
Sys.setenv(R_CONFIG_ACTIVE = "cloudml")

# required R packages
CRAN <- c(

GITHUB <- list(

# validate resources
r_version <- paste(R.Version()$major, R.Version()$minor, sep = ".")
if (utils::compareVersion(r_version, "3.4.0") < 0)
  warning("Found R version ", r_version, " but 3.4.0 or newer is expected.")

# save repository + download methods
repos <- getOption("repos")
download.file.method <- getOption("download.file.method")
download.file.extra  <- getOption("download.file.extra")

# emit warnings as they occur
options(warn = 1)

    repos = repos,
    download.file.method = download.file.method,
    download.file.extra = download.file.extra
  add = TRUE

# set an appropriate downloader
if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl"))) {
    repos = c(CRAN = ""),
    download.file.method = "curl",
    download.file.extra  = "-L -f"
} else if (nzchar(Sys.which("wget"))) {
    repos = c(CRAN = ""),
    download.file.method = "wget",
    download.file.extra  = NULL
} else {
  options(repos = c(CRAN = ""))

# source a file 'dependencies.R', if it exists
if (file.exists("dependencies.R"))

retrieve_packrat_packages <- function(cache_path) {
  # attempt to restore using a packrat lockfile
  if (file.exists("packrat/packrat.lock")) {
    message("Restoring package using packrat lockfile")
    message("Packrat lockfile:\n", paste(readLines("packrat/packrat.lock"), collapse = "\n"))

    if (!"packrat" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))

      R_PACKRAT_CACHE_DIR = cache_path

    options(packrat.verbose.cache = TRUE,
            packrat.connect.timeout = 10)

      auto.snapshot = FALSE,
      use.cache = TRUE,
      project = getwd(),
      persist = FALSE

    # attempt a project restore
    packrat::restore(overwrite.dirty = TRUE,
                     prompt = FALSE,
                     restart = FALSE)

# discover available R packages
installed <- rownames(installed.packages())

if (!"yaml" %in% installed) install.packages("yaml")

job_config <- yaml::yaml.load_file("job.yml")

cache <- job_config[["cache"]]
cache_enabled <- !identical(job_config[["cache"]], FALSE)

if (is.null(cache)) {
  cache <- file.path(job_config[["storage"]], "cache")
  message(paste0("Cache entry not found, defaulting to: ", cache))
} else {
  message(paste0("Cache entry found: ", cache))

# add linux distro and r version to cache
if (file.exists("/etc/issue")) {
  linux_info <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]| *\\\\[a-z] *", "", readLines("/etc/issue")[[1]])
  linux_version <- tolower(gsub("[ .]", "_", linux_info))

  r_version <- tolower(gsub("[ .]", "_", paste("r", R.version$major, R.version$minor)))
  cache <- file.path(cache, linux_version, r_version)

  message(paste0("Versioning cache as: ", cache))

use_packrat <- !identical(job_config[["packrat"]], FALSE)

get_cached_bundles <- function (source) {
  cached_entries <- system2("gsutil", c("ls", source), stdout = TRUE, stderr = FALSE)
  as.character(lapply(strsplit(basename(cached_entries), "\\."), function(e) e[[1]]))

store_cached_data <- function (source, destination, replace_all = FALSE) {
  cached_entries <- get_cached_bundles(destination)
  installed <- rownames(installed.packages())

  for (pkg in dir(source)) {
    if (!pkg %in% cached_entries || replace_all) {
      source_entry <- file.path(source, pkg)

      if (file_test("-d", source_entry)) {
        target <- file.path(destination, paste0(pkg, ".tar"))
        compressed <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(pkg, ".tar"))

        message(paste0("Compressing '", pkg, "' package to ", compressed, " cache."))
        system2("tar", c("-cf", compressed, "-C", source_entry, "."))
      else {
        compressed <- normalizePath(source_entry)
        target <- file.path(destination, basename(compressed))

      message(paste0("Adding '", compressed, "' to ", target, " cache."))
      system(paste("gsutil", "-m", "cp", shQuote(compressed), shQuote(target)))

retrieve_cached_data <- function(source, target) {
  compressed <- tempfile()
  if (!file_test("-d", compressed)) dir.create(compressed, recursive = TRUE)

  remote_path <- file.path(source, "*")

  message(paste0("Retrieving packages from ", remote_path, " cache into ", compressed, "."))
  system(paste("gsutil", "-m", "cp", "-r", shQuote(remote_path), shQuote(compressed)))

  lapply(dir(compressed, full.names = TRUE), function(remote_file) {
    file_parts <- strsplit(remote_file, "\\.")[[1]]
    if (length(file_parts) > 1 && file_parts[[2]] == "tar") {
      target_package <- strsplit(basename(remote_file), "\\.")[[1]][[1]]
      target_path <- file.path(target, target_package)

      if (!file_test("-d", target_path)) dir.create(target_path, recursive = TRUE)

      message(paste0("Restoring package from ", remote_file, " cache into ", target_path, "."))
      system2("tar", c("-xf", remote_file, "-C", target_path))
    else {
      target_path <- normalizePath(file.path(target, basename(remote_file)), mustWork = FALSE)

      if (!file.exists(target)) {
        message("Path ", target, " not found, creating.")

      message(paste0("Restoring file from ", remote_file, " cache into ", target_path, "."))
      file.copy(remote_file, target_path)


retrieve_default_packages <- function() {
  # discover available R packages
  installed <- rownames(installed.packages())

  # install required CRAN packages
  for (pkg in CRAN) {
    if (pkg %in% installed)

if (cache_enabled && use_packrat) {
  # line can be removed once packrat is on CRAN
  retrieve_cached_data(file.path(cache, "r"), .libPaths()[[1]])

cache_local <- if (use_packrat) tempfile() else .libPaths()[[1]]
cache_keras_local <- "~/.keras/"
cache_remote <- file.path(cache, ifelse(use_packrat, "packrat", "r"))
cache_keras_remote <- file.path(cache, "keras")

if (cache_enabled) {
  retrieve_cached_data(cache_remote, cache_local)
  retrieve_cached_data(cache_keras_remote, cache_keras_local)

if (use_packrat) {
} else {

if (cache_enabled) {
  message("Caching: ", cache_local)
  store_cached_data(cache_local, cache_remote, use_packrat)

  if (use_packrat) {
    # line can be removed once packrat is on CRAN
    store_cached_data(.libPaths()[[1]], file.path(cache, "r"))

# Training ----

# request that keras use sparse progress (one line per epoch)
options(keras.fit_verbose = 2)

# read deployment information
deploy <- readRDS("cloudml/deploy.rds")

# source entrypoint
training_error <- NULL
run_dir <- file.path("runs", deploy$id)
  tfruns::training_run(file = deploy$entrypoint,
                       context = deploy$context,
                       config = "cloudml",
                       flags = deploy$overlay,
                       encoding = "UTF-8",
                       echo = TRUE,
                       view = FALSE,
                       run_dir = run_dir)
}, error = function(e) {
  training_error <<- e

tf_config <- jsonlite::fromJSON(Sys.getenv("TF_CONFIG", "{}"))

trial_id <- NULL
if (!is.null(tf_config$task) || !is.null(tf_config$task$trial)) {
  trial_id <- tf_config$task$trial

# upload run directory to requested bucket (if any)
storage <- job_config[["storage"]]
if (is.character(storage)) {
  source <- run_dir
  target <-"file.path", as.list(c(storage, run_dir, trial_id)))
  system(paste("gsutil", "-m", "cp", "-r", shQuote(source), shQuote(target)))

if (cache_enabled) {
  message("Caching: ", cache_keras_local)
  store_cached_data(cache_keras_local, cache_keras_remote)

if (!is.null(training_error))
rstudio/cloudml documentation built on Aug. 12, 2020, 8:22 p.m.