# Kaiaulu - https://github.com/sailuh/kaiaulu
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#' Exports a graph as a dsmj.
#' @param graph a graph returned by \code{\link{model_directed_graph}}
#' @param dsmj_path path to save the dsmj.
#' @param dsmj_name name of the dsmj file, passed by the call from an appropriate transform function.
#' @param is_directed whether the graph is directed. If false, cells will be doubled.
#' with src/dest switched to represent an undirected graph as a directed graph.
#' @param is_sorted whether to sort the variables (filenames) in the dsm.json files (optional).
#' @return the path to the dsm.json file saved.
#' @export
#' @family dv8
#' @seealso \code{\link{transform_dependencies_to_sdsmj}} to transform dependencies from Depends into a structure dsm.json,
#' \code{\link{transform_gitlog_to_hdsmj}} to transform a gitlog table into a history dsm.json, and
#' \code{\link{transform_temporal_gitlog_to_adsmj}} to transform a gitlog table into an author dsm.json.
graph_to_dsmj <- function(graph, dsmj_path, dsmj_name, is_directed, is_sorted=FALSE){
# Get the nodes and edgelist tables
nodes_table <- graph[["nodes"]]
edgelist_table <- graph[["edgelist"]]
# Get and sort the file names
variables <- sort(unique(nodes_table[["name"]]), method="radix")
# Make indices for the file names
variables_indices <- 1:length(variables)
# Make named list with file names as keys and indices as values
names(variables_indices) <- variables
e_src <- edgelist_table$from
e_dest <- edgelist_table$to
edgelist_table$from <- variables_indices[e_src] - 1
edgelist_table$to <- variables_indices[e_dest] - 1
# ensure no 0 weight edges are recorded.
edgelist_table <- edgelist_table[weight > 0]
convert_to_list_of_dataframes <- function(s_grouped_cells){
#s_grouped_cells is a data.frame of the form:
# Call Import Implement Contain Create ... Annotation
# Not every pair of files has all types of dependencies. The global dcast will generate columns with NAs.
# We remove them here and also collapses all column types into a single values column which contains
# all the types of edges that occur, consistent to the DSMJ.
# Delete columns which values are all NA.
s_grouped_cells <- s_grouped_cells[,which(unlist(lapply(s_grouped_cells,
edgelist_dcast <- dcast(edgelist_table,formula = from + to ~ label,
value.var = "weight")
dsmj_list <- edgelist_dcast[,.(values = convert_to_list_of_dataframes(.SD)),
by = .(from,to)]
# We should not record edges which contain not a single type with weight > 0
n_dependency_type <- sapply(dsmj_list$values,nrow)
dsmj_list <- dsmj_list[n_dependency_type > 0]
#DSMJ uses "src" and "dest" instead of "from" and "to"
setnames(x = dsmj_list,
old = c("from","to"),
new = c("src","dest"))
cells_df <- dsmj_list
# Double the cells (switching src/dest) if not a directed graph according to DSMJ specification
if (is_directed == FALSE){
cells_reverse_df <- copy(cells_df)
cells_reverse_df$src <- cells_df$dest
cells_reverse_df$dest <- cells_df$src
cells_df <- rbind(cells_df, cells_reverse_df)
if (is_sorted == TRUE){
data.table::setorder(cells_df, cols = "src", "dest")
# Create the final json
dsm_json <- list(schemaVersion="1.0", name=dsmj_name, variables=variables, cells=cells_df)
dsm_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonlite::toJSON(dsm_json, auto_unbox = TRUE))
# Unbox each of the cell values (should be values: object, not values: [object])
dsm_json$cells$values <- lapply(dsm_json$cells$values, jsonlite::unbox)
# Save the json to a file
jsonlite::write_json(dsm_json, paste0(dsmj_path), auto_unbox=TRUE)
#' Create a directed graph model
#' @param edgelist a 2-column data.table containing named columns
#' `from` and `to` in any order.
#' @param is_bipartite boolean specifying if network is bipartite: TRUE or FALSE
#' @param color a character vector of length 1 or 2 specifying the hexacolor
#' @param aggregate_duplicate If duplicated rows are encoutered, define a weight column which counts them
#' @return a named list list(nodes,edgelist).
#' @export
model_directed_graph <- function(edgelist,is_bipartite,color,aggregate_duplicate = TRUE){
# Select relevant columns for nodes
nodes <- data.table(name=unique(c(edgelist$from,edgelist$to)))
edgelist <- edgelist[,.(weight=.N),by=c("from","to")]
if(!any("weight" %in% names(edgelist))){
edgelist$weight <- 1
nodes$type <- ifelse(nodes$name %in% edgelist$from,
nodes$color <- ifelse(nodes$name %in% edgelist$from,
nodes$type <- FALSE
nodes$color <- color[1]
graph <- list(nodes=nodes,edgelist=edgelist)
class(graph) <- c("directed_graph",class(graph))
#' Apply a bipartite graph projection
#' @param graph A bipartite network (the same pair of nodes can *not* have multiple edges)
#' @param mode Which of the two nodes the projection should be applied to. TRUE or FALSE
#' @param weight_scheme_function When not specified, bipartite_graph_projection will return an intermediate
#' projection table specifying the deleted node, from_projection, to_projection, from_weight, and to_weight.
#' This table also contains (N choose 2) rows for every "deleted_node" in the original graph.
#' When receiving as parameter \code{\link{weight_scheme_sum_edges}} or
#' \code{\link{weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes}}, the final projection table will be returned instead.
#' @return A graph projection.
#' @export
bipartite_graph_projection <- function(graph,mode,weight_scheme_function = NULL){
# If weight scheme is cum_temporal, then lag must be "all_lag":
if((identical(weight_scheme_function,kaiaulu::weight_scheme_cum_temporal) |
stop("The weight scheme for cumulative temporal should only be applied to the temporal_graph_projection
and lag = all_lag. See ?weight_scheme_cum_temporal or ?weight_scheme_pairwise_cum_temporal.")
get_combinations <- function(edgelist){
dt <- edgelist
# print(colnames(dt))
# Decide projection base on column available
if("from" %in% colnames(dt)){
#from <- unique(dt$from)
# since in the projection only either "to" or "from" connections will exist, relabel both as "from"
#from <- unique(dt$to)
from <- unique(dt$from)
# If projection of isolated node, there is nothing to connect it to
# (E.g. isolated node: Commit with 1 file)
# or if the deleted node degree is greater than threshold we do not
# generate edges
if(length(from) < 2){
combinations <- data.table(NA_character_,NA_character_)
combinations <- transpose(as.data.table(combn(from,
old = c("V1","V2"),
new = c("from_projection","to_projection"))
# add the weight contributions before the projection deletes the node
combinations <- merge(combinations,dt,all.x=TRUE,by.x = "from_projection", by.y="from")
combinations <- merge(combinations,dt,all.x=TRUE,by.x = "to_projection", by.y="from")
#combinations$weight <- combinations$from_weight + combinations$to_weight
# Filter the nodes we wish to keep in the projection
graph[["nodes"]] <- graph[["nodes"]][type == mode]
# Calculate N Choose 2 combinations for every deleted node
graph[["edgelist"]] <- graph[["edgelist"]][, get_combinations(.SD),
by = c("to"),
.SDcols = c("from","weight")]
setnames(x = graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("to"),
new = c("eliminated_node"))
# Calculate N Choose 2 combinations for every deleted node
graph[["edgelist"]] <- graph[["edgelist"]][, get_combinations(.SD),
by = c("from"),
.SDcols = c("to","weight")]
setnames(x = graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("from"),
new = c("eliminated_node"))
# Remove from edgelist the nodes that do not connect to others (e.g. a single file commit)
graph[["edgelist"]] <- graph[["edgelist"]][complete.cases(graph[["edgelist"]])]
# Do not aggregate weights if no weight scheme is specified
#' Apply a temporal graph projection
#' @param graph A bipartite network (the same pair of nodes can have multiple edges)
#' @param mode Which of the two nodes the projection should be applied to. TRUE or FALSE
#' @param weight_scheme_function When not specified, bipartite_graph_projection will return an intermediate
#' projection table specifying the deleted node, from_projection, to_projection, from_weight, and to_weight.
#' This table also contains (N choose 2) rows for every "deleted_node" in the original graph.
#' When receiving as parameter \code{\link{weight_scheme_sum_edges}} or
#' \code{\link{weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes}}, the final projection table will be returned instead.
#' @param timestamp_column a string containing the name of the timestamp variable
#' @param lag a string specifying either "one_lag" or "all_lag".
#' @return A graph projection.
#' @export
#' @references M. Joblin, W. Mauerer, S. Apel,
#' J. Siegmund and D. Riehle, "From Developer Networks
#' to Verified Communities: A Fine-Grained Approach,"
#' 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on
#' Software Engineering, Florence, 2015, pp. 563-573,
#' doi: 10.1109/ICSE.2015.73.
temporal_graph_projection <- function(graph,mode,weight_scheme_function = NULL,timestamp_column,lag = c("one_lag","all_lag")){
# Check if the user specified a lag that doesn't exist
lag <- match.arg(lag)
# If weight scheme is cum_temporal, then lag must be "all_lag":
if((identical(weight_scheme_function,kaiaulu::weight_scheme_cum_temporal) |
) & lag != "all_lag"){
stop("The weight scheme for cumulative temporal should only be applied to all_lag.
See ?weight_scheme_cum_temporal or ?weight_scheme_pairwise_cum_temporal.")
# We define the way the pair-wise edges are computed in two
# separate functions: one_lag_combinations and
# all_lag combinations.
# The remainder of this function is documented
# referring to developers and files, however the
# function can be applied to anything else
# (e.g. threads and authors, files and commits, etc)
# One Lag combinations forms edges only between
# the current developer contribution, and the
# preceding developer (i.e. one time lag).
one_lag_combinations <- function(edgelist){
# At this scope, we are either seeing all
# authors that changed one file, or if
# the other mode, all files affected by
# one authors. The explanation uses the
# one file and all authors case, which
# leads to temporal collaboration networks.
dt <- edgelist
# For simplicity sake, rename the "to"
# column to "from", and re-label back to
# "to" outside the scope of this function.
if("from" %in% colnames(dt)){
from <- unique(dt$from)
# If projection of isolated node, there is nothing to connect it to
# (E.g. isolated node: file only had 1 author changing it once)
if(length(from) < 2){
combinations <- data.table()
# Since this is a temporal projection, we first use time for ordering
edgelist <- edgelist[order(datetimetz),.(from,weight)]
# The edgelist may contain duplicated edges, because we must know
# every edge in the original data to define the temporal edges.
# Assign an ID to every edge in the original graph, so we may
# be able to assign their weight to the "semi-projected graph"
# via these ids.
edgelist$edgeid <- 1:nrow(edgelist)
# We can compute the 1-lag, by simply shifting 1 row of the table
# because the tavle is ordered. This will generate all pairs of
# edges that are 1-lag.
combinations <- data.table(edgelist[1:(length(from) - 1)]$edgeid,
# Rename the 1-lag edges. Note the "to" and "from" here reflect
# that Dev A -> Dev B, if Dev A made changes to a file *after*
# Dev B. It captures the notion of "A depends on B's code" instead
# of temporal flow.
old = c("V1","V2"),
new = c("to_edgeid","from_edgeid"))
# Because the function will not generate the final projection, but
# rather the intemediate step, showcasing what nodes were deleted, and
# what weights the pairs of edges had pointing to the deleted node,
# we use the edge ID to add the information back. Without the edge id,
# we would be unable to determine which temporal edge the information
# corresponds to.
combinations <- merge(combinations,edgelist,all.x=TRUE,by.x = "from_edgeid", by.y="edgeid")
combinations <- merge(combinations,edgelist,all.x=TRUE,by.x = "to_edgeid", by.y="edgeid")
# We omit the edge ids here, since the timestamp information suffices in the final
# table to sanity check.
combinations <- combinations[,.(from_projection,from_weight,to_projection,to_weight)]
# All Lag combinations forms edges between
# the current developer contribution, and *all*
# preceding developers (i.e. *all* time lag).
# This means late developers will have more
# edges than earlier developers in a file.
all_lag_combinations <- function(edgelist){
dt <- edgelist
# For simplicity sake, rename the "to"
# column to "from", and re-label back to
# "to" outside the scope of this function.
if("from" %in% colnames(dt)){
from <- unique(dt$from)
# If projection of isolated node, there is nothing to connect it to
# (E.g. isolated node: file only had 1 author changing it once)
if(length(from) < 2){
combinations <- data.table()
# Since this is a temporal projection, we first use time for ordering
edgelist <- edgelist[order(datetimetz),.(from,weight,datetimetz)]
# The edgelist may contain duplicated edges, because we must know
# every edge in the original data to define the temporal edges.
# Assign an ID to every edge in the original graph, so we may
# be able to assign their weight to the "semi-projected graph"
# via these ids.
edgelist$edgeid <- 1:nrow(edgelist)
# The code up to this point is the exact same as one_lag.
# In the future, the function should be consolidated into one.
# Because in all_lag we must have that a developer has edges
# to all developers that preceded it, this is in fact the
# equivalent of *Edge IDs* Choose 2 possible combinations.
# In this sense, the formation of edges is *similar* to
# a bipartite graph, except the combinations are generated
# based on Edge IDs.
combinations <- transpose(as.data.table(combn(edgelist$edgeid,
old = c("V1","V2"),
new = c("to_edgeid","from_edgeid"))
# Because the function will not generate the final projection, but
# rather the intermediate step, showcasing what nodes were deleted, and
# what weights the pairs of edges had pointing to the deleted node,
# we use the edge ID to add the information back. Without the edge id,
# we would be unable to determine which temporal edge the information
# corresponds to.
# Note this step differs slightly from one_lag: Here we require the joins preserve
# the original chronological order of the table. This information is required to
# use the weight_scheme_cum_temporal().
combinations <- merge(combinations,edgelist,all.x=TRUE,by.x = "from_edgeid", by.y="edgeid",
sort = FALSE)
combinations <- merge(combinations,edgelist,all.x=TRUE,by.x = "to_edgeid", by.y="edgeid",
sort = FALSE)
combinations <- combinations[,.(from_projection,from_weight,from_datetimetz,
to_projection,to_weight, to_datetimetz)]
# Copy the graph, so column renames by reference doesn't overwrite parameter objects
graph <- copy(graph)
old = timestamp_column,
new = "datetimetz")
# Nodes table: Filter the nodes we wish to keep in the projection
graph[["nodes"]] <- graph[["nodes"]][type == mode]
# Decide which lag function we will use
lag_function <- NULL
if(lag == "one_lag"){
lag_function <- one_lag_combinations
}else if(lag == "all_lag"){
lag_function <- all_lag_combinations
stop("Unknown lag mode specified on `lag` parameter.")
# Depending on the mode of the graph (i.e. which of the 2 node)
# types we will choose, decide if will use the "from" or "to"
# column of the table. Note this assumpes in the edgelist,
# the "from" column consistently refers to one type of node
# and the "to" column consistently refers to the other type of node
graph[["edgelist"]] <- graph[["edgelist"]][, lag_function(.SD),
by = c("to"),
.SDcols = c("from","weight","datetimetz")]
if(nrow(graph[["edgelist"]]) == 0){
setnames(x = graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("to"),
new = c("eliminated_node"))
# Calculate N Choose 2 combinations for every deleted node
graph[["edgelist"]] <- graph[["edgelist"]][, lag_function(.SD),
by = c("from"),
.SDcols = c("to","weight","datetimetz")]
if(nrow(graph[["edgelist"]] == 0)){
setnames(x = graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("from"),
new = c("eliminated_node"))
# Remove from edgelist the nodes that do not connect to others (e.g. a single file commit)
graph[["edgelist"]] <- graph[["edgelist"]][complete.cases(graph[["edgelist"]])]
# Do not aggregate weights if no weight scheme is specified
#' Weight Edge Sum Projection Scheme
#' This weight scheme sums the deleted node adjacent edges when re-wired
#' in the projection graph. For most cases, this is the commonly used
#' approach in the literature.
#' For example assume author A changes file1 three times, and
#' author B changes file1 one time. A projection which returns
#' a author-author network using this function would return,
#' assuming this being the entire collaboration graph,
#' that author A and author B have a connection of 3 + 1 = 4.
#' Suppose now also that the entire collaboration graph contains
#' another file2 such that author A and author B modified 2 and 3
#' times respectively. Hence in the projection step, this would
#' further contribute a 2 + 3 = 5 weight to authors A and B. In this
#' graph, where file1 and file2 are present, the final weight for
#' authors A and B would thus be (3 + 1) + (2 + 3) = 9.
#' @param projected_graph A semi-processed bipartite projection network resulting
#' @export
#' @family weight_scheme
#' from \code{\link{bipartite_graph_projection}} when specifying
#' weight_scheme_function = NA.
weight_scheme_sum_edges <- function(projected_graph){
projected_graph[["edgelist"]]$weight <- projected_graph[["edgelist"]]$from_weight + projected_graph[["edgelist"]]$to_weight
projected_graph[["edgelist"]] <- projected_graph[["edgelist"]][,.(weight=sum(weight)),by=c("from_projection","to_projection")]
setnames(x = projected_graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("from_projection","to_projection"),
new = c("from","to"))
#' Weight Number of Deleted Nodes Projection Scheme
#' This weight scheme counts the number of deleted nodes for
#' every pair of adjacent edges, and uses it as the projection
#' edge weight.
#' For example, assume a graph which contains commit A and
#' commit B. Additionally, assume file1, file2, and file3 to
#' connect to commit A. And file2 and file3 to connect to
#' commit B.
#' If we wish to know the co-change metric, i.e. how many
#' times each pair of file were modified in the same commit,
#' then we may obtain it by counting the number of deleted nodes.
#' In this example the edges (file1,file2), (file2,file3), and
#' (file1,file3) receive a contribution of weight 1 from the
#' deleted commit A, and (file2,file3) receive a contribution of
#' weight 1 from the deleted commit B.
#' Thus, the weights would be (file1,file2) = 1, (file2,file3) = 2,
#' and (file2,file3) = 1. In other words, in this example file2
#' and file3 have a co-change of 2, and the remaining pairs a
#' co-change of 1.
#' @param projected_graph A semi-processed bipartite projection network resulting
#' from \code{\link{bipartite_graph_projection}} when specifying
#' weight_scheme_function = NA.
#' @export
#' @family weight_scheme
weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes <- function(projected_graph){
projected_graph[["edgelist"]] <- projected_graph[["edgelist"]][,.(weight=length(eliminated_node)),by=c("from_projection","to_projection")]
setnames(x = projected_graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("from_projection","to_projection"),
new = c("from","to"))
#' Weight Cumulative Temporal Projection Scheme
#' This weight scheme sums the deleted node adjacent edges when re-wired
#' in the projection graph that *occur before* the temporal edge. See the
#' in line documentation for details.
#' Note this function assumes the rows of `temporally_ordered_projected_graph`
#' are temporally ordered. This property is only guaranteed by the
#' \code{\link{temporal_graph_projection}} function if `lag = "all_lag"`. For
#' `lag=one_lag`, use \code{\link{weight_scheme_sum_edges}} or
#' \code{\link{weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes}}.
#' Refer to this weight scheme unit tests for examples.
#' @param temporally_ordered_projected_graph A temporally row-wise ordered table
#' semi-processed bipartite projection network resulting
#' from \code{\link{temporal_graph_projection}} when specifying
#' weight_scheme_function = NA and lag = all_lag.
#' @export
#' @family weight_scheme
#' @references M. Joblin, W. Mauerer, S. Apel,
#' J. Siegmund and D. Riehle, "From Developer Networks
#' to Verified Communities: A Fine-Grained Approach,"
#' 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on
#' Software Engineering, Florence, 2015, pp. 563-573,
#' doi: 10.1109/ICSE.2015.73.
weight_scheme_cum_temporal <- function(temporally_ordered_projected_graph){
sum_original_contributions <- function(dt){
# Assuming for the sake of example the eliminated
# node is a file, and the resulting projection are of
# developers, then at this scope dt is a temporarily
# ordered list of all edges between A and B across all
# files.
# Because we guarantee the rows follow the temporal order
# of the eliminated file in the original graph, we can
# reconstruct the original chronological order of changes A and
# B did in all_dt.
from_dt <- dt[,.(weight=from_weight,datetimetz=from_datetimetz)]
to_dt <- dt[,.(weight=to_weight,datetimetz=to_datetimetz)]
all_dt <- rbind(from_dt,to_dt)
# Duplicated rows occur here as a consequence of the pair-wise nature
# of the edgeset during the intermediate projection.
original_contributions <- all_dt[!duplicated(all_dt)]
# At this point, we have the original chronological table of contributions between
# A and B. We can just sum the weights.
original_contributions <- data.table(weight = sum(original_contributions$weight))
# Sum the eliminated_nodes while observing the temporal order of the edges.
temporally_ordered_projected_graph[["edgelist"]] <- temporally_ordered_projected_graph[["edgelist"]][,sum_original_contributions(.SD),
by = c("from_projection","to_projection")]
# Rename edges of the projections such that A -> B if A occurs *after* B.
setnames(x = temporally_ordered_projected_graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("from_projection","to_projection"),
new = c("from","to"))
#' Weight Pair-wise Cumulative Temporal Projection Scheme
#' This weight scheme sums the deleted node adjacent edges when re-wired
#' in the projection graph that *occur before* the temporal edge.
#' Differently than \code{\link{weight_scheme_cum_temporal}}, however,
#' the weight value used for every edge is of both developers to the deleted node,
#' which causes some duplication.
#' Refer to the unit tests to see a concrete example.
#' Note this function assumes the rows of `temporally_ordered_projected_graph`
#' are temporally ordered. This property is only guaranteed by the
#' \code{\link{temporal_graph_projection}} function if `lag = "all_lag"`. For
#' `lag=one_lag`, use \code{\link{weight_scheme_sum_edges}} or
#' \code{\link{weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes}}.
#' Refer to this weight scheme unit tests for examples.
#' @param temporally_ordered_projected_graph A temporally row-wise ordered table
#' semi-processed bipartite projection network resulting
#' from \code{\link{temporal_graph_projection}} when specifying
#' weight_scheme_function = NA and lag = all_lag.
#' @export
#' @family weight_scheme
#' @references M. Joblin, W. Mauerer, S. Apel,
#' J. Siegmund and D. Riehle, "From Developer Networks
#' to Verified Communities: A Fine-Grained Approach,"
#' 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on
#' Software Engineering, Florence, 2015, pp. 563-573,
#' doi: 10.1109/ICSE.2015.73.
weight_scheme_pairwise_cum_temporal <- function(temporally_ordered_projected_graph){
temporally_ordered_projected_graph[["edgelist"]] <- temporally_ordered_projected_graph[["edgelist"]][,.(weight = sum(from_weight) + sum(to_weight)),
by = c("from_projection","to_projection")]
# Rename edges of the projections such that A -> B if A occurs *after* B.
setnames(x = temporally_ordered_projected_graph[["edgelist"]],
old = c("from_projection","to_projection"),
new = c("from","to"))
#' OSLOM Community Detection
#' @description Wrapper for OSLOM Community Detection \url{http://oslom.org/}
#' @param oslom_bin_dir_undir_path The path to oslom directed or undirected network binary
#' @param graph The graph to be clustered obtained from transform_* functions
#' @param seed An integer specifying the seed to replicate the result
#' @param n_runs the number of runs for the first hierarchical level
#' @param is_weighted a boolean indicating whether a weight column is available in the data.table
#' @references Finding statistically significant communities in networks
#' A. Lancichinetti, F. Radicchi, J.J. Ramasco and
#' S. Fortunato PLoS ONE 6, e18961 (2011).
#' @export
#' @family community
community_oslom <- function(oslom_bin_dir_undir_path,graph,seed,n_runs,is_weighted){
edgelist <- graph[["edgelist"]]
oslom_bin_dir_undir_path <- path.expand(oslom_bin_dir_undir_path)
mapping_names <- unique(c(as.character(edgelist$from),edgelist$to))
mapping_ids <- 1:length(mapping_names)
names(mapping_ids) <- mapping_names
weight_flag <- ""
oslom_edgelist <- data.table(mapping_ids[edgelist$from],
weight_flag <- "-w"
oslom_edgelist <- data.table(mapping_ids[edgelist$from],
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
args = c('-f', '/tmp/oslom_edgelist.txt',weight_flag,'-seed',seed, '-r',n_runs),
stdout = FALSE,
stderr = FALSE
f_con <- file("/tmp/oslom_edgelist.txt_oslo_files/tp")
tp_raw <- readLines(f_con)
cluster_metadata <- stri_match(tp_raw,regex="#module (.+) size: (.+) bs: (.+)")
is_node_line <- which(is.na(cluster_metadata[,1]))
is_cluster_line <- which(!is.na(cluster_metadata[,1]))
cluster_id <- cluster_metadata[is_cluster_line,2]
cluster_size <- as.integer(cluster_metadata[is_cluster_line,3])
cluster_pvalue <- cluster_metadata[is_cluster_line,4]
cluster_nodes <- tp_raw[is_node_line]
cluster_nodes_list <- stri_split(cluster_nodes,regex=" ")
names(cluster_nodes_list) <- cluster_id
# Remove "" strings added as ending element, create data.table and assign ids
prepare_data_table <- function(name,x){
dt <- data.table(node_id=x[[name]][x[[name]] != ""],cluster_id=name)
cluster_assignment <- rbindlist(lapply(names(cluster_nodes_list),
# Replace temporary id by original values
cluster_assignment$node_id <- mapping_names[as.numeric(cluster_assignment$node_id)]
cluster <- list()
cluster[["assignment"]] <- cluster_assignment
cluster[["info"]] <- data.table(cluster_id,cluster_size,cluster_pvalue)
# assign a unique and different from existing cluster id to all nodes which have no neighbors
isolated_node_ids <- setdiff(graph[["nodes"]]$name,cluster[["assignment"]]$node_id)
if(length(isolated_node_ids) > 0){
isolated_nodes_cluster_ids <- max(as.numeric(cluster[["assignment"]]$cluster_id)) + 1
isolated_nodes_cluster_ids <- as.character(seq.int(from=isolated_nodes_cluster_ids,
length.out = length(isolated_node_ids)))
isolated_cluster_assignments <- data.table(node_id=isolated_node_ids,
cluster[["assignment"]] <- rbind(cluster[["assignment"]],
isolated_cluster_infos <- data.table(cluster_id=isolated_nodes_cluster_ids,
cluster[["info"]] <- rbind(cluster[["info"]],
# Indexes starting cluster id to 1 instead of 0 to align with R indexes
cluster[["assignment"]]$cluster_id <- as.character(as.numeric(cluster[["assignment"]]$cluster_id) + 1)
cluster[["info"]]$cluster_id <- as.character(as.numeric(cluster[["info"]]$cluster_id) + 1)
#' Re-color OSLOM Community IDs
#' @description Re-color a graph color column using the OSLOM communities
#' @param network A network returned by transform_to_network_* functions.
#' @param community A community detection returned by \code{community_oslom}.
#' @references Finding statistically significant communities in networks
#' A. Lancichinetti, F. Radicchi, J.J. Ramasco and
#' S. Fortunato PLoS ONE 6, e18961 (2011).
#' @export
#' @family community
recolor_network_by_community <- function(network,community){
# If node is repeated, it is a boundary community node, color it a unique color
assign_boundary_color <- function(x){
ifelse(length(x) > 1,"black",x)
color_pallete <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 12,name = "Paired")
node_cid_mapping <- community[["assignment"]]
node_cid_mapping$color_community <- color_pallete[as.integer(node_cid_mapping$cluster_id)]
# Use cluster id as index to choose color
metadata_nodes_cid <- merge(network[["nodes"]],
by.x = "name",
by.y ="node_id",
all.x = TRUE) # there should be no node not assigned a cluster
# Choose color of clustering instead of previous scheme
metadata_nodes_cid <- metadata_nodes_cid[,.(name,color=color_community,type)]
metadata_nodes_cid <- metadata_nodes_cid[,.(color=assign_boundary_color(color),type),
metadata_nodes_cid <- metadata_nodes_cid[,.(name,color=color_community)]
metadata_nodes_cid <- metadata_nodes_cid[,.(color=assign_boundary_color(color)),
metadata_nodes_cid <- unique(metadata_nodes_cid)
network[["nodes"]] <- metadata_nodes_cid
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