
Defines functions noaa_gefs_grid_process_downscale

Documented in noaa_gefs_grid_process_downscale

#' @title Extract and downscale points from a NOAA GEFS Forecast
#' @description This function extracts a set of point location forecasts from a previously
#' downloaded gridded NOAA Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) forecast and optionally temporally
#' downscales them.
#' @param lat_list Vector or range of latitudes to be downloaded (see details).
#' @param lon_list Vector or range of longitudes to be downloaded (see details).
#' @param site_list Vector of site codes, e.g. "NOAA", used in directory and file name generation.
#' @param downscale Logical specifying whether to downscale from 6-hr to 1-hr data.
#' @param overwrite Logical stating whether to overwrite any existing output files
#' @param model_name Directory name for the 6-hr forecast, this will be used in directory and file
#' name generation.
#' @param model_name_ds Directory name for downscaled 1-hr forecasts, this will be used in
#' directory and file name generation.
#' @param model_name_ds_debias Directory name for downscaled and diabiased forecasts, this will be
#' used in directory and file name generation.
#' @param model_name_raw
#' @param debias_coefficients Data frame containing debasing parameter values.
#' @param num_cores The number of processor cores to run in parrallel on.
#' @param output_directory Path: directory where the model output will be saved.
#' @param reprocess Logical: if true re-extract dates that were previously processed.
#' @param write_intermediate_ncdf Logical: retain the intermediate netCDF files created during
#' processing?
#' @param process_specific_date A date, or coercible string, specifying specific date(s) to extract.
#' If omitted all dates will be processed.
#' @param process_specific_cycle A vector of forecast times ("00", "06", "12", or "18" hours), to
#' extract. If omitted all cycles will be processed.
#' @param delete_bad_files Logical: delete bad files?
#' @param grid_name A short grid name used in directory and file name generation.
#' @param s3_mode Logical: save the forecast to a Amazon S3 bucket rather than locally.
#' @param bucket If s3_mode = TRUE, the S3 bucket name to save to.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples

# - If reprocess is true, do we need to turn overwrite on?
# - process_specific_cycle is treated as numeric but we should expect character as well.
# - I think the model_name parameters should have defaults and / or could be derived from a single
# - I don't understand what model_name_raw directory is used for.
# - The value of write_intermediate_ncdf is overridden in the code.
# - Not sure I have the purpose of write_intermediate_ncdf correct.

noaa_gefs_grid_process_downscale <- function(lat_list,
                                             debias = FALSE,
                                             debias_coefficients = NULL,
                                             reprocess = FALSE,
                                             write_intermediate_ncdf = TRUE,
                                             process_specific_date = NA,
                                             process_specific_cycle = NA,
                                             delete_bad_files = TRUE,
                                             grid_name = "neon",
                                             s3_mode = FALSE,
                                             bucket = NULL){

  extract_sites <- function(ens_index, hours_char, hours, cycle, site_list, lat_list, lon_list, working_directory, process_specific_date, grid_name){

    site_length <- length(site_list)
    tmp2m <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))
    rh2m <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))
    ugrd10m <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length,length(hours_char)))
    vgrd10m <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))
    pressfc <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))
    apcpsfc <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))
    tcdcclm <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))
    dlwrfsfc <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))
    dswrfsfc <- array(NA, dim = c(site_length, length(hours_char)))

    if(ens_index == 1){
      base_filename2 <- paste0("gec00",".t",cycle,"z.pgrb2a.0p50.f")
      if(ens_index-1 < 10){
        ens_name <- formatC((ens_index - 1), width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
        ens_name <- as.character(ens_index-1)
      base_filename2 <- paste0("gep",ens_name,".t",cycle,"z.pgrb2a.0p50.f")

    lats <- round(lat_list/.5)*.5
    lons <- round(lon_list/.5)*.5
    curr_hours <- hours_char

    for(hr in 1:length(curr_hours)){

      file_name <- paste0(working_directory,"/", base_filename2, curr_hours[hr],".",grid_name,".grib")

        if(file.info(file_name)$size != 0){
          grib <- rgdal::readGDAL(file_name, silent = TRUE)
          lat_lon <- sp::coordinates(grib)

          for(s in 1:length(site_list)){

            index <- which(lat_lon[,2] == lats[s] & lat_lon[,1] == lons[s])

            if(length(index) > 0){

              if(is.null(grib$band1[index]) | is.null(grib$band2[index]) | is.null(grib$band3[index]) | is.null(grib$band4[index]) | is.null(grib$band5[index])){
                  return(list(NULL, file_name))
                  pressfc[s, hr]  <- NA
                  tmp2m[s, hr] <- NA
                  rh2m[s, hr]  <- NA
                  ugrd10m[s, hr]  <- NA
                  vgrd10m[s, hr]  <- NA

                  if(curr_hours[hr] != "000"){
                    apcpsfc[s, hr]  <- NA
                    tcdcclm[s, hr]  <-  NA
                    dswrfsfc[s, hr]  <- NA
                    dlwrfsfc[s, hr]  <- NA
                pressfc[s, hr]  <- grib$band1[index]
                tmp2m[s, hr] <- grib$band2[index]
                rh2m[s, hr]  <- grib$band3[index]
                ugrd10m[s, hr]  <- grib$band4[index]
                vgrd10m[s, hr]  <- grib$band5[index]

                if(curr_hours[hr] != "000"){
                  apcpsfc[s, hr]  <- grib$band6[index]
                  tcdcclm[s, hr]  <-  grib$band7[index]
                  dswrfsfc[s, hr]  <- grib$band8[index]
                  dlwrfsfc[s, hr]  <- grib$band9[index]
              warning("Coordinates of site supplied (Lat: ", lat_list[s], "; Lon: ", lon_list[s], ") are not within the GRIB file coordinates, Lat: ", range(lat_lon[, 2])[1], " to ", range(lat_lon[, 2])[2], " Lon: ", range(lat_lon[, 1])[1], " to ", range(lat_lon[, 1])[2])
              pressfc[s, hr]  <- NA
              tmp2m[s, hr] <- NA
              rh2m[s, hr]  <- NA
              ugrd10m[s, hr]  <- NA
              vgrd10m[s, hr]  <-NA
              apcpsfc[s, hr]  <- NA
              tcdcclm[s, hr]  <-  NA
              dswrfsfc[s, hr]  <- NA
              dlwrfsfc[s, hr]  <- NA

    return(list(tmp2m = tmp2m,
                pressfc = pressfc,
                rh2m = rh2m,
                dlwrfsfc = dlwrfsfc,
                dswrfsfc = dswrfsfc,
                ugrd10m = ugrd10m,
                vgrd10m = vgrd10m,
                apcpsfc = apcpsfc,
                tcdcclm = tcdcclm))

  lon_list[which(lon_list > 180)] <- lon_list[which(lon_list > 180)] - 360

  noaa_var_names <- c("tmp2m", "pressfc", "rh2m", "dlwrfsfc",
                      "dswrfsfc", "apcpsfc",
                      "ugrd10m", "vgrd10m", "tcdcclm")

  curr_time <- lubridate::with_tz(Sys.time(), tzone = "UTC")
  curr_date <- lubridate::as_date(curr_time)
  potential_dates <- seq(curr_date - lubridate::days(3), curr_date, by = "1 day")

    potential_dates <- lubridate::as_date(list.dirs(file.path(output_directory, model_name_raw), recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE))
  #Remove dates before the new GEFS system
    potential_dates <- potential_dates[which(potential_dates > lubridate::as_date("2020-09-23"))]
    potential_dates <- lubridate::as_date(process_specific_date)

  for(k in 1:length(potential_dates)){

    forecast_date <- lubridate::as_date(potential_dates[k])
      forecast_hours <- c(0,6,12,18)
      forecast_hours <- process_specific_cycle

    for(j in 1:length(forecast_hours)){
      cycle <- forecast_hours[j]
      curr_forecast_time <- forecast_date + lubridate::hours(cycle)
      if(cycle < 10) cycle <- formatC(cycle, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
      if(cycle == "00"){
        hours <- c(seq(0, 240, 6),seq(246, 840 , 6))
        hours <- c(seq(0, 240, 6),seq(246, 384 , 6))
      hours_char <- formatC(hours, width = 3, format = "d", flag = "0")

      message(paste0("Processing forecast time: ", curr_forecast_time))

        s3_objects <- aws.s3::get_bucket(bucket = bucket, prefix = file.path(model_name_raw, forecast_date, cycle), max = Inf)
        s3_list <- vapply(s3_objects, `[[`, "", "Key", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        empty <- grepl("/$", s3_list)
        s3_list <- s3_list[!empty]
        raw_files <- s3_list
        raw_files <- list.files(file.path(output_directory, model_name_raw, forecast_date, cycle))

      hours_present <- as.numeric(stringr::str_sub(basename(raw_files), start = 25, end = 27))

      all_downloaded <- FALSE

      #JMR_NOTE: Is this a testing artifact or temporary fix or does thte paremeter need to go away?
      write_intermediate_ncdf <- TRUE

      if(cycle == "00"){
        #Sometime the 16-35 day forecast is not completed for some of the forecasts.  If over 24 hrs has passed then they won't show up.
        #Go ahead and create the netcdf files
        if(length(which(hours_present == 840)) == 30 |
           (length(which(hours_present == 384)) == 31 & curr_forecast_time + lubridate::hours(36) < curr_time) |
           (length(which(hours_present == 384)) == 31 & write_intermediate_ncdf == TRUE)){
          all_downloaded <- TRUE
        if(length(which(hours_present == 384)) == 31){
          all_downloaded <- TRUE

      missing_files <- FALSE
      #for(site_index in 1:length(site_list)){
        s3_objects <- aws.s3::get_bucket(bucket = bucket, prefix = file.path(model_name, site_list[1], forecast_date,cycle), max = Inf)
        s3_list<- vapply(s3_objects, `[[`, "", "Key", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        empty <- grepl("/$", s3_list)
        s3_list <- s3_list[!empty]
        existing_ncfiles <- s3_list
        num_files <- length(existing_ncfiles)
        num_files <- length(list.files(file.path(output_directory, model_name, site_list[1], forecast_date,cycle)))

      if(num_files < 31){
        missing_files <- TRUE

        missing_files <- TRUE

      if(write_intermediate_ncdf == TRUE & cycle == "00"){
          s3_objects <- aws.s3::get_bucket(bucket = bucket, prefix = file.path(model_name, site_list[1], forecast_date,cycle), max = Inf)
          s3_list<- vapply(s3_objects, `[[`, "", "Key", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
          empty <- grepl("/$", s3_list)
          s3_list <- s3_list[!empty]
          existing_ncfiles <- s3_list
          existing_ncfiles <- list.files(file.path(model_name, site_list[1], forecast_date,cycle))
        if(length(existing_ncfiles) == 31){
          split_filenames <- stringr::str_split(existing_ncfiles,pattern = "_")
          df <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(split_filenames), nrow = length(existing_ncfiles), byrow = TRUE))
          count_unique <- tibble::tibble(x = factor(df[, ncol(df) - 1])) %>% dplyr::group_by(x) %>% dplyr::summarize(count = dplyr::n())
          if((nrow(count_unique) == 2 & count_unique[nrow(count_unique),2] != 30) | nrow(count_unique) != 2){
            missing_files <- TRUE

        all_downloaded <- TRUE
        missing_files <- TRUE

      if(all_downloaded & missing_files){


          if(!dir.exists(file.path(output_directory, model_name_raw, forecast_date, cycle))){
            dir.create(file.path(output_directory, model_name_raw, forecast_date, cycle), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

          for(k in 1:length(raw_files)){
            aws.s3::save_object(object = raw_files[k], bucket = bucket, file = file.path(output_directory, raw_files[k]))

          ens_index <- 1:31
          lon_list[lon_list > 180] <- lon_list[lon_list > 180] - 360
          #Run download_downscale_site() over the site_index
          output <- parallel::mclapply(X = ens_index,
                                       FUN = extract_sites,
                                       hours_char = hours_char,
                                       hours = hours,
                                       working_directory = file.path(output_directory, model_name_raw,forecast_date,cycle),
                                       process_specific_date = process_specific_date,
                                       grid_name = grid_name,
                                       mc.cores = num_cores
          bad_ens_member <- FALSE
          for(ens in 1:31){
              bad_ens_member <- TRUE
              message(paste0("Bad file: ", unlist(output[[ens]][2])))


          forecast_times <- lubridate::as_datetime(forecast_date) + lubridate::hours(as.numeric(cycle)) + lubridate::hours(as.numeric(hours_char))

          for(site_index in 1:length(site_list)){

            message(paste0("Processing site: ", site_list[site_index]))

            #Convert negative longitudes to degrees east
            if(lon_list[site_index] < 0){
              lon_east <- 360 + lon_list[site_index]
              lon_east <- lon_list[site_index]

            model_site_date_hour_dir <- file.path(model_name, site_list[site_index], forecast_date,cycle)

              s3_objects <- aws.s3::get_bucket(bucket = bucket, prefix = file.path(model_name, site_list[site_index], forecast_date,cycle), max = Inf)
              s3_list<- vapply(s3_objects, `[[`, "", "Key", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
              empty <- grepl("/$", s3_list)
              s3_list <- s3_list[!empty]
              existing_ncfiles <- s3_list
              if(length(existing_ncfiles) > 0){
                for(s3_file_index in 1:length(existing_ncfiles)){
                  aws.s3::delete_object(object = existing_ncfiles[s3_file_index], bucket = bucket)

            if(!dir.exists(file.path(output_directory, model_site_date_hour_dir))){
              dir.create(file.path(output_directory, model_site_date_hour_dir), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
              unlink(list.files(output_directory, model_site_date_hour_dir, full.names = TRUE))

              modelds_site_date_hour_dir <- file.path(model_name_ds,site_list[site_index], forecast_date,cycle)
              if(!dir.exists(file.path(output_directory, modelds_site_date_hour_dir))){
                dir.create(file.path(output_directory, modelds_site_date_hour_dir), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
                unlink(list.files(file.path(output_directory, modelds_site_date_hour_dir), full.names = TRUE))
                s3_objects <- aws.s3::get_bucket(bucket = bucket, prefix = file.path(model_name_ds, site_list[site_index], forecast_date,cycle), max = Inf)
                s3_list<- vapply(s3_objects, `[[`, "", "Key", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
                empty <- grepl("/$", s3_list)
                s3_list <- s3_list[!empty]
                existing_ncfiles <- s3_list
                if(length(existing_ncfiles) > 0){
                  for(s3_file_index in 1:length(existing_ncfiles)){
                    aws.s3::delete_object(object = existing_ncfiles[s3_file_index], bucket = bucket)

              modelds_debias_site_date_hour_dir <- file.path(model_name_ds_debias,site_list[site_index], forecast_date,cycle)
              if(!dir.exists(file.path(output_directory, modelds_debias_site_date_hour_dir))){
                dir.create(file.path(output_directory, modelds_debias_site_date_hour_dir), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
                unlink(list.files(file.path(output_directory, modelds_debias_site_date_hour_dir), full.names = TRUE))
                s3_objects <- aws.s3::get_bucket(bucket = bucket, prefix = file.path(model_name_ds_debias, site_list[site_index], forecast_date,cycle), max = Inf)
                s3_list<- vapply(s3_objects, `[[`, "", "Key", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
                empty <- grepl("/$", s3_list)
                s3_list <- s3_list[!empty]
                existing_ncfiles <- s3_list
                if(length(existing_ncfiles) > 0){
                  for(s3_file_index in 1:length(existing_ncfiles)){
                    aws.s3::delete_object(object = existing_ncfiles[s3_file_index], bucket = bucket)

            noaa_data <- list()

            for(v in 1:length(noaa_var_names)){

              value <- NULL
              ensembles <- NULL
              forecast.date <- NULL

              noaa_data[v] <- NULL

              for(ens in 1:31){
                curr_ens <- output[[ens]]

                value <- tryCatch({
                  c(value, curr_ens[[noaa_var_names[v]]][site_index, ])
                error=function(e) {

                ensembles <- c(ensembles, rep(ens, length(curr_ens[[noaa_var_names[v]]][site_index, ])))
                forecast.date <- c(forecast.date, forecast_times)
              noaa_data[[v]] <- list(value = value,
                                     ensembles = ensembles,
                                     forecast.date = lubridate::as_datetime(forecast.date))


            #These are the cf standard names
            cf_var_names <- c("air_temperature", "air_pressure", "relative_humidity", "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
                              "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air", "precipitation_flux", "eastward_wind", "northward_wind","cloud_area_fraction")

            #Replace "eastward_wind" and "northward_wind" with "wind_speed"
            cf_var_names1 <- c("air_temperature", "air_pressure", "relative_humidity", "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
                               "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air", "precipitation_flux","specific_humidity", "cloud_area_fraction","wind_speed")

            cf_var_units1 <- c("K", "Pa", "1", "Wm-2", "Wm-2", "kgm-2s-1", "1", "1", "ms-1")  #Negative numbers indicate negative exponents

            names(noaa_data) <- cf_var_names

            specific_humidity <- rep(NA, length(noaa_data$relative_humidity$value))

            noaa_data$relative_humidity$value <- noaa_data$relative_humidity$value / 100

            noaa_data$air_temperature$value <- noaa_data$air_temperature$value + 273.15

            specific_humidity[which(!is.na(noaa_data$relative_humidity$value))] <- rh2qair(rh = noaa_data$relative_humidity$value[which(!is.na(noaa_data$relative_humidity$value))],
                                                                                           T = noaa_data$air_temperature$value[which(!is.na(noaa_data$relative_humidity$value))],
                                                                                           press = noaa_data$air_pressure$value[which(!is.na(noaa_data$relative_humidity$value))])

            #Calculate wind speed from east and north components
            wind_speed <- sqrt(noaa_data$eastward_wind$value^2 + noaa_data$northward_wind$value^2)

            forecast_noaa <- tibble::tibble(time = noaa_data$air_temperature$forecast.date,
                                            NOAA.member = noaa_data$air_temperature$ensembles,
                                            air_temperature = noaa_data$air_temperature$value,
                                            air_pressure= noaa_data$air_pressure$value,
                                            relative_humidity = noaa_data$relative_humidity$value,
                                            surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air = noaa_data$surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air$value,
                                            surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air = noaa_data$surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air$value,
                                            precipitation_flux = noaa_data$precipitation_flux$value,
                                            specific_humidity = specific_humidity,
                                            cloud_area_fraction = noaa_data$cloud_area_fraction$value,
                                            wind_speed = wind_speed)

            forecast_noaa$cloud_area_fraction <- forecast_noaa$cloud_area_fraction / 100 #Convert from % to proportion

            # Convert the 3 hr precip rate to per second.
            forecast_noaa$precipitation_flux <- forecast_noaa$precipitation_flux / (60 * 60 * 6)

            for (ens in 1:31) { # i is the ensemble number

              #Turn the ensemble number into a string
              if(ens-1< 10){
                ens_name <- paste0("0",ens-1)
                ens_name <- ens - 1

              forecast_noaa_ens <- forecast_noaa %>%
                dplyr::filter(NOAA.member == ens) %>%

              end_date <- forecast_noaa_ens %>%
                dplyr::summarise(max_time = max(time))

              start_date <- forecast_noaa_ens %>%
                dplyr::summarise(min_time = min(time))

              identifier <- paste(basename(model_name), site_list[site_index], format(start_date$min_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H"),
                                  format(end_date$max_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H"), sep="_")

              fname_6r <- paste0(identifier,"_ens",ens_name,".nc")
              output_file <- file.path(output_directory, model_site_date_hour_dir,fname_6r)

              #Write netCDF
              Rnoaa4cast::write_noaa_gefs_netcdf(df = forecast_noaa_ens,ens, lat = lat_list[site_index], lon = lon_east, cf_units = cf_var_units1, output_file = output_file, overwrite = TRUE)


                identifier_ds <- paste(basename(model_name_ds), site_list[site_index], format(start_date$min_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H"),
                                       format(end_date$max_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H"), sep="_")

                fname_6r_ds <- paste0(identifier_ds,"_ens",ens_name,".nc")
                output_file_ds <- file.path(output_directory, modelds_site_date_hour_dir,fname_6r_ds)

                #Run downscaling
                Rnoaa4cast::temporal_downscale(input_file = output_file, output_file = output_file_ds, overwrite = TRUE, hr = 1)

                  identifier_ds_debias <- paste(basename(model_name_ds_debias), site_list[site_index], format(start_date$min_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H"),
                                                format(end_date$max_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H"), sep="_")

                  fname_6r_ds_debias <- paste0(identifier_ds_debias,"_ens",ens_name,".nc")
                  output_file_ds_debias <- file.path(output_directory, modelds_debias_site_date_hour_dir,fname_6r_ds_debias)

                  spatial_downscale_coeff <- list(AirTemp = c(debias_coefficients[site_index]$temp_intercept, debias_coefficients[site_index]$temp_slope),
                                                  ShortWave = c(debias_coefficients[site_index]$sw_intercept, debias_coefficients[site_index]$sw_slope),
                                                  LongWave = c(debias_ccoefficients[site_index]$lw_intercept, debias_coefficients[site_index]$lw_slope),
                                                  WindSpeed = c(debias_coefficients[site_index]$wind_intercept, debias_coefficients[site_index]$wind_slope))

                  Rnoaa4cast::debias_met_forecast(input_file = output_file_ds, output_file = output_file_ds_debias, spatial_downscale_coeff, overwrite = TRUE)
                unlink(file.path(output_directory, model_name_raw, forecast_date, cycle), recursive = TRUE)

                file_6r <- file.path(model_site_date_hour_dir,fname_6r)
                success_transfer <- aws.s3::put_object(file = file.path(output_directory, file_6r),
                                                       object = file_6r,
                                                       bucket = bucket)
                  unlink(file.path(output_directory, file_6r), force = TRUE)

                  file_6r_ds <- file.path(modelds_site_date_hour_dir, fname_6r_ds)
                  success_transfer <- aws.s3::put_object(file = file.path(output_directory, file_6r_ds),
                                                         object = file_6r_ds,
                                                         bucket = bucket)
                    unlink(file.path(output_directory, file_6r_ds), force = TRUE)


                  file_6r_ds_debais <- file.path(modelds_debias_site_date_hour_dir, fname_6r_ds_debias)
                  success_transfer <- aws.s3::put_object(file = file.path(output_directory, file_6r_ds_debais),
                                                         object = file_6r_ds_debais,
                                                         bucket = bucket)
                    unlink(file.path(output_directory, file_6r_ds_debais), force = TRUE)
rqthomas/noaaGEFSpoint documentation built on Feb. 22, 2022, 4:27 a.m.