
Defines functions print.shiny_runtests runtest_pretty_file runTests is_legacy_shinytest_dir result_row

Documented in runTests

#' Creates and returns run result data frame.
#' @param file Name of the test runner file, a character vector of length 1.
#' @param pass Whether or not the test passed, a logical vector of length 1.
#' @param result Value (wrapped in a list) obtained by evaluating `file`.
#'   This can also by any errors signaled when evaluating the `file`.
#' @return A 1-row data frame representing a single test run. `result` and
#'   is a "list column", or a column that contains list elements.
#' @noRd
result_row <- function(file, pass, result) {
  df <- data.frame(
    file = file,
    pass = pass,
    result = I(result),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  class(df) <- c("shiny_runtests", class(df))

#' Check to see if the given directory contains at least one script, and that
#' all scripts in the directory are shinytest scripts.
#' Scans for the magic string of `app <- ShinyDriver$new(` as an indicator that
#' this is a shinytest.
#' @noRd
is_legacy_shinytest_dir <- function(path){
  is_shinytest_script <- function(file) {
    if (!file.exists(file)) {

    text <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
      grepl("app\\s*<-\\s*ShinyDriver\\$new\\(", text, perl=TRUE)

  files <- dir(path, full.names = TRUE)
  files <- files[!file.info(files)$isdir]
  if (length(files) == 0) {
  all(vapply(files, is_shinytest_script, logical(1)))

#' Runs the tests associated with this Shiny app
#' Sources the `.R` files in the top-level of `tests/` much like `R CMD check`.
#' These files are typically simple runners for tests nested in other
#' directories under `tests/`.
#' @param appDir The base directory for the application.
#' @param filter If not `NULL`, only tests with file names matching this regular
#'   expression will be executed. Matching is performed on the file name
#'   including the extension.
#' @param assert Logical value which determines if an error should be thrown if any error is captured.
#' @param envir Parent testing environment in which to base the individual testing environments.
#' @return A data frame classed with the supplemental class `"shiny_runtests"`.
#'   The data frame has the following columns:
#' | **Name** | **Type** | **Meaning** |
#' | :-- | :-- | :-- |
#' | `file` | `character(1)` | File name of the runner script in `tests/` that was sourced. |
#' | `pass` | `logical(1)` | Whether or not the runner script signaled an error when sourced. |
#' | `result` | any or `NA` | The return value of the runner |
#' @details Historically, [shinytest](https://rstudio.github.io/shinytest/)
#'   recommended placing tests at the top-level of the `tests/` directory.
#'   This older folder structure is not supported by runTests.
#'   Please see [shinyAppTemplate()] for more details.
#' @export
runTests <- function(
  appDir = ".",
  filter = NULL,
  assert = TRUE,
  envir = globalenv()
) {
  # similar to runApp()
  # Allows shiny's functions to be available in the UI, server, and test code

  testsDir <- file.path(appDir, "tests")
  if (!dirExists(testsDir)) {
    stop("No tests directory found: ", testsDir)
  runners <- list.files(testsDir, pattern="\\.r$", ignore.case = TRUE)

  if (length(runners) == 0) {
    message("No test runners found in ", testsDir)
    return(result_row(character(0), logical(0), list()))

  if (!is.null(filter)) {
    runners <- runners[grepl(filter, runners)]
  if (length(runners) == 0) {
    stop("No test runners matched the given filter: '", filter, "'")

  # See the @details section of the runTests() docs above for why this branch exists.
  if (is_legacy_shinytest_dir(testsDir)) {
      "It appears that the .R files in ", testsDir, " are all shinytests.",
      " This is not supported by `shiny::runTests()`.",
      "\nPlease see `?shinytest::migrateShinytestDir` to migrate your shinytest file structure to the new format (requires shinytest 1.4.0 or above).",
      "\nSee `?shiny::shinyAppTemplate` for an example of the new testing file structure."

  renv <- new.env(parent = envir)

  # Otherwise source all the runners -- each in their own environment.
  ret <- do.call(rbind, lapply(runners, function(r) {
    pass <- FALSE
    result <-
        env <- new.env(parent = renv)
        withr::with_dir(testsDir, {
          ret <- sourceUTF8(r, envir = env)
        pass <- TRUE
      }, error = function(err) {
        message("Error in ", r, "\n", err)
    result_row(file.path(testsDir, r), pass, list(result))

  if (isTRUE(assert)) {
    if (!all(ret$pass)) {
      stop("Shiny App Test Failures detected in\n", paste0("* ", runtest_pretty_file(ret$file[!ret$pass]), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)


runtest_pretty_file <- function(f) {
  test_folder <- dirname(f)
  app_folder <- dirname(test_folder)

#' @export
print.shiny_runtests <- function(x, ..., reporter = "summary") {

  cat("Shiny App Test Results\n")

  if (any(x$pass)) {
    # TODO in future... use clisymbols::symbol$tick and crayon green
    cat("* Success\n")
      FUN = function(file, pass, result) {
        if (!pass) return()
        # print(result)
        cat("  - ", runtest_pretty_file(file), "\n", sep = "")
  if (any(!x$pass)) {
    # TODO in future... use clisymbols::symbol$cross and crayon red
    cat("* Failure\n")
      FUN = function(file, pass, result) {
        if (pass) return()
        cat("  - ", runtest_pretty_file(file), "\n", sep = "")

rstudio/shiny documentation built on June 14, 2024, 4:25 p.m.