# /$$
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# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
# gt_save() --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Save a **gt** table as a file
#' @description
#' `gtsave()` makes it easy to save a **gt** table to a file. The function
#' guesses the file type by the extension provided in the output filename,
#' producing either an HTML, PDF, PNG, LaTeX, RTF, or Word (.docx) file.
#' @details
#' Output filenames with either the `.html` or `.htm` extensions will produce an
#' HTML document. In this case, we can pass a `TRUE` or `FALSE` value to the
#' `inline_css` option to obtain an HTML document with inlined CSS styles (the
#' default is `FALSE`). More details on CSS inlining are available at
#' [as_raw_html()]. We can pass values to arguments in [htmltools::save_html()]
#' through the `...`. Those arguments are either `background` or `libdir`,
#' please refer to the **htmltools** documentation for more details on the use
#' of these arguments.
#' If the output filename is expressed with the `.rtf` extension then an RTF
#' file will be generated. In this case, there is an option that can be passed
#' through `...`: `page_numbering`. This controls RTF document page numbering
#' and, by default, page numbering is not enabled (i.e., `page_numbering =
#' "none"`).
#' We can create an image file based on the HTML version of the `gt` table. With
#' the filename extension `.png`, we get a PNG image file. A PDF document can be
#' generated by using the `.pdf` extension. This process is facilitated by the
#' **webshot2** package, so, this package needs to be installed before
#' attempting to save any table as an image file. There is the option of passing
#' values to the underlying [webshot2::webshot()] function through `...`. Some of
#' the more useful arguments for PNG saving are `zoom` (defaults to a scale
#' level of `2`) and `expand` (adds whitespace pixels around the cropped table
#' image, and has a default value of `5`), and `selector` (the default value is
#' `"table"`). There are several more options available so have a look at the
#' **webshot2** documentation for further details.
#' If the output filename extension is either of `.tex`, `.ltx`, or `.rnw`, a
#' LaTeX document is produced. An output filename of `.rtf` will generate an RTF
#' document. The LaTeX and RTF saving functions don't have any options to pass
#' to `...`.
#' If the output filename extension is `.docx`, a Word document file is
#' produced. This process is facilitated by the **rmarkdown** package, so this
#' package needs to be installed before attempting to save any table as a
#' `.docx` document.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param filename *Output filename*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' The file name to create on disk. Ensure that an extension compatible with
#' the output types is provided (`.html`, `.tex`, `.ltx`, `.rtf`, `.docx`). If
#' a custom save function is provided then the file extension is disregarded.
#' @param path *Output path*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' An optional path to which the file should be saved (combined with
#' `filename`).
#' @param ... *Additional options*
#' `<named arguments>`
#' All other options passed to the appropriate internal saving function.
#' @return The file name (invisibly) if the export process is successful.
#' @section Examples:
#' Using a small subset of the [`gtcars`] dataset, we can create a **gt** table
#' with row labels. We'll add a stubhead label with the [tab_stubhead()]
#' function to describe what is in the stub.
#' ```r
#' tab_1 <-
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = "car")
#' ```
#' Export the **gt** table to an HTML file with inlined CSS (which is necessary
#' for including the table as part of an HTML email) using `gtsave()` and the
#' `inline_css = TRUE` option.
#' ```r
#' tab_1 |> gtsave(filename = "tab_1.html", inline_css = TRUE)
#' ```
#' By leaving out the `inline_css` option, we get a more conventional HTML file
#' with embedded CSS styles.
#' ```r
#' tab_1 |> gtsave(filename = "tab_1.html")
#' ```
#' Saving as a PNG file results in a cropped image of an HTML table. The amount
#' of whitespace can be set with the `expand` option.
#' ```r
#' tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.png", expand = 10)
#' ```
#' Any use of the `.tex`, `.ltx`, or `.rnw` will result in the output of a LaTeX
#' document.
#' ```r
#' tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.tex")
#' ```
#' With the `.rtf` extension, we'll get an RTF document.
#' ```r
#' tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.rtf")
#' ```
#' With the `.docx` extension, we'll get a word/docx document.
#' ```r
#' tab_1 |> gtsave("tab_1.docx")
#' ```
#' @family table export functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 13-1
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
gtsave <- function(
path = NULL,
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl_or_group(data = data)
# Get the lowercased file extension
file_ext <- gtsave_file_ext(filename)
# Stop function if a file extension is not provided
if (file_ext == "") {
"A file extension is required in the provided filename.",
"i" = "We can use:",
"*" = "`.html`, `.htm` (HTML file)",
"*" = "`.png` (PNG file)",
"*" = "`.pdf` (PDF file)",
"*" = "`.tex`, `.rnw` (LaTeX file)",
"*" = "`.rtf` (RTF file)",
"*" = "`.docx` (Word file)"
# Use the appropriate save function based
# on the filename extension
"htm" = ,
"html" = gt_save_html(data = data, filename, path, ...),
"ltx" = , # We don't verbally support using `ltx`
"rnw" = ,
"tex" = gt_save_latex(data = data, filename, path, ...),
"rtf" = gt_save_rtf(data = data, filename, path, ...),
"png" = ,
"pdf" = gt_save_webshot(data = data, filename, path, ...),
"docx" = gt_save_docx(data = data, filename, path, ...),
"The file extension supplied (`.{file_ext}`) cannot be used.",
"i" = "We can use:",
"*" = "`.html`, `.htm` (HTML file)",
"*" = "`.png` (PNG file)",
"*" = "`.pdf` (PDF file)",
"*" = "`.tex`, `.rnw` (LaTeX file)",
"*" = "`.rtf` (RTF file)",
"*" = "`.docx` (Word file)"
if (!is.null(path)) {
filename <- file.path(path, filename)
#' Saving function for an HTML file
#' @noRd
gt_save_html <- function(
path = NULL,
inline_css = FALSE
) {
filename <- gtsave_filename(path = path, filename = filename)
if (is_gt_tbl(data = data)) {
if (inline_css) {
html <- as_raw_html(data, inline_css = inline_css)
html <- htmltools::HTML(html)
} else {
html <- as.tags(data)
return(htmltools::save_html(html, filename, ...))
} else if (is_gt_group(data = data)) {
seq_tbls <- seq_len(nrow(data$gt_tbls))
html_tbls <- htmltools::tagList()
for (i in seq_tbls) {
html_tbl_i <-
as_raw_html(grp_pull(data, which = i), inline_css = inline_css)
html_tbls <- htmltools::tagList(html_tbls, html_tbl_i)
return(htmltools::save_html(html_tbls, filename, ...))
#' Saving function for an image file via the webshot2 package
#' @noRd
gt_save_webshot <- function(
path = NULL,
selector = "table",
zoom = 2,
expand = 5
) {
if (is_gt_group(data = data)) {
"The `gtsave()` function cannot be used with `gt_group` objects.",
"*" = "Alternatively, you can use `grp_pull()` -> `gtsave()` for each gt table."
filename <- gtsave_filename(path = path, filename = filename)
# Create a temporary file with the `html` extension
tempfile_ <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
# Reverse slashes on Windows filesystems
tempfile_ <- normalizePath(tempfile_, "/", mustWork = FALSE)
# Save gt table as HTML using the `gt_save_html()` function
data = data,
filename = tempfile_,
path = NULL
# Saving an image requires the webshot2 package; if it's
# not present, stop with a message
rlang::check_installed("webshot2", "to save gt tables as images.")
# Save the image in the working directory
url = paste0("file:///", tempfile_),
file = filename,
selector = selector,
zoom = zoom,
expand = expand,
#' Saving function for a LaTeX file
#' @noRd
gt_save_latex <- function(
path = NULL,
) {
filename <- gtsave_filename(path = path, filename = filename)
if (is_gt_tbl(data = data)) {
latex_lines <- as_latex(data = data)
} else if (is_gt_group(data = data)) {
latex_lines <- c()
seq_tbls <- seq_len(nrow(data$gt_tbls))
for (i in seq_tbls) {
latex_lines_i <- as_latex(grp_pull(data, which = i))
latex_lines <- c(latex_lines, latex_lines_i)
latex_lines <-
collapse = "\n\\newpage\n\n"
writeLines(text = latex_lines, con = filename)
#' Saving function for an RTF file
#' @noRd
gt_save_rtf <- function(
path = NULL,
) {
filename <- gtsave_filename(path = path, filename = filename)
if (is_gt_tbl(data = data)) {
rtf_lines <- as_rtf(data = data)
} else if (is_gt_group(data = data)) {
rtf_lines <- NULL # same as c()
rtf_open <-
grp_pull(data, which = 1),
incl_open = TRUE,
incl_header = TRUE,
incl_page_info = TRUE,
incl_body = FALSE,
incl_close = FALSE
seq_tbls <- seq_len(nrow(data$gt_tbls))
for (i in seq_tbls) {
rtf_lines_i <-
grp_pull(data, which = i),
incl_open = FALSE,
incl_header = FALSE,
incl_page_info = FALSE,
incl_body = TRUE,
incl_close = FALSE
rtf_lines <- c(rtf_lines, rtf_lines_i)
rtf_lines_combined <-
collapse = "\n{\\pard\\fs2\\par}\\page{\\pard\\fs2\\par}\n"
rtf_lines <- paste0(rtf_open, rtf_lines_combined, "}")
# Remove the comments specific to knitr since this will be a standalone
# document not dependent on the knitr package
rtf_lines <-
gsub("!!!!!RAW-KNITR-CONTENT|RAW-KNITR-CONTENT!!!!!", "", rtf_lines)
writeLines(rtf_lines, con = filename)
#' Saving function for a Word (docx) file
#' @noRd
gt_save_docx <- function(
path = NULL,
open = rlang::is_interactive()
) {
# Because creation of a .docx container is somewhat difficult, we
# require the rmarkdown package to be installed to generate this
# type of output
rlang::check_installed("rmarkdown", "to save gt tables as Word documents.")
filename <- gtsave_filename(path = path, filename = filename)
if (is_gt_tbl(data = data)) {
word_md_text <-
enc2utf8(as_word(data = data)),
collapse = "\n"
} else if (is_gt_group(data = data)) {
word_tbls <- NULL
seq_tbls <- seq_len(nrow(data$gt_tbls))
for (i in seq_tbls) {
word_tbl_i <- as_word(grp_pull(data, which = i))
word_tbls <- c(word_tbls, word_tbl_i)
word_tbls_combined <-
collapse = "\n\n<w:p><w:r><w:br w:type=\"page\" /></w:r></w:p>\n\n"
word_md_text <-
collapse = "\n"
word_md_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".md")
iconv(word_md_text, to = "UTF-8"),
con = word_md_file
input = word_md_file,
output = filename
if (needs_gt_as_word_post_processing(word_md_text)) {
gt_as_word_post_processing(path = filename)
#' Get the lowercase extension from a filename
#' @noRd
gtsave_file_ext <- function(filename) {
#' Combine `path` with `filename` and normalize the path
#' @noRd
gtsave_filename <- function(path, filename) {
path <- path %||% "."
# The use of `fs::path_abs()` works around
# the saving code in `htmltools::save_html()`
# See rstudio/htmltools#165 for more details
path = filename,
start = path
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.