
Defines functions scrub_correct_and_feedback no_storage client_storage filesystem_storage tutorial_storage ns_unwrap ns_wrap tutorial_object initialize_objects_from_client remove_all_objects get_objects get_object update_object save_object progress_events_from_state_objects section_skipped_progress_from_state_objects video_progress_from_state_objects submissions_from_state_objects filter_state_objects get_all_state_objects get_exercise_submission get_client_state save_client_state save_video_progress save_section_skipped save_exercise_submission save_reset_question_submission save_question_submission

Documented in filesystem_storage

save_question_submission <- function(session, label, question, answer) {
    session = session,
    object_id = label,
    tutorial_object("question_submission", list(
      api_version = 1,
      question = question,
      answer = answer
save_reset_question_submission <- function(session, label, question) {
    session = session,
    object_id = label,
    tutorial_object("question_submission", list(
      question = question,
      reset = TRUE

save_exercise_submission <- function(session, label, code, output, error_message, checked, feedback) {

  # for client storage we only forward error output. this is because we want
  # to replay errors back into the client with no execution (in case they were
  # timeout errors as a result of misbehaving code). for other outputs the client
  # will just tickle the inputs to force re-execution of the outputs.
  storage <- tutorial_storage(session)
  if (identical(storage$type, "client")) {
    if (!is.null(error_message) && !identical(error_message, ""))
      output <- error_message_html(error_message)
      output <- NULL

  # save object
    session = session,
    object_id = label,
    tutorial_object("exercise_submission", list(
      code = code,
      output = output,
      checked = checked,
      feedback = feedback

save_section_skipped <- function(session, sectionId) {
    session = session,
    object_id = ns_wrap("section_skipped", sectionId),
    tutorial_object("section_skipped", list())

save_video_progress <- function(session, video_url, time, total_time) {
    session = session,
    object_id = video_url,
    tutorial_object("video_progress", list(
      time = time,
      total_time = total_time

client_state_object_id <- "tutorial-client-state-825E9CBB-FF7A-4C2C-A201-A075AB758F34"

save_client_state <- function(session, data) {
    session = session,
    object_id = client_state_object_id,
    tutorial_object("client_state", data)

get_client_state <- function(session) {
  object <- get_object(session, client_state_object_id)
  if (!is.null(object))

get_exercise_submission <- function(session, label) {
  get_object(session = session, object_id = label)

get_all_state_objects <- function(session, exercise_output = TRUE) {

  # get all of the objects
  objects <- get_objects(session)

  # strip output (the client doesn't need it and it's expensive to transmit)
  objects <- lapply(objects, function(object) {
    if (object$type == "exercise_submission") {
      if (!exercise_output) {
        object$data["output"] <- list(NULL)

  # return objects

filter_state_objects <- function(state_objects, types) {
  Filter(x = state_objects, function(object) {
    object$type %in% types

submissions_from_state_objects <- function(state_objects) {
  filtered_submissions <- filter_state_objects(state_objects, c("question_submission", "exercise_submission"))
  Filter(x = filtered_submissions, function(object) {
    # only return answered question, not reset questions
    if (object$type == "question_submission") {
    } else {

video_progress_from_state_objects <- function(state_objects) {
  filter_state_objects(state_objects, c("video_progress"))

section_skipped_progress_from_state_objects <- function(state_objects) {
  filter_state_objects(state_objects, c("section_skipped"))

progress_events_from_state_objects <- function(state_objects) {

  # first submissions
  submissions <- submissions_from_state_objects(state_objects)
  progress_events <- lapply(submissions, function(submission) {
    data <- list(
      label = submission$id
    if (submission$type == "question_submission") {
      data$answer <- submission$data$answer
    else if (submission$type == "exercise_submission") {
      if (!is.null(submission$data$feedback))
        correct <- submission$data$feedback$correct
        correct <- TRUE
      data$correct <- correct

    list(event = submission$type,
         data = data)

  # now sections skipped
  section_skipped_progress <- section_skipped_progress_from_state_objects(state_objects)
  section_skipped_progress_events <- lapply(section_skipped_progress, function(skipped) {
    list(event = "section_skipped",
         data = list(
           sectionId = ns_unwrap("section_skipped", skipped$id)
  progress_events <- append(progress_events, section_skipped_progress_events)

  # now video_progress
  video_progress <- video_progress_from_state_objects(state_objects)
  video_progress_events <- lapply(video_progress, function(progress) {
    list(event = "video_progress",
         data = list(
           video_url = progress$id,
           time = progress$data$time,
           total_time = progress$data$total_time
  progress_events <- append(progress_events, video_progress_events)

  # return progress events

save_object <- function(session, object_id, data) {
  tutorial_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_id")
  tutorial_version <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_version")
  user_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.user_id")
  data$id <- object_id
  tutorial_storage(session)$save_object(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id, data)

update_object <- function(object) {
  if (is.null(object)) {
  if (identical(object$type, "question_submission")) {
    api_version <- object$data$api_version
    if (!is.null(api_version)) {
      # if (identical(version, 1)) {
      #   # do nothing
      # }
    } else {
      # as of v0.10.0...
      # upgrade from old storage format to new storage format
      # rename answers -> answer
      object$data$answer <- object$data$answers
      object$data$answers <- NULL

get_object <- function(session, object_id) {
  tutorial_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_id")
  tutorial_version <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_version")
  user_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.user_id")
  object <- tutorial_storage(session)$get_object(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id)

get_objects <- function(session) {
  tutorial_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_id")
  tutorial_version <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_version")
  user_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.user_id")
  objects <- tutorial_storage(session)$get_objects(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id)
  lapply(objects, update_object)

remove_all_objects <- function(session) {
  tutorial_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_id")
  tutorial_version <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_version")
  user_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.user_id")
  tutorial_storage(session)$remove_all_objects(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id)

initialize_objects_from_client <- function(session, objects) {
  tutorial_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_id")
  tutorial_version <- read_request(session, "tutorial.tutorial_version")
  user_id <- read_request(session, "tutorial.user_id")

# helper to form a tutor object (type + data)
tutorial_object <- function(type, data) {
    type = type,
    data = data

ns_wrap <- function(ns, id) {
  paste0(ns, id)

ns_unwrap <- function(ns, id) {
  substring(id, nchar(ns) + 1)

# get the currently active storage handler
tutorial_storage <- function(session) {

  # local storage implementation
  local_storage <- filesystem_storage(
    file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "R", "learnr", "tutorial", "storage")

  # function to determine "auto" storage
  auto_storage <- function() {
    if (getOption("shiny.testmode", default = FALSE)) {
      # With shinytest, we don't want to restore state; start with a clean slate
      # each time.
    location <- read_request(session, "tutorial.http_location")
    if (is_localhost(location))

  # examine the option
  storage <- getOption("tutorial.storage", default = "auto")

  # resolve NULL to "none"
  if (is.null(storage))
    storage <- "none"

  # if it's a character vector then resolve it
  if (is.character(storage)) {
    storage <- switch(storage,
      auto = auto_storage(),
      local = local_storage,
      client = client_storage(session),
      none = no_storage()

  # verify that storage is a list
  if (!is.list(storage))
    stop("tutorial.storage must be a 'auto', 'local', 'client', 'none' or a ",
         "list of storage functions")

  # validate storage interface
  if (is.null(storage$save_object))
    stop("tutorial.storage must implement the save_object function")
  if (is.null(storage$get_object))
    stop("tutorial.storage must implement the get_object function")
  if (is.null(storage$get_objects))
    stop("tutorial.storage must implements the get_objects function")

  # return it

#' Filesystem-based storage for tutor state data
#' Tutorial state storage handler that uses the filesystem as a backing store.
#' The directory will contain tutorial state data partitioned by `user_id`,
#' `tutorial_id`, and `tutorial_version` (in that order)
#' @param dir Directory to store state data within
#' @param compress Should \code{.rds} files be compressed?
#' @return Storage handler suitable for \code{options(tutorial.storage = ...)}
#' @export
filesystem_storage <- function(dir, compress = TRUE) {

  # helpers to transform ids into valid filesystem paths
  id_to_filesystem_path <- function(id) {
    id <- gsub("..", "", id, fixed = TRUE)
    utils::URLencode(id, reserved = TRUE, repeated = TRUE)
  id_from_filesystem_path <- function(path) {

  # get the path to storage (ensuring that the directory exists)
  storage_path <- function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id) {
    path <- file.path(dir,
    if (!utils::file_test("-d", path))
      dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)

  # functions which implement storage via saving to RDS

    type = "local",

    save_object = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id, data) {
      object_path <- file.path(storage_path(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id),
                               paste0(id_to_filesystem_path(object_id), ".rds"))
      saveRDS(data, file = object_path, compress = compress)

    get_object = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id) {
      object_path <- file.path(storage_path(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id),
                               paste0(id_to_filesystem_path(object_id), ".rds"))
      if (file.exists(object_path))

    get_objects = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id) {
      objects_path <- storage_path(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id)
      objects <- list()
      for (object_path in list.files(objects_path, pattern = utils::glob2rx("*.rds"))) {
        object <- readRDS(file.path(objects_path, object_path))
        object_id <- sub("\\.rds$", "", id_from_filesystem_path(object_path))
        objects[[length(objects) + 1]] <- object

    remove_all_objects = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id) {
      objects_path <- storage_path(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id)
      unlink(objects_path, recursive = TRUE)

# client side storage implementation. data is saved by broadcasting it to the client
# this data is subsequently restored during initialize and stored in a per-session
# in memory table for retreival
client_storage <- function(session) {

  # helper to form a unique tutorial context id (note that we don't utilize the user_id
  # as there is no concept of server-side user in client_storage, user scope is 100%
  # determined by connecting user agent)
  tutorial_context_id <- function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version) {
    paste(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, sep = "-")

  # get a reference to the session object cache for a gvien tutorial context
  object_store <- function(context_id) {

    # create session objects on demand
    session_objects <- read_request(session, "tutorial.session_objects")
    if (is.null(session_objects)) {
      session_objects <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
      write_request(session, "tutorial.session_objects", session_objects)

    # create entry for this context on demand
    if (!exists(context_id, envir = session_objects))
      assign(context_id, new.env(parent = emptyenv()), envir = session_objects)
    store <- get(context_id, envir = session_objects)

    # return reference to the store


    type = "client",

    save_object = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id, data) {

      # save the object to our in-memory store
      context_id <- tutorial_context_id(tutorial_id, tutorial_version)
      store <- object_store(context_id)
      # scrub "answers" from the state stored on the client (client storage only)
      data <- scrub_correct_and_feedback(data)
      assign(object_id, data, envir = store)

      # broadcast to client
      session$sendCustomMessage("tutorial.store_object", list(
        context = context_id,
        id = object_id,
        data = base64_enc(serialize(data, connection = NULL))

    get_object = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id) {
      context_id <- tutorial_context_id(tutorial_id, tutorial_version)
      store <- object_store(context_id)
      if (exists(object_id, envir = store))
        get(object_id, envir = store)

    get_objects = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id) {
      context_id <- tutorial_context_id(tutorial_id, tutorial_version)
      store <- object_store(context_id)
      objects <- list()
      for (object in ls(store))
        objects[[length(objects) + 1]] <- get(object, envir = store)

    remove_all_objects = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id) {
      # remove on server side (client side is handled on client)
      context_id <- tutorial_context_id(tutorial_id, tutorial_version)
      store <- object_store(context_id)
      rm(list = ls(store), envir = store)

    # function called from initialize to prime object storage from the browser db
    initialize_objects_from_client = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, objects) {
      context_id <- tutorial_context_id(tutorial_id, tutorial_version)
      store <- object_store(context_id)
      for (object_id in names(objects)) {
        data <- unserialize(base64_dec(objects[[object_id]]))
        assign(object_id, data, envir = store)

# no-op storage implementation
no_storage <- function() {
    type = "none",
    save_object = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id, data) {},
    get_object = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id, object_id) { NULL },
    get_objects = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id) { list() },
    remove_all_objects = function(tutorial_id, tutorial_version, user_id) {}

scrub_correct_and_feedback <- function(data) {
  if (is.null(data)) {

  if (identical(data$type, "question_submission")) {
    data$data$correct <- NULL

  if (identical(data$type, "exercise_submission")) {
    data$data$feedback <- NULL

rstudio/learnr documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 11:06 p.m.