#### calibrate ####
#' @name calibrate
#' @title Calibrate all valid dates in a \strong{c14_date_list}
#' @description Calibrate all dates in a \strong{c14_date_list} with
#' \code{Bchron::BchronCalibrate()}. The function provides two different
#' kinds of output variables that are added as new list columns to the input
#' \strong{c14_date_list}: \strong{calprobdistr} and \strong{calrange}.
#' \strong{calrange} is accompanied by \strong{sigma}. See
#' \code{?Bchron::BchronCalibrate} and \code{?c14bazAAR:::hdr} for some more
#' information. \cr
#' \strong{calprobdistr}: The probability distribution of the individual date
#' for all ages with an individual probability >= 1e-06. For each date there's
#' a data.frame with the columns \strong{calage} and \strong{density}. \cr
#' \strong{calrange}: The contiguous ranges which cover the probability interval
#' requested for the individual date. For each date there's a data.frame with the
#' columns \strong{dens} and \strong{from} and \strong{to}.
#' @param x an object of class c14_date_list
#' @param choices whether the result should include the full calibrated
#' probability dataframe ('calprobdistr') or the sigma range ('calrange').
#' Both arguments may be given at the same time.
#' @param sigma the desired sigma value (1,2,3) for the calibrated sigma ranges
#' @param calCurves a vector of values containing either intcal20, shcal20,
#' marine20, or normal (older calibration curves are supposed such as intcal13).
#' Should be the same length the number of ages supplied.
#' See \link[Bchron]{BchronCalibrate} for more information
#' @param ... passed to \link[Bchron]{BchronCalibrate}
#' @return an object of class c14_date_list with the additional columns
#' \strong{calprobdistr} or \strong{calrange} and \strong{sigma}
#' @examples
#' calibrate(
#' example_c14_date_list,
#' choices = c("calprobdistr", "calrange"),
#' sigma = 1
#' )
#' @export
#' @rdname calibrate
calibrate <- function(
x, choices = c("calrange"), sigma = 2, calCurves = rep("intcal20", nrow(x)), ...) {
#' @rdname calibrate
#' @export
calibrate.default <- function(
x, choices = c("calrange"), sigma = 2, calCurves = rep("intcal20", nrow(x)), ...) {
stop("x is not an object of class c14_date_list")
#' @rdname calibrate
#' @export
calibrate.c14_date_list <- function(
x, choices = c("calrange"), sigma = 2, calCurves = rep("intcal20", nrow(x)), ...) {
choices <- match.arg(
c("calprobdistr", "calrange"),
several.ok = TRUE
check_if_packages_are_available(c("Bchron", "plyr"))
x %>% check_if_columns_are_present(c("c14age", "c14std"))
# start message:
message(paste0("Calibrating dates... ", {if (nrow(x) > 10000) {"This may take several minutes."}}))
# setup progress bar
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(
max = 100,
style = 3,
width = 50,
char = "+"
# add empty column "calprobdistr"
x %<>% add_or_replace_column_in_df("calprobdistr", replicate(nrow(x), data.frame()), .after = "c14std")
# extract dates which are not out of range of calcurve
outofrange <- x %>% determine_dates_out_of_range_of_calcurve(calCurves)
if(length(outofrange) > 0) {
calibrateable <- x[-outofrange, ]
calCurves <- calCurves[-outofrange]
} else {
calibrateable <- x
# create empty calibration result data.frame list
calibrateable_prodistr <- replicate(nrow(calibrateable), data.frame())
# determine amount of calibration loop iteration to work through the data in stacks of 200 dates
# -> artificial stacks
step_width <- 200
amount_of_iterations <- ceiling(nrow(calibrateable)/step_width)
# increment progress bar
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, 5)
# calibration loop -- loop only for progress bar :-( -- code was much simpler without this
for (i in 1:amount_of_iterations) {
# define step sequence for this step
step_seq <- (step_width * (i - 1) + 1):if (i == amount_of_iterations)
{nrow(calibrateable)} else {(step_width * i)}
# calibration in stacks of size step_width
calibrateable_prodistr[step_seq] <- calibrate_to_probability_distribution(
calibrateable[step_seq, ],
eps = 1e-06,
calCurves = calCurves[step_seq],
# increment progress bar
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, 5 + 90 * i/amount_of_iterations)
# determine calage
calage_vector <- determine_calage_from_probability_distribution(calibrateable_prodistr)
# write result back into x
if(length(outofrange) > 0) {
x$calprobdistr[-outofrange] <- calibrateable_prodistr
} else {
x$calprobdistr <- calibrateable_prodistr
# vector of probabilities for 1, 2 and 3 sigma
my_prob_vector <- c(0.6827, 0.9545, 0.9974)
if ("calrange" %in% choices) {
x %<>% add_or_replace_column_in_df("calrange", replicate(nrow(x), data.frame()), .after = "calprobdistr")
x %<>% add_or_replace_column_in_df("sigma", NA_integer_, .after = "calrange")
if(length(outofrange) > 0) {
x$calrange[-outofrange] <- lapply(x$calprobdistr[-outofrange], hdr, prob = my_prob_vector[sigma])
} else {
x$calrange <- lapply(x$calprobdistr, hdr, prob = my_prob_vector[sigma])
x$sigma <- sigma
} else {
x$calrange <- x$sigma <- NULL
if (!("calprobdistr" %in% choices)) {
x$calprobdistr <- NULL
# turning x back into a c14_date_list
x %<>% as.c14_date_list()
# increment progress bar
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
# close progress bar
#' determine_dates_out_of_range_of_calcurve
#' @param x c14_date_list
#' @return indizes of dates in c14_date_list which are out of calcurve range
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
determine_dates_out_of_range_of_calcurve <- function(x, calCurves) {
# load intcal13 data from Bchron
cal_curve <- NA
cal_curve_string <- utils::data(list = calCurves[1], package = "Bchron", envir = environment())
cal_curve <- eval(as.name(cal_curve_string))
if(!is.data.frame(cal_curve)) stop("Problems loading intcal13 dataset from package Bchron.")
toona <- which(is.na(x$c14age) | is.na(x$c14std))
toosmall <- which(x$c14age < min(cal_curve[,2]))
toobig <- which(x$c14age > max(cal_curve[,2]))
outofrange <- c(toona, toosmall, toobig) %>% unique
#' calibrate_to_probability_distribution
#' @param x c14_date_list
#' @param ... further arguments passed to Bchron::BchronCalibrate()
#' @return list with probability distribution data frames
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
calibrate_to_probability_distribution <- function(x, calCurves, ...) {
ages = x$c14age,
ageSds = x$c14std,
calCurves = calCurves,
) %>%
# extract probability distribution from BchronCalibrate output
# and craft new data.frame with year and density
function(x) {
data.frame(calage = x[["ageGrid"]], density = x[["densities"]])
) %>%
#' determine_calage_from_probability_distribution
#' @param x c14_date_list
#' @return vector of calages
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
determine_calage_from_probability_distribution <- function(x) {
x %>%
function(x) {
) %>%
unlist %>%
#' Calculate highest density regions for Bchron calibrated ages
#' A function for computing highest density regions (HDRs).
#' Adopted from the Bchron package.
#' @details The output of this function is a list of contiguous ranges which
#' cover the probability interval requested. A highest density region might
#' have multiple such ranges if the calibrated date is multi-modal. These
#' differ from credible intervals, which are always contiguous but will not
#' be a good representation of a multi-modal probability distribution.
#' @param calprobdistr the probability distribution
#' @param prob The desired probability interval, in the range(0, 1)
#' @return a dataframe containing the hdr
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
hdr <- function(calprobdistr, prob = 0.95) {
if(findInterval(prob, c(0, 1))!=1) stop('prob value outside (0,1).')
ag <- calprobdistr$calage
de <- calprobdistr$density
# Put the probabilities in order
o = order(de)
cu = cumsum(de[o])
# Find which ones are above the threshold
good_cu = which(cu>1-prob)
good_ag = sort(ag[o][good_cu])
# Pick out the extremes of each range
breaks = diff(good_ag)>1
where_breaks = which(diff(good_ag)>1)
n_breaks = sum(breaks) + 1
# Store output
out = data.frame(dens = double(), from=integer(), to=integer())
low_seq = 1
high_seq = ifelse(length(where_breaks)==0, length(breaks), where_breaks[1])
for(i in 1:n_breaks) {
curr_dens = round(100*sum(de[o][seq(good_cu[low_seq], good_cu[high_seq])]),1)
out[i,] = c(curr_dens, good_ag[low_seq], good_ag[high_seq])
low_seq = high_seq + 1
high_seq = ifelse(i<n_breaks-1, where_breaks[i+1], length(breaks))
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