# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
# gt_group() -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Create a `gt_group` container for holding multiple **gt** table objects
#' @description
#' `gt_group()` creates a container for storage of multiple **gt**
#' tables. This type of object allows for flexibility in printing multiple
#' tables in different output formats. For example, if printing multiple tables
#' in a paginated output environment (e.g., RTF, Word, etc.), each **gt** table
#' can be printed independently and table separation (usually a page break)
#' occurs between each of those.
#' @param ... *One or more gt table data objects*
#' `obj:<gt_tbl>` // (`optional`)
#' One or more **gt** table (`gt_tbl`) objects, typically generated via the
#' [gt()] function.
#' @param .list *Alternative to `...`*
#' `<list of multiple expressions>` // (or, use `...`)
#' Allows for the use of a list as an input alternative to `...`.
#' @param .use_grp_opts *Apply options to all contained tables?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' Should options specified in the `gt_group` object be applied to all
#' contained **gt** tables? By default this is `FALSE`.
#' @return An object of class `gt_group`.
#' @family table group functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 14-1
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.9.0` (Mar 31, 2023)
#' @export
gt_group <- function(
.list = list2(...),
.use_grp_opts = FALSE
) {
# Collect a list of objects
gt_tbl_list <- .list
# If no data is provided, return an empty `gt_group` object
if (length(gt_tbl_list) < 1) {
# Initialize the `gt_group` object and create
# an empty `gt_tbl_tbl` object
gt_group <- init_gt_group_list()
gt_tbl_tbl <- generate_gt_tbl_tbl_0()
# Process gt tables and add records to the `gt_tbl_tbl` object
for (i in seq_along(gt_tbl_list)) {
gt_tbl_tbl_i <- generate_gt_tbl_tbl_i(i = i, gt_tbl = gt_tbl_list[[i]])
gt_tbl_tbl <- dplyr::bind_rows(gt_tbl_tbl, gt_tbl_tbl_i)
# Add fully-processed `gt_tbl_tbl` object into `gt_group`
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]] <- gt_tbl_tbl
gt_group[["use_grp_opts"]] <- .use_grp_opts
# grp_pull() -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull out a **gt** table from a `gt_group` container object
#' @description
#' Should you have a `gt_group` object, created through use of [gt_group()],
#' you may have a need to extract a **gt** table from that container.
#' `grp_pull()` makes this possible, returning a `gt_tbl` object. The only thing
#' you need to provide is the index value for the **gt** table within the
#' `gt_group` object.
#' @inheritParams grp_add
#' @param which *The table to pull from the group*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // **required**
#' A single index value denoting which `gt_tbl` table should be obtained
#' from the `gt_group` object.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @family table group functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 14-3
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.9.0` (Mar 31, 2023)
#' @export
grp_pull <- function(
) {
# TODO: this only handles the extraction of a single table currently;
# need to implement extraction of multiple `gt_tbl`s to a bare list
gt_tbl <- extract_gt_tbl_from_gt_group(data = data, which = which)
use_grp_opts <- get_use_grp_opts_param(data = data)
if (use_grp_opts) {
# Extract options from `data` (which is a `gt_group` object)
gt_tbl[["_options"]] <- data[["gt_tbl_options"]]
# grp_add() --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add one or more **gt** tables to a `gt_group` container object
#' @description
#' Should you have a `gt_group` object, created through use of the [gt_group()]
#' function, you might want to add more **gt** tables to that container. While
#' it's common to generate a `gt_group` object with a collection of `gt_tbl`
#' objects, one can also create an 'empty' `gt_group` object. Whatever your
#' workflow might be, the `grp_add()` function makes it possible to flexibly
#' add one or more new **gt** tables, returning a refreshed `gt_group` object.
#' @param .data *The gt table group object*
#' `obj:<gt_group>` // **required**
#' This is a `gt_group` container object. It is typically generated through
#' use of [gt_group()] along with one or more `gt_tbl` objects, or, made by
#' splitting a **gt** table with [gt_split()].
#' @inheritParams gt_group
#' @param ... *One or more gt table objects*
#' `obj:<gt_tbl>` // **required** (or, use `.list`)
#' One or more **gt** table (`gt_tbl`) objects, typically generated via the
#' [gt()] function.
#' @param .before,.after *Table used as anchor*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A single index for either `.before` or `.after`, specifying where the
#' supplied `gt_tbl` objects should be placed amongst the existing collection
#' of **gt** tables. If nothing is provided for either argument the incoming
#' `gt_tbl` objects will be appended.
#' @return An object of class `gt_group`.
#' @family table group functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 14-4
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.9.0` (Mar 31, 2023)
#' @export
grp_add <- function(
.list = list2(...),
.before = NULL,
.after = NULL
) {
# Collect a list of objects
gt_tbl_list <- .list
# If no data is provided, return the `gt_group` unchanged
if (length(gt_tbl_list) < 1) {
gt_group <- .data
# Stop function if `.before` and `.after` options are invalid
if (!is.null(.before) && !is.null(.after)) {
cli::cli_abort("Values cannot be supplied for both `.before` and `.after`.")
valid_idx <- get_indices_gt_tbls(data = gt_group)
if (is.null(.before) && is.null(.after)) {
insertion_mode <- "append"
} else if (!is.null(.after)) {
if (!(.after %in% valid_idx)) {
cli::cli_abort("The value supplied for `.after` should be a valid index.")
if (.after == max(valid_idx)) {
insertion_mode <- "append"
} else {
insertion_mode <- "insert"
} else if (!is.null(.before)) {
if (!(.before %in% valid_idx)) {
cli::cli_abort("The value supplied for `.before` should be a valid index.")
if (.before == min(valid_idx)) {
insertion_mode <- "prepend"
} else {
insertion_mode <- "insert"
.after <- .before - 1
# Create an empty `gt_tbl_tbl` object
gt_tbl_tbl <- generate_gt_tbl_tbl_0()
# Process gt tables and add records to the `gt_tbl_tbl` object
for (i in seq_along(gt_tbl_list)) {
gt_tbl_tbl_i <- generate_gt_tbl_tbl_i(i = i, gt_tbl = gt_tbl_list[[i]])
gt_tbl_tbl <- dplyr::bind_rows(gt_tbl_tbl, gt_tbl_tbl_i)
# Add fully-processed `gt_tbl_tbl` object into `gt_group`
if (insertion_mode == "insert") {
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]] <-
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]][1:.after, ],
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]][(.after + 1):max(valid_idx), ]
} else if (insertion_mode == "append") {
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(gt_group[["gt_tbls"]], gt_tbl_tbl)
} else {
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(gt_tbl_tbl, gt_group[["gt_tbls"]])
gt_group <- reindex_gt_tbls(data = gt_group)
# grp_clone() ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Clone one or more **gt** tables in a `gt_group` container object
#' @description
#' Should you have a `gt_group` object, created through use of the [gt_group()]
#' function, you may in certain circumstances want to create replicas of
#' `gt_tbl` objects in that collection. This can be done with the `grp_clone()`
#' function and the placement of the cloned **gt** tables can be controlled with
#' either the `before` or `after` arguments.
#' @inheritParams grp_add
#' @param which *The tables to clone*
#' `vector<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A vector of index values denoting which **gt** tables should be cloned
#' inside of the `gt_group` object.
#' @param before,after *Table used as anchor*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A single index for either `before` or `after`, specifies where the cloned
#' `gt_tbl` objects should be placed amongst the existing collection of **gt**
#' tables. If nothing is provided for either argument, the incoming `gt_tbl`
#' objects will be appended.
#' @return An object of class `gt_group`.
#' @family table group functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 14-5
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.9.0` (Mar 31, 2023)
#' @export
grp_clone <- function(
which = NULL,
before = NULL,
after = NULL
) {
# TODO: if the number of `gt_tbl` objects is zero, return the
# `gt_group` unchanged
# TODO: validate value of `which` and error if invalid
# TODO: consider accepting `which = NULL` meaning 'all'
# Stop function if `before` and `after` options are invalid
if (!is.null(before) && !is.null(after)) {
cli::cli_abort("Values cannot be supplied for both `before` and `after`.")
valid_idx <- get_indices_gt_tbls(data = data)
if (is.null(before) && is.null(after)) {
insertion_mode <- "append"
} else if (!is.null(after)) {
if (!rlang::is_integerish(after)) {
cli::cli_abort("An integer value should be supplied for `after`.")
if (!(after %in% valid_idx)) {
cli::cli_abort("The value supplied for `after` should be a valid index.")
if (after == max(valid_idx)) {
insertion_mode <- "append"
} else {
insertion_mode <- "insert"
} else if (!is.null(before)) {
if (!rlang::is_integerish(before)) {
cli::cli_abort("An integer value should be supplied for `.before`.")
if (!(before %in% valid_idx)) {
cli::cli_abort("The value supplied for `before` should be a valid index.")
if (before == min(valid_idx)) {
insertion_mode <- "prepend"
} else {
insertion_mode <- "insert"
after <- before - 1
# Get a subset of the existing `gt_tbl_tbl` object
gt_tbl_tbl <- data[["gt_tbls"]][which, ]
# Add fully-processed `gt_tbl_tbl` object into `gt_group`
if (insertion_mode == "insert") {
data[["gt_tbls"]] <-
data[["gt_tbls"]][1:after, ],
data[["gt_tbls"]][(after + 1):max(valid_idx), ]
} else if (insertion_mode == "append") {
data[["gt_tbls"]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(data[["gt_tbls"]], gt_tbl_tbl)
} else {
data[["gt_tbls"]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(gt_tbl_tbl, data[["gt_tbls"]])
data <- reindex_gt_tbls(data = data)
# grp_replace() ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Replace one or more **gt** tables in a `gt_group` container object
#' @description
#' [gt_group()] can be used to create a container for multiple **gt** tables.
#' In some circumstances, you might want to replace a specific `gt_tbl` object
#' (or multiple) with a different one. This can be done with `grp_replace()`.
#' The important thing is that the number of **gt** tables provided must equal
#' the number of indices for tables present in the `gt_group` object.
#' @inheritParams grp_add
#' @param .which *The tables to replace*
#' `vector<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A vector of index values denoting which **gt** tables should be replaced
#' inside of the `gt_group` object.
#' @return An object of class `gt_group`.
#' @family table group functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 14-6
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.9.0` (Mar 31, 2023)
#' @export
grp_replace <- function(
.list = list2(...),
) {
# Collect a list of objects
gt_tbl_list <- .list
# Stop function if no data is provided
if (length(gt_tbl_list) < 1L) {
cli::cli_abort("At least one gt table must be provided.")
gt_group <- .data
valid_idx <- get_indices_gt_tbls(data = gt_group)
if (!all(.which %in% valid_idx)) {
cli::cli_abort("All values provided in `.which` must be valid indices.")
if (length(gt_tbl_list) != length(unique(.which))) {
"The number of indices in `.which` must match the number of `gt_tbl` objects."
# Process gt tables and add records to the `gt_tbl_tbl` object
for (i in seq_along(.which)) {
gt_tbl_tbl_i <- generate_gt_tbl_tbl_i(i = i, gt_tbl = gt_tbl_list[[i]])
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]][.which[i], ] <- gt_tbl_tbl_i
gt_group <- reindex_gt_tbls(data = gt_group)
# grp_rm() ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Remove one or more **gt** tables from a `gt_group` container object
#' @description
#' A `gt_group` object, created through use of the [gt_group()] function, can
#' hold a multiple of **gt** tables. However, you might want to delete one or
#' more `gt_tbl` objects table from that container. With `grp_rm()`, this is
#' possible and safe to perform. What's returned is a `gt_group` object with the
#' specified `gt_tbl` objects gone. The only thing you need to provide is the
#' index value for the **gt** table within the `gt_group` object.
#' @inheritParams grp_pull
#' @param which *The table to remove from the group*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // **required**
#' A single index value denoting which `gt_tbl` table should be removed
#' from the `gt_group` object.
#' @return An object of class `gt_group`.
#' @family table group functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 14-7
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.9.0` (Mar 31, 2023)
#' @export
grp_rm <- function(
) {
remove_gt_tbl_from_gt_group(data = data, which = which)
# grp_options() ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Modify table options for all tables within a `gt_group` object
#' @description
#' Modify the options for a collection of **gt** tables in a `gt_group` object.
#' These options are named by the components, the subcomponents, and the
#' element that can adjusted.
#' @inheritParams grp_pull
#' @inheritParams tab_options
#' @return An object of class `gt_group`.
#' @family table group functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 14-8
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.9.0` (Mar 31, 2023)
#' @export
grp_options <- function(
table.width = NULL,
table.layout = NULL,
table.align = NULL,
table.margin.left = NULL,
table.margin.right = NULL,
table.background.color = NULL,
table.additional_css = NULL,
table.font.names = NULL,
table.font.size = NULL,
table.font.weight = NULL,
table.font.style = NULL,
table.font.color = NULL,
table.font.color.light = NULL,
table.border.top.style = NULL,
table.border.top.width = NULL,
table.border.top.color = NULL,
table.border.right.style = NULL,
table.border.right.width = NULL,
table.border.right.color = NULL,
table.border.bottom.style = NULL,
table.border.bottom.width = NULL,
table.border.bottom.color = NULL,
table.border.left.style = NULL,
table.border.left.width = NULL,
table.border.left.color = NULL,
heading.background.color = NULL,
heading.align = NULL,
heading.title.font.size = NULL,
heading.title.font.weight = NULL,
heading.subtitle.font.size = NULL,
heading.subtitle.font.weight = NULL,
heading.padding = NULL,
heading.padding.horizontal = NULL,
heading.border.bottom.style = NULL,
heading.border.bottom.width = NULL,
heading.border.bottom.color = NULL,
heading.border.lr.style = NULL,
heading.border.lr.width = NULL,
heading.border.lr.color = NULL,
column_labels.background.color = NULL,
column_labels.font.size = NULL,
column_labels.font.weight = NULL,
column_labels.text_transform = NULL,
column_labels.padding = NULL,
column_labels.padding.horizontal = NULL,
column_labels.vlines.style = NULL,
column_labels.vlines.width = NULL,
column_labels.vlines.color = NULL,
column_labels.border.top.style = NULL,
column_labels.border.top.width = NULL,
column_labels.border.top.color = NULL,
column_labels.border.bottom.style = NULL,
column_labels.border.bottom.width = NULL,
column_labels.border.bottom.color = NULL,
column_labels.border.lr.style = NULL,
column_labels.border.lr.width = NULL,
column_labels.border.lr.color = NULL,
column_labels.hidden = NULL,
column_labels.units_pattern = NULL,
row_group.background.color = NULL,
row_group.font.size = NULL,
row_group.font.weight = NULL,
row_group.text_transform = NULL,
row_group.padding = NULL,
row_group.padding.horizontal = NULL,
row_group.border.top.style = NULL,
row_group.border.top.width = NULL,
row_group.border.top.color = NULL,
row_group.border.bottom.style = NULL,
row_group.border.bottom.width = NULL,
row_group.border.bottom.color = NULL,
row_group.border.left.style = NULL,
row_group.border.left.width = NULL,
row_group.border.left.color = NULL,
row_group.border.right.style = NULL,
row_group.border.right.width = NULL,
row_group.border.right.color = NULL,
row_group.default_label = NULL,
row_group.as_column = NULL,
table_body.hlines.style = NULL,
table_body.hlines.width = NULL,
table_body.hlines.color = NULL,
table_body.vlines.style = NULL,
table_body.vlines.width = NULL,
table_body.vlines.color = NULL,
table_body.border.top.style = NULL,
table_body.border.top.width = NULL,
table_body.border.top.color = NULL,
table_body.border.bottom.style = NULL,
table_body.border.bottom.width = NULL,
table_body.border.bottom.color = NULL,
stub.background.color = NULL,
stub.font.size = NULL,
stub.font.weight = NULL,
stub.text_transform = NULL,
stub.border.style = NULL,
stub.border.width = NULL,
stub.border.color = NULL,
stub.indent_length = NULL,
stub_row_group.font.size = NULL,
stub_row_group.font.weight = NULL,
stub_row_group.text_transform = NULL,
stub_row_group.border.style = NULL,
stub_row_group.border.width = NULL,
stub_row_group.border.color = NULL,
data_row.padding = NULL,
data_row.padding.horizontal = NULL,
summary_row.background.color = NULL,
summary_row.text_transform = NULL,
summary_row.padding = NULL,
summary_row.padding.horizontal = NULL,
summary_row.border.style = NULL,
summary_row.border.width = NULL,
summary_row.border.color = NULL,
grand_summary_row.background.color = NULL,
grand_summary_row.text_transform = NULL,
grand_summary_row.padding = NULL,
grand_summary_row.padding.horizontal = NULL,
grand_summary_row.border.style = NULL,
grand_summary_row.border.width = NULL,
grand_summary_row.border.color = NULL,
footnotes.background.color = NULL,
footnotes.font.size = NULL,
footnotes.padding = NULL,
footnotes.padding.horizontal = NULL,
footnotes.border.bottom.style = NULL,
footnotes.border.bottom.width = NULL,
footnotes.border.bottom.color = NULL,
footnotes.border.lr.style = NULL,
footnotes.border.lr.width = NULL,
footnotes.border.lr.color = NULL,
footnotes.marks = NULL,
footnotes.spec_ref = NULL,
footnotes.spec_ftr = NULL,
footnotes.multiline = NULL,
footnotes.sep = NULL,
source_notes.background.color = NULL,
source_notes.font.size = NULL,
source_notes.padding = NULL,
source_notes.padding.horizontal = NULL,
source_notes.border.bottom.style = NULL,
source_notes.border.bottom.width = NULL,
source_notes.border.bottom.color = NULL,
source_notes.border.lr.style = NULL,
source_notes.border.lr.width = NULL,
source_notes.border.lr.color = NULL,
source_notes.multiline = NULL,
source_notes.sep = NULL,
row.striping.background_color = NULL,
row.striping.include_stub = NULL,
row.striping.include_table_body = NULL,
container.width = NULL,
container.height = NULL,
container.padding.x = NULL,
container.padding.y = NULL,
container.overflow.x = NULL,
container.overflow.y = NULL,
ihtml.active = NULL,
ihtml.use_pagination = NULL,
ihtml.use_pagination_info = NULL,
ihtml.use_sorting = NULL,
ihtml.use_search = NULL,
ihtml.use_filters = NULL,
ihtml.use_resizers = NULL,
ihtml.use_highlight = NULL,
ihtml.use_compact_mode = NULL,
ihtml.use_text_wrapping = NULL,
ihtml.use_page_size_select = NULL,
ihtml.page_size_default = NULL,
ihtml.page_size_values = NULL,
ihtml.pagination_type = NULL,
page.orientation = NULL,
page.numbering = NULL,
page.header.use_tbl_headings = NULL,
page.footer.use_tbl_notes = NULL,
page.width = NULL,
page.height = NULL,
page.margin.left = NULL,
page.margin.right = NULL,
page.margin.top = NULL,
page.margin.bottom = NULL,
page.header.height = NULL,
page.footer.height = NULL
) {
# Perform input object validation for the `gt_group` object
stop_if_not_gt_group(data = data)
# Extract options from `data`
opts_df <- data[["gt_tbl_options"]]
arg_names <-
c("data", "ihtml.page_size_values", "ihtml.page_size_default")
arg_vals <- mget(arg_names)
arg_vals <- arg_vals[!vapply(arg_vals, FUN = is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
arg_vals <- set_super_options(arg_vals = arg_vals)
new_df <-
parameter = gsub(".", "_", names(arg_vals), fixed = TRUE),
value = unname(arg_vals)
new_df <-
dplyr::select(opts_df, parameter, type),
by = "parameter"
new_df$value <-
option = new_df$value, var_name = new_df$parameter, type = new_df$type,
new_df$type <- NULL
# This rearranges the rows in the `opts_df` table, but this
# shouldn't be a problem
opts_df <-
dplyr::select(opts_df, -"value"),
by = "parameter"
dplyr::anti_join(opts_df, new_df, by = "parameter")
# Write the modified options table back to `data`
data[["gt_tbl_options"]] <- opts_df
# TODO: Handle special cases where option values are vectors
# ihtml_page_size_values <- mget("ihtml.page_size_values")
# if (!is.null(ihtml_page_size_values[[1]])) {
# data <-
# dt_options_set_value(
# data = data,
# option = "ihtml_page_size_values",
# value = unname(unlist(ihtml_page_size_values))
# )
# }
# ihtml_page_size_default <- mget("ihtml.page_size_default")
# if (!is.null(ihtml_page_size_default[[1]])) {
# data <-
# dt_options_set_value(
# data = data,
# option = "ihtml_page_size_default",
# value = unname(unlist(ihtml_page_size_default))
# )
# }
init_gt_group_list <- function() {
# Initialize the `gt_group` object
gt_group <- list()
gt_group[["gt_tbls"]] <- generate_gt_tbl_tbl_0()
gt_group[["gt_tbl_options"]] <- dt_options_tbl
gt_group[["use_grp_opts"]] <- FALSE
class(gt_group) <- "gt_group"
generate_gt_tbl_tbl_0 <- function() {
i = NA_integer_,
gt_tbl = list(),
column_names = list(),
n_columns_total = NA_integer_,
n_columns_data = NA_integer_,
n_columns_stub = NA_integer_,
n_rows_data = NA_integer_,
n_summary_rows_total = NA_integer_,
n_summary_rows_group = NA_integer_,
n_summary_rows_grand = NA_integer_,
n_groups_summary_rows_total = NA_integer_,
n_groups_summary_rows_group = NA_integer_,
n_groups_summary_rows_grand = NA_integer_,
n_groups = NA_integer_,
active = NA
)[0, ]
generate_gt_tbl_tbl_i <- function(i, gt_tbl, active = TRUE) {
gt_tbl_info_list <- generate_gt_tbl_info_list(gt_tbl = gt_tbl)
i = i,
gt_tbl = list(gt_tbl),
column_names = list(gt_tbl_info_list$column_names),
n_columns_total = gt_tbl_info_list$n_columns_total,
n_columns_data = gt_tbl_info_list$n_columns_data,
n_columns_stub = gt_tbl_info_list$n_columns_stub,
n_rows_data = gt_tbl_info_list$n_rows_data,
n_summary_rows_total = gt_tbl_info_list$n_summary_rows_total,
n_summary_rows_group = gt_tbl_info_list$n_summary_rows_group,
n_summary_rows_grand = gt_tbl_info_list$n_summary_rows_grand,
n_groups_summary_rows_total = gt_tbl_info_list$n_groups_summary_rows_total,
n_groups_summary_rows_group = gt_tbl_info_list$n_groups_summary_rows_group,
n_groups_summary_rows_grand = gt_tbl_info_list$n_groups_summary_rows_grand,
n_groups = gt_tbl_info_list$n_groups,
active = active
generate_gt_tbl_info_list <- function(gt_tbl) {
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = gt_tbl)
gt_tbl_built <- build_data(data = gt_tbl, context = "html")
column_names <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = gt_tbl_built)
# Get various column number counts
n_columns_total <- get_effective_number_of_columns(data = gt_tbl_built)
n_columns_data <- get_number_of_visible_data_columns(data = gt_tbl_built)
n_columns_stub <- n_columns_total - n_columns_data
# Get various row number counts
n_rows_data <- nrow(gt_tbl_built[["_stub_df"]])
if (dt_summary_exists(data = gt_tbl_built)) {
summary_list <- gt_tbl_built[["_summary_build"]][["summary_df_display_list"]]
n_groups_summary_rows_total <- length(summary_list)
n_summary_rows_total <-
FUN.VALUE = integer(1L),
FUN = nrow
if (!is.null(summary_list[["::GRAND_SUMMARY"]])) {
n_summary_rows_grand <- nrow(summary_list[["::GRAND_SUMMARY"]])
n_groups_summary_rows_grand <- 1L
} else {
n_summary_rows_grand <- 0L
n_groups_summary_rows_grand <- 0L
n_summary_rows_group <- n_summary_rows_total - n_summary_rows_grand
n_groups_summary_rows_group <-
n_groups_summary_rows_total - n_groups_summary_rows_grand
} else {
n_summary_rows_total <- 0L
n_summary_rows_group <- 0L
n_summary_rows_grand <- 0L
n_groups_summary_rows_total <- 0L
n_groups_summary_rows_group <- 0L
n_groups_summary_rows_grand <- 0L
# TODO: Get total count of groups
n_groups <- 0L
column_names = column_names,
n_columns_total = n_columns_total,
n_columns_data = n_columns_data,
n_columns_stub = n_columns_stub,
n_rows_data = n_rows_data,
n_summary_rows_total = n_summary_rows_total,
n_summary_rows_group = n_summary_rows_group,
n_summary_rows_grand = n_summary_rows_grand,
n_groups_summary_rows_total = n_groups_summary_rows_total,
n_groups_summary_rows_group = n_groups_summary_rows_group,
n_groups_summary_rows_grand = n_groups_summary_rows_grand,
n_groups = n_groups
extract_gt_tbl_from_gt_group <- function(data, which) {
valid_idx <- get_indices_gt_tbls(data = data)
if (!(which %in% valid_idx)) {
cli::cli_abort("The value for `which` is not a valid index.")
gt_tbl <- data[["gt_tbls"]][["gt_tbl"]][[which]]
remove_gt_tbl_from_gt_group <- function(data, which) {
valid_idx <- get_indices_gt_tbls(data = data)
if (!all(which %in% valid_idx)) {
cli::cli_abort("The value for `which` is not a valid index.")
data[["gt_tbls"]] <- data[["gt_tbls"]][-which, ]
data <- reindex_gt_tbls(data = data)
reindex_gt_tbls <- function(data) {
new_idx <- get_indices_gt_tbls(data = data)
data[["gt_tbls"]][["i"]] <- new_idx
get_use_grp_opts_param <- function(data) {
get_indices_gt_tbls <- function(data) {
get_number_of_gt_tbls <- function(data) {
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