
### ============================================================================
### Plotting quality for each base for "SangerRead" S4 object
### ============================================================================
#' A SangerRead method which creates quality base interactive plot.
#' @title qualityBasePlot
#' @name SangerRead-class-qualityBasePlot
#' @aliases qualityBasePlot,SangerRead-method
#' @param object A SangerRead S4 instance.
#' @return A quality plot.
#' @examples
#' data("sangerReadFData")
#' \dontrun{
#' qualityBasePlot(sangerReadFData)}
setMethod("qualityBasePlot",  "SangerRead", function(object){
    if (object@inputSource == "ABIF") {
        plotting <- preQualityBasePlot(object@QualityReport)
    } else if (object@inputSource == "FASTA") {
        log_info("SangerRead with 'FASTA' inputSource ",
                 "cannot plot quality plots")

## =============================================================================
## Updating quality parameters for SangerRead object.
## =============================================================================
#' A SangerRead method which updates QualityReport parameter inside the SangerRead.
#' @title updateQualityParam
#' @name SangerRead-class-updateQualityParam
#' @aliases updateQualityParam,SangerRead-method
#' @param object A SangerRead S4 instance.
#' @param TrimmingMethod The read trimming method for this SangerRead. The value must be \code{"M1"} (the default) or \code{'M2'}.
#' @param M1TrimmingCutoff The trimming cutoff for the Method 1. If \code{TrimmingMethod} is \code{"M1"}, then the default value is \code{0.0001}. Otherwise, the value must be \code{NULL}.
#' @param M2CutoffQualityScore The trimming cutoff quality score for the Method 2. If \code{TrimmingMethod} is \code{'M2'}, then the default value is \code{20}. Otherwise, the value must be \code{NULL}. It works with \code{M2SlidingWindowSize}.
#' @param M2SlidingWindowSize The trimming sliding window size for the Method 2. If \code{TrimmingMethod} is \code{'M2'}, then the default value is \code{10}. Otherwise, the value must be \code{NULL}. It works with \code{M2CutoffQualityScore}.
#' @return A SangerRead instance.
#' @examples
#' data("sangerReadFData")
#' updateQualityParam(sangerReadFData,
#'                    TrimmingMethod         = "M2",
#'                    M1TrimmingCutoff       = NULL,
#'                    M2CutoffQualityScore   = 40,
#'                    M2SlidingWindowSize    = 15)
setMethod("updateQualityParam",  "SangerRead",
                   TrimmingMethod         = "M1",
                   M1TrimmingCutoff       = 0.0001,
                   M2CutoffQualityScore   = NULL,
                   M2SlidingWindowSize    = NULL){
              if (object@inputSource == "ABIF") {
                  ### --------------------------------------------------------------------
                  ### Updating SangerRead quality parameters
                  ###   Trimming parameters is checked in 'QualityReport' method
                  ### --------------------------------------------------------------------
                  errors <- list(character(0), character(0))
                  errors <- checkTrimParam(TrimmingMethod,
                                           errors[[1]], errors[[2]])
                  if(length(errors[[1]]) == 0) {
                      object@QualityReport <-
                      AASeqResult    <- calculateAASeq (object@primarySeq,
                      object@primaryAASeqS1 <- AASeqResult[["primaryAASeqS1"]]
                      object@primaryAASeqS2 <- AASeqResult[["primaryAASeqS2"]]
                      object@primaryAASeqS3 <- AASeqResult[["primaryAASeqS3"]]
                  } else {
                      sapply(paste0(errors[[2]], errors[[1]], '\n') , 
                             log_error, simplify = FALSE)
              } else if (object@inputSource == "FASTA") {
                  log_info("SangerRead with 'FASTA' inputSource ",
                           "cannot update quality parameters")

## =============================================================================
## Base calling for primarySeq in SangerRead
## =============================================================================
#' A SangerRead method which does base calling on SangerRead instance
#' @title MakeBaseCalls
#' @name SangerRead-class-MakeBaseCalls
#' @aliases MakeBaseCalls,SangerRead-method
#' @param object A SangerRead S4 instance.
#' @param signalRatioCutoff The ratio of the height of a secondary peak to a primary peak. Secondary peaks higher than this ratio are annotated. Those below the ratio are excluded. The default value is \code{0.33}.
#' @return A \code{SangerRead} instance.
#' @examples
#' data("sangerReadFData")
#' newSangerReadFData <- MakeBaseCalls(sangerReadFData, signalRatioCutoff = 0.22)
setMethod("MakeBaseCalls", "SangerRead", function(object, signalRatioCutoff) {
    if (object@inputSource == "ABIF") {
        errors <- list(character(0), character(0))
        errors <- checkSignalRatioCutoff(signalRatioCutoff,
                                         errors[[1]], errors[[2]])
        if (length(errors[[1]]) == 0) {
            traceMatrix <- object@traceMatrix
            peakPosMatrixRaw <- object@peakPosMatrixRaw
            ## Always pick the raw quality score 
            qualityPhredScoresRaw <- object@abifRawData@data$PCON.2
            readFeature <- object@readFeature
            MBCResult <-
                MakeBaseCallsInside (traceMatrix, peakPosMatrixRaw,
                                     signalRatioCutoff, readFeature,
                                     printLevel = "SangerRead")
            object@peakPosMatrix <- MBCResult[["peakPosMatrix"]]
            object@peakAmpMatrix <- MBCResult[["peakAmpMatrix"]]
            object@primarySeq <- MBCResult[["primarySeq"]]
            object@secondarySeq <- MBCResult[["secondarySeq"]]
            AASeqResult <-
                calculateAASeq (object@primarySeq,
            object@primaryAASeqS1 <- AASeqResult[["primaryAASeqS1"]]
            object@primaryAASeqS2 <- AASeqResult[["primaryAASeqS2"]]
            object@primaryAASeqS3 <- AASeqResult[["primaryAASeqS3"]]
            object@ChromatogramParam@signalRatioCutoff <- signalRatioCutoff
        } else {
            sapply(paste0(errors[[2]], errors[[1]], '\n') , 
                   log_error, simplify = FALSE)        }
    } else if (object@inputSource == "FASTA") {
        log_info("SangerRead with 'FASTA' inputSource cannot do base calling")

## =============================================================================
## Writing primary sequence into FASTA format
## =============================================================================
#' A SangerRead method which writes the sequence into Fasta files.
#' @title writeFastaSR
#' @name SangerRead-class-writeFastaSR
#' @aliases writeFastaSR,SangerRead-method
#' @param object A SangerRead S4 instance.
#' @param outputDir The output directory of the generated FASTA file.
#' @param compress Like for the \code{save} function in base R, must be \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} (the default), or a single string specifying whether writing to the file is to use compression. The only type of compression supported at the moment is "gzip". This parameter will be passed to \code{writeXStringSet} function in Biostrings package.
#' @param compression_level This parameter will be passed to \code{writeXStringSet} function in Biostrings package.
#' @return The output absolute path to the FASTA file.
#' @examples
#' data("sangerReadFData")
#' writeFastaSR(sangerReadFData)
setMethod("writeFastaSR", "SangerRead", function(object, outputDir, compress,
                                                 compression_level) {
    if (is.null(outputDir)) {
        outputDir <- tempdir()
    if (!dir.exists(outputDir)) {
        suppressWarnings(dir.create(outputDir, recursive = TRUE))
    outputDir <- normalizePath(outputDir)
    log_info(">>> outputDir : ", outputDir)
    log_info("Start writing '", object@readFileName, "' to FASTA format ...")
    FASTA_File <- gsub(file_ext(basename(object@readFileName)), "fa",
    outputFilename <- file.path(outputDir, FASTA_File)
    ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ### Add trimming in ABIF file format
    ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if(object@inputSource == "ABIF") {
        trimmedStartPos <- object@QualityReport@trimmedStartPos
        trimmedFinishPos <- object@QualityReport@trimmedFinishPos
        targetSeq <- DNAString(substr(as.character(object@primarySeq),
                                      trimmedStartPos+1, trimmedFinishPos))
    } else if (object@inputSource == "FASTA") {
        targetSeq <- object@primarySeq
    ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ### When writing out FASTA, reverse read need to reverseComplement back ~
    ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # if (object@readFeature == "Reverse Read") {
    #     targetSeq <- reverseComplement(targetSeq)
    # }
    writeTarget <- DNAStringSet(targetSeq)
    names(writeTarget) <- basename(object@readFileName)
                    filepath = outputFilename,
                    compress = compress,
                    compression_level = compression_level)
    log_info("\n >> '", outputFilename, "' is written")

## =============================================================================
## Generating report for SangerRead
## =============================================================================
#' A SangerRead method which generates final reports of the SangerRead instance.
#' @title generateReportSR
#' @name SangerRead-class-generateReportSR
#' @aliases generateReportSR,SangerRead-method
#' @param object A SangerRead S4 instance.
#' @param outputDir The output directory of the generated HTML report.
#' @param navigationContigFN The internal parameter passed to HTML report. Users should not modify this parameter on their own.
#' @param navigationAlignmentFN The internal parameter passed to HTML report. Users should not modify this parameter on their own.
#' @param colors A vector for users to set the colors of (A, T, C, G, else). 
#'   There are three options for users to choose from. 
#'     1. "default":  (green, blue, black, red, purple). 
#'     2. "cb_friendly":  ((0, 0, 0), (199, 199, 199), (0, 114, 178), (213, 94, 0), (204, 121, 167)). 
#'     3. Users can set their own colors with a vector with five elements.
#' @return The output absolute path to the SangerRead's HTML file.
#' @examples
#' data("sangerReadFData")
#' \dontrun{
#' generateReportSR(sangerReadFData, "~/Documents")
#' generateReportSR(sangerReadFData, colors="cb_friendly")}
setMethod("generateReportSR", "SangerRead",
          function(object, outputDir, colors,
                   navigationContigFN = NULL, navigationAlignmentFN = NULL) {
              # Another Rmd for SangerRead with FASTA file source
              ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ### Make sure the input directory is not NULL
              ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              if (is.null(outputDir)) {
                  outputDir <- tempdir()
              if (!dir.exists(outputDir)) {
                  suppressWarnings(dir.create(outputDir, recursive = TRUE))
              outputDir <- normalizePath(outputDir)
              log_info(">>> outputDir : ", outputDir)
              if (object@inputSource == "ABIF") {
                  readName <- sub('\\.ab1$', '', basename(object@readFileName))
              } else if (object@inputSource == "FASTA") {
                  readName <- sub('\\.fa$', '', basename(object@readFileName))
                  readName <- sub('\\.fasta$', '', readName)
              outputDirSR <- file.path(outputDir, readName)
              ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ### Make sure the directory is exist (SangerRead level)
              ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              if (!dir.exists(outputDirSR)) {
                  suppressWarnings(dir.create(outputDirSR, recursive = TRUE))
              rootDir <- system.file(package = "sangeranalyseR")
              if (object@inputSource == "ABIF") {
                  originRmd <- file.path(rootDir, "rmd", "SangerRead_Report_ab1.Rmd")
                  outputHtml <- file.path(outputDirSR, "SangerRead_Report_ab1.html")
              } else if (object@inputSource == "FASTA") {
                  originRmd <- file.path(rootDir, "rmd", "SangerRead_Report_fasta.Rmd")
                  outputHtml <- file.path(outputDirSR, "SangerRead_Report_fasta.html")
              res <- render(input = originRmd,
                            output_dir = outputDirSR,
                            params = list(SangerRead = object,
                                          outputDir = outputDirSR,
                                          navigationContigFN = navigationContigFN,
                                          navigationAlignmentFN = navigationAlignmentFN,
                                          colors = colors))

## =============================================================================
## Generating summary table for SangerRead instance
## =============================================================================
#' A SangerRead method which generates summary table for SangerRead instance
#' @title readTable
#' @name SangerRead-class-readTable
#' @aliases readTable,SangerRead-method
#' @param object A SangerRead S4 instance.
#' @param indentation The indentation for different level printing.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' data(sangerReadFData)
#' data(sangerContigData)
#' data(sangerAlignmentData)
#' \dontrun{
#' readTable(sangerReadFData)
#' readTable(sangerContigData)
#' readTable(sangerAlignmentData)
#' }
setMethod("readTable", "SangerRead", function(object, indentation = 0) {
    space <- paste(rep(' ', indentation), collapse = "")
    inputSource <- object@inputSource
    readFeature <- object@readFeature
    readFileNameAbs <- object@readFileName
    readFileNameBase <- basename(object@readFileName)
    if (indentation == 0) {
        log_info("******** SangerRead readTable print ********")
    if (object@inputSource == "ABIF") {
        TrimmingMethod <- object@QualityReport@TrimmingMethod
        M1TrimmingCutoff <- object@QualityReport@M1TrimmingCutoff
        M2CutoffQualityScore <- object@QualityReport@M2CutoffQualityScore
        M2SlidingWindowSize <- object@QualityReport@M2SlidingWindowSize
        rawSeqLength <- object@QualityReport@rawSeqLength
        trimmedSeqLength <- object@QualityReport@trimmedSeqLength
        rawMeanQualityScore <- object@QualityReport@rawMeanQualityScore
        trimmedMeanQualityScore <- object@QualityReport@trimmedMeanQualityScore
        primaryDNA <- as.character(object@primarySeq)
        secondaryDNA <- as.character(object@secondarySeq)
        # passed secondary peak cutoff [yesn/no]
        signalRatioCutoff <- object@ChromatogramParam@signalRatioCutoff
        # read included in contig [yes/no]
        trimmedStartPos <- object@QualityReport@trimmedStartPos
        trimmedFinishPos <- object@QualityReport@trimmedFinishPos
        primaryDNA <- substr(primaryDNA, trimmedStartPos+1, trimmedFinishPos)
        secondaryDNA <- substr(secondaryDNA, trimmedStartPos+1,trimmedFinishPos)
        cat(space, " ------------------------------\n", 
            space, "--- SangerRead S4 instance ---\n", 
            space, "------------------------------\n")
        if (TrimmingMethod == "M1") {
            cat(space, "                 Input source : ", inputSource, "\n",
                space, "                 Read feature : ", readFeature, "\n",
                space, "          Read fileName (abs) : ", readFileNameAbs, "\n",
                space, "         Read fileName (base) : ", readFileNameBase, "\n",
                space, "              Trimming method : ", TrimmingMethod, "\n",
                space, "              Trimming cutoff : ", M1TrimmingCutoff, "\n",
                space, "     Trimming start base pair : ", trimmedStartPos, "\n",
                space, "    Trimming finish base pair : ", trimmedFinishPos, "\n",
                space, "  Read length before trimming : ", rawSeqLength, "\n",
                space, "   Read length after trimming : ", trimmedSeqLength, "\n",
                space, " Read quality before trimming : ", rawMeanQualityScore, "\n",
                space, "  Read quality after trimming : ", trimmedMeanQualityScore,"\n",
                space, "        Secondary peak cutoff : ", signalRatioCutoff,"\n",
                space, "             Primary Sequence : ", primaryDNA, "\n",
                space, "           Secondary Sequence : ", secondaryDNA, "\n"
        } else if (TrimmingMethod == "M2") {
            cat(space, "                 Input source : ", inputSource, "\n",
                space, "                 Read feature : ", readFeature, "\n",
                space, "          Read fileName (abs) : ", readFileNameAbs, "\n",
                space, "         Read fileName (base) : ", readFileNameBase, "\n",
                space, "              Trimming method : ", TrimmingMethod, "\n",
                space, "              Trimming cutoff : ", M2CutoffQualityScore, "\n",
                space, "      Trimming sliding window : ", M2SlidingWindowSize, "\n",
                space, "     Trimming start base pair : ", trimmedStartPos, "\n",
                space, "    Trimming finish base pair : ", trimmedFinishPos, "\n",
                space, "  Read length before trimming : ", rawSeqLength, "\n",
                space, "   Read length after trimming : ", trimmedSeqLength, "\n",
                space, " Read quality before trimming : ", rawMeanQualityScore, "\n",
                space, "  Read quality after trimming : ", trimmedMeanQualityScore,"\n",
                space, "        Secondary peak cutoff : ", signalRatioCutoff,"\n",
                space, "             Primary Sequence : ", primaryDNA, "\n",
                space, "           Secondary Sequence : ", secondaryDNA, "\n"
    } else if (object@inputSource == "FASTA") {
        fastaReadName <- object@fastaReadName
        seqLength <- length(object@primarySeq)
        primarySeq <- as.character(object@primarySeq)
        cat(space, "                 Input source : ", inputSource, "\n",
            space, "                 Read feature : ", readFeature, "\n",
            space, "          Read fileName (abs) : ", readFileNameAbs, "\n",
            space, "         Read fileName (base) : ", readFileNameBase, "\n",
            space, "              Fasta Read Name : ", fastaReadName, "\n",
            space, "                  Read length : ", seqLength, "\n",
            space, "             Primary Sequence : ", primarySeq, "\n"
    if (length(object@objectResults@errorMessages) || 
        length(object@objectResults@errorTypes)) {
                                object@objectResults@errorMessages, '\n') , 
                         log_error, simplify = FALSE))
roblanf/sangeranalyseR documentation built on April 15, 2024, 12:44 a.m.