#' perCellChrQC
#' A function that parses output ('_viSegInfo.txt' )from `sgcocaller`
#' \url{https://gitlab.svi.edu.au/biocellgen-public/sgcocaller} and
#' generate cell cell (per chr) summary statistics
#' @param path, the path to the files, with name patterns *{chrom}_vi.mtx,
#' *{chrom}_viSegInfo.txt, end with slash
#' @param barcodeFile, defaults to NULL, it is assumed to be in the same d
#' irectory as the other files and with name sampleName_barcodes.txt
#' @param chroms, the character vectors of chromosomes to parse. Multiple
#' chromosomes' results will be concated together.
#' @param sampleName, the name of the sample to parse which is used as prefix
#' for finding relevant files for the underlying sample
#' @param doPlot, whether a plot should returned, default to TRUE
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise mutate filter select n if_else
#' @return a list object that contains the data.frame with summarised statistics
#' per chr per cell and a plot (if doPlot)
#' @examples
#' demo_path <-system.file("extdata",package = "comapr")
#' pcQC <- perCellChrQC(sampleName="s1",chroms=c("chr1"),
#' path=demo_path,
#' barcodeFile=NULL)
#' @export
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
perCellChrQC <- function(sampleName,chroms = c("chr1","chr7","chr15"),
path,barcodeFile = NULL, doPlot = TRUE){
barcodes <- .get_barcodes(barcodeFile = barcodeFile, sampleName = sampleName,
path = path)
segInfo_chrs <- .get_segInfo_chrs(chroms = chroms, path = path,
sampleName = sampleName)
chr_levels <- paste0("chr",seq_len(23))
} else {
chr_levels <- unique(segInfo_chrs$Chrom)
plt_df <- segInfo_chrs %>% group_by(.data$ithSperm,.data$Chrom) %>%
summarise(totalSNP = sum(.data$nSNP),
nCORaw = length(.data$nSNP)-1) %>%
mutate(Chrom = factor(.data$Chrom,levels = chr_levels))
plt_df$barcode <- barcodes$barcodes[as.numeric(gsub("ithSperm",
plt_df$ithSperm <- NULL
plt <-
ggplot(plt_df)+geom_point(mapping = aes(x = .data$nCORaw,
y = .data$totalSNP))+
list(cellQC = plt_df,
plot = plt)
} else {
#' countBinState
#' Bins the chromosome into supplied number of bins and find the state of
#' the chromosome bins across all gamete cells
#' This function is used for checking whether chromosome segregation pattern
#' obeys the expected ratio.
#' @param chr, character, the chromosome to check
#' @param snpAnno, data.frame, the SNP annotation for the supplied chromosome
#' @param viState, dgTMatrix/Matrix, the viterbi state matrix, output from
#' `sgcocaller`
#' @param genomeRange, GRanges object with seqlengths information for the genome
#' @param ntile, integer, how many tiles the chromosome is binned into
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges tileGenome GRanges
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors from to
#' @return a data.frame that contains chromosome bin segregation ratio
#' @examples
#' chrom_info <- GenomeInfoDb::getChromInfoFromUCSC("mm10")
#' seq_length <- chrom_info$size
#' names(seq_length) <- chrom_info$chrom
#' dna_mm10_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#' seqnames = Rle(names(seq_length)),
#' ranges = IRanges(1, end = seq_length, names = names(seq_length)),
#' seqlengths = seq_length)
#' GenomeInfoDb::genome(dna_mm10_gr) <- "mm10"
#' demo_path <- system.file("extdata",package = "comapr")
#' sampleName <- "s1"
#' chr <- "chr1"
#' vi_mtx <- Matrix::readMM(file = paste0(demo_path,"/", sampleName, "_",
#' chr, "_vi.mtx"))
#' snpAnno <- read.table(file = paste0(demo_path,"/", sampleName,
#' "_", chr, "_snpAnnot.txt"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#' header = TRUE)
#' countBinState(chr = "chr1",snpAnno = snpAnno,
#' viState = vi_mtx,genomeRange = dna_mm10_gr, ntile = 1)
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
#' @export
countBinState <- function(chr,
ntile = 5){
tiles <- tileGenome(seqlengths(genomeRange)[chr],
ntile = ntile)
binned_dna_mm10_gr <- unlist(tiles)
vi_gr <- GRanges(seqnames = chr,
ranges = IRanges(start = snpAnno$POS,
width = 1))
hits <- findOverlaps(vi_gr,binned_dna_mm10_gr)
vi_bins <- suppressMessages(do.call(rbind,(apply(viState,2, function(x){
data.frame(state = x, bins = to(hits)) %>% group_by(.data$bins) %>%
summarise(nstate2 = sum(.data$state ==2),
nstate1 = sum(.data$state ==1))
vi_bins %>% mutate(binState =
"state1")) %>%
group_by(.data$bins) %>%
summarise(binSegRatio = sum(.data$binState=="state2")/n(),
nstate2 =sum(.data$binState=="state2"),
nstate1 = sum(.data$binState=="state1")) %>%
mutate(Chrom = chr)
#' perSegChrQC
#' Plots the summary statistics of segments that are generated by `sgcocaller`
#' \url{https://gitlab.svi.edu.au/biocellgen-public/sgcocaller}
#' which have been detected by finding consequtive viter states along the list
#' of SNP markers.
#' It provides guidance in filtering out close double crossovers that are not
#' likely biological but due to technical reasons as well as crossovers that are
#' supported by fewer number of SNPs at the ends of the chromosomes.
#' @param sampleName, the name of the sample to parse which is used as prefix
#' for finding relevant files for the underlying sample
#' @param chroms, the vector of chromosomes
#' @param path, the path to the files, with name patterns *{chrom}_vi.mtx,
#' *{chrom}_viSegInfo.txt, end with slash
#' @param barcodeFile, defaults to NULL, it is assumed to be in the same
#' directory as the other files and with name sampleName_barcodes.txt
#' @param maxRawCO, if a cell has more than `maxRawCO` number of raw crossovers
#' called across a chromosome, the cell is filtered out#'
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
#' @return Histogram plots for statistics summarized across all Viterbi state
#' segments
#' @examples
#' demo_path <- system.file("extdata",package = "comapr")
#' s1_rse_qc <- perSegChrQC(sampleName="s1",
#' chroms=c("chr1"),
#' path=demo_path, maxRawCO=10)
#' @export
perSegChrQC <- function(sampleName,chroms = c("chr1","chr7","chr15"),
path,barcodeFile = NULL,maxRawCO=10){
logllRatio <- nSNP <- bpDist <- NULL
barcodes <- .get_barcodes(barcodeFile = barcodeFile, sampleName = sampleName,
path = path)
segInfo_chrs <- .get_segInfo_chrs(chroms = chroms, path = path,
sampleName = sampleName)
rmCells <-
segInfo_chrs %>% group_by(.data$ithSperm,.data$Chrom) %>%
summarise(nCORaw = length(.data$nSNP)-1) %>%
filter(.data$nCORaw >= maxRawCO) %>%
rmCells <- unique(rmCells$ithSperm)
p <- segInfo_chrs %>% filter(!.data$ithSperm %in% rmCells)%>%
mutate(bpDist = (.data$Seg_end -.data$Seg_start)) %>%
ggplot()+geom_point(mapping = aes(x =nSNP,y = bpDist,
color = log10(logllRatio)))+
#' Read sample barcodes from barcodeFile and returne data.frame
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.get_barcodes <- function(barcodeFile, sampleName, path){
if (is.null(barcodeFile)) {
barcodeFile <- file.path(path,paste0(sampleName, "_barcodes.txt"))
barcodes <- read.table(file = barcodeFile,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
col.names = "barcodes")
#' Read segment info from each chrom and bind into one data.frame
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.get_segInfo_chrs <- function(chroms, path, sampleName){
result_fun <- function(){
bpl_fun <- function(chr){
segInfo <- read.table(file =
"_", chr, "_viSegInfo.txt")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
col.names = c("ithSperm", "Seg_start", "Seg_end",
"logllRatio", "nSNP", "State"))
segInfo$Chrom <- chr
bplapply(chroms, function(chr) bpl_fun(chr))
segInfo_chrs <- do.call(rbind,result_fun())
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