
Defines functions rtbeta qtbeta ptbeta dtbeta rtexp mleTexp lltexp dtexp

Documented in dtbeta dtexp lltexp mleTexp ptbeta qtbeta rtbeta rtexp

# Title: truncated_distributions.R
# Description: Code to generate truncated distrubtion functions
# for a beta distribution and poisson distribution
# see paper: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v16/c02/paper for details
# Author: Stuart Lee
# 30/09/2014
# --- Exponential function
#' Truncated exponential distrubition
#' @description Density function for random generation for
#' truncated exponential distribution
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @param theta rate parameter for exponential
#' @param lower,upper boundary points for truncation
#' @export
dtexp <- function(x, theta, lower, upper) {
  stopifnot(lower <= upper, theta > 0, lower >= 0, upper <= Inf)
  tt <- rep(0, length(x))
  normalize.factor <- exp(lower * -theta) - exp(upper * -theta)
  tt[x >= lower && x <= upper] <- dexp(x[x>=lower & x <= upper],
                                       rate = theta) / normalize.factor

# MLE for truncated exponentinal
# Reference: http://www.science.org.ge/moambe/7-1/Lominashvili-21-24.pdf
# derivative of log-likelihood
#' Derivate of log-likelihood
#' @describeIn dtexp Truncated exponential distrubition
#' @export
lltexp <- function(x, theta, lower, upper) {
  lower.exp <- exp(-lower * theta)
  upper.exp <- exp(-upper * theta)
  1/theta - mean(x) - (upper * upper.exp + lower * lower.exp)/(lower.exp + upper.exp)


#' MLE for truncated exponential
#' @describeIn dtexp Truncated exponential distrubition
#' @export
mleTexp <- function(x, lower, upper) {
  if(mean(x) > (lower + upper) / 2) {
    stop("MLE does not exist")

  f <- function(theta) { lltexp(x, theta, lower, upper)}
  uniroot(f, interval = c(1e-6, 100))

# n is the number of SNPs S, m is the rate mut_rate, and t is the maximum value, to be set to 1
# rtexp(n=S, m=mut_rate, t=1)
# this code is modified from that given at https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-June/242615.html
# look into alternate distrubition functions

#' Truncated exponential distribution random number generation
#' @description Simulate random numbers from a truncated exponential distribution
#' @details Simulate SNP alternate allele frequencies from a truncated exponential distribution
#' Code is modified from that given at https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-June/242615.html
#' @param n number of random values to return
#' @param theta rate parameter for exponential
#' @param t cut-off threshold for truncation
#' @return n random values from TEXP
#' @export
rtexp <- function(n, theta, t) {

  # first compute the inverse CDF for the truncated exponential. u is the quantile
  itexp <- function(u, theta, t) {
    -log(1 - u*(1 - exp(-t * theta)))/ theta
  x <- itexp(runif(n), theta, t)
  # assert that values lie in [0,t]
  stopifnot( min(x) >= 0, max(x) <= t )

# --- Beta functions
#' Truncated beta distribution
#' @description Density, distribution function, quantile function and
#' random generation for the truncated Beta distribution with parameters
#' shape1 and shape2 (and optional truncation bounds)
#' @param x vector of quantiles
#' @param shape1,shape2 non-negative parameters of Beta distributions
#' @param lower,upper bounds for truncation
#' @export
dtbeta <- function(x, shape1, shape2, lower = 0, upper = 1) {

  stopifnot(lower <= upper,shape2 > 0, shape1 > 0)
  tt <- rep(0, length(x))
  normalize.factor <- pbeta(upper, shape1, shape2) - pbeta(lower, shape1, shape2)
  tt[x >= lower & x <= upper] <- dbeta(x[x >= lower & x <= upper],
                                       shape1, shape2) / normalize.factor

#' @describeIn dtbeta Cumulative distribution function for truncated beta
ptbeta <- function(x, shape1, shape2, lower = 0, upper = 1) {
  stopifnot(lower <= upper,shape2 > 0, shape1 > 0)
  tt <- x
  aa <- rep(lower, length(x))
  bb <- rep(upper, length(x))
  normalize.factor <- pbeta(bb, shape1, shape2) - pbeta(aa, shape1, shape2)
  tt <- pbeta(apply(cbind(apply(cbind(x, bb), 1, min), aa), 1, max), shape1, shape2)
  tt <- (tt - pbeta(aa, shape2, shape1)) / normalize.factor

#' @describeIn dtbeta Quantile function
#' @param p vector of probabilities
qtbeta <- function(p, shape1, shape2, lower = 0, upper = 1) {
  tt <- p
  pin <- pbeta(lower, shape1, shape2) + p * (pbeta(upper, shape1, shape2) - pbeta(lower, shape1, shape2))
  tt <- qbeta(pin, shape1, shape2)

#' @describeIn dtbeta  Random number generation
#' @param n number of observations
rtbeta <- function(n, shape1, shape2, lower = 0, upper = 1) {
  u <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 1)
  x <- qtbeta(u, shape1, shape2, lower, upper)

# # -- likelihood and methods of moments function
# beta.mom <- function(x, lower = 0.01, upper = 100) {
#   # method of moments for a Beta distribution
#   x.bar <- mean(x)
#   n <- length(x)
#   v <- var(x) * (n - 1)/n
#   R <- 1/x.bar - 1
#   f <- function(a) {
#     # note: undefined when a=0
#     R * a^2/((a/x.bar)^2 * (a/x.bar + 1)) - v
#   }
#   u <- uniroot(f, c(lower, upper))
#   return(c(shape1 = u$root, shape2 = u$root * R))
# }
# # log-likelihood for truncated distribution
# lltrunc_beta <- function(shape.par, samples, low = 0, high = 1) {
#   shape1 = shape.par[1]
#   shape2 = shape.par[2]
#   likelihood <- dtrunc_beta(samples, shape1, shape2, low, high)
#   -sum(log(likelihood))
# }
# dtpois <- function(xs, threshold, lambda) {
#   ifelse(xs > threshold, dpois(xs, lambda) / ppois(threshold, lambda, lower.tail = FALSE), 0) }
# # negative log-likelihood for truncated poisson
# ll_dtpois <- function(xs, threshold, lambda) {
#   -sum(log(dtpois(xs, threshold, lambda)))
# }
sa-lee/moimix documentation built on April 23, 2020, 10:32 a.m.