# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
#' Flexibly split a string into two pieces
#' @param x The string to split into a character vector of length 2.
#' @param before,after Either an exact numeric position for where splitting will
#' occur, or a regular expression to match on a range of characters. We can
#' use either `before` or `after` (but not both) with this variable input to
#' accurately define which side of the match is the split position.
#' @noRd
split_string_2 <- function(
before = NULL,
after = NULL
) {
# TODO: use `split` instead of before/after and include
# a `dir` option (for "before" or "after" splitting)
# Stop function if `x` is not of class character
if (!rlang::is_string(x)) {
"*" = "The `x` object must be a single string, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}."
), .internal = TRUE)
# Get the length of the string `x`
x_length <- nchar(x)
# If neither of `before` or `after` has a value,
# stop the function
if (is.null(before) && is.null(after)) {
"*" = "Both `before` and `after` cannot be `NULL`."
), .internal = TRUE)
# If both `before` and `after` have values, stop
# the function
if (!is.null(before) && !is.null(after)) {
"*" = "A value must be provided to either `before` or `after`, not both."
), .internal = TRUE)
# Collapse value for either `before` or `after`;
# add a class to retain the direction-of-split
# information
if (!is.null(before)) {
input <- before
class(input) <- c("before", class(before))
} else if (!is.null(after)) {
input <- after
class(input) <- c("after", class(after))
if (inherits(input, "character")) {
# Use the pattern (`input`) with the input string
# `x` with `regexpr()` to get the matching output
regexpr_out <- regexpr(input, x)
# If there is no match, return a character vector
# of length 2 (original string, then empty string)
if (as.numeric(regexpr_out) == -1) {
return(c(x, ""))
# Define the start position for the matched characters
split_start <- as.numeric(regexpr_out)
# Define the stop position for the matched characters
split_stop <-
attr(regexpr_out, "match.length", exact = TRUE) + split_start - 1
} else if (inherits(input, "numeric")) {
# Stop function if the index position is not valid
if (input > x_length) {
"*" = "The numeric value provided cannot be greater than {x_length}."
), .internal = TRUE)
# Define the start and stop positions as
# the single `input` value
split_start <- split_stop <- as.numeric(input)
# Perform the split either before the matched characters
if (inherits(input, "before")) {
x_2 <- c(substr(x, 0, split_start - 1), substr(x, split_start, x_length))
} else if (inherits(input, "after")) {
x_2 <- c(substr(x, 0, split_stop), substr(x, split_stop + 1, x_length))
#' Flexibly split a string into two pieces
#' @param x A character vector that is to be pasted between the
#' first and second elements of `x_2`.
#' @param x_2 A character vector of length 2.
#' @noRd
paste_between <- function(x, x_2) {
# Stop function if `x_2` is not of class character length 2
if (!inherits(x_2, "character") || length(x_2) != 2) {
"*" = "The `x_2` object must be of class `character` of length 2, not {.obj_type_friendly {x_2}}."
), .internal = TRUE)
# Stop function if `x` is not of class character
if (!is.character(x)) {
"*" = "The `x` object must be of class `character`."
), .internal = TRUE)
paste0(x_2[1], x, x_2[2])
#' Paste a string either onto the left or the right of another string
#' @param x A character vector of length equal to that of `x_side`.
#' @param x_side Another character vector, with a length equal to that of `x`.
#' It will be pasted either to the left or to the right of `x` depending on
#' the `direction`.
#' @param direction The side that `x_side` will be relative to `x`. This can
#' be `left` or `right`.
#' @noRd
paste_on_side <- function(
) {
# Stop function if `direction` is not valid
if (!(direction %in% c("left", "right"))) {
"*" = "The `direction` must be either `left` or `right`."
), .internal = TRUE)
# Stop function if `x` and `x_side` are not both of class character
if (!all(inherits(x, "character"), inherits(x_side, "character"))) {
"*" = "The `x` and `x_side` objects must be of class `character`."
), .internal = TRUE)
len <- length(x_side)
# Stop function if the length of `x_side` is not 1 of the length of `x`
if (!any(len == 1, len == length(x))) {
"The length of the `x_side` vector must be 1 or the length of `x`."
if (direction == "left") {
return(paste0(x_side, x))
} else if (direction == "right") {
return(paste0(x, x_side))
#' Paste a string onto the left side of another string
#' @inheritParams paste_on_side
#' @param x_left Another character vector of length 1 that is to be pasted to
#' the left of `x`.
#' @noRd
paste_left <- function(x, x_left) {
paste_on_side(x, x_side = x_left, direction = "left")
#' Paste a string onto the right side of another string
#' @inheritParams paste_on_side
#' @param x_right Another character vector of length 1 that is to be pasted to
#' the right of `x`.
#' @noRd
paste_right <- function(x, x_right) {
paste_on_side(x, x_side = x_right, direction = "right")
#' Swap adjacent text groups
#' @param x A text string.
#' @param pattern_1,pattern_2 Regular expression to match on a range of
#' characters. The order of regex patterns does not need to be in the order of
#' matching in `x`.
#' @noRd
swap_adjacent_text_groups <- function(
) {
# Stop function if `x` is not of class character
if (!inherits(x, "character")) {
"*" = "The `x` object must be of class `character`."
), .internal = TRUE)
FUN.VALUE = character(1L),
function(x) {
# Return `x` as is if both patterns aren't present
if (!grepl(pattern_1, x) || !grepl(pattern_2, x)) {
# Get the start and stop positions for the text groups
group_1 <- get_start_stop_positions(x, pattern = pattern_1)
group_2 <- get_start_stop_positions(x, pattern = pattern_2)
# Return `x` as is if the patterns don't encompass text ranges
# that aren't adjacent
if (!is_adjacent_separate(group_1, group_2)) {
# Obtain a length-two vector of text groups based on the
# extracted substrings
substr <-
substring(x, group_1[1], group_1[2]),
substring(x, group_2[1], group_2[2])
# Reverse the order of the elements in `substr`
# if necessary and paste elements together
if (group_1[1] < group_2[1]) {
rev_group <- paste0(rev(substr), collapse = "")
} else {
rev_group <- paste0(substr, collapse = "")
# Get the character indices that the contiguous text
# groups encompass
group_pos <- min(group_1, group_2):max(group_1, group_2)
# Return the reversed set of patterns
substring(x, 0, min(group_pos) - 1),
substring(x, max(group_pos) + 1, nchar(x)),
collapse = ""
#' Get the start and stop positions for a text match
#' @param x A text string.
#' @param pattern A regular expression pattern.
#' @noRd
get_start_stop_positions <- function(x, pattern) {
# Use the pattern (`input`) with the input string
# `x` with `regexpr()` to get the matching output
regexpr_out <- regexpr(pattern, x)
# Define the start position for the matched characters
start_pos <- as.numeric(regexpr_out)
# Define the stop position for the matched characters
stop_pos <- attr(regexpr_out, "match.length", exact = TRUE) + start_pos - 1
# Return a vector of length 2
c(start_pos, stop_pos)
#' Determine if text groups are adjacent and non-overlapping
#' @param group_1,group_2 Vectors of length 2 with starting and stopping
#' positions in a text string.
#' @noRd
is_adjacent_separate <- function(group_1, group_2) {
group_1_expanded <- seq(group_1[1], group_1[2])
group_2_expanded <- seq(group_2[1], group_2[2])
if (length(base::intersect(group_1_expanded, group_2_expanded)) > 0) {
if (any(diff(sort(c(group_1_expanded, group_2_expanded))) > 1)) {
str_title_case <- function(x) {
title_case_i <- function(y) {
s <- strsplit(y, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)),
substring(s, 2),
collapse = " "
vapply(x, FUN.VALUE = character(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE, FUN = title_case_i)
str_substitute <- function(string, start = 1L, end = -1L) {
if (is.matrix(start)) {
end <- start[, 2L]
start <- start[, 1L]
# Error if start or end is incorrect.
vec <- vctrs::vec_recycle_common(start = start, end = end, .size = length(string))
start <- vec$start
end <- vec$end
n <- nchar(string)
start <- ifelse(start < 0, start + n + 1, start)
end <- ifelse(end < 0, end + n + 1, end)
substr(string, start, end)
str_complete_locate <- function(string, pattern) {
out <- gregexpr(pattern, string, perl = TRUE)
lapply(out, location, all = TRUE)
str_single_locate <- function(string, pattern) {
out <- regexpr(pattern, string, perl = TRUE)
location <- function(x, all = FALSE) {
start <- as.vector(x)
if (all && identical(start, -1L)) {
return(cbind(start = integer(), end = integer()))
end <- as.vector(x) + attr(x, "match.length") - 1
no_match <- start == -1L
start[no_match] <- NA
end[no_match] <- NA
cbind(start = start, end = end)
str_complete_extract <- function(string, pattern) {
loc <- str_complete_locate(string, pattern)
lapply(seq_along(string), function(i) {
loc <- loc[[i]]
str_substitute(rep(string[[i]], nrow(loc)), loc)
str_single_extract <- function(string, pattern) {
str_substitute(string, str_single_locate(string, pattern))
str_get_match <- function(string, pattern) {
loc <- regexec(pattern, string, perl = TRUE)
loc <- lapply(loc, location)
out <- lapply(seq_along(string), function(i) {
loc <- loc[[i]]
str_substitute(rep(string[[i]], nrow(loc)), loc)
do.call("rbind", out)
str_has_match <- function(string, pattern, negate = FALSE) {
out <- grepl(pattern, string, perl = TRUE)
out[is.na(string)] <- NA
if (negate) {
} else {
str_trim_sides <- function(string) {
sub("\\s+$", "", sub("^\\s+", "", string))
alnum_id <- function(x, exclude = '[^[:alnum:]]+') {
tolower(gsub('^-+|-+$', '', gsub(exclude, '-', x, perl = TRUE)))
create_unique_id_vals <- function(
simplify = TRUE,
exclude = "[^[:alnum:]]+",
na_is_index = TRUE,
sep = "__"
) {
if (simplify) {
x <- tolower(gsub("^-+|-+$", "", gsub(exclude, "-", x, perl = TRUE)))
id_vals <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
if (is.na(x[i])) {
if (na_is_index) {
id_vals[i] <- as.character(i)
} else {
id_vals[i] <- random_id()
if (!is.na(x[i])) {
id_vals[i] <- x[i]
if (i > 1 && id_vals[i] %in% id_vals[1:(i - 1)]) {
id_vals[i] <- paste0(id_vals[i], sep, formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"))
glue_gt <- function(.x, ...) {
glue::glue_data(.x, ..., .transformer = get, .envir = emptyenv())
regexec_gt <- function(pattern, text, perl = FALSE) {
if (is.factor(text) && nlevels(text) < length(text)) {
out <- regexec_gt(pattern, c(levels(text), NA_character_), perl)
outna <- out[length(out)]
out <- out[text]
out[is.na(text)] <- outna
dat <- gregexpr(pattern = pattern, text = text, perl = perl)
if (perl) {
capt.attr <- c("capture.start", "capture.length", "capture.names")
process <- function(x) {
if (anyNA(x) || any(x < 0)) {
y <- x
} else {
y <- t(cbind(x, attr(x, "capture.start")))
attributes(y)[names(attributes(x))] <- attributes(x)
ml <- t(cbind(attr(x, "match.length"), attr(x, "capture.length")))
nm <- attr(x, "capture.names")
dimnames(ml) <- dimnames(y) <- if (any(nzchar(nm))) list(c("", nm), NULL)
attr(y, "match.length") <- ml
attributes(y)[capt.attr] <- NULL
lapply(dat, process)
} else {
m1 <- lapply(regmatches(text, dat), regexec, pattern = pattern, perl = perl)
mlen <- lengths(m1)
res <- vector("list", length(m1))
im <- mlen > 0
res[!im] <- dat[!im]
res[im] <-
function(outer, inner) {
tmp <- do.call(cbind, inner)
attributes(tmp)[names(attributes(inner))] <- attributes(inner)
attr(tmp, "match.length") <- do.call(cbind, lapply(inner, `attr`, "match.length"))
attr(tmp, "useBytes") <- attr(outer, "useBytes")
attr(tmp, "index.type") <- attr(outer, "index.type")
tmp + rep(outer - 1L, xeach <- nrow(tmp))
# The Hebrew Unicode character set (112 code points)
hebrew_unicode_charset <- "[\U00590-\U005FF]"
# The Arabic Unicode character set (256 code points)
arabic_unicode_charset <- "[\U00600-\U006FF]"
# The Syriac Unicode character set (80 code points)
syriac_unicode_charset <- "[\U00700-\U0074F]"
# The Thaana Unicode character set (64 code points)
thaana_unicode_charset <- "[\U00780-\U007BF]"
# The Samaritan Unicode character set (61 code points)
samaritan_unicode_charset <- "[\U00800-\U0083F]"
# The Mandaic Unicode character set (32 code points)
mandaic_unicode_charset <- "[\U00840-\U0085F]"
# The combination of these RTL character sets
rtl_modern_unicode_charset <-
mandaic_unicode_charset, sep = "|"
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