
Defines functions print_init_ll print_ml_par_settings add_column_to_dataframe DAISIE_spec_tables DAISIE_nonoceanic_spec translate_sea_level translate_island_ontogeny sample_relaxed_rate order_pars1 antidiagSums quantiles DAISIE_eq calcMN fconstr15 fconstr13 countstac countimmi countspeciestype1 counttype1 countspecies

Documented in add_column_to_dataframe countspecies sample_relaxed_rate

#' Count the number of species
#' @param datalistelement something
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A numeric value
countspecies = function(datalistelement)
  N = length(datalistelement$branching_times) - 1 + datalistelement$missing_species

counttype1 = function(datalistelement)
  N1 = 0
  if(length(datalistelement$type1or2) > 0)
    N1 = (datalistelement$type1or2 == 1)

countspeciestype1 = function(datalistelement)
  N1 = 0
  if(length(datalistelement$type1or2) > 0)
    if(datalistelement$type1or2 == 1)
      N1 = length(datalistelement$branching_times) - 1 + datalistelement$missing_species

countimmi = function(datalistelement)
  datalistelement$stac != 2

countstac = function(datalistelement,stac)
  return(datalistelement$stac == stac)

fconstr13 = function(x,pars1,x_E,age)
  lac = pars1[1]
  laa = pars1[5]
  ga = pars1[4]
  A = x - lac
  C = ga + laa + 2 * lac
  ff = (1 + A/C * (1 - exp(-C * age))) * exp(-A * age) - (1 - x_E)

fconstr15 = function(x,pars1,x_E,x_I,age)
  lac = pars1[1]
  laa = pars1[5]
  A = x - lac
  B_c = -1/age * log(1 - x_I)
  ga = B_c - x - laa - lac
  C = ga + laa + 2 * lac
  ff = (1 + A/C * (1 - exp(-C * age))) * exp(-A * age) - (1 - x_E)

calcMN = function(datalist,pars1)
  N = sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,countspecies)))
    M = datalist[[1]]$not_present_type1 + datalist[[1]]$not_present_type2 + length(datalist) - 1
        M = datalist[[1]]$not_present_type1 + sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,counttype1)))
      } else {
        M = M - max(0,DDD::roundn(pars1[11] * M))
      N = sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,countspeciestype1)))
  } else {
    M = datalist[[1]]$not_present + length(datalist) - 1

DAISIE_eq = function(datalist,pars1,pars2)
  eqmodel = pars2[5]
  ddep = pars2[2]
  MN = calcMN(datalist,pars1)
  M = MN[1]
  N = MN[2]
  I = sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,countimmi)))
  rNM = N/M
  rIM = I/(M - I)
  rIN = I/(N - I)
  clado = pars1[1] * ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 1 || ddep == 11)) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 2 || ddep == 21)
  ana = pars1[5]
  # Equilibrium based on deterministic model in terms of N
  if(eqmodel == 1)
    immi = pars1[4] * ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11)) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21)
    ext = clado + immi * (1/rNM - 1)
    pars1[2] = ext
  # Equilibrium model based on deterministic model in terms of E and I
  if(eqmodel == 2) # Only eq for N
    ext = pars1[2]
    immitot = 1/(1/rNM * 1/(ext - clado) - 1/(ana + clado + ext))
    immi = immitot / ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21))
    pars1[4] = immi
  if(eqmodel == 3) # Only eq for E
    immi = pars1[4] * ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11)) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21)
    ext = clado + (ana + 2 * clado) * rIN
    pars1[2] = ext
  if(eqmodel == 4) # Only eq for I
    ext = pars1[2]
    immitot = (ext + ana + clado) * rIM
    immi = immitot / ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21))
    pars1[4] = immi
  if(eqmodel == 5) # Eq for E and I
    ext = clado + (ana + 2 * clado) * rIN
    immitot = (ext + ana + clado) * rIM
    immi = immitot / ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21))
    pars1[2] = ext
    pars1[4] = immi
  if(eqmodel == 13) # Within x_E of equilibrium for E - diversity-dependence not implemented
    x_E = pars2[10]
    x_I = pars2[11]
    age = datalist[[1]]$island_age
    pars1[2] = stats::uniroot(f = fconstr13,interval = c(pars1[1] + 1E-6, pars1[1] + 10),pars1 = pars1,x_E = x_E, age = age)$root
    ga_c = -1/age * log(1 - x_I) - pars1[1] - pars1[2] - pars1[5]
    if(pars1[4] < ga_c)
      cat("The non-endemics do not satisfy the equilibrium criterion for these parameters.\n")
  if(eqmodel == 15) # Within x_E and x_I of equilibrium for both E and I - diversity-dependence not implemented
    x_E = pars2[10]
    x_I = pars2[11]
    age = datalist[[1]]$island_age
    pars1[2] = stats::uniroot(f = fconstr15,interval = c(pars1[1] + 1E-6, pars1[1] + 10),pars1 = pars1,x_E = x_E, x_I = x_I, age = age)$root
    pars1[4] = -1/age * log(1 - x_I) - pars1[1] - pars1[2] - pars1[5]

quantiles = function(probdist,probs)
  result = NULL
  cdf = cumsum(probdist[2,])
  for(i in 1:length(probs))
    n = max(which(cdf <= probs[i]))
    x = probdist[1,n]
    if(cdf[n] == probs[i])
      result[i] = x
    } else
      if(n < length(cdf))
        result[i] = ((x + 1) * (probs[i] - cdf[n]) + x * (cdf[n + 1] - probs[i]))/(cdf[n + 1] - cdf[n])
      } else
        result[i] = x
  names(result) = probs

antidiagSums = function(mat)
  dime = dim(mat)
  out = rep(0,sum(dime) - 1)
  nr = nrow(mat)
  nc = ncol(mat)
  for(i in 1:(nr + nc - 1))
    rownums = min(i,nr):max(1,i - nc + 1)
    colnums = max(1,i - nr + 1):min(i,nc)
    for(j in 1:length(rownums))
      out[i] = out[i] + mat[rownums[j],colnums[j]]

order_pars1 <- function(pars1)
  np <- names(pars1)
  correct_order <- c('max_area','proportional_peak_t','peak_sharpness','total_island_age','lac','mu_min','mu_max','K0','gam','laa')
    pars1ff <- pars1
    pars1ff[1] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'max_area')]
    pars1ff[2] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'proportional_peak_t')]
    pars1ff[3] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'peak_sharpness')]
    pars1ff[4] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'total_island_age')]
    pars1ff[5] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'lac')]
    pars1ff[6] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'mu_min')]
    pars1ff[7] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'mu_max')]
    pars1ff[8] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'K0')]
    pars1ff[9] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'gam')]
    pars1ff[10] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'laa')]
    pars1 <- pars1ff
    names(pars1) <- correct_order

#' Samples from distribution when parameter is relaxed
#' @param pars A vector of 5 elements with the model parameters
#' @param relaxed_par A string determining which parameter is relaxed
#' @return A vector of parameters.
#' @keywords internal
sample_relaxed_rate <- function(pars,
                                relaxed_par) {

  mean <- which(c("cladogenesis",
                  "anagenesis") == relaxed_par)
  mean <- pars[mean]
  sd <- pars[6]
  if (relaxed_par == "cladogenesis") {
    pars[1] <- stats::rgamma(
      n = 1,
      shape = mean^2 / sd^2,
      scale = sd^2 / mean)
  if (relaxed_par == "extinction") {
    pars[2] <- stats::rgamma(
      n = 1,
      shape = mean^2 / sd^2,
      scale = sd^2 / mean)
  if (relaxed_par == "carrying_capacity") {
    pars[3] <- stats::rgamma(
      n = 1,
      shape = mean^2 / sd^2,
      scale = sd^2 / mean)
  if (relaxed_par == "immigration") {
    pars[4] <- stats::rgamma(
      n = 1,
      shape = mean^2 / sd^2,
      scale = sd^2 / mean)
  if (relaxed_par == "anagenesis") {
    pars[5] <- stats::rgamma(
      n = 1,
      shape = mean^2 / sd^2,
      scale = sd^2 / mean)
  pars <- pars[1:5]

#' Translate user-friendly ontogeny codes to numerics
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @return Numeric, 0 for null-ontogeny, 1 for beta function
#' @noRd
translate_island_ontogeny <- function(island_ontogeny) {

  if (island_ontogeny == "const" || island_ontogeny == 0) {
    island_ontogeny <- 0
  if (island_ontogeny == "beta" || island_ontogeny == 1) {
    island_ontogeny <- 1

#' Translate user-friendly sea-level codes to numerics
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @return Numeric, 0 for null-sea-level, 1 for sine function
#' @noRd
translate_sea_level <- function(sea_level) {

  if (sea_level == "const" || sea_level == 0) {
    sea_level <- 0

  if (sea_level == "sine" || sea_level == 1) {
    sea_level <- 1

#' Calculates the species on the island initially when \code{nonoceanic_pars[1]
#' != 0}
#' @param prob_samp probability of a species being sampled
#' from the mainland pool
#' @param prob_nonend probability of a species sampled being non-endemic
#' @param mainland_n number of species in the mainland pool
#' @return A list of non-endemic species, endemic species and the new
#' mainland species pool
#' @noRd
DAISIE_nonoceanic_spec <- function(prob_samp, prob_nonend, mainland_n) {
  testit::assert(prob_samp <= 1)
  testit::assert(prob_samp >= 0)
  testit::assert(prob_nonend <= 1)
  testit::assert(prob_nonend  >= 0)
  testit::assert(length(mainland_n) > 0)
  if (prob_samp != 0) {
    prob_not_samp <- 1 - prob_samp
    prob_nonend <- prob_samp * prob_nonend
    prob_end <- 1 - (prob_not_samp + prob_nonend)
    num_native_spec <- sample(1:3, length(1:mainland_n),
                              replace = TRUE,
                              prob = c(prob_not_samp, prob_nonend, prob_end))
    init_nonend_spec_vec <- sample(1:mainland_n,
                                   length(which(num_native_spec == 2)),
                                   replace = FALSE)
    new_source_pool <- setdiff(1:mainland_n, init_nonend_spec_vec)
    init_end_spec_vec <- sample(new_source_pool,
                                length(which(num_native_spec == 3)),
                                replace = FALSE)
    mainland_spec <- setdiff(1:mainland_n, init_end_spec_vec)
    testit::assert(sum(length(which(num_native_spec == 1)),
                       length(which(num_native_spec == 2)),
                       length(which(num_native_spec == 3)))
                   == sum(mainland_n))
    init_nonend_spec <- length(init_nonend_spec_vec)
    init_end_spec <- length(init_end_spec_vec)
    if (length(mainland_spec) == 0) {
      mainland_spec <- 0
  } else {
    init_nonend_spec <- 0
    init_end_spec <- 0
    init_nonend_spec_vec <- integer(0)
    init_end_spec_vec <- integer(0)
    if(mainland_n != 0){
      mainland_spec <- seq(1, mainland_n, 1)
    } else {
      mainland_spec = c()
  return(list(init_nonend_spec = init_nonend_spec,
              init_end_spec = init_end_spec,
              init_nonend_spec_vec = init_nonend_spec_vec,
              init_end_spec_vec = init_end_spec_vec,
              mainland_spec = mainland_spec))

#' Update internal Gillespie bookeeping objects
#' @param stt_table A species=through-time table.
#' @param total_time Simulated amount of time.
#' @param timeval Current time of simulation.
#' @param mainland_spec A vector with the numeric IDs of the mainland species
#' (i.e. potential colonizers).
#' @param island_spec A matrix with the species on the island (state of the
#' system at each time point).
#' @return A named list with the updated input arguments at time of simulation.
#' @noRd
DAISIE_spec_tables <- function(stt_table,
                               maxspecID) {
  init_nonend_spec <- nonoceanic_sample$init_nonend_spec
  init_end_spec <- nonoceanic_sample$init_end_spec
  mainland_spec <- nonoceanic_sample$mainland_spec
  stt_table[1, ] <- c(total_time,
  if (init_nonend_spec != 0) {
    for (i in seq_along(1:init_nonend_spec)) {
      island_spec <- rbind(island_spec,
  if (init_end_spec != 0) {
    for (j in seq_along(1:init_end_spec)) {
      maxspecID <- maxspecID + 1
      island_spec <- rbind(island_spec,
  return(list(stt_table = stt_table,
              init_nonend_spec = init_nonend_spec,
              init_end_spec = init_end_spec,
              mainland_spec = mainland_spec,
              island_spec = island_spec,
              maxspecID = maxspecID))

#' Add a column to a data frame
#' @param df data frame to add the column to
#' @param position location in data frame where to insert the column.
#' Position can also be a name of a column
#' @param column_to_insert the elements of the column to insert. If
#' the column has a name, this name will be copied into the data frame.
#' Id is does not have a name, it will get the name "nc".
#' @return A data frame with the column inserted
add_column_to_dataframe <- function(df, position, column_to_insert) {
  if(is.character(position)) {
    position <- which(names(df) == position)
  df <- data.frame(df[1:position],
                   nc = column_to_insert,
                   df[(position + 1):ncol(df)])
  names(df)[names(df) == 'nc'] <- names(column_to_insert)

#' Print optimisation settings
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @param all_no_shift numeric vector with the standard no shifted values
#' depending on a model. Internal parameter to DAISIE_ML1, set to NA upstream
#' if not needed to prevent shift message being generated.
#' @return Invisible `NULL`. Prints a `message()` to the console with the parameters
#'   that are to be optimized, fixed, and shifted if `verbose >= 1`.
#' @noRd
print_ml_par_settings <- function(namepars,
                                  verbose) {
  if (isTRUE(verbose >= 1)) {

    if (length(namepars[idparsopt]) == 0) {
      optstr <- "nothing"
    } else {
      optstr <- namepars[idparsopt]

    opt_print <- paste0("You are optimizing: ", paste(optstr, collapse = " "))
    if (length(namepars[idparsfix]) == 0) {
      fixstr <- "nothing"
    } else {
      fixstr <- namepars[idparsfix]
    fix_print <- paste0("You are fixing: ", paste(fixstr, collapse = " "))

    if (any(is.numeric(idparsnoshift)) &&
        sum(idparsnoshift %in% (all_no_shift)) != 5) {
      noshiftstring <- namepars[idparsnoshift]
      shift_prt <- paste0(
        "You are not shifting: ",
        paste(noshiftstring, collapse = " ")
      message(paste(opt_print, fix_print, shift_prt, sep = "\n"))
    } else {
      message(paste(opt_print, fix_print, sep = "\n"))



#' Print likelihood for initial parameters
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @param initloglik A numeric with the value of loglikehood obtained prior to
#'   optimisation. Only used internally.
#' @return Invisible `NULL`. Prints a `message()` to the console with the
#'   initial loglikelihood if `verbose >= 1`
#' @noRd
print_init_ll <- function(initloglik,
                          verbose) {
  if (isTRUE(verbose >= 1)) {
    init_ll_msg1 <- "Calculating the likelihood for the initial parameters."
    init_ll_msg2 <- paste0("The loglikelihood for the initial parameter values is ", initloglik)
    init_ll_msg3 <- c("Optimizing the likelihood - this may take a while.")
    message(paste(init_ll_msg1, init_ll_msg2, init_ll_msg3, sep = "\n"))


rsetienne/DAISIE documentation built on July 6, 2024, 5:48 a.m.