
Defines functions performGeneSetEnrichmentAnalysis

Documented in performGeneSetEnrichmentAnalysis

#' Perform gene set enrichment analysis with GSVA.
#' @title Perform gene set enrichment analysis with GSVA.
#' @description This function calculates enrichment scores, p- and q-value
#' statistics for provided gene sets for samples and clusters of cells in given
#' Seurat object using gene set variation analysis (GSVA). Calculation of p- and
#' q-values for gene sets is performed as done in "Evaluation of methods to
#' assign cell type labels to cell clusters from single-cell RNA-sequencing
#' data", Diaz-Mejia et al., F1000Research (2019).
#' @param object Seurat object. log-counts for analysis must be stored in
#' `object@data` (Seurat object older than v3) or `object@assays$RNA@data`
#' (Seurat object v3 or newer).
#' @param gene_sets Path to GMT file containing the gene sets to be tested.
#' The Broad Institute provides many gene sets which can be downloaded:
#' http://software.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/index.jsp
#' @param column_sample Column in object@meta.data that contains information
#' about sample; defaults to 'sample'.
#' @param column_cluster Column in object@meta.data that contains information
#' about cluster; defaults to 'cluster'.
#' @param thresh_p_val Threshold for p-value, defaults to 0.05.
#' @param thresh_q_val Threshold for q-value, defaults to 0.1.
#' @param ... Further parameters can be passed to control GSVA::gsva().
#' @keywords seurat cerebro
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom GSVA gsva
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @examples
#' seurat <- performGeneSetEnrichmentAnalysis(
#'   object = seurat,
#'   gene_sets = 'path/to/gene_sets.gmt',
#'   column_sample = 'sample',
#'   column_cluster = 'cluster',
#'   thresh_p_val = 0.05,
#'   thresh_q_val = 0.1
#' )

performGeneSetEnrichmentAnalysis <- function(
  column_sample = 'sample',
  column_cluster = 'cluster',
  thresh_p_val = 0.05,
  thresh_q_val = 0.1,

  # check input parameters
  if ( !file.exists(GMT_file) )
    stop("Specified GMT file with gene sets cannot be found.", call. = FALSE)
  if ( (column_sample %in% colnames(object@meta.data)) == FALSE )
    stop("Specified sample column doesn't exist in meta data.", call. = FALSE)
  if ( (column_cluster %in% colnames(object@meta.data)) == FALSE )
    stop("Specified cluster column doesn't exist in meta data.", call. = FALSE)
  if ( thresh_p_val < 0 | thresh_p_val > 1 )
    stop("Specified threshold for p-value must be between 0 and 1.", call. = FALSE)
  if ( thresh_q_val < 0 | thresh_q_val > 1 )
    stop("Specified threshold for q-value must be between 0 and 1.", call. = FALSE)

  # preparation
  # load gene sets from GMT file
      '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Loading gene sets...'
  gene_sets <- read_GMT_file(GMT_file)

  names(gene_sets$genesets) <- gene_sets$geneset.names

  # make tibble that contains name, description and list of genes for each set
  gene_sets_tibble <- tibble::tibble(
      name = gene_sets$geneset.names,
      description = gene_sets$geneset.description,
      length = NA,
      genes = NA

  for ( i in 1:length(gene_sets$genesets) ) {
    gene_sets_tibble$length[i] <- gene_sets$genesets[[i]] %>% length()
    gene_sets_tibble$genes[i] <- gene_sets$genesets[[i]] %>%
      unlist() %>%
      paste(., collapse = ',')

      '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Loaded ',
      length(gene_sets$genesets), ' gene sets from GMT file.'

  # extract transcript count matrix (log-scale) from Seurat object
      '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Extracting transcript counts...'
  if ( object@version < 3 ) {
    if ( is.null(object@data) )
      stop("`@data` slot doesn't exist in provided Seurat object.", call. = FALSE)
    matrix_full <- seurat@data %>%
      as.matrix() %>%
      t() %>%
  } else {
    if ( is.null(object@assays$RNA@data) )
      stop("`@assays$RNA@data` slot doesn't exist in provided Seurat object.", call. = FALSE)
    matrix_full <- object@assays$RNA@data %>%
      as.matrix() %>%
      t() %>%

  # remove genes with zero counts across all cells
      '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Removing non-expressed genes...'
  expressed_genes <- matrix_full %>%
  expressed_genes <- which(expressed_genes != 0)
  matrix_full <- matrix_full[,expressed_genes]

  # workflow for samples
  if ( object@meta.data[[column_sample]] %>% unique() %>% length() > 1 ) {
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Performing GSVA for samples...'

    # get sample names
    if ( is.factor(object@meta.data[[column_sample]]) ) {
      sample_names <- levels(object@meta.data[[column_sample]])
    } else {
      sample_names <- unique(object@meta.data[[column_sample]])

    # add group information as column to expression matrix
    temp_matrix_full <- matrix_full %>%
      dplyr::mutate(group = object@meta.data[[column_sample]])

    # calculate mean log counts per group of cells
    matrix_merged <- temp_matrix_full %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group) %>%

    # keep order of groups for later
    groups <- matrix_merged$group

    # remove group information from count matrix and transpose for GSVA
    matrix_merged <- matrix_merged %>%
      dplyr::select(-group) %>%
      as.matrix() %>%

    # add group info back to count matrix as column names
    colnames(matrix_merged) <- groups

    # get enrichment score for each gene set in every cell group
    enrichment_scores <- GSVA::gsva(
        expr = matrix_merged,
        gset.idx.list = gene_sets$genesets,

    # calculate statistics for enrichment scores and filter those which don't pass
    # the specified tresholds
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Filtering results based on specified thresholds...'
    results_by_sample <- tibble::tibble(
        group = character(),
        name = character(),
        enrichment_score = numeric(),
        p_value = numeric(),
        q_value = numeric()
    for ( i in 1:ncol(enrichment_scores) ) {
      temp_results <- tibble::tibble(
          group = colnames(matrix_merged)[i],
          name = rownames(enrichment_scores),
          enrichment_score = enrichment_scores[,i]
        ) %>%
          p_value = pnorm(-abs(scale(enrichment_score)[,1])),
          q_value = qvalue::qvalue(p_value, pi0 = 1)$lfdr
        ) %>%
          p_value <= thresh_p_val,
          q_value <= thresh_q_val
      results_by_sample <- dplyr::bind_rows(results_by_sample, temp_results) %>%

    # add description, number of genes and list of genes to results
    results_by_sample <- dplyr::left_join(results_by_sample, gene_sets_tibble, by = 'name') %>%
      dplyr::select(group, name, description, length, genes, enrichment_score, p_value, q_value) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(group = factor(group, levels = sample_names))

    # print number of enriched gene sets
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] ', nrow(results_by_sample),
        ' gene sets passed the thresholds across all samples.'

    # test if any gene sets passed the filtering
    if ( nrow(results_by_sample) == 0 )
      results_by_sample <- 'no_gene_sets_enriched'
  } else {
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Only 1 sample in the data set, will skip analysis by sample...'
    results_by_sample <- 'only_one_sample_in_data_set'

  # workflow for clusters
  if ( object@meta.data[[column_cluster]] %>% unique() %>% length() > 1 ) {
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Performing GSVA for clusters...'

    # get cluster names
    if ( is.factor(object@meta.data[[column_cluster]]) ) {
      cluster_names <- levels(object@meta.data[[column_cluster]])
    } else {
      cluster_names <- unique(object@meta.data[[column_cluster]])

    # add group information as column to expression matrix
    temp_matrix_full <- matrix_full %>%
      dplyr::mutate(group = object@meta.data[[column_cluster]])

    # calculate mean log counts per group of cells
    matrix_merged <- temp_matrix_full %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group) %>%

    # keep order of groups for later
    groups <- matrix_merged$group

    # remove group information from count matrix and transpose for GSVA
    matrix_merged <- matrix_merged %>%
      dplyr::select(-group) %>%
      as.matrix() %>%

    # add group info back to count matrix as column names
    colnames(matrix_merged) <- groups

    # get enrichment score for each gene set in every cell group
    enrichment_scores <- GSVA::gsva(
        expr = matrix_merged,
        gset.idx.list = gene_sets$genesets,

    # calculate statistics for enrichment scores and filter those which don't pass
    # the specified tresholds
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Filtering results based on specified thresholds...'
    results_by_cluster <- tibble::tibble(
        group = character(),
        name = character(),
        enrichment_score = numeric(),
        p_value = numeric(),
        q_value = numeric()
    for ( i in 1:ncol(enrichment_scores) ) {
      temp_results <- tibble::tibble(
          group = colnames(matrix_merged)[i],
          name = rownames(enrichment_scores),
          enrichment_score = enrichment_scores[,i]
        ) %>%
          p_value = pnorm(-abs(scale(enrichment_score)[,1])),
          q_value = qvalue::qvalue(p_value, pi0 = 1)$lfdr
        ) %>%
          p_value <= thresh_p_val,
          q_value <= thresh_q_val
      results_by_cluster <- dplyr::bind_rows(results_by_cluster, temp_results) %>%

    # add description, number of genes and list of genes to results
    results_by_cluster <- dplyr::left_join(results_by_cluster, gene_sets_tibble, by = 'name') %>%
      dplyr::select(group, name, description, length, genes, enrichment_score, p_value, q_value) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(group = factor(group, levels = cluster_names))

    # print number of enriched gene sets
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] ', nrow(results_by_cluster),
        ' gene sets passed the thresholds across all clusters.'

    # test if any gene sets passed the filtering
    if ( nrow(results_by_cluster) == 0 )
      results_by_cluster <- 'no_gene_sets_enriched'
  } else {
        '[', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S'), '] Only 1 cluster in the data set, will skip analysis by cluster...'
    results_by_cluster <- 'only_one_cluster_in_data_set'

  # merge results, add to Seurat object and return Seurat object
  results <- list(
    by_sample = results_by_sample,
    by_cluster = results_by_cluster,
    parameters = list(
      GMT_file = basename(GMT_file),
      thresh_p_val = thresh_p_val,
      thresh_q_val = thresh_q_val
  object@misc$enriched_pathways$GSVA <- results
romanhaa/cerebroPrepare documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.