlist(lapply(measures, function (measure){
    if (is.null(measures.names[[measure]])) {
    } else {

#' Return the name of all measures
#' @family evaluation
#' @return array of character contained the measures names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' multilabel_measures()
multilabel_measures <- function () {
  sort(c(utiml_measure_names(), names(utiml_all_measures_names())))

#' Print a Multi-label Confusion Matrix
#' @param x The mlconfmat
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return No return value, called for print a confusion matrix
#' @export
print.mlconfmat <- function (x, ...) {
  cat("Multi-label Confusion Matrix\n\n")

  cat("Absolute Matrix:\n-------------------------------------\n")
  TP <- sum(x$TPi)
  FP <- sum(x$FPi)
  FN <- sum(x$FNi)
  TN <- sum(x$TNi)
  cm <-  matrix(c(TP, FN, TP + FN,
                  FP, TN, FP + TN,
                  TP + FP, FN + TN, TP + FP + FN + TN), ncol=3,
                dimnames = list(c("Prediction_1", "Predicion_0", "TOTAL"),
                                c("Expected_1", "Expected_0", "TOTAL")))

  cat("\nProportinal Matrix:\n-------------------------------------\n")
  cm[1:2, 1:2] <- prop.table(cm[1:2, 1:2])
  cm[1:2, 3] <- apply(cm[1:2, 1:2], 1, sum)
  cm[3, ] <- apply(cm[1:2, ], 2, sum)
  print(round(cm, 3))

  cm <- cbind(x$TPl, x$FPl, x$FNl, x$TNl)
  correct <- x$TPl + x$TNl
  wrong <- x$FPl + x$FNl

  cat("\nLabel Matrix\n-------------------------------------\n")
  cm <- cbind(
    cm, correct, wrong,
    round(prop.table(cm, 1), 2),
    round(prop.table(cbind(correct, wrong), 1), 2),
    round(apply(x$R, 2, mean), 2),
    round(apply(x$Fx, 2, mean), 2)
  colnames(cm) <- c("TP", "FP", "FN", "TN", "Correct", "Wrong",
                    "%TP", "%FP", "%FN", "%TN", "%Correct", "%Wrong",
                    "MeanRanking", "MeanScore")

#' Convert a multi-label Confusion Matrix to matrix
#' @param x The mlconfmat
#' @param ... passed to as.matrix
#' @return A confusion matrix with TP, TN, FP and FN columns
#' @export
as.matrix.mlconfmat <- function (x, ...) {
  as.matrix(data.frame(TP=x$TPl, TN=x$TNl, FP=x$FPl, FN=x$FNl), ...)
rivolli/utiml documentation built on June 1, 2021, 11:48 p.m.