# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
# sub_missing() ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Substitute missing values in the table body
#' @description
#' Wherever there is missing data (i.e., `NA` values) customizable content may
#' present better than the standard `NA` text that would otherwise appear.
#' `sub_missing()` allows for this replacement through its `missing_text`
#' argument (where an em dash serves as the default).
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param columns *Columns to target*
#' [`<column-targeting expression>`][rows-columns] // *default:* `everything()`
#' The columns to which substitution operations are constrained. Can either
#' be a series of column names provided in `c()`, a vector of column indices,
#' or a select helper function (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()],
#' [contains()], [matches()], [num_range()], and [everything()]).
#' @param rows *Rows to target*
#' [`<row-targeting expression>`][rows-columns] // *default:* `everything()`
#' In conjunction with `columns`, we can specify which of their rows should
#' form a constraint for targeting operations. The default [everything()]
#' results in all rows in `columns` being formatted. Alternatively, we can
#' supply a vector of row IDs within `c()`, a vector of row indices, or a
#' select helper function (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()], [contains()],
#' [matches()], [num_range()], and [everything()]). We can also use
#' expressions to filter down to the rows we need
#' (e.g., `[colname_1] > 100 & [colname_2] < 50`).
#' @param missing_text *Replacement text for `NA` values*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `"---"`
#' The text to be used in place of `NA` values in the rendered table. We can
#' optionally use [md()] or [html()] to style the text as Markdown or to
#' retain HTML elements in the text.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Use select columns from the [`exibble`] dataset to create a **gt** table. The
#' `NA` values in different columns (here, we are using column indices in
#' `columns`) will be given two variations of replacement text with two separate
#' calls of `sub_missing()`.
#' ```r
#' exibble |>
#' dplyr::select(-row, -group) |>
#' gt() |>
#' sub_missing(
#' columns = 1:2,
#' missing_text = "missing"
#' ) |>
#' sub_missing(
#' columns = 4:7,
#' missing_text = "nothing"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_missing_1.png")`
#' }}
#' @family data formatting functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-31
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.6.0` (May 24, 2022)
#' @export
sub_missing <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
missing_text = "---"
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions (as a function list) to `subst()`
data = data,
columns = {{ columns }},
rows = {{ rows }},
fns = list(
# Any values of `x` that are `NA` get `missing_text` as output; any values
# that are not missing get `NA` as their output (meaning, the existing
# output for that value, if it exists, should be inherited)
html = function(x) {
missing_text <-
missing_text = missing_text,
context = "html"
ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
latex = function(x) {
missing_text <-
missing_text = missing_text,
context = "latex"
ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
rtf = function(x) {
missing_text <-
missing_text = missing_text,
context = "rtf"
ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
default = function(x) {
ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
#' Format missing values (deprecated)
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param missing_text The text to be used in place of `NA` values in the
#' rendered table.
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
fmt_missing <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
missing_text = "---"
) {
"Since gt v0.6.0 {.fn fmt_missing} is deprecated and will
soon be removed.",
"i" = "Use {.fn sub_missing} instead."
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "fmt_missing_fn_deprecation"
data = data,
columns = columns,
rows = rows,
missing_text = missing_text
# sub_zero() -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Substitute zero values in the table body
#' @description
#' Wherever there is numerical data that are zero in value, replacement text may
#' be better for explanatory purposes. `sub_zero()` allows for this replacement
#' through its `zero_text` argument.
#' @inheritParams sub_missing
#' @param zero_text *Replacement text for zero values*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `"nil"`
#' The text to be used in place of zero values in the rendered table. We can
#' optionally use [md()] or [html()] to style the text as
#' Markdown or to retain HTML elements in the text.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Let's generate a simple, single-column tibble that contains an assortment of
#' values that could potentially undergo some substitution.
#' ```{r}
#' tbl <- dplyr::tibble(num = c(10^(-1:2), 0, 0, 10^(4:6)))
#' tbl
#' ```
#' With this table, the zero values in will be given replacement text with a
#' single call of `sub_zero()`.
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_number(columns = num) |>
#' sub_zero()
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_zero_1.png")`
#' }}
#' @family data formatting functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-32
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.6.0` (May 24, 2022)
#' @export
sub_zero <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
zero_text = "nil"
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions (as a function list) to `subst()`
data = data,
columns = {{ columns }},
rows = {{ rows }},
fns = list(
# Any values of `x` that are exactly 0 get `zero_text` as output;
# any values that aren't 0 won't be affected
html = function(x) {
zero_text <- process_text(zero_text, context = "html")
ifelse(is.numeric(x) & x == 0, zero_text, NA_character_)
rtf = function(x) {
zero_text <- process_text(zero_text, context = "rtf")
ifelse(is.numeric(x) & x == 0, zero_text, NA_character_)
latex = function(x) {
zero_text <- process_text(zero_text, context = "latex")
ifelse(is.numeric(x) & x == 0, zero_text, NA_character_)
default = function(x) {
zero_text <- process_text(zero_text, context = "default")
ifelse(is.numeric(x) & x == 0, zero_text, NA_character_)
# sub_small_vals() -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Substitute small values in the table body
#' @description
#' Wherever there is numerical data that are very small in value, replacement
#' text may be better for explanatory purposes. `sub_small_vals()` allows for
#' this replacement through specification of a `threshold`, a `small_pattern`,
#' and the sign of the values to be considered. The substitution will occur for
#' those values found to be between `0` and the threshold value. This is
#' possible for small positive and small negative values (this can be explicitly
#' set by the `sign` option). Note that the interval does not include the `0` or
#' the `threshold` value. Should you need to include zero values, use
#' [sub_zero()].
#' @inheritParams sub_missing
#' @param threshold *Threshold value*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `0.01`
#' The threshold value with which values should be considered small enough for
#' replacement.
#' @param small_pattern *Pattern specification for small values*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `if (sign == "+") "<{x}" else md("<*abs*(-{x})")`
#' The pattern text to be used in place of the suitably small values in the
#' rendered table.
#' @param sign *Consider positive or negative values?*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `"+"`
#' The sign of the numbers to be considered in the replacement. By default, we
#' only consider positive values (`"+"`). The other option (`"-"`) can be used
#' to consider only negative values.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Let's generate a simple, single-column tibble that contains an assortment of
#' values that could potentially undergo some substitution.
#' ```{r}
#' tbl <- dplyr::tibble(num = c(10^(-4:2), 0, NA))
#' tbl
#' ```
#' The `tbl` contains a variety of smaller numbers and some might be small
#' enough to reformat with a threshold value. With `sub_small_vals()` we can
#' do just that:
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_number(columns = num) |>
#' sub_small_vals()
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_small_vals_1.png")`
#' }}
#' Small and negative values can also be handled but they are handled specially
#' by the `sign` parameter. Setting that to `"-"` will format only the small,
#' negative values.
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' dplyr::mutate(num = -num) |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_number(columns = num) |>
#' sub_small_vals(sign = "-")
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_small_vals_2.png")`
#' }}
#' You don't have to settle with the default `threshold` value or the default
#' replacement pattern (in `small_pattern`). This can be changed and the
#' `"{x}"` in `small_pattern` (which uses the `threshold` value) can even be
#' omitted.
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_number(columns = num) |>
#' sub_small_vals(
#' threshold = 0.0005,
#' small_pattern = "smol"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_small_vals_3.png")`
#' }}
#' @family data formatting functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-33
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.6.0` (May 24, 2022)
#' @export
sub_small_vals <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
threshold = 0.01,
small_pattern = if (sign == "+") "<{x}" else md("<*abs*(-{x})"),
sign = "+"
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Check that the `sign` value is an acceptable value
check_sub_fn_sign(sign = sign)
if (sign == "+") {
op_fn_threshold <- `<`
op_fn_zero_away <- `>`
} else {
op_fn_threshold <- `>`
op_fn_zero_away <- `<`
# Ensure threshold is a single number and get its absolute value
threshold <- abs(threshold)
sub_replace_small_vals <- function(
) {
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
return(rep_len(NA_character_, length(x)))
!is.na(x) &
x != 0 &
op_fn_threshold(x, threshold * ifelse(sign == "-", -1, 1)) &
op_fn_zero_away(x, 0),
threshold = threshold,
small_pattern = small_pattern
context = context
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions (as a function list) to `subst()`
data = data,
columns = {{ columns }},
rows = {{ rows }},
fns = list(
# Any values of `x` that are below the threshold will be processed
# according to the `small_pattern`, the `threshold` value (interacts with
# the `small_pattern`, and the sign (changes the default `small_pattern`))
html = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
small_pattern = small_pattern,
context = "html"
rtf = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
small_pattern = small_pattern,
context = "rtf"
latex = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
small_pattern = small_pattern,
context = "latex"
grid = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
small_pattern = small_pattern,
context = "grid"
default = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
small_pattern = small_pattern,
context = "default"
# sub_large_vals() -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Substitute large values in the table body
#' @description
#' Wherever there are numerical data that are very large in value, replacement
#' text may be better for explanatory purposes. `sub_large_vals()` allows for
#' this replacement through specification of a `threshold`, a `large_pattern`,
#' and the sign (positive or negative) of the values to be considered.
#' @inheritParams sub_missing
#' @param threshold *Threshold value*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `1E12`
#' The threshold value with which values should be considered large enough for
#' replacement.
#' @param large_pattern *Pattern specification for large values*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `">={x}"`
#' The pattern text to be used in place of the suitably large values in the
#' rendered table.
#' @param sign *Consider positive or negative values?*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `"+"`
#' The sign of the numbers to be considered in the replacement. By default, we
#' only consider positive values (`"+"`). The other option (`"-"`) can be used
#' to consider only negative values.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Let's generate a simple, single-column tibble that contains an assortment of
#' values that could potentially undergo some substitution.
#' ```{r}
#' tbl <- dplyr::tibble(num = c(0, NA, 10^(8:14)))
#' tbl
#' ```
#' The `tbl` object contains a variety of larger numbers and some might be
#' larger enough to reformat with a threshold value. With `sub_large_vals()` we
#' can do just that:
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_number(columns = num) |>
#' sub_large_vals()
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_large_vals_1.png")`
#' }}
#' Large negative values can also be handled but they are handled specially by
#' the `sign` parameter. Setting that to `"-"` will format only the large values
#' that are negative. Notice that with the default `large_pattern` value of
#' `">={x}"` the `">="` is automatically changed to `"<="`.
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' dplyr::mutate(num = -num) |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_number(columns = num) |>
#' sub_large_vals(sign = "-")
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_large_vals_2.png")`
#' }}
#' You don't have to settle with the default `threshold` value or the default
#' replacement pattern (in `large_pattern`). This can be changed and the
#' `"{x}"` in `large_pattern` (which uses the `threshold` value) can even be
#' omitted.
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_number(columns = num) |>
#' sub_large_vals(
#' threshold = 5E10,
#' large_pattern = "hugemongous"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_large_vals_3.png")`
#' }}
#' @family data formatting functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-34
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.6.0` (May 24, 2022)
#' @export
sub_large_vals <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
threshold = 1E12,
large_pattern = ">={x}",
sign = "+"
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Check that the `sign` value is an acceptable value
check_sub_fn_sign(sign = sign)
if (sign == "+") {
op_fn <- `>=`
} else {
op_fn <- `<=`
# Ensure threshold is a single number and get its absolute value
threshold <- abs(threshold)
sub_replace_large_vals <- function(
) {
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
return(rep_len(NA_character_, length(x)))
!is.na(x) &
op_fn(x, threshold * ifelse(sign == "-", -1, 1)),
threshold = threshold,
large_pattern = large_pattern,
sign = sign,
context = context
context = context
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions (as a function list) to `subst()`
data = data,
columns = {{ columns }},
rows = {{ rows }},
fns = list(
# Any values of `x` that are above the threshold will be processed
# according to the `large_pattern`, the `threshold` value (interacts with
# the `large_pattern`, and the sign (changes the default `large_pattern`))
html = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
large_pattern = large_pattern,
context = "html"
rtf = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
large_pattern = large_pattern,
context = "rtf"
latex = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
large_pattern = large_pattern,
context = "latex"
grid = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
large_pattern = large_pattern,
context = "grid"
default = function(x) {
threshold = threshold,
sign = sign,
large_pattern = large_pattern,
context = "default"
check_sub_fn_sign <- function(sign, call = rlang::caller_env()) {
if (!(sign %in% c("+", "-"))) {
"The `sign` option should either be \"+\" or \"-\".",
"*" = "With \"+\", we consider only positive large values.",
"*" = "Using \"-\" means that the focus is on negative values."
call = call
# sub_values() -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Substitute targeted values in the table body
#' @description
#' Should you need to replace specific cell values with custom text,
#' `sub_values()` can be good choice. We can target cells for replacement
#' through value, regex, and custom matching rules.
#' @inheritParams sub_missing
#' @param values *Values to match on*
#' `scalar<character|numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The specific value or values that should be replaced with a `replacement`
#' value. If `pattern` is also supplied then `values` will be ignored.
#' @param pattern *Regex pattern to match with*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A regex pattern that can target solely those values in `character`-based
#' columns. If `values` is also supplied, `pattern` will take precedence.
#' @param fn *Function to return logical values*
#' `<function>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A supplied function that operates on `x` (the data in a column) and should
#' return a logical vector that matches the length of `x` (i.e., number of
#' rows in the input table). If either of `values` or `pattern` is also
#' supplied, `fn` will take precedence.
#' @param replacement *Replacement value for matches*
#' `scalar<character|numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The replacement value for any cell values matched by either `values` or
#' `pattern`. Must be a character or numeric vector of length 1.
#' @param escape *Text escaping*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' An option to escape replacement text according to the final output format
#' of the table. For example, if a LaTeX table is to be generated then LaTeX
#' escaping would be performed on the replacements during rendering. By
#' default this is set to `TRUE` but setting to `FALSE` would be useful in the
#' case where replacement text is crafted for a specific output format in
#' mind.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Let's create an input table with three columns. This contains an assortment
#' of values that could potentially undergo some substitution via
#' `sub_values()`.
#' ```{r}
#' tbl <-
#' dplyr::tibble(
#' num_1 = c(-0.01, 74, NA, 0, 500, 0.001, 84.3),
#' int_1 = c(1L, -100000L, 800L, 5L, NA, 1L, -32L),
#' lett = LETTERS[1:7]
#' )
#' tbl
#' ```
#' Values in the table body cells can be replaced by specifying which values
#' should be replaced (in `values`) and what the replacement value should be.
#' It's okay to search for numerical or character values across all columns and
#' the replacement value can also be of the `numeric` or `character` types.
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' sub_values(values = c(74, 500), replacement = 150) |>
#' sub_values(values = "B", replacement = "Bee") |>
#' sub_values(values = 800, replacement = "Eight hundred")
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_values_1.png")`
#' }}
#' We can also use the `pattern` argument to target cell values for replacement
#' in `character`-based columns.
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' sub_values(pattern = "A|C|E", replacement = "Ace")
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_values_2.png")`
#' }}
#' For the most flexibility, it's best to use the `fn` argument. With that you
#' need to ensure that the function you provide will return a logical vector
#' when invoked on a column of cell values, taken as `x` (and, the length of
#' that vector must match the length of `x`).
#' ```r
#' tbl |>
#' gt() |>
#' sub_values(
#' fn = function(x) x >= 0 & x < 50,
#' replacement = "Between 0 and 50"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_sub_values_3.png")`
#' }}
#' @family data formatting functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-35
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.8.0` (November 16, 2022)
#' @export
sub_values <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
values = NULL,
pattern = NULL,
fn = NULL,
replacement = NULL,
escape = TRUE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
if (is.null(values) && is.null(pattern) && is.null(fn)) {
"One of `values`, `pattern`, or `fn` must be supplied to {.fn sub_value}."
# Validate that the `fn` object is a function
if (!is.null(fn) && !rlang::is_function(fn)) {
"A function must be provided to the `fn` argument."
if (is.numeric(replacement)) {
} else if (is.character(replacement)) {
} else {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg replacement} must be a number, or a string,
not {.obj_type_friendly {replacement}}.")
sub_replace_value <- function(
) {
if (!is.null(fn)) {
# Invoke the function on the `x` vector
vec_logical <- fn(x)
# Validate that the returned value is a logical vector
if (is.null(vec_logical) || !is.logical(vec_logical)) {
"The value returned by invoking `fn` must be a logical vector."
# Validate that the logical vector is of the correct length
if (length(vec_logical) != length(x)) {
"The vector returned by invoking `fn` must be the same as `x`."
# TODO: create the `repl_values` object using the logical vector
vec_logical[which(is.na(vec_logical))] <- FALSE
x[vec_logical] <- as.character(replacement)
x[!vec_logical] <- NA_character_
repl_values <- x
} else if (!is.null(pattern)) {
repl_values <-
!is.na(x) & is.character(x) & str_has_match(x, pattern = pattern),
} else {
repl_values <-
!is.na(x) & x %in% values,
if (escape) {
repl_values <- process_text(text = repl_values, context = context)
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions (as a function list) to `subst()`
data = data,
columns = {{ columns }},
rows = {{ rows }},
fns = list(
html = function(x) {
values = values,
pattern = pattern,
replacement = replacement,
context = "html"
rtf = function(x) {
values = values,
pattern = pattern,
replacement = replacement,
context = "rtf"
latex = function(x) {
values = values,
pattern = pattern,
replacement = replacement,
context = "latex"
default = function(x) {
values = values,
pattern = pattern,
replacement = replacement,
context = "default"
subst <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
call = rlang::caller_env()
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Resolution of columns and rows as character vectors
resolved_columns <-
expr = {{ columns }},
data = data,
excl_stub = FALSE,
call = call
resolved_rows_idx <-
expr = {{ rows }},
data = data,
call = call
# If a single function is supplied to `fns` then
# repackage that into a list as the `default` function
if (is.function(fns)) {
fns <- list(default = fns)
# Create the `subst_list`, which is a bundle of
# substitution functions for specific columns and rows
subst_list <-
func = fns,
cols = resolved_columns,
rows = resolved_rows_idx
dt_substitutions_add(data = data, substitutions = subst_list)
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