
Defines functions alpha_inherit colorway_retrain reposition list2df get_domains ensure_one dots2plots subplot

Documented in subplot

#' View multiple plots in a single view
#' @param ... One of the following 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item any number of plotly/ggplot2 objects.
#'  \item a list of plotly/ggplot2 objects.
#'  \item a tibble with one list-column of plotly/ggplot2 objects.
#' }
#' @param nrows number of rows for laying out plots in a grid-like structure.
#' Only used if no domain is already specified.
#' @param widths relative width of each column on a 0-1 scale. By default all
#' columns have an equal relative width.
#' @param heights relative height of each row on a 0-1 scale. By default all
#' rows have an equal relative height.
#' @param margin either a single value or four values (all between 0 and 1).
#' If four values are provided, the first is used as the left margin, the second
#' is used as the right margin, the third is used as the top margin, and the
#' fourth is used as the bottom margin.
#' If a single value is provided, it will be used as all four margins. 
#' @param shareX should the x-axis be shared amongst the subplots?
#' @param shareY should the y-axis be shared amongst the subplots?
#' @param titleX should x-axis titles be retained?
#' @param titleY should y-axis titles be retained?
#' @param which_layout adopt the layout of which plot? If the default value of 
#' "merge" is used, layout options found later in the sequence of plots will 
#' override options found earlier in the sequence. This argument also accepts a 
#' numeric vector specifying which plots to consider when merging.
#' @return A plotly object
#' @export
#' @author Carson Sievert
#' @examplesIf interactive() || !identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")
#' # pass any number of plotly objects to subplot()
#' p1 <- plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed)
#' p2 <- plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~unemploy)
#' subplot(p1, p2, p1, p2, nrows = 2, margin = 0.05)
#' #'  # anchor multiple traces on the same legend entry
#'  p1 <- add_lines(p1, color = I("black"), name = "1st", legendgroup = "1st")
#'  p2 <- add_lines(p2, color = I("red"), name = "2nd", legendgroup = "2nd")
#'  subplot(
#'    p1, style(p1, showlegend = FALSE),
#'    p2, style(p2, showlegend = FALSE),
#'    nrows = 2, margin = 0.05
#'  )
#' # or pass a list
#' economics_long %>%
#'   split(.$variable) %>%
#'   lapply(function(d) plot_ly(d, x = ~date, y = ~value)) %>%
#'   subplot(nrows = NROW(.), shareX = TRUE)
#' # or pass a tibble with a list-column of plotly objects
#' economics_long %>%
#'   group_by(variable) %>%
#'   do(p = plot_ly(., x = ~date, y = ~value)) %>%
#'   subplot(nrows = NROW(.), shareX = TRUE)
#' # learn more at https://plotly.com/r/subplots/

subplot <- function(..., nrows = 1, widths = NULL, heights = NULL, margin = 0.02, 
                    shareX = FALSE, shareY = FALSE, titleX = shareX, 
                    titleY = shareY, which_layout = "merge") {
  plots <- dots2plots(...)
  # some plotly functions call plotly_build()...subplot() doesn't like that
  for (i in seq_along(plots)) {
    if (!is.null(plots[[i]][["frames"]])) {
        sprintf("`subplot()` detected plot #%s was 'pre-built' and already has registered\n", i),
        "animation frames. This can cause problems and may happen by calling a \n", 
        "function like `animation_opts()` or `highlight()` (which returns a 'built' plot)\n",
        "_before_ `subplot()`. Consider using such functions _after_ `subplot()`.",
        call. = FALSE
  # build all the plots without registering frames
  plotz <- lapply(plots, function(d) plotly_build(d, registerFrames = FALSE)[["x"]])
  # Are any traces referencing "axislike" layout attributes that are missing?
  # If so, move those traces to a "new plot", and inherit layout attributes,
  # which makes this sort of thing possible:
  # https://plotly.com/r/map-subplots-and-small-multiples/
  plots <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(plotz)) {
    p <- plots[[i]] <- plotz[[i]]
    layoutAttrs <- c(names(p$layout), c("mapbox", "geo", "xaxis", "yaxis"))
    xTraceAttrs <- sub("^x", "xaxis", sapply(p$data, function(tr) tr[["subplot"]] %||% tr[["geo"]] %||% tr[["xaxis"]] %||% "x"))
    yTraceAttrs <- sub("^y", "yaxis", sapply(p$data, function(tr) tr[["subplot"]] %||% tr[["geo"]] %||% tr[["yaxis"]] %||% "y"))
    missingAttrs <- setdiff(c(xTraceAttrs, yTraceAttrs), layoutAttrs)
    # move to next iteration if trace references are complete
    if (!length(missingAttrs)) next
    # remove each "missing" trace from this plot
    missingTraces <- xTraceAttrs %in% missingAttrs | yTraceAttrs %in% missingAttrs
    plots[[i]]$data[missingTraces] <- NULL
    # move traces with "similar missingness" to a new plot
    for (j in missingAttrs) {
      newPlot <- list(
        data = p$data[xTraceAttrs %in% j | yTraceAttrs %in% j],
        layout = p$layout
      # reset the anchors
      newPlot$data <- lapply(newPlot$data, function(tr) {
        for (k in c("mapbox", "geo", "xaxis", "yaxis")) {
          tr[[k]] <- sub("[0-9]+", "", tr[[k]]) %||% NULL
      plots <- c(plots, list(newPlot))
  # grab main plot objects
  traces <- lapply(plots, "[[", "data")
  layouts <- lapply(plots, "[[", "layout")
  shapes <- lapply(layouts, "[[", "shapes")
  images <- lapply(layouts, "[[", "images")
  annotations <- lapply(layouts, function(x) {
    # keep non axis title annotations (for rescaling)
    axes <- vapply(x$annotations, function(a) identical(a$annotationType, "axis"), logical(1))
  # collect axis objects (note a _single_ geo/mapbox object counts a both an x and y)
  xAxes <- lapply(layouts, function(lay) {
    keys <- grep("^geo|^mapbox|^xaxis", names(lay), value = TRUE) %||% "xaxis"
    for (k in keys) {
      dom <- lay[[k]]$domain %||% c(0, 1)
      if ("x" %in% names(dom)) dom <- dom[["x"]]
  yAxes <- lapply(layouts, function(lay) {
    keys <- grep("^geo|^mapbox|^yaxis", names(lay), value = TRUE) %||% "yaxis"
    for (k in keys) {
      dom <- lay[[k]]$domain %||% c(0, 1)
      if ("y" %in% names(dom)) dom <- dom[["y"]]
  if (!titleX) {
    xAxes <- lapply(xAxes, function(ax) lapply(ax, function(y) { y$title <- NULL; y }))
  if (!titleY) {
    yAxes <- lapply(yAxes, function(ax) lapply(ax, function(y) { y$title <- NULL; y }))
  # number of x/y axes per plot
  xAxisN <- vapply(xAxes, length, numeric(1))
  yAxisN <- vapply(yAxes, length, numeric(1))
  # old -> new axis name dictionary
  ncols <- ceiling(length(plots) / nrows)
  xAxisID <- seq_len(sum(xAxisN))
  if (shareX) {
    if (length(unique(xAxisN)) > 1) {
      warning("Must have a consistent number of axes per 'subplot' to share them.")
    } else {
      xAxisID <- rep(rep(seq_len(ncols * unique(xAxisN)), length.out = length(plots)), unique(xAxisN))
  yAxisID <- seq_len(sum(yAxisN))
  if (shareY) {
    if (length(unique(yAxisN)) > 1) {
      warning("Must have a consistent number of axes per 'subplot' to share them.")
    } else {
      yAxisID <- rep(rep(seq_len(nrows * unique(xAxisN)), each = ncols, length.out = length(plots)), unique(yAxisN))
  # current "axis" names
  xCurrentNames <- unlist(lapply(xAxes, names))
  yCurrentNames <- unlist(lapply(yAxes, names))
  xNewNames <- paste0(
    sub("[0-9]+$", "", xCurrentNames), 
    sub("^1$", "", xAxisID)
  yNewNames <- paste0(
    sub("[0-9]+$", "", yCurrentNames), 
    sub("^1$", "", yAxisID)
  xAxisMap <- setNames(xCurrentNames, xNewNames)
  yAxisMap <- setNames(yCurrentNames, yNewNames)
  # split the map by plot ID
  xAxisMap <- split(xAxisMap, rep(seq_along(plots), xAxisN))
  yAxisMap <- split(yAxisMap, rep(seq_along(plots), yAxisN))
  # domains of each subplot
  domainInfo <- get_domains(
    length(plots), nrows, margin, widths = widths, heights = heights
  for (i in seq_along(plots)) {
    # map axis object names
    xMap <- xAxisMap[[i]]
    yMap <- yAxisMap[[i]]
    xAxes[[i]] <- setNames(xAxes[[i]], names(xMap))
    yAxes[[i]] <- setNames(yAxes[[i]], names(yMap))
    # for cartesian, bump corresponding axis anchor
    for (j in seq_along(xAxes[[i]])) {
      if (grepl("^geo|^mapbox", names(xAxes[[i]][j]))) next
      map <- yMap[yMap %in% sub("y", "yaxis", xAxes[[i]][[j]]$anchor %||% "y")]
      xAxes[[i]][[j]]$anchor <- sub("axis", "", names(map))
    for (j in seq_along(yAxes[[i]])) {
      if (grepl("^geo|^mapbox", names(yAxes[[i]][j]))) next
      map <- xMap[xMap %in% sub("x", "xaxis", yAxes[[i]][[j]]$anchor %||% "x")]
      yAxes[[i]][[j]]$anchor <- sub("axis", "", names(map))
    for (key in c("geo", "subplot", "xaxis", "yaxis")) {
      # bump trace axis references
      oldAnchors <- unlist(lapply(traces[[i]], "[[", key))
      if (!length(oldAnchors)) next
      axisMap <- if (key == "yaxis") yMap else xMap
      axisMap <- setNames(sub("axis", "", axisMap), sub("axis", "", names(axisMap)))
      newAnchors <- names(axisMap)[match(oldAnchors, axisMap)]
      traces[[i]] <- Map(function(tr, a) { tr[[key]] <- a; tr }, traces[[i]], newAnchors)
      # bump annotation, image, shape xref/yref
      # (none of these layout components have geo/subplot support)
      ref <- list(xaxis = "xref", yaxis = "yref")[[key]]
      if (is.null(ref)) next
      bump_axis_ref <- function(obj, ref_default = sub("ref", "", ref)) {
        # TODO: throw error/warning if ref_default doesn't match axisMap?
        obj[[ref]] <- obj[[ref]] %||% ref_default
        if (identical(obj[[ref]], "paper")) return(obj)
        refIdx <- match(obj[[ref]], axisMap)
        if (!is.na(refIdx)) obj[[ref]] <- names(axisMap)[refIdx][1]
      annotations[[i]] <- lapply(annotations[[i]], bump_axis_ref)
      shapes[[i]] <- lapply(shapes[[i]], bump_axis_ref)
      images[[i]] <- lapply(images[[i]], bump_axis_ref, "paper")
    # rescale domains according to the tabular layout
    xDom <- as.numeric(domainInfo[i, c("xstart", "xend")])
    yDom <- as.numeric(domainInfo[i, c("yend", "ystart")])
    reScale <- function(old, new) {
        old %||% c(0, 1), new, from = c(0, 1)
    xAxes[[i]] <- lapply(xAxes[[i]], function(ax) {
      if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(ax$domain))) {
        # geo domains are different from cartesian
        ax$domain$x <- reScale(ax$domain$x, xDom)
        ax$domain$y <- reScale(ax$domain$y, yDom)
      } else {
        ax$domain <- reScale(ax$domain, xDom)
    yAxes[[i]] <- lapply(yAxes[[i]], function(ax) {
      if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(ax$domain))) {
        # geo domains are different from cartesian
        ax$domain$x <- reScale(ax$domain$x, xDom)
        ax$domain$y <- reScale(ax$domain$y, yDom)
      } else {
        ax$domain <- reScale(ax$domain, yDom)
  p <- list(
    data = unlist(traces, recursive = FALSE),
    layout = Reduce(modify_list, c(xAxes, rev(yAxes)))
  # reposition shapes and annotations
  annotations <- Map(reposition, annotations, split(domainInfo, seq_along(plots)))
  shapes <- Map(reposition, shapes, split(domainInfo, seq_along(plots)))
  images <- Map(reposition, images, split(domainInfo, seq_along(plots)))
  p$layout$annotations <- unlist(annotations, recursive = FALSE)
  p$layout$shapes <- unlist(shapes, recursive = FALSE)
  p$layout$images <- unlist(images, recursive = FALSE)

  # merge non-axis layout stuff
  layouts <- lapply(layouts, function(x) {
    x[!grepl("^[x-y]axis|^geo|^mapbox|annotations|shapes|images", names(x))] %||% list()
  if (which_layout != "merge") {
    if (!is.numeric(which_layout)) warning("which_layout must be numeric")
    if (!all(idx <- which_layout %in% seq_along(plots))) {
      warning("which_layout is referencing non-existant layouts")
      which_layout <- which_layout[idx]
    layouts <- layouts[which_layout]
  p$attrs <- unlist(lapply(plots, "[[", "attrs"), recursive = FALSE)
  p$layout <- Reduce(modify_list, layouts, p$layout)
  p$source <- ensure_one(plots, "source")
  p$config <- ensure_one(plots, "config")
  p$highlight <- ensure_one(plots, "highlight")
  # retrain default coloring
  p$data <- colorway_retrain(p$data, p$layout$colorway %||% colorway())
  p$subplot <- TRUE

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions used solely within subplot()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# take a "collection" of plots and 
dots2plots <- function(...) {
  dotz <- list(...)
  # if ... is a list (or a tibble), list(...) is a (length 1) list 
  # containing a list of plotly objects
  if (length(dotz) == 1 && is.list(dotz[[1]]) && !is.plotly(dotz[[1]])) {
    dotz <- dotz[[1]]
  if (tibble::is_tibble(dotz)) {
    # if dots is a tibble, search for one column with a list of plotly objects
    idx <- which(vapply(dotz, function(x) is.plotly(x[[1]]), logical(1)))
    if (length(idx) != 1) {
        "If you supply a tibble to subplot(), \n", 
        "it must have _one_ column with a list of plotly objects",
        call. = FALSE
    dotz <- dotz[[idx]]

# helper function that warns if more than one plot-level attribute 
# has been specified in a list of plots (and returning that attribute)
ensure_one <- function(plots, attr) {
  attrs <- Filter(Negate(is.null), lapply(plots, "[[", attr))
  if (length(attrs) == 0) {
    warning("No ", attr, " found", call. = FALSE)
    return (NULL)
  for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
    if (!identical(attrs[[1]], attrs[[i]])) {
      warning("Can only have one: ", attr, call. = FALSE)

get_domains <- function(nplots = 1, nrows = 1, margins = 0.01, 
                        widths = NULL, heights = NULL) {
  if (length(margins) == 1) margins <- rep(margins, 4)
  if (length(margins) != 4) stop("margins must be length 1 or 4", call. = FALSE)
  ncols <- ceiling(nplots / nrows)
  widths <- widths %||% rep(1 / ncols, ncols)
  heights <- heights %||% rep(1 / nrows, nrows)
  if (length(widths) != ncols) {
    stop("The length of the widths argument must be equal ",
         "to the number of columns", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(heights) != nrows) {
    stop("The length of the heights argument is ", length(heights),
         ", but the number of rows is ", nrows, call. = FALSE)
  if (any(widths < 0) | any(heights < 0)) {
    stop("The widths and heights arguments must contain positive values")
  if (sum(widths) > (1 + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) | sum(heights) > (1 + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
    stop("The sum of the widths and heights arguments must be less than 1")
  widths <- cumsum(c(0, widths))
  heights <- cumsum(c(0, heights))
  # 'center' these values if there is still room left 
  widths <- widths + (1 - max(widths)) / 2
  heights <- heights + (1 - max(heights)) / 2
  xs <- vector("list", ncols)
  for (i in seq_len(ncols)) {
    xs[[i]] <- c(
      xstart = widths[i] + if (i == 1) 0 else margins[1],
      xend = widths[i + 1] - if (i == ncols) 0 else margins[2]
  xz <- rep_len(xs, nplots)
  ys <- vector("list", nrows)
  for (i in seq_len(nplots)) {
    j <- ceiling(i / ncols)
    ys[[i]] <- c(
      ystart = 1 - (heights[j]) - if (j == 1) 0 else margins[3],
      yend = 1 - (heights[j + 1]) + if (j == nrows) 0 else margins[4]
  list2df(Map(c, xz, ys))

list2df <- function(x, nms) {
  #stopifnot(length(unique(sapply(x, length))) == 1)
  m <- if (length(x) == 1) t(x[[1]]) else do.call(rbind, x)
  row.names(m) <- NULL
  df <- data.frame(m)
  if (!missing(nms)) setNames(df, nms) else df

# translate x/y positions according to domain objects 
# (useful mostly for repositioning annotations/shapes in subplots)
reposition <- function(obj, domains) {
  # we need x and y in order to rescale them!
  xdom <- as.numeric(domains[c("xstart", "xend")])
  ydom <- as.numeric(domains[c("yend", "ystart")])
  for (i in seq_along(obj)) {
    o <- obj[[i]]
    xs <- if (identical(o$xref, "paper")) {
      if (is.numeric(o$sizex)) obj[[i]]$sizex <- o$sizex * abs(diff(xdom))
      if (identical(o$xsizemode, "pixel")) "xanchor" else c("x", "x0", "x1")
    for (j in xs) {
      if (is.numeric(o[[j]])) {
        obj[[i]][[j]] <- scales::rescale(o[[j]], xdom, from = c(0, 1))
    ys <- if (identical(o$yref, "paper")) {
      if (is.numeric(o$sizey)) obj[[i]]$sizey <- o$sizey * abs(diff(ydom))
      if (identical(o$ysizemode, "pixel")) "yanchor" else c("y", "y0", "y1")
    for (j in ys) {
      if (is.numeric(o[[j]])) {
        obj[[i]][[j]] <- scales::rescale(o[[j]], ydom, from = c(0, 1))

colorway_retrain <- function(traces, colorway = colorway()) {
  colorway <- rep(colorway, length.out = length(traces))
  for (i in seq_along(traces)) {
    col <- prefix_class(default(colorway[[i]]), "colorway")
    traces[[i]] <- rapply(traces[[i]], function(x) { if (inherits(x, "colorway")) alpha_inherit(col, x) else x }, how = "replace")

# retrieve the alpha of an 'old' color code and apply it to a new color code
alpha_inherit <- function(new, old) {
  # should return the alpha in a rgba() code
  alphas <- as.numeric(col2rgb(rgb2hex(old), alpha = TRUE)["alpha", ] / 255)
  prefix_class(default(toRGB(new, alphas)), "colorway")
ropensci/plotly documentation built on June 10, 2024, 5:51 a.m.