
# path <- "C:\\Users\\Datastorm\\Desktop\\Med-TSO\\Full MedTSO"
# # recuperation des donnees ------
# areas = unique(ref_pos_areas$area)
# links = unique(ref_pos_links$link)
# clusters = NULL
# districts = NULL
# mcYears = 1

get_data_map <- function(opts, areas = NULL, links = NULL, mcYears = 1, 
                         removeVirtualAreas = FALSE,
                         storageFlexibility = NULL, production = NULL,
                         reassignCosts = FALSE, newCols = TRUE, 
                         rowBal = TRUE, rmVA_prodVars = getAlias("rmVA_production")){
  any_removeVirtualAreas <- FALSE
  check <- lapply(removeVirtualAreas, function(x) if(!is.null(x) && length(x) == 1 && x) {any_removeVirtualAreas <<- TRUE})

  if(length(areas) > 0) areas <- tolower(areas)
  if(length(links) > 0) links <- tolower(links)
      data_areas <- readAntares(
        areas = areas, 
        links = links, 
        timeStep = "annual", 
        select = NULL, 
        mcYears = mcYears
    } else {
      data_areas <- readAntares(
        areas = "all", 
        links = "all",
        timeStep = "annual", 
        select = NULL, 
        mcYears = mcYears
      for(ii in 1:length(removeVirtualAreas)){
        if(!is.null(removeVirtualAreas[[ii]]) && length(removeVirtualAreas[[ii]]) == 1 && removeVirtualAreas[[ii]]){
          data_areas <- suppressWarnings({
              storageFlexibility = storageFlexibility[[ii]], 
              production = production[[ii]],
              reassignCosts = reassignCosts[[ii]], 
              newCols = newCols[[ii]], 
              rowBal = rowBal,
              prodVars = rmVA_prodVars
      sel_areas <- areas
      if(!"all" %in% sel_areas) data_areas$areas <- data_areas$areas[area %in% sel_areas, ]
      data_areas$links <- NULL
    data_areas <- data_areas$areas
  } else {
    data_areas <- data.table(area = character(0))
    data_links_h <- readAntares(
      areas = NULL, 
      links = links, 
      timeStep = "hourly", 
      select = NULL, 
      mcYears = mcYears, 
      linkCapacity = TRUE

    data_links <- data_links_h[, list(
      value_ab_center = round(sum(`FLOW LIN.`[`FLOW LIN.` > 0]) / 1000, 0),
      value_ba_center = round(abs(sum(`FLOW LIN.`[`FLOW LIN.` < 0])) / 1000, 0),
      arrow_ab = sum(`FLOW LIN.`[`FLOW LIN.` > 0]) / sum(transCapacityDirect),
      arrow_ba = abs(sum(`FLOW LIN.`[`FLOW LIN.` < 0])) / sum(transCapacityIndirect),
      pie_ab = sum(`CONG. PROB +` == 100) / .N,
      pie_ba = sum(`CONG. PROB -` == 100) / .N
    ), by = link]
    data_links[, arrow_ab := 0]
    data_links[, arrow_ba := 0]
    data_links[, pie_null := 1 - pmin(1, pie_ab + pie_ba)]
    data_links_arrows <- data_links[, list(link, value = value_ab_center, pct = paste0(round(arrow_ab * 100, 1), "%"))]
    data_links_inv <- copy(data_links)
    data_links_inv[, link := sapply(link, function(x)  paste0(rev(unlist(strsplit(x, " - "))), collapse = " - "))]
    data_links_inv <- data_links_inv[, list(link, value = value_ba_center, pct = paste0(round(arrow_ba * 100, 1), "%"))]
    data_links_arrows <- rbindlist(list(data_links_arrows, data_links_inv))
    data_links <- data_links[, list(link, pie_ab, pie_ba, pie_null)]
  } else {
    data_links_arrows <- data.table(link = character(0))
    data_links <- data.table(link = character(0))
  if(nrow(data_areas) > 0 | nrow(data_links) > 0 | nrow(data_links_arrows) > 0){
    list(areas = data_areas, links = list(centers = data_links, 
                                          arrows = data_links_arrows))
  } else {

init_map_sp <- function(
  sp_object, ref_map_areas, data_map,
  var_countries = "MRG. PRICE", 
  var_label = "code",
  palette_colors = c("#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00"),
  label_size = 3, label_color = "black"){
  ref_map <- copy(ref_map_areas)
  ref_pos_areas <- ref_map_areas[ref_map_areas$draw_cty %in% 1, ]
  var_countries <- intersect(var_countries, colnames(data_map$areas))
  if(length(var_countries) == 0) var_countries <- NULL
  # browser()
  kt_geom <-, region = "OBJECTID"))
  kt_geom[, id := as.integer(id)]
  kt_geom <- merge(kt_geom, ref_pos_areas[, .(OBJECTID, area, name, code)], 
                   by.x = "id", by.y = "OBJECTID", sort = FALSE)
  kt_geom <- merge(kt_geom, data_map$areas[, c("area", var_countries), with = F], by = "area", 
                   sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE)
  map_lon_limit <- range(kt_geom$long, na.rm = T)
  map_lat_limit <- range(kt_geom$lat, na.rm = T)
  if(map_lon_limit[1] < -20) map_lon_limit[1] <- -20
  if(map_lon_limit[2] > 50) map_lon_limit[2] <- 50
  if(map_lat_limit[1] < 20) map_lat_limit[1] <- 20
  if(map_lat_limit[2] > 58) map_lat_limit[2] <- 58
  setorder(kt_geom, order)
    default_col <- 1
    res <- ggplot() + coord_quickmap(xlim = map_lon_limit, ylim = map_lat_limit) +
      geom_polygon(aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = default_col), data = kt_geom) + 
      geom_path(aes(long, lat, group = group), data = kt_geom, color="black") +
      scale_fill_gradientn(colours = palette_colors) + theme(legend.position = "right") +
      theme_classic() +
      theme(legend.position = "none")
  } else {
    breaks <- waiver()
    if(var_countries %in% c("prix_marginal", "MRG. PRICE")){
      breaks <- c(0, 30, seq(40, 100, 5), 110, 120, 130, Inf)
    res <- ggplot() + coord_quickmap(xlim = map_lon_limit, ylim = map_lat_limit) + 
      geom_polygon(aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = get(var_countries)), data = kt_geom) + 
      geom_path(aes(long, lat, group = group), data = kt_geom, color="black") +
      scale_fill_gradientn(colours = palette_colors, breaks = breaks, minor_breaks = breaks, limits = c(NA, NA)) + 
      theme(legend.position = "right") + guides(fill = guide_legend(keyheight=3, reverse = TRUE, label.position = "right", label.vjust = 0)) +
      theme_classic() +
      labs(fill = paste(var_countries))
  if(label_size > 0){
    res <- res + 
      geom_text(data = ref_map[code %in% ref_pos_areas$code, ], aes(x = lon_label, y = lat_label, label = get(var_label), ), 
                size = label_size, color = label_color)
  list(map = res, legend_position = c(map_lon_limit[2] - ((map_lon_limit[2] - map_lon_limit[1])/10), map_lat_limit[2] - ((map_lat_limit[2] - map_lat_limit[1])/10)))

add_links <- function(res_map, ref_pos_links, data_links_arrows, col_value, 
                      color = c("green", "red"),  size = 0.9, text_size = 4,
                      length = 0.05, lon_gap = 0, lat_gap = 0){
  # carte avec fleche
  data_links <- copy(ref_pos_links)
  if(nrow(data_links_arrows) > 0){
    data_links[, id_link := 1:nrow(data_links)]
    data_links[, head := "last"]
    data_links[, col := color[1]]
    data_links[lat_end == lat_start, horiz := T]
    data_links[lat_end != lat_start, horiz := F]
    data_links_inv <- copy(data_links)
    data_links_inv[, link := sapply(link, function(x)  paste0(rev(unlist(strsplit(x, " - "))), collapse = " - "))]
    data_links_inv[horiz == T, c("lat_start", "lat_end", "head", "col") := list(lat_start + 0.5, lat_end + 0.5, "first", color[2])]
    data_links_inv[horiz == F, c("lon_start", "lon_end", "head", "col") := list(lon_start + 0.5, lon_end + 0.5, "first", color[2])]
    data_links <- rbindlist(list(data_links, data_links_inv))
    data_links <- merge(data_links, data_links_arrows[, list(link, value = get(col_value))], by = "link", sort = FALSE)
    if(nrow(data_links) > 0){
      # lat_gap <- (sp_object@bbox[2, 2] - sp_object@bbox[2, 1]) / 50
      # lon_gap <- (sp_object@bbox[1, 2] - sp_object@bbox[1, 1]) / 50
      data_links[lat_end == lat_start & lon_start > lon_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lon_start + lon_gap, lon_end - lon_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "left", "right")
      data_links[lat_end == lat_start & lon_start < lon_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lon_start - lon_gap, lon_end + lon_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "right", "left")
      data_links[lon_end == lon_start & lat_start > lat_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lat_start + lat_gap, lat_end - lat_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "bottom", "top"),
      data_links[lon_end == lon_start & lat_start < lat_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lat_start - lat_gap, lat_end + lat_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "top", "bottom"),
      data_links[lat_start > lat_end & lon_start > lon_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lon_start + lon_gap, lon_end - lon_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lat_start + lat_gap, lat_end - lat_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "bottom", "top"),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "left", "right")
      data_links[lat_start > lat_end & lon_start < lon_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lon_start - lon_gap, lon_end + lon_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lat_start + lat_gap, lat_end - lat_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "bottom", "top"),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "right", "left")
      data_links[lat_start < lat_end & lon_start > lon_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lon_start + lon_gap, lon_end - lon_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lat_start - lat_gap, lat_end + lat_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "top", "bottom"),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "left", "right")
      data_links[lat_start < lat_end & lon_start < lon_end,  c("lon_lab", "lat_lab", "vjust", "hjust") := list(
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lon_start - lon_gap, lon_end + lon_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", lat_start - lat_gap, lat_end + lat_gap),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "top", "bottom"),
        ifelse(head %in% "last", "right", "left")
      res_map + 
        # coord_fixed() + 
        geom_segment(data = data_links, mapping = aes(x = lon_start, y = lat_start, xend = lon_end, 
                                                      yend = lat_end, group = id_link), 
                     arrow = arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(length, "inches"), ends = data_links$head), 
                     size = size, color = data_links$col) +
        geom_label(data_links, mapping = aes(x = lon_lab, y = lat_lab, vjust = vjust, hjust = hjust, label = value), 
                   size = text_size, color = data_links$col)
    } else {
  } else {

add_pie <- function(base_ggmap, ref_map, data_pos, data_pie, 
                    id_col = colnames(data_pie)[1],
                    pie_col = c("WIND","SOLAR","NUCLEAR","LIGNITE","COAL","GAS","OIL"), 
                    r = 2, text_size = 2, colors = NULL, legend_position = NULL, 
                    label_col = NULL, alpha = 0.5){
  if("draw_pie" %in% colnames(data_pos)){
    label_only <- as.character(data_pos[draw_pie == 0, code])
    label_only <- intersect(unique(ref_map$code), label_only)
    data_pos <- data_pos[data_pos$draw_pie %in% 1, ]
  } else {
    label_only <- NULL
  draw_id <- intersect(unique(data_pos[[id_col]]), unique(data_pie[[id_col]]))
  if(length(label_only) > 0 && !is.null(label_col)){
    base_ggmap <- base_ggmap + 
      geom_text(data = ref_map[code%in% label_only, ], aes(x = lon_label, y = lat_label, label = get(label_col)), 
                size = text_size, color = "black")
  # browser()
  # id <- draw_id[1]
  # print(draw_id)
  legend <- NULL
  if(length(draw_id) > 0){
    data_pie <- data_pie[get(id_col) %in% draw_id, c(id_col, pie_col), with = FALSE]
    data_pie <- melt(data_pie, id.vars = id_col, measure.vars = pie_col)
    data_pie[, value := as.numeric(value)]
    for(id in draw_id){
      df <- data_pie[get(id_col) %in% id, ]
        lon_ano <- data_pos[get(id_col) %in% id, long]
        lat_ano <- data_pos[get(id_col) %in% id, lat]
        lon <- 0
        lat <- 0
        df[, c("xlab", "ylab", "label", "hjust", "vjust", "lon", "lat", "r") := {
          end = 2 * pi * cumsum(value)/sum(value)
          start = shift(end, 1, fill = 0)
          middle = 0.5 * (start + end)
          hjust = ifelse(middle > pi, 1, 0)
          vjust = ifelse(middle < pi/2 | middle > 3 * pi/2, 0, 1)
          x_lab = sin(middle)
          y_lab = cos(middle)
          label = paste0(round(value/sum(value) * 100, 0), "%")
          label[label %in% "0%"] <- NA
          list((r/1.5 + 0.05) * x_lab + lon, (r/1.5 +0.05) * y_lab + lat, label, hjust, vjust, lon, lat, r)
        # print(df)
        df[value == 0,value := 0.00001]
        legend <- ggplot(df) + geom_arc_bar(
          aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0 , r0 = r/2, r = r, amount = value,fill = variable),
          stat = 'pie', alpha = alpha)  +
          geom_text(aes(x = xlab , 
                        y = ylab, 
                        label = label), size = text_size) + coord_fixed() + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + 
          theme(legend.position = "right") + guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Pie"))
        if(!is.null(colors) && length(colors) == length(pie_col)){
          legend <- legend + 
            scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
        legend <- ggplotGrob(legend)
        leg <- which(sapply(legend$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box") 
        legend <- legend$grobs[[leg]] 
        # df[value == 0.00001,value := 0]
          sub_plot <- ggplot(df) + geom_arc_bar(
            aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0 , r0 = r/2, r = r, amount = value,fill = variable),
            stat = 'pie', alpha = alpha)  +
            # geom_text(aes(x = xlab , y = ylab, label = label), size = text_size) + 
            geom_text_repel(aes(x = xlab , y = ylab, label = label), size = text_size, 
                            segment.size = 0.2, min.segment.length = 0, 
                            point.padding = NA, box.padding = 0) + 
            coord_fixed() + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + 
            theme(legend.position = "none", rect = element_blank(),
                  line = element_blank(), text = element_blank())
            label_pie <- data_pos[get(id_col) %in% id, get(label_col)]
            sub_plot <- sub_plot + geom_text(aes(x = 0, y = 0, label = label_pie))
          if(!is.null(colors) && length(colors) == length(pie_col)){
            sub_plot <- sub_plot + 
              scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
          gt_plot <- ggplotGrob(sub_plot)
          base_ggmap <- base_ggmap + annotation_custom(gt_plot, 
                                                       xmin = lon_ano -r,
                                                       xmax = lon_ano + r,
                                                       ymin = lat_ano - r,
                                                       ymax = lat_ano + r)
  if(!is.null(legend_position) && !is.null(legend)){
    base_ggmap <- base_ggmap + annotation_custom(legend, 
                                                 xmin = legend_position[1],
                                                 xmax = legend_position[1],
                                                 ymin = legend_position[2],
                                                 ymax = legend_position[2])

# input_path <- "C:\\Users\\Datastorm\\Desktop\\MED-Tso_app\\final_shiny\\MedTSO_map_template.xlsx"
readMEDTsoMapInput <- function(input_path){
  sel <- list(areas = NULL, links = NULL, inputs = NULL)
    stop("Le fichier '", input_path, "' est introuvable")
  # areas
  sel_areas <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(openxlsx::read.xlsx(input_path, sheet = "Areas", check.names = FALSE, colNames = TRUE),
                                         error = function(e) {
                                           stop("Error reading sheet 'Areas' : ", e)
  if(!is.null(sel_areas) && nrow(sel_areas) > 0){
    stopifnot(all(c("OBJECTID", "name", "area", "draw_pie", "draw_cty", "code", "lon_label", "lat_label", "lon_pie", "lat_pie") %in% colnames(sel_areas)))
    sel_areas$area <- tolower(as.character(sel_areas$area))
    sel$areas <- sel_areas
  # links
  sel_links <-  suppressWarnings(tryCatch(openxlsx::read.xlsx(input_path, sheet = "Links", check.names = FALSE, colNames = TRUE),
                                          error = function(e) {
                                            stop("Error reading sheet 'Links' : ", e)
  if(!is.null(sel_links) && nrow(sel_links) > 0){
    stopifnot(all(c("link", "lon_start", "lon_end", "lat_start", "lat_end", "lon_pie", "lat_pie", "draw_link") %in% colnames(sel_links)))
    sel_links$link <- tolower(as.character(sel_links$link))
    sel$links <- sel_links
  # inputs
  sel_inputs <-  suppressWarnings(tryCatch(openxlsx::read.xlsx(input_path, sheet = "Graphical Parameters", check.names = FALSE, colNames = TRUE),
                                           error = function(e) {
                                             stop("Error reading sheet 'Graphical Parameters' : ", e)
  if(!is.null(sel_inputs) && nrow(sel_inputs) > 0){
    stopifnot(all(c("type",	"id",	"label",	"value") %in% colnames(sel_inputs)))
    sel_links$link <- tolower(as.character(sel_links$link))
    sel$inputs <- sel_inputs

#' @export
writeMEDTsoMapInput <- function(areas, links, inputs, output_path){
  ## Create a new workbook
  wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook("antaresVizMedTSO_maps")
  ## init worksheets
  openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "Areas")
  openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "Links")
  openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "Graphical Parameters")
  ## Need data on worksheet to see all headers and footers
  if(!is.null(areas) && nrow(areas) > 0){
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet = "Areas", data.frame(areas), 
                        colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE)
  if(!is.null(links) && nrow(links) > 0){
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet = "Links", data.frame(links), 
                        colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE)
  default_link <- read.csv(system.file("application/data/MedTSO_map_default_graphicalu_parameters.csv", package = "antaresVizMedTSO"), 
                           header = TRUE, sep = ";", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    keep_input <- which(sapply(inputs, function(x) !is.null(x)))
    if(length(keep_input) > 0){
      inputs <- inputs[keep_input]
      match_names <- match(names(inputs), default_link$id)
        inputs <- inputs[which(!]
        match_names <- setdiff(match_names, NA)
        value <- sapply(inputs, function(x){
          if(class(x) %in% c("numeric", "integer")){
            x <- gsub(".", ",", as.character(x), fixed = TRUE)
          } else {
            if(length(x) > 0) x <- paste(x, collapse = ",")
        default_link$value[match_names] <- value
  openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet = "Graphical Parameters", data.frame(default_link), 
                      colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE)
  ## Save workbook
  openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, output_path, overwrite = TRUE)
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresVizMedTSO documentation built on April 27, 2022, 1:28 a.m.