
Defines functions read.fecundity read.yield read.biomass read.cal .setupInitialization .readCSV .bioguess .time.conv .getPar .readConfiguration

# Main --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
.readConfiguration = function(file, usePath=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, ...) {
  if(!is.null(attr(file, "path"))) file = c(file.path(attr(file, "path"), file))
  if(!file.exists(file)) {
    warning(sprintf("configuration file '%s' does not exist.", file))
  .guessSeparator = function(Line){
    SEPARATORS = c(equal = "=", semicolon = ";",
                   coma = ",", colon = ":", tab = "\t")
    guess = which.min(nchar(lapply(str_split(Line,SEPARATORS), "[", i = 1)))
    separator = SEPARATORS[guess]
  .getKey = function(Line, KeySeparator) {
    Key = str_split(Line, KeySeparator)[[1]][1]
  .getValues = function(x, KeySeparator){
    start = str_locate(x, pattern=KeySeparator)[1,1]
    if(is.na(start)) return(NULL)
    values = stringr::str_sub(x, start+1, nchar(x))
    valueseparator = .guessSeparator(values)
    values = stringr::str_trim(str_split(values, valueseparator)[[1]])
    values = values[nchar(values)!=0]
    values = .guessType(values)
  .guessType = function(x) {
    xx = tolower(x)
    if(identical(xx, "null")) return(NULL)
    if(identical(xx, "NA")) return(NULL)
    x[xx=="true"] = "TRUE"
    x[xx=="false"] = "FALSE"
    x = x[xx!="null"]
    out = type.convert(c(x), as.is = TRUE)
  .comment_trim = function(x, char="#") {
    start = str_locate(x, pattern=char)[1,1]
    if(is.na(start)) return(x)
    return(str_sub(x, 1, start - 1))
  .addPath = function(x, path, force=FALSE) {
    if(is.null(x)) return(x)
    if(!is.character(x)) return(x)
    # if(!is.null(attr(x, "path"))) 
    # path = file.path(attr(x, "path"), path)
    if(file.exists(file.path(path, x)) | isTRUE(force)) 
      attr(x, "path") = normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  config = readLines(file) # read lines
  config = lapply(config, .comment_trim) # remove comments
  config = lapply(config, str_trim)
  config[grep("^[[:punct:]]", config)] = NULL
  config = config[nchar(config)!=0]
  keySeparator  = sapply(config, .guessSeparator)
  key           = mapply(.getKey, config, keySeparator)
  values        = mapply(.getValues, config, keySeparator, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  names(values) = tolower(key)
  force = grepl(names(values), pattern="osmose.configuration")
  # if(isTRUE(usePath)) values = lapply(values, .addPath, path = dirname(file))
  values = mapply(FUN=.addPath, x=values, force=force, 
                   MoreArgs=list(path = dirname(file)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  ii = grep(names(values), pattern="osmose.configuration")
  if(length(ii) == 0 | !isTRUE(recursive)) return(values)
  cpath = NULL
  ovalues = values
  while(length(ii) > 0) {
    ifile = ovalues[[ii[1]]]
    ifile = file.path(attr(ifile, "path"), ifile)
      stop(sprintf("Configuration file '%s = %s not found'. \n (%s not found.)", names(ovalues)[ii[1]], ovalues[[ii[1]]], ifile))

    values = append(values, .readConfiguration(ifile), ii[1])
    cpath = c(cpath, values[ii[1]])
    # values = values[-ii[1]]
    ii = ii[-1]
    # ii = grep(names(values), pattern="osmose.configuration")
  # values = c(values, cpath)

# Internal ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
.getPar = function(conf, par, sp=NULL, invert=FALSE) {
  if(!is.null(sp)) par = sprintf(".sp%d$", sp)
  par = tolower(par)
  out = conf[grep(names(conf), pattern=par, invert=invert)]
  if(length(out)==1) out = out[[1]]
  if(length(out)==0) out = NULL

.time.conv = function(ndt_in, ndt, Tref, T) {
  caltime = seq(from=0, by=1/ndt_in, length.out=Tref+1)
  simtime = seq(from=0.5/ndt, by=1/ndt, length.out=T)
  ind = cut(simtime, breaks = caltime, labels = FALSE)
  const = rle(ind)
  const$values = 1/const$lengths
  w = inverse.rle(const)
  return(list(ind=ind, w=w))

.bioguess = function(x, ndt, ts=FALSE) {
  bio = x$biomass
  bguess = x$bioguess
  if(!is.null(bguess)) {
    out = bguess
    out_ts = rep(NA, ndt)
    out_ts[1] = out
    if(isTRUE(ts)) return(out_ts) else return(out)
  if(all(is.na(bio))) stop("No biomass information is provided.") # check
  out_ts = bio[1:ndt]
  out = mean(out_ts, na.rm=TRUE)
  if(is.na(out)) {
    warning("No biomass information for the first year, using average of time series.")
    out = mean(bio, na.rm=TRUE)
    out_ts = rep(NA, ndt)
    out_ts[1] = out
  if(isTRUE(ts)) return(out_ts) else return(out)

.readCSV = function(file, ...) {
  .guessSeparator = function(Line) {
    SEPARATORS = c(equal = "=", semicolon = ";",
                   coma = ",", colon = ":", tab = "\t")
    guess = which.min(nchar(lapply(str_split(Line,SEPARATORS), "[", i = 1)))
    separator = SEPARATORS[guess]
  file = if(!is.null(attr(file, "path"))) file.path(attr(file, "path"), file) else file
  config = readLines(file) # read lines
  sep = names(which.max(table(sapply(config, .guessSeparator))))
  out = if(sep==",") read.csv(file=file, ...) else read.csv2(file=file, sep=sep, ...)

# Data Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------

.setupInitialization = function(conf) {
  nsp = .getPar(conf, "simulation.nspecies")
  spind = .getPar(conf, "species.type") == "focal"
  spind = gsub(names(spind)[which(spind)], pattern="species.type.sp", replacement = "") 
  spnames = .getPar(conf, "species.name")[sprintf("species.name.sp%s", spind)]
  spind = as.numeric(spind)
  for(sp in spind) {
    sim = list()
    sim$cal       = read.cal(conf, sp)
    sim$biomass   = read.biomass(conf, sp)
    sim$yield     = read.yield(conf, sp)
    sim$fecundity = read.fecundity(conf, sp)
    sim$bioguess  = .getPar(.getPar(conf, sp=sp), "observed.biomass.guess")
    isp = sprintf("osmose.initialization.data.sp%d", sp)
    conf[[isp]]   = sim

read.cal = function(conf, sp) {
  this = .getPar(conf, sp=sp)
  ndt = conf$simulation.time.ndtperyear
  T   = conf$simulation.time.nyear*ndt
  spname = .getPar(this, "species.name")
  landings = read.yield(conf, sp)
  start = .getPar(conf, par="simulation.time.start")
  if(is.null(start)) start = attr(landings, "start")
  time = start + seq(from=0.5/ndt, by=1/ndt, length=T)
  harvested = !all(landings==0)
  if(!isTRUE(harvested)) {
    Linf = .getPar(this, "species.linf")
    bins = pretty(c(0, 0.9*Linf), n=15)
    dbin = unique(diff(bins))
    length_classes = 0.5*head(bins, -1) + 0.5*tail(bins, -1)
    newmat = matrix(0, nrow=T, ncol=length(length_classes))
    output = list(cal=NULL, marks=length_classes, dbin=dbin, mat=newmat, bins=bins,
                  harvested=FALSE, time=time)
  a = .getPar(this, "species.length2weight.condition.factor")
  b = .getPar(this, "species.length2weight.allometric.power")
  file = .getPar(this, "fisheries.catchatlength.file")
  msg = sprintf("Only one catch-at-length file must be provided for %s.", spname)
  if(length(file)>1) stop(msg)
  if(is.null(file)) return(NULL)
  file = file.path(attr(file, "path"), file)
  periods = c("year", "quarter", "month", "week")
  out = read.csv(file, check.names = FALSE)
  must = names(out)[names(out) %in% periods]
  msg = sprintf("Missing time information in %s's catch-at-length file.", spname)
  if(length(must)<1) stop(msg)
  check = !(must %in% names(out))
  if(any(check)) stop(msg)
  length_classes = as.numeric(setdiff(colnames(out), must))
  bad = paste(setdiff(colnames(out), must)[is.na(length_classes)], collapse=", ")
    stop(sprintf("Size class marks should be numeric, check: %s in %s's file.", bad, spname))
  check = !identical(length_classes, sort(length_classes))
  msg = sprintf("Catch-at-length size classes must be in increasing order, check %s's file.", spname)
  if(check) stop(msg)
  dbin = unique(diff(length_classes))
  mat = as.matrix(out[, as.character(length_classes)])

  ndtcal = .getPar(this, "fisheries.catchatlength.ndtPerYear")
  msg = sprintf("Parameter 'fisheries.catchatlength.ndtPerYear.sp%d' is missing.", sp)
  if(is.null(ndtcal)) stop(msg)  
  nT = conf$simulation.time.nyear*ndtcal 
  msg = sprintf("Catch-at-length data for %s is incomplete, %d rows found and at least %d rows are expected (%d x %d).",
                spname, nrow(mat), nT, conf$simulation.time.nyear, ndtcal)
  if(nrow(mat)<nT) stop(msg)
  msg = sprintf("Only first %d rows of %s's catch-at-length data are used for %d years of simulation.", nT, spname, T/ndt)
  if(nrow(mat)>nT) MSG = c(MSG, msg)
  mat = mat[seq_len(nT), ]
  if(all(is.na(mat))) {
    msg = sprintf("No catch-at-length data in %s's file is provided, all NAs.", spname)
    Linf = .getPar(this, "species.linf")
    bins = pretty(c(0, 0.9*Linf), n=15)
    dbin = unique(diff(bins))
    length_classes = 0.5*head(bins, -1) + 0.5*tail(bins, -1)
    # check for the right filling
    newmat = matrix(NA, nrow=T, ncol=length(length_classes))
    output = list(cal=NULL, marks=length_classes, dbin=dbin, mat=newmat, bins=NULL,
                  harvested=TRUE, time=time)
  ix = .time.conv(ndtcal, ndt, nrow(mat), T)
  bins = c(length_classes - dbin, length_classes[length(length_classes)] + dbin)
  bins = pmax(0, bins)
  isize = pmax(bins, .getPar(this, "egg.size")) 
  L1 = head(isize, -1)
  L2 = tail(isize, -1)
  W2 = (a/(b+1))*(L2^(b+1) - L1^(b+1))
  newmat = ix$w*mat[ix$ind, ]
  wmat = t(t(newmat)*W2)
  ilandings = 1e-6*rowSums(wmat)
  ilandings[ilandings==0] = 1
  units = landings/ilandings
  if(all(is.na(units))) {
    units = 1 # assume CAL is unbiased
    msg = sprintf("No landing data for %s, assuming catch-at-length is unbiased and representing the full landings. 
            If TRUE, please manually calculate the landings from catch-at-length.", spname)
    MSG = c(MSG, msg)
  units[is.na(units)] = 1 # assume unbiased when landing data is not available.
  newmat = newmat*units
  # check for incomplete rows
  # check for maximum size
  Lmax = ncol(newmat) - which.max(rev(diff(cumsum(colSums(newmat, na.rm=TRUE))))>0)
  Lmax = min(ncol(newmat), Lmax + 3)
  imax = which.max(cumsum(colSums(wmat, na.rm=TRUE))/sum(wmat, na.rm=TRUE) > 0.999)
  lmax_cal = length_classes[imax]
  Amax = .getPar(this, "species.lifespan")
  Linf = .getPar(this, "species.Linf")
  marks = length_classes[seq_len(Lmax)]
  bins = c(marks - dbin, marks[length(marks)] + dbin)
  bins = pmax(0, bins)
  newmat = newmat[, seq_len(Lmax)]
  lmax_pop = VB(Amax, this)
  ratio = VB(Amax+0.5, this)/lmax_cal
  iinf = which.min((marks - lmax_pop)^2)
  icat = cumsum(colSums(wmat, na.rm=TRUE))[c(iinf, Lmax)]
  irat = icat[1]/icat[2]
  # validation
  msg1 = sprintf("Maximum length for %s in the model (%0.1f cm at %d years) is lower than maximum reported size in landings (%0.2fcm), check catch-at-length data.",
                 .getPar(this, "species.name"), lmax_pop, Amax, lmax_cal)
  msg2 = sprintf("Maximum length for %s in the model (%0.1f cm at %d years) is %0.1f%% of Linf (%0.1fcm), check growth parameters.",
                 .getPar(this, "species.name"), lmax_pop, Amax, 100*lmax_pop/Linf, Linf)
  msg3 = sprintf("Only %0.1f%% of landings are used! Check catch-at-length data and growth parameters.",
  msg = NULL
  if(ratio<1) msg = c(msg, msg1)
  if(lmax_pop/Linf<0.9) msg = c(msg, msg2)
  if(irat<0.99) msg = c(msg, msg3)
  MSG = c(MSG, msg)
  if(!is.null(MSG)) warning(paste(MSG, collapse="\n"))
  output = list(cal=out, marks=marks, dbin=dbin, mat=newmat, bins=bins, harvested=TRUE, time=time)

read.biomass = function(conf, sp) {
  this = .getPar(conf, sp=sp)
  ndt = conf$simulation.time.ndtperyear 
  T = ndt*conf$simulation.time.nyear
  biofile = .getPar(this, "observed.biomass.file")
  if(is.null(biofile)) stop("Observed biomass have not been provided.")
  bioref = .readCSV(biofile)
  ivar= .getPar(this, "species.name")
  ndtbio = .getPar(this, "observed.biomass.ndtPerYear")
  if(is.null(ndtbio)) stop("Parameter 'observed.biomass.ndtPerYear' is missing.")
  ix = .time.conv(ndtbio, ndt, nrow(bioref), T)
  biomass = bioref[ix$ind, ivar]

read.yield = function(conf, sp) {
  this = .getPar(conf, sp=sp)
  ndt = conf$simulation.time.ndtperyear 
  T = ndt*conf$simulation.time.nyear
  biofile = .getPar(this, "fisheries.yield.file")
  if(is.null(biofile)) stop("Landings have not been provided.")
  bioref = .readCSV(biofile)
  ivar= .getPar(this, "species.name")
  ndtbio = .getPar(this, "fisheries.yield.ndtPerYear")
  if(is.null(ndtbio)) stop("Parameter 'fisheries.yield.ndtPerYear' is missing.")
  ix = .time.conv(ndtbio, ndt, nrow(bioref), T)
  biomass = ix$w*bioref[ix$ind, ivar]
  iyear = 0
  if(!is.null(bioref$year)) iyear = min(bioref$year, na.rm=TRUE)
  attr(biomass, "start") = iyear

read.fecundity = function(conf, sp) {
  this = .getPar(conf, sp=sp)
  repfile = .getPar(this, "reproduction.season.file")
  fecundity = as.numeric(unlist(.readCSV(repfile, row.names = 1)))
  sfec = sum(fecundity) 
  if(abs(sfec-1)< 1e-2) {
    warning("Using relative fecundities.")
    relfec = .getPar(this, "species.relativefecundity")
    fecundity = relfec*fecundity
roliveros-ramos/osmose documentation built on Feb. 19, 2023, 8:19 a.m.