assign_features <- function(enrichment_obj){
sig_features <- lapply(enrichment_obj, function(x){
all_features <- unique(unlist(sig_features))
sig_matrix <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = length(all_features), ncol = length(sig_features))
rownames(sig_matrix) <- all_features
colnames(sig_matrix) <- names(sig_features)
for (isig in names(sig_features)) {
sig_matrix[sig_features[[isig]], isig] <- TRUE
feature_description <- .annotation_combinations(sig_matrix)@description
#' annotation to genes
#' Creates a tabular output of annotations to genes providing lookup of which
#' genes are contributing to a particular annotation.
#' @param combined_enrichment combined enrichment object
#' @param annotations which annotations to grab features from
#' @param use_db the annotation database
#' @param input_type what type of gene id was it?
#' @param gene_info what type of info to return for each gene
#' @export
#' @return data.frame
annotation_gene_table <- function(combined_enrichment,
annotations = NULL,
use_db = NULL,
input_type = "ENTREZID",
gene_info = c("SYMBOL", "GENENAME")){
annotation_obj <- combined_enrichment@annotation
if (is.null(annotations)) {
features <- annotation_obj@annotation_features
} else {
annotations <- intersect(annotations, names(annotation_obj@annotation_features))
features <- annotation_obj@annotation_features[annotations]
all_features <- unique(unlist(features))
feature_info <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(use_db, keys = all_features,
keytype = input_type, columns = gene_info))
feature_description <- assign_features(combined_enrichment@enriched)
feature_info <- feature_info[(feature_info[, 1] %in% names(feature_description)), ]
feature_info$significant <- feature_description[feature_info[, 1]]
out_tables <- lapply(names(features), function(in_annotation){
header_info <- paste0(in_annotation, " - ", annotation_obj@description[in_annotation])
annotation_features <- features[[in_annotation]]
feature_table <- feature_info[(feature_info[, 1] %in% annotation_features), ]
feature_table <- feature_table[(order(feature_table$significant)), ]
rownames(feature_table) <- NULL
list(header = header_info, table = feature_table)
#' print table csv
#' print the annotation gene table to a CSV file
#' @param annotation_gene_table list of tables
#' @param out_file the file to write to
#' @export
#' @return NULL
csv_annotation_table <- function(annotation_gene_table, out_file = NULL){
tmp_file <- tempfile(pattern = "cc2_")
cat(annotation_gene_table[[1]]$header, "\n", file = tmp_file)
suppressWarnings(write.table(annotation_gene_table[[1]]$table, file = tmp_file, sep = ",",
row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE))
for (itable in seq(2, length(annotation_gene_table))) {
cat("\n\n", annotation_gene_table[[itable]]$header, "\n", file = tmp_file, append = TRUE)
suppressWarnings(write.table(annotation_gene_table[[itable]]$table, file = tmp_file, sep = ",",
row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE))
if (is.null(out_file)) {
return(scan(tmp_file, sep = "\n", what = character()))
} else {
file.copy(tmp_file, out_file)
message(paste0("Wrote to ", out_file))
#' print table kable
#' print the annotation gene table in \code{knitr::kable} format
#' @param annotation_gene_table list of tables
#' @param header_level what header level should the labels be done at?
#' @param cat whether to write it directly, or just return the table for later
#' @export
#' @return character
kable_annotation_table <- function(annotation_gene_table, header_level = 3, cat = TRUE){
use_header <- paste0(paste(rep("#", header_level), collapse = ""), " ")
out_table <- character(0)
for (itable in seq(1, length(annotation_gene_table))) {
out_table <- c(out_table, "\n", "\n")
out_table <- c(out_table, paste0(use_header, annotation_gene_table[[1]]$header), "\n", "\n")
out_table <- c(out_table, knitr::kable(annotation_gene_table[[1]]$table), "\n", "\n")
if (cat) {
cat(out_table, sep = "\n")
} else {
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