
Defines functions plot.Bayes.Data calc.performance test.unseen.pheno train.test.generation BlockSplit plot.cvPheno cv.Pheno cv plot.predictPheno predict.Pheno plot.Pheno.version2 plot.Pheno summary.Pheno Pheno BayesianNIGProcess BayesNIGPosterior BayesNIGEstimate TransferData SplitData CheckArguments.predictPheno CheckArguments.Pheno CheckArguments

# Contact me if you find a bug: sjjd.fouladvand@gmail.com.
CheckArguments <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("CheckArguments")

# This function checks to see if everything is fine with the input or not.
# For example it checks to see if all the samples in a block are from a same class
CheckArguments.Pheno <- function(object){

  data <- object$data
  x <- object$x
  y <- object$y
  label <- object$label
  defaultLabel <- object$defaultLabel
  block <- object$block
  ncluster <- object$ncluster
  orderby <- object$orderby
  method <- object$method
  step <- object$step
  width <- object$width
  nfeatures <- object$nfeatures

  # check data argument
  if(is.numeric(nrow(data)) != TRUE)
    stop("invalid 'data'")
  if(nrow(na.omit(data)) == 0)
    stop("invalid 'data' after removing NA vaule")

  # check x, y arguments
  if((is.null(x) | is.null(y)) == TRUE)
    stop("invalid 'x' or 'y'")

  # check names, replicated names are allowed by using [[]]
  varNames <- colnames(data)
    inputNames <- c(x,label, block, orderby)
    inputNames <- c(x, label, block, orderby)
  if(all(inputNames %in% varNames) != TRUE)
    stop("invalid argument names")

  # check label and defaultLabel arguments
  if(!is.null(label) & is.null(defaultLabel))
    stop("invalid 'defaultLabel' but 'label' exists")
  if(!is.null(defaultLabel) & is.null(label))
    stop("invalid 'label' but 'defaultLabel' exists")
  if(!is.null(label) & length(label) >= 2)
    stop("invalid 'label', at most 1 dimension")
    if(length(unique(data[[label]])) < 2)
      stop("invalid 'label', which at least has two different components")
    if(!is.null(defaultLabel) & length(defaultLabel) >= length(unique(data[[label]])))
      stop("invalid 'defaultLabel', it must have less components than 'label'")
    if(!is.null(defaultLabel) & !(defaultLabel %in% unique(data[[label]])))
      stop("invalid 'defaultLabel', which should be any component of 'label'")

  # check ncluster argument
  if(is.null(label) & is.null(ncluster))
    stop("invalid 'ncluster', the number of clusters")

  # check pcNumber argument
  #	if(iis.null(pcNumber))
  #		stop("invalid 'pcNumber', the number of principle components")
  #	if(!(pcNumber == round(pcNumber)) | (pcNumber < 0))
  #		stop("invalid 'pcNumber', it must be a positive integer")

  # check block argument
  if(!is.null(block) & length(block) > 2)
    stop("invalid 'block', at most 2 dimensions")

  # check orderby argument
  if(!is.null(orderby) & length(orderby) >= 2)
    stop("invalid 'orderby', at most 1 dimension")

  # check method argument
  if(is.null(method) | length(method) != 1)
    stop("invalid 'method', at most 1 dimension")
  if(!(method %in% c("SVM", "RF", "KMEANS","Ensemble")))
    stop("invalid 'method', only 'SVM', 'RF', 'KMEANS' are available")
  if(!is.null(label) & (method %in% c("KMEANS")))
    stop("invalid 'method', must be 'SVM' or 'RF' due to existing 'label'")
  if(is.null(label) & (method %in% c("SVM", "RF")))
    stop("invalid 'method', must be 'KMEANS' due to missing 'label'")

  # check step, width, nfeatures arguments
  if(!(step == round(step)) | (step < 0))
    stop("invalid 'step', it must be a positive integer")
  if(!(width == round(width)) | (width < 0))
    stop("invalid 'width', it must be a positive integer")
    if(!(nfeatures == round(nfeatures)) | (nfeatures < 0))
      stop("invalid 'nfeatures', it must be a positive integer")

CheckArguments.predictPheno <- function(object){

  data <- object$data
  x <- object$x
  y <- object$y
  block <- object$block
  orderby <- object$orderby
  step <- object$step
  width <- object$width

  # check data argument
  if(is.numeric(nrow(data)) != TRUE)
    stop("invalid 'data'")
  if(nrow(na.omit(data)) == 0)
    stop("invalid 'data' after removing NA vaule")

  # check x, y arguments
  if((is.null(x) | is.null(y)) == TRUE)
    stop("invalid 'x' or 'y'")

  # check names, replicated names are allowed by using [[]]
  varNames <- colnames(data)
  inputNames <- c(x, y, block, orderby)
  if(all(inputNames %in% varNames) != TRUE)
    stop("invalid argument names")

  # check block argument
  if(!is.null(block) & length(block) > 2)
    stop("invalid 'block', at most 2 dimensions")

  # check orderby argument
  if(!is.null(orderby) & length(orderby) >= 2)
    stop("invalid 'orderby', at most 1 dimension")

  # check step, width, nfeatures arguments
  if(!(step == round(step)) | (step < 0))
    stop("invalid 'step', it must be a positive integer")
  if(!(width == round(width)) | (width < 0))
    stop("invalid 'width', it must be a positive integer")


SplitData <- function(data, block, orderby,
                      testBlockProp, blockOrderedLabels, blockOrderedNames){

  blockDataFrame <- data.frame(Name = blockOrderedNames,
                               Label = blockOrderedLabels)                            #blockDataFrame will be a two column data frame: the first column is block name (like A1) and the second is the label (like H)

  splitDatabyLabels <- split(blockDataFrame, as.vector(blockDataFrame$Label)) #splitDatabyLabels is a list containing seperate blocks based on their labels; for example if labels are H and D the splitDatabyLabels$H shows all blocks with H as their labels
  countSplitDatabyLabels <- sapply(splitDatabyLabels, nrow, simplify = TRUE)
  countNamesTemp <- names(countSplitDatabyLabels)
  countLabelsTemp <- as.vector(countSplitDatabyLabels)
  testSizes <- ceiling(countLabelsTemp * testBlockProp)

  #The following couple lines of codes can be used to implement a Leave One Out strategy.
   # rnd_block_test<-sample(0:1,1)
   # if(rnd_block_test==1){
   #   testSizes[1]<-0
   # }else{
   #   testSizes[2]<-0
   # }

  FUNSAMPLE <- function(x, y){
    return(sample(x, size = y, replace = FALSE))
  testSample <- mapply(FUNSAMPLE, x = countLabelsTemp, y = testSizes,
                       SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  names(testSample) <- countNamesTemp
  testNames <- c()
  for(i in seq(length(countNamesTemp))){
    testNames <- c(testNames,
                   splitDatabyLabels[[i]][testSample[[i]], ]$Name)
  trainNames <- seq(nrow(blockDataFrame))[- testNames]
  testNames <- blockDataFrame$Name[mixedsort(testNames)]
  trainNames <- blockDataFrame$Name[mixedsort(trainNames)]

  testData <- data[which(data[[block]] %in% testNames), ]
  testData <- testData[order(testData[[orderby]]), ]
  trainData <- data[which(data[[block]] %in% trainNames), ]
  trainData <- trainData[order(trainData[[orderby]]), ]
    print("The test set is empty! Change the parameters and try again please...")
  returnData <- list(test = testData, train = trainData,
                     testName = testNames)
  return(list(data = returnData))

#This function concatenate block[0] (for example Row) and block[1] (for example Run) and add this as a new column named "blockTemp".
#Finally it sorts the data by "orderby" and returns a subset of data only including columns such as : x, y, label, blockTemp, orderby
TransferData <- function(data, x, y, label, block, orderby){

  # to data frame
  WorkingData <- as.data.frame(data)
  WorkingData <- na.omit(WorkingData)
  block_temp <-block
  # block argument
    WorkingData$blockTemp <- seq(nrow(WorkingData))
    block <- "blockTemp"
  } else{
    if(length(block) == 2){
      WorkingData$blockTemp <- paste(WorkingData[[block[1]]],
                                     WorkingData[[block[2]]], sep = "")
      block <- "blockTemp"

  # orderby argument
    warning("missing 'orderby', data is ordered by default")
    WorkingData$orderbyTemp <- seq(nrow(WorkingData))
    orderby <- "orderbyTemp"

  # select subset data
      WorkingDataSub <- subset(WorkingData, select = c(
        x, label,block_temp, block, orderby))
    WorkingDataSub <- subset(WorkingData, select = c(
      x, y, label,block_temp, block, orderby))
    WorkingDataSub <- WorkingDataSub[order(WorkingDataSub[[orderby]],
                                           decreasing = FALSE), ]
  } else{
      WorkingDataSub <- subset(WorkingData, select = c(
        x, block_temp,block, orderby, "keys"))
    WorkingDataSub <- subset(WorkingData, select = c(
      x, y, block_temp,block, orderby, "keys"))            #KEYS IS ADDED, JAN 31
    WorkingDataSub <- WorkingDataSub[order(WorkingDataSub[[orderby]],
                                           decreasing = FALSE), ]

  return(list(data = WorkingDataSub, block = block, orderby = orderby))

BayesNIGEstimate <- function(x, y, step, width) {

  # compute Bayesian NIG for any input without spliting
  #	R2FUN <- function(y, Est.y) return(1 - sum((y - Est.y) ^ 2) / sum((y - mean(y)) ^ 2))
  BETAFUN <- function(x, y) return(lm(y ~ x)$coefficients)
  #	BETAPHI2FUN <- function(x, Beta) return(Beta[1] + Beta[2] * x)
  SIGMAFUN <- function(x, y) return((summary(lm(y ~ x))$sigma) ^ 2)

  # window #
  WindowLength <- length(x) # number of windows
  WindowCenter <- seq(1, WindowLength, by = step)
  WindowStart <- ((WindowCenter - width) <= 0) * 1 +
    ((WindowCenter - width) > 0) * 1 * (WindowCenter - width)
  WindowEnd <- ((WindowLength - WindowCenter) >= width) * 1 * (WindowCenter + width) +
    ((WindowLength - WindowCenter) < width) * 1 * WindowLength
  x.list <- list()
  y.list <- list()
  for(i in seq(WindowLength)) {
    xInlist <- x[WindowStart[i] : WindowEnd[i]]
    yInlist <- y[WindowStart[i] : WindowEnd[i]]
    if(length(unique(xInlist)) == 1){
      xInlist <- xInlist + rnorm(length(xInlist), 0, 0.001)
    if(length(unique(yInlist)) == 1){
      yInlist <- yInlist + rnorm(length(yInlist), 0, 0.001)
    x.list[[i]] <- xInlist
    y.list[[i]] <- yInlist

  # 2-dimensional Bayesian Processing #
  Linear.beta <- matrix(0, 2, WindowLength)
  for(i in seq(WindowLength)) {
    Linear.beta[ , i] <- BETAFUN(x.list[[i]], y.list[[i]])
  Linear.sigma2 <- as.vector(mapply(SIGMAFUN, x = x.list, y = y.list))

  # Estimate mean and covariance of beta
  Linear.beta.mean <- apply(Linear.beta, 1, mean)
  A <- matrix(0, 2, 2)
  for(i in seq(WindowLength)) {
    A <- A + tcrossprod(Linear.beta[ , i] - Linear.beta.mean) / Linear.sigma2[i]
  V.beta <- A / WindowLength

  # Estimate shape and rate of sigma2 (not necessary)
  GammaMLE <- function(x){
    fun <- function(x, a) {
      mean(log(x)) - log(mean(x)) + log(a) - digamma(a)
    aHat <- uniroot(fun, c(0.000001, 10000), x = x)$root
    bHat <- mean(x) / aHat
    return(c(aHat, bHat))
  GammaMMT <- function(x){
    m1 <- mean(x)
    m2 <- mean(x^2)
    aHat <- m1^2 / (m2 - m1^2)
    bHat <- (m2 - m1^2) / m1
    return(c(aHat, bHat))
  a <- GammaMMT(1 / Linear.sigma2)[1]
  b <- GammaMMT(1 / Linear.sigma2)[2]
  #	invgamma.mu <- mean(Linear.sigma2)
  #	invgamma.sigma <- sqrt(var(Linear.sigma2))
  #	a <- 2 + invgamma.mu / invgamma.sigma
  #	b <- (1 + invgamma.mu / invgamma.sigma) * invgamma.mu

  result <- list(mu = Linear.beta.mean, Sigma = V.beta,
                 sigma2shape = a, sigma2rate = b)

BayesNIGPosterior <- function(x, y, step, width, Linear.beta.mean, V.beta){

  WindowLength <- length(x) # number of windows
  WindowCenter <- seq(1, WindowLength, by = step)
  WindowStart <- ((WindowCenter - width) <= 0) * 1 +
    ((WindowCenter - width) > 0) * 1 * (WindowCenter - width)
  WindowEnd <- ((WindowLength - WindowCenter) >= width) * 1 * (WindowCenter + width) +
    ((WindowLength - WindowCenter) < width) * 1 * WindowLength
  x.list <- list()
  y.list <- list()
  for(i in seq(WindowLength)) {
    x.list[[i]] <- x[WindowStart[i] : WindowEnd[i]]
    y.list[[i]] <- y[WindowStart[i] : WindowEnd[i]]

  # update estimate of beta by max posterior
  BayesNIG.beta <- matrix(0, 2, WindowLength)
  for(i in seq(WindowLength)) {
    x.t <- x.list[[i]]
    X.t <- cbind(rep(1, length(x.t)), x.t)
    y.t <- y.list[[i]]
    mu.star <- ginv(ginv(V.beta) + crossprod(X.t)) %*%
      (ginv(V.beta) %*% Linear.beta.mean + crossprod(X.t, y.t))
    BayesNIG.beta[ , i] <- mu.star
  result <- BayesNIG.beta

BayesianNIGProcess <- function(object){

  WorkingData <- object$WorkingDataTemp
  step <- object$step
  width <- object$width
  label <- object$label
  x <- object$x
  y <- object$y
  labelUniqueNames <- object$labelUniqueNames
  Beta <- NULL
  EstParametersList <- list()
  all_pairs <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow =1,ncol = 2 ))
  colnames(all_pairs) <- c("Intercept", "Slope")
    for(i in seq(length(x))){         # For every variable in x
      for(j in seq(length(y))){       # For every variable in y
        featuresTEMP <- c(x[i], y[j]) # x[i] and y[j] construct a pair of features (variables)
        if((featuresTEMP[1]==featuresTEMP[2]) || (paste(x[i],y[j],"I",sep = "_") %in% colnames(Beta)) || (paste(y[j],x[i],"I",sep = "_") %in% colnames(Beta))){
        # Splits the data based on the label
        splitDatabyLabels <- split(WorkingData,
        splitDataLabelNames <- names(splitDatabyLabels)
        interceptSplitData <- c()
        slopeSplitData <- c()
        labelSplitData <- c()
        blockSplitData <- c()
        for(k in seq(length(labelUniqueNames))){ # For all possible lables (like for D and H)
          DataTemp <- splitDatabyLabels[[k]]      # Select all data from a current label; like all data with D as their labels
          xTemp <- DataTemp[[featuresTEMP[1]]]   # xTemp is one feature of the data like feature "LIGHT"
          yTemp <- DataTemp[[featuresTEMP[2]]]   # yTemp is one feature of the data like feature "phi2"
          labelTemp <- unique(DataTemp[[label]])
          resultTemp <- BayesNIGEstimate(xTemp, yTemp, step, width)
          mu <- resultTemp$mu
          Sigma <- resultTemp$Sigma
          sigma2shape <- resultTemp$sigma2shape
          sigma2rate <-  resultTemp$sigma2rate
          betaTemp <- BayesNIGPosterior(xTemp, yTemp, step, width,
                                        Linear.beta.mean = mu, V.beta = Sigma)
          EstParaName <- paste(x[i], y[j], sep = "_")
          EstParaListTemp <- list(mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma,
                                  sigma2shape = sigma2shape, sigma2rate = sigma2rate, Label = labelTemp)
          EstParametersList[[EstParaName]] <- EstParaListTemp

          interceptTemp <- as.vector(betaTemp[1, ])
          interceptSplitData <- c(interceptSplitData, interceptTemp)
          slopeTemp <- as.vector(betaTemp[2, ])
          slopeSplitData <- c(slopeSplitData, slopeTemp)
          labelSplitData <- c(labelSplitData, rep(splitDataLabelNames[k],
          blockSplitData <-c(blockSplitData, splitDatabyLabels[[k]]$blockTemp)
        #Here, the recently calculated slopes and intercepts (using x[i] and y[j]) are cbind to the previouse ones.
        BetaTemp <- cbind(interceptSplitData, slopeSplitData)
        colnames(BetaTemp) <- c(paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_"),
                                paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_"))
        all_pairs[all_pairs_index,] <- c(paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_"), paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_"))
        all_pairs_index <- all_pairs_index+1
        Beta <- cbind(Beta, BetaTemp)
    Beta <- as.data.frame(Beta)
      Beta <- data.frame(Beta, Label = labelSplitData)
      Beta <- data.frame(Beta, Label = labelSplitData, blockTemp=blockSplitData)
  } else{  # Else if the data is a testing data and so there is no lable
    for(i in seq(length(x))){
      for(j in seq(length(y))){
        featuresTEMP <- c(x[i], y[j])
        if((featuresTEMP[1]==featuresTEMP[2]) || (paste(x[i],y[j],"I",sep = "_") %in% colnames(Beta)) || (paste(y[j],x[i],"I",sep = "_") %in% colnames(Beta))){
        DataTemp <- WorkingData
        xTemp <- DataTemp[[featuresTEMP[1]]]
        yTemp <- DataTemp[[featuresTEMP[2]]]
        resultTemp <- BayesNIGEstimate(xTemp, yTemp, step, width)
        mu <- resultTemp$mu
        Sigma <- resultTemp$Sigma
        sigma2shape <- resultTemp$sigma2shape
        sigma2rate <-  resultTemp$sigma2rate
        betaTemp <- BayesNIGPosterior(xTemp, yTemp, step, width,
                                      Linear.beta.mean = mu, V.beta = Sigma)
        EstParaName <- paste(x[i], y[j], sep = "_")
        EstParaListTemp <- list(mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma,
                                sigma2shape = sigma2shape, sigma2rate = sigma2rate, Label = NA)
        EstParametersList[[EstParaName]] <- EstParaListTemp

        interceptTemp <- as.vector(betaTemp[1, ])
        slopeTemp <- as.vector(betaTemp[2, ])
        BetaTemp <- cbind(interceptTemp, slopeTemp)
        colnames(BetaTemp) <- c(paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_"),
                                paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_"))
        Beta <- cbind(Beta, BetaTemp)
    Beta <- as.data.frame(Beta)
  return(list(Beta = Beta, EstParametersList = EstParametersList, all_pairs=all_pairs))

# This function is the training function. It gets the input training data, transform the data and
# and train a svm or a RF.
Pheno <- function(data = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL, label = NULL,
                  defaultLabel = NULL, ncluster = NULL, block = NULL, orderby = NULL,
                  method = "SVM",	step = 1, width = 6, nfeatures = 3, feature_selection="lmFuncs"){

  fn <- "Pheno"
  arugmentsData <- list(data = data, x = x, y = y, label = label,
                        defaultLabel = defaultLabel, block = block, ncluster = ncluster,
                        orderby = orderby, method = method, step = step, width = width,
                        nfeatures = nfeatures)
  attr(arugmentsData, 'class') <- fn

  x <- unique(x)
  y <- unique(y)
  ret.x <- x
  ret.y <- y
  ret.label <- label
  ret.defaultLabel <- defaultLabel
  ret.block <- block
  ret.orderby <- orderby

  if(length(ret.block) == 2){
    blockNamesONE <- unique(data[[block[1]]])
    blockNamesTWO <- unique(data[[block[2]]])
  } else{
    blockNamesONE <- NULL
    blockNamesTWO <- NULL
  # TransferData is a function to remove irrelevant features and IT CHANGES THE ORDER OF THE INPUT DATA
  valueTransferData <- TransferData(data, x, y, label, block, orderby)
  WorkingData <- valueTransferData$data
  RawData <- WorkingData
  block <- valueTransferData$block
  orderby <- valueTransferData$orderby

    labelUniqueNames <- unique(WorkingData[[label]]) # LabelUniqueNames includes label values like M, N and S

    #features <- c(x, y) # features includes both x and y (i.e. all  environmental and phenotype features
    features <- union(x,y)
    WorkingDataTemp <- subset(WorkingData, select = c(features,label)) #WorkingDataTemp includes only environmental and phenotype features and the label
    OriginalData <- WorkingDataTemp
    #		crossvadalitionData <- WorkingData

    objectlist <- list(WorkingDataTemp = WorkingDataTemp, step = step,
                       width = width, label = label, x = x, y = y,
                       labelUniqueNames = labelUniqueNames)
    #		attr(objectlist, 'class') <- fn
    WorkingDataTemp <- BayesianNIGProcess(objectlist)
    all_pairs <- WorkingDataTemp$all_pairs
    EstParametersList <- WorkingDataTemp$EstParametersList
    BayesianData <- WorkingDataTemp$Beta
    WorkingDataTemp <- BayesianData
    lda_data_transformed<- NULL
    lda_res<- NULL
    scales_matrix <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = (dim(WorkingDataTemp)[2]-1)/2,ncol = 3))
    colnames(scales_matrix) <- c("Intercept coefficient", "slope coefficient")
      for(i in seq(length(x))){
        for(j in seq(length(y))){
          xName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_")
          yName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_")
          if((x[i]==y[j]) || !(xName %in% colnames(WorkingDataTemp)) || !(yName %in% colnames(WorkingDataTemp))){
          lda_data_temp <- subset(WorkingDataTemp, select = c(xName, yName, "Label"))
          lda_res <- lda(Label ~ .,
          #plda <- predict(object = lda_res,
          #                newdata = lda_data_temp)
          #colnames(plda$x) <-paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_")
          #lda_data_transformed <- cbind(lda_data_transformed, plda$x)
          #lda_data_transformed <- cbind(lda_data_transformed, plda$x)
          scales_matrix[lda_index,1:2] <-lda_res$scaling
          scales_matrix[lda_index,3] <- paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_")
          transformed_vector <- (lda_data_temp[,1] * scales_matrix[1,1])+(lda_data_temp[,2]*scales_matrix[1,2])
          transformed_vector <- as.matrix(transformed_vector)
          colnames(transformed_vector) <-paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_")
          lda_data_transformed <- cbind(lda_data_transformed, transformed_vector)

          #plot1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = lda_data_temp,
          #                            mapping = aes(lda_data_temp[[1]], lda_data_temp[[2]],
          #                                          colour = factor(lda_data_temp[[3]]))) + xlab(xName) + ylab(yName) + theme(legend.position = "none")
          #ggsave(paste("PhenoPro_",xName,".png",sep = ""))
          #plot_temp1<-cbind(plot_temp1, lda_data_temp$Label)
          #plot2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = plot_temp1,
          #                               mapping = aes(plot_temp1[[1]], Labels,
          #                                             colour = factor(plot_temp1$Labels))) + xlab(paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_")) + ylab("Labels") + theme(legend.position = "none")

          #ggsave(paste("LDA_",paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_"),".png",sep = ""))


          #assign(paste("lda_res",paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_"),sep="_"), lda_res, envir = .GlobalEnv)
          #plot1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = lda_data_temp,
          #                            mapping = aes(lda_data_temp[[1]], lda_data_temp[[2]],
          #                                          colour = factor(lda_data_temp[[3]]))) + xlab(xName) + ylab(yName) + theme(legend.position = "none")
          #ggsave(paste("PhenoPro_",xName,".png",sep = ""))
          #plot_temp1<-cbind(plot_temp1, lda_data_temp$Label)
          #plot2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = plot_temp1,
          #                               mapping = aes(plot_temp1[[1]], Labels,
          #                                             colour = factor(plot_temp1$Labels))) + xlab(paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_")) + ylab("Labels") + theme(legend.position = "none")

          #ggsave(paste("LDA_",paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_"),".png",sep = ""))
          #plot3 <- grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol = 2)


      topFeatureNames <- colnames(lda_data_transformed)
      lda_data_transformed <- cbind(lda_data_transformed, Label=WorkingDataTemp$Label)

      weights <- information.gain(Label~., lda_data_transformed)
      weights[,2]<- row.names(weights)
      weights_sorted <-sort(weights[,1], decreasing = TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
      topFeatureNames_indexes<- weights_sorted$ix[1:nfeatures]
      topFeatureNames<- weights[topFeatureNames_indexes,2]

      WorkingDataTempPCA<-subset(lda_data_transformed, select = c(topFeatureNames, "Label"))

      fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(colnames(BayesianData))
      fullFeatureNames <- fullFeatureNames[1:length(fullFeatureNames)-1]
      topNameSplit <- strsplit(topFeatureNames, "_")
      topFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(topFeatureNames))){
        topFeatureFullNames <- c(topNameSplit[[i]][1], topNameSplit[[i]][2],
      topFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(topFeatureFullNames))

      fullNameSplit <- strsplit(fullFeatureNames, "_")
      fullFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(fullFeatureNames))){
        fullFeatureFullNames <- c(fullNameSplit[[i]][1], fullNameSplit[[i]][2],
      fullFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(fullFeatureFullNames))

    }else if(feature_selection=="Ensemble"){
      weak_classifiers <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = nrow(all_pairs),ncol = 5))
      colnames(weak_classifiers) <- c("pair_name","intercept","I_coefficient","S_coefficient","weigth")
      #label_temp_numerical <- as.data.frame(WorkingDataTemp$Label, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      #label_temp_numerical[which(label_temp_numerical== as.character(labelUniqueNames[1])),] <-1
      #label_temp_numerical[which(label_temp_numerical== as.character(labelUniqueNames[2])),] <-2

      labels_temp <-as.character(WorkingDataTemp$Label) # 1 means H and 2 means D
      labels_temp[which(labels_temp==as.character(labelUniqueNames[1]))]<- 1
      labels_temp[which(labels_temp==as.character(labelUniqueNames[2]))]<- 2
      labels_temp <- as.numeric(labels_temp)
      for(painrs_ind in 1:nrow(all_pairs)){
        pairs_temp <- subset(WorkingDataTemp, select = c(all_pairs[painrs_ind,1],all_pairs[painrs_ind,2]))
        pairs_temp[["Labels"]] <- labels_temp
        #labels_temp[which(labels_temp=="D")] <- 1
        #pairs_temp[["Labels"]] <- WorkingDataTemp$Label
        linear_model <- lm(formula= Labels ~ pairs_temp[[1]] + pairs_temp[[2]], data=pairs_temp)
        labels_unique <- unique(as.numeric(WorkingDataTemp$Label))
        predicted_labels_train <- linear_model$coefficients[1] + linear_model$coefficients[2] * pairs_temp[[1]] + linear_model$coefficients[3] * pairs_temp[[2]]
        predicted_labels_train_temp <- predicted_labels_train
        true_weights <-0
        false_weights <-0
        for(label_ind in 1:length(predicted_labels_train)){
          if(abs(labels_unique[1]-predicted_labels_train[label_ind]) <= abs(labels_unique[2]-predicted_labels_train[label_ind])){
            predicted_labels_train[label_ind] <-labels_unique[1]
              true_weights <- true_weights + 1
              false_weights <- false_weights +1
            predicted_labels_train[label_ind] <-labels_unique[2]
              true_weights <- true_weights + 1
              false_weights <- false_weights +1
        accuracy_wight <- true_weights /(true_weights+false_weights)
        weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 1] <- paste(all_pairs[painrs_ind,1],all_pairs[painrs_ind,2],sep = "*")
        weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 2] <- linear_model$coefficients[1]
        weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 3] <- linear_model$coefficients[2]
        weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 4] <- linear_model$coefficients[3]
        weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 5] <- accuracy_wight
      label_mapping <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(labelUniqueNames), ncol = 2))
      colnames(label_mapping)<- c("Label_name", "Label_code")
      label_mapping[1,1]<- as.character(labelUniqueNames[1])
      label_mapping[1,2]<- 1
      label_mapping[2,1]<- as.character(labelUniqueNames[2])
      label_mapping[2,2]<- 2

    }else if(feature_selection=="Ensemble of SVMs"){
      cv_folds_num <-20
      label_mapping<- NULL
      #weak_classifiers <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = nrow(all_pairs),ncol = 5))
      #colnames(weak_classifiers) <- c("pair_name","intercept","I_coefficient","S_coefficient","weigth")
      weak_classifiers<-matrix(list(), nrow=nrow(all_pairs), ncol=4)
      colnames(weak_classifiers) <- c("pair_name", "model", "Accuracy", "index")
      #label_temp_numerical <- as.data.frame(WorkingDataTemp$Label, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      #label_temp_numerical[which(label_temp_numerical== as.character(labelUniqueNames[1])),] <-1
      #label_temp_numerical[which(label_temp_numerical== as.character(labelUniqueNames[2])),] <-2

      labels_temp <-WorkingDataTemp$Label
      #labels_temp[which(labels_temp==as.character(labelUniqueNames[1]))]<- 1
      #labels_temp[which(labels_temp==as.character(labelUniqueNames[2]))]<- 2
      #labels_temp <- as.numeric(labels_temp)
      for(painrs_ind in 1:nrow(all_pairs)){
        pairs_temp <- subset(WorkingDataTemp, select = c(all_pairs[painrs_ind,1],all_pairs[painrs_ind,2]))
        pairs_temp[["Labels"]] <- labels_temp

        #train_validation <- PhenoPro7::train.test.generation(data=sds,x=c("LIGHT", "RH", "TEMP"), y=c("Phi2", "NPQT","PhiNPQ", "PhiNO", "qL", "Lef", "Phi1", "FoPrime", "Fs", "FmPrime", "SPAD"),label="R4DX2", defaultLabel = "D",block= c("RowC","RunC"),orderby ="Time.n", testBlockProp =0.1 )

        #labels_temp[which(labels_temp=="D")] <- 1
        #pairs_temp[["Labels"]] <- WorkingDataTemp$Label
        accuracy_wight <- 0

        for(pair_validation_ind in 1:cv_folds_num){
          #print("Cross validation index; inside the pair-wise training")
          t <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
          seed <- 1e8 * (t - floor(t))
          #============================BLOCK BASED VALIDATION
          #valid_all_sep<- PhenoPro7::train.test.generation(data=pairs_temp,x=c("LIGHT", "RH", "TEMP"), y=c("Phi2", "NPQT","PhiNPQ", "PhiNO", "qL", "Lef", "Phi1", "FoPrime", "Fs", "FmPrime", "SPAD"),label="R4DX2", defaultLabel = "D",block= c("RowC","RunC"),orderby ="Time.n", testBlockProp =0.1 )

          #============================END OF BLOCK BASED VALIDATION
          smp_size <- floor(0.75 * nrow(pairs_temp))
          train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(pairs_temp)), size = smp_size)
          train_pairs <- pairs_temp[train_ind, ]
          validation_pairs <- pairs_temp[-train_ind, ]
          trained_model <- svm(Labels ~ ., data = train_pairs)
          labels_unique <- unique(as.numeric(WorkingDataTemp$Label))
          validation <- validation_pairs[, -which(names(validation_pairs) %in% c("Labels"))]
          validation_labels <- validation_pairs$Labels
          predicted_labels_train <- predict(trained_model, validation)
          #predicted_labels_train <- linear_model$coefficients[1] + linear_model$coefficients[2] * pairs_temp[[1]] + linear_model$coefficients[3] * pairs_temp[[2]]
          #predicted_labels_train_temp <- predicted_labels_train
          true_weights <-0
          false_weights <-0
          for(label_ind in 1:length(predicted_labels_train)){
            if(predicted_labels_train[label_ind]== validation_labels[label_ind]){
              #predicted_labels_train[label_ind] <-labels_unique[1]
              true_weights <- true_weights + 1
              #  false_weights <- false_weights +1
              #predicted_labels_train[label_ind] <-labels_unique[2]
              #  true_weights <- true_weights + 1
              false_weights <- false_weights +1
          accuracy_wight <- accuracy_wight + (true_weights /(true_weights+false_weights))
          #  print(pairs_temp)
        trained_model <- svm(Labels ~ ., data = pairs_temp)
        weak_classifiers[[painrs_ind, 1]] <- paste(all_pairs[painrs_ind,1],all_pairs[painrs_ind,2],sep = "*")
        weak_classifiers[[painrs_ind, 2]] <- trained_model
        weak_classifiers[[painrs_ind, 3]] <- accuracy_wight/cv_folds_num
        weak_classifiers[[painrs_ind, 4]] <- painrs_ind
        #weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 1] <- paste(all_pairs[painrs_ind,1],all_pairs[painrs_ind,2],sep = "*")
        #weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 2] <- linear_model$coefficients[1]
        #weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 3] <- linear_model$coefficients[2]
        #weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 4] <- linear_model$coefficients[3]
        #weak_classifiers[painrs_ind, 5] <- accuracy_wight
      #label_mapping <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(labelUniqueNames), ncol = 2))
      #colnames(label_mapping)<- c("Label_name", "Label_code")
      #label_mapping[1,1]<- as.character(labelUniqueNames[1])
      #label_mapping[1,2]<- 1
      #label_mapping[2,1]<- as.character(labelUniqueNames[2])
      #label_mapping[2,2]<- 2

    }else if(feature_selection=="Gradient Boosting"){
      train_set<- as.matrix(WorkingDataTemp[, !names(WorkingDataTemp) %in% c("Label")])
      train_label <-  as.character(WorkingDataTemp$Label)
      train_label[which(train_label=="D")]<- as.character(0)
      train_label[which(train_label=="H")]<- as.character(1)
      train_label <- as.matrix(as.numeric(train_label))
      dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data = train_set, label=train_label)
      bst <- xgb.train(data=dtrain, max.depth=5, eta=1, nthread = 2, nround=5, objective = "binary:logistic")

    }else if(feature_selection=="PCA"){
      resPCA <- prcomp(subset(WorkingDataTemp, select = - Label),
                       center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
      #===================new (april 22, 2018) implementation of PCA
      WorkingDataTempPCA <- resPCA$x[,1:nfeatures]
      numberPCA <- nfeatures
      fea <- NULL
      topFeatureFullNames <- NULL
      fullFeatureNames <- NULL
      fullFeatureFullNames <- NULL
      WorkingDataTempPCA <- as.data.frame(WorkingDataTempPCA)
      WorkingDataTempPCA[["Label"]]<- WorkingDataTemp$Label
      #WorkingDataTempPCA<-as.data.frame(cbind(WorkingDataTempPCA, Label=WorkingDataTemp$Label))

      #==================Following lines are highlighted because I wanted to try the above code for PCA

      # propvar <- as.vector(summary(resPCA)$importance[2, ])
      # cumuvar <- as.vector(summary(resPCA)$importance[3, ])
      # numberPCA <- max(2, which(cumuvar > 0.7)[1])
      # resRotation <- resPCA$rotation[ , (1 : (numberPCA))]
      # nameTemp <- rownames(resRotation)
      # scaleRotation <- t(t(abs(resRotation)) * propvar)
#       # searching top feature names combining (I, S)
#       #		nameSplit <- strsplit(nameTemp, "_")
#       #		rowSumsTemp <- as.vector(rowSums(scaleRotation))
#       #		feaSums <- rep(0, length(rowSumsTemp) / 2)
#       #		feaNams <- rep(0, length(rowSumsTemp) / 2)
#       #		for(i in seq(length(rowSumsTemp) / 2)){
#       #			feaSums[i] <- rowSumsTemp[2 * i - 1] + rowSumsTemp[2 * i]
#       #			feaNams[i] <- paste(nameSplit[[2 * i]][1], nameSplit[[2 * i]][2],
#       #				sep = "_")
#       #		}
#       #		featureTemp <- data.frame(feaNams, feaSums)
#       #		featureTemp <- featureTemp[order(featureTemp$feaSums, decreasing = TRUE), ]
#       #		topFeatureNames <- as.vector(featureTemp$feaNams[1 : min(nrow(featureTemp), 3)])
#       # searching top feature names not combining (I, S)
#       rowSumsTemp <- as.vector(rowSums(scaleRotation))
#       feaSums <- rowSumsTemp
#       feaNams <- as.vector(nameTemp)
#       featureTemp <- data.frame(feaNams, feaSums)
#       featureTemp <- featureTemp[order(featureTemp$feaSums, decreasing = TRUE), ]
#       if(is.null(nfeatures)){
#         topFeatureNames <- as.vector(featureTemp$feaNams)
#       } else{
#         if(nfeatures < nrow(featureTemp)){
#           topFeatureNames <- as.vector(featureTemp$feaNams[1 : min(nrow(featureTemp), nfeatures)])
#         } else{
#           stop("please select a smaller 'nfeatures'")
#         }
#       }
#       fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(featureTemp$feaNams)
#       topNameSplit <- strsplit(topFeatureNames, "_")
#       topFeatureFullNames <- c()
#       for(i in seq(length(topFeatureNames))){
#         topFeatureFullNames <- c(topNameSplit[[i]][1], topNameSplit[[i]][2],
#                                  topFeatureFullNames)
#       }
#       topFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(topFeatureFullNames))
#       fullNameSplit <- strsplit(fullFeatureNames, "_")
#       fullFeatureFullNames <- c()
#       for(i in seq(length(fullFeatureNames))){
#         fullFeatureFullNames <- c(fullNameSplit[[i]][1], fullNameSplit[[i]][2],
#                                   fullFeatureFullNames)
#       }
#       fullFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(fullFeatureFullNames))
#       WorkingDataTempPCA <- subset(BayesianData, select = c(topFeatureNames,
#                                                             "Label"))

    }else if(feature_selection =="NA")

      #fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(featureTemp$feaNams)
      fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(colnames(BayesianData))
      fullFeatureNames <- fullFeatureNames[1:length(fullFeatureNames)-1]
      topNameSplit <- strsplit(topFeatureNames, "_")
      topFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(topFeatureNames))){
        topFeatureFullNames <- c(topNameSplit[[i]][1], topNameSplit[[i]][2],
      topFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(topFeatureFullNames))

      fullNameSplit <- strsplit(fullFeatureNames, "_")
      fullFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(fullFeatureNames))){
        fullFeatureFullNames <- c(fullNameSplit[[i]][1], fullNameSplit[[i]][2],
      fullFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(fullFeatureFullNames))
    #Else if the user selected subset based feature selection methods
    }else if(feature_selection=="lmFuncs" || feature_selection=="nbFuncs" || feature_selection=="rfFuncs" || feature_selection=="treebagFuncs")
      } else if(feature_selection=="nbFuncs"){
      } else if(feature_selection=="rfFuncs"){
      } else if(feature_selection=="treebagFuncs"){

      subsets_pheno <- c(1:(dimensionality[2]-1))
      ctrl <- rfeControl(functions = fs_method,
                         method = "repeatedcv",
                         repeats = 5,
                         verbose = FALSE)
        WorkingDataTemp_label_numeric <- WorkingDataTemp_label}
      else {
        WorkingDataTemp_label_numeric <- as.numeric(WorkingDataTemp_label)}
      #WorkingDataTemp_label_numeric <- WorkingDataTemp_label
      lmProfile <- rfe(WorkingDataTemp_train, WorkingDataTemp_label_numeric,
                       sizes = subsets_pheno,
                       rfeControl = ctrl)
      WorkingDataTempPCA<-subset(BayesianData, select = c(lmProfile$optVariables,
      #fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(featureTemp$feaNams)
      fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(colnames(BayesianData))
      fullFeatureNames <- fullFeatureNames[1:length(fullFeatureNames)-1]
      topNameSplit <- strsplit(topFeatureNames, "_")
      topFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(topFeatureNames))){
        topFeatureFullNames <- c(topNameSplit[[i]][1], topNameSplit[[i]][2],
      topFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(topFeatureFullNames))

      fullNameSplit <- strsplit(fullFeatureNames, "_")
      fullFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(fullFeatureNames))){
        fullFeatureFullNames <- c(fullNameSplit[[i]][1], fullNameSplit[[i]][2],
      fullFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(fullFeatureFullNames))
      # ELSE if the user selected Information Gain based feature selection
    }else if(feature_selection=="IG")

      subsets_pheno <- c(1:(dimensionality[2]-1))

      weights <- information.gain(Label~., WorkingDataTemp) # This weights contains feature names and their IG score
      weights[,2]<- row.names(weights)
      weights_sorted <-sort(weights[,1], decreasing = TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
      topFeatureNames_indexes<- weights_sorted$ix[1:nfeatures]
      topFeatureNames<- weights[topFeatureNames_indexes,2]
      #topFeatureNames<- c("LIGHT_PhiNPQ_I", "LIGHT_PhiNPQ_S")# For R1
      #topFeatureNames<- c("LIGHT_PhiNO_I", "LIGHT_PhiNO_S") # For V3; this one is good when PhenoPro8 is used in which during the training phase we transform block by block. However, in PhenoPro7 we first divide the training to H and D and then transform them seperately.
      #topFeatureNames<- c("LIGHT_PhiNO_I", "LIGHT_PhiNO_S","LIGHT_PhiNPQ_I", "LIGHT_PhiNPQ_S") # For the whole data including both R1 and V3
      #topFeatureNames<- c("NPQT_Lef_I","NPQT_Lef_S")#  c("NPQt_RelativeChlorophyll_I","NPQt_RelativeChlorophyll_S")#c("NPQt_Phi2_I", "NPQt_Phi2_S")#c("Lef_SPAD_I","Lef_SPAD_S")#,"LIGHT_Fs_I","LIGHT_Fs_S")#"RH_SPAD_I","RH_SPAD_S")#,"LIGHT_Fs_I","LIGHT_Fs_S") # For V3; April 16, 2018==== I can also use RH-Phi2 and LIGHT-SPAD and LIGHT-Fs
      WorkingDataTempPCA<-subset(BayesianData, select = c(topFeatureNames,

      fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(colnames(BayesianData))
      fullFeatureNames <- fullFeatureNames[1:length(fullFeatureNames)-1]
      topNameSplit <- strsplit(topFeatureNames, "_")
      topFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(topFeatureNames))){
        topFeatureFullNames <- c(topNameSplit[[i]][1], topNameSplit[[i]][2],
      topFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(topFeatureFullNames))

      fullNameSplit <- strsplit(fullFeatureNames, "_")
      fullFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(fullFeatureNames))){
        fullFeatureFullNames <- c(fullNameSplit[[i]][1], fullNameSplit[[i]][2],
      fullFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(fullFeatureFullNames))

    if(method == "RF"){
      predictData <- randomForest(Label ~ ., data = WorkingDataTempPCA,
                                  importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)
    } else if(method=="SVM"){
      predictData <- svm(Label ~ ., data = WorkingDataTempPCA)
    }else if(method=="Ensemble"){
      #fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(featureTemp$feaNams)
      fullFeatureNames <- as.vector(colnames(BayesianData))
      fullFeatureNames <- fullFeatureNames[1:length(fullFeatureNames)-1]
      topNameSplit <- strsplit(topFeatureNames, "_")
      topFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(topFeatureNames))){
        topFeatureFullNames <- c(topNameSplit[[i]][1], topNameSplit[[i]][2],
      topFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(topFeatureFullNames))

      fullNameSplit <- strsplit(fullFeatureNames, "_")
      fullFeatureFullNames <- c()
      for(i in seq(length(fullFeatureNames))){
        fullFeatureFullNames <- c(fullNameSplit[[i]][1], fullNameSplit[[i]][2],
      fullFeatureFullNames <- unique(as.vector(fullFeatureFullNames))
      arg = list(label = label, x = x, y = y, method = method,
                   block = block, defaultLabel = defaultLabel, orderby = orderby,
                   step = step, width = width, blockNamesONE = blockNamesONE,
                   blockNamesTWO = blockNamesTWO)
        #		pca = WorkingDataTempPCA, # matrix after rotation
      resPCA = NULL
      numComp = NULL
      stop("method should be 'RF', 'SVM' or 'Ensemble'")
    clusterData <- NULL
  } else{
    stop("invalid 'label' which is NULL")
  # if(feature_selection=="LDA"){
  #   lda_res_list_index <- 0
  #   lda_res_list <- vector("list", lda_index)
  #   for(i in seq(length(x))){
  #     for(j in seq(length(y))){
  #       if(x[i]==y[j]){
  #         next
  #       }
  #       xName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_")
  #       yName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_")
  #       lda_res_list_index<-lda_res_list_index+1
  #       lda_res_list[lda_res_list_index] <- eval(parse(text = paste("lda_res",paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_"),sep="_")))
  #       #assign(paste("lda_res",paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_"),sep="_"), lda_res_list[[lda_res_list_index]])
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }
    lda_model <- lda_res
    resPCA <- NULL
    numComp = NULL
    fea <- topFeatureNames
    selected_features <- topFeatureNames
    lda_model <- NULL
    scales_matrix <- NULL
  if(feature_selection != "Gradient Boosting"){
    bst <-NULL
    bst <- bst
    resPCA <- resPCA
    numComp <- numberPCA
    fea <- topFeatureNames
  }else if(feature_selection=="NA" || feature_selection =="IG"){
    resPCA <- NULL
    numComp = NULL
    fea <- topFeatureNames
    selected_features <- topFeatureNames
  }	else if(feature_selection=="lmFuncs" || feature_selection=="nbFuncs" || feature_selection=="rfFuncs" || feature_selection=="treebagFuncs"){
    resPCA <- NULL
    numComp = NULL
    fea <- lmProfile$optVariables
    weights <- NULL
  if(feature_selection != "Ensemble" && feature_selection != "Ensemble of SVMs"){
    weak_classifiers <- NULL
    label_mapping <- NULL
  used_blocks <- unique(WorkingData$blockTemp)
  returnData <- list(
    Raw = RawData,
    Org = OriginalData,
    Bay = BayesianData, # add topFeatureNames as their column names
    pre = predictData,
    EST = EstParametersList,
    feature_selection  = feature_selection,
    weak_classifiers = weak_classifiers,
    used_blocks = used_blocks,
    #		clu = clusterData,
    #		cv = crossvadalitionData,
    arg = list(label = label, x = x, y = y, method = method,
               block = block, defaultLabel = defaultLabel, orderby = orderby,
               step = step, width = width, blockNamesONE = blockNamesONE,
               blockNamesTWO = blockNamesTWO),
    #		pca = WorkingDataTempPCA, # matrix after rotation
    resPCA = resPCA,
    numComp = numComp,
    #fea = topFeatureNames,
    #fea = lmProfile$optVariables,
    feaf = topFeatureFullNames,
    fullfea = fullFeatureNames,
    fullfeaf = fullFeatureFullNames
  attr(returnData,'class') <- fn

summary.Pheno <- function(object){

  topFeatureNames <- object$fea
  fullFeatureNames <- object$fullfea
  fullNames <- paste(fullFeatureNames[1], fullFeatureNames[2], sep = ",")
  for(i in 3 : length(fullFeatureNames)){
    fullNames <- paste(fullNames, fullFeatureNames[i], sep = ",")

  resPCA <- object$resPCA
  numberPCA <- object$numComp
  infTemp <- paste("Recommended individual feature(s) : ",
                   topFeatureNames, sep = " ")
  for(i in seq(length(infTemp))){
  infTemp <- paste("Number of selected component(s) in PCA : ", numberPCA,
                   sep = " ")
  infTemp <- paste("Ranked full individual feature(s) : ",
                   fullNames, sep = " ")
  print("Information on PCA : ")

#You can pass the return object by the function "Pheno" as an input to the "plot.Pheno" to plot the training data and the transformed training data
plot.Pheno <- function(object){
  arg <- object$arg
  x <- arg$x
  y <- arg$y
  label <- arg$label
  OriginalData <- object$Org
  BayesianData <- object$Bay

  for(i in seq(length(x))){
    for(j in seq(length(y))){
      if(!(paste(x[i],y[j],"I",sep = "_") %in% colnames(BayesianData))){
      OriginalDataPlot <- subset(OriginalData, select = c(x[i], y[j], label))
      xName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_")
      yName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_")
      BayesianDataPlot <- subset(BayesianData, select = c(xName, yName, "Label"))

      p1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = OriginalDataPlot,
                                  mapping = aes(OriginalDataPlot[[x[i]]], OriginalDataPlot[[y[j]]],
                                                colour = factor(OriginalDataPlot[[label]]))) +
        xlab(x[i]) +
        ylab(y[j]) + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "black", size=10), axis.title =  element_text(colour = "black", size=10),legend.position = "none")  #theme()

      p2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = BayesianDataPlot,
                                  mapping = aes(BayesianDataPlot[[xName]], BayesianDataPlot[[yName]],
                                                colour = Label)) +
        xlab("intercept") +
        ylab("Slope") + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "black", size=10), axis.title =  element_text(colour = "black", size=10))
      p12 <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
      ggsave(paste("PhenoPro_",paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_"),".png",sep = ""), plot = p12, width=8, height = 3, dpi=600)

plot.Pheno.version2 <- function(object){
  scaleFUN <- function(x) sprintf("%+12.5f", x)
  arg <- object$arg
  x <- arg$x
  y <- arg$y
  label <- arg$label
  OriginalData <- object$Org
  BayesianData <- object$Bay

  for(i in seq(length(x))){
    for(j in seq(length(y))){
      if(!(paste(x[i],y[j],"I",sep = "_") %in% colnames(BayesianData))){
      OriginalDataPlot <- subset(OriginalData, select = c(x[i], y[j], label))
      xName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_")
      yName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_")
      BayesianDataPlot <- subset(BayesianData, select = c(xName, yName, "Label"))
      #These lines are added to make the final images look nicer
      x_label_temp <- x[i]
      # if(x[i]=="LIGHT"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Light Intensity"
      # }else if(x[i]=="RH"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Relative Humidity"
      # }else if(x[i]=="TEMP"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Temperature"
      # }else if(x[i]=="Phi2"){
      #   x_label_temp <- expression(phi1[II])
      # }else if(x[i]=="NPQT"){
      #   x_label_temp <- expression(NPQ[T])
      # }else if(x[i]=="PhiNPQ"){
      #   x_label_temp <- expression(phi1[NPQ])
      # }else if(x[i]=="PhiNO"){
      #   x_label_temp <- expression(phi1[NO])
      # }else if(x[i]=="qL"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "qL"
      # }else if(x[i]=="Lef"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "LEF"
      # }else if(x[i]=="Phi1"){
      #   x_label_temp <- expression(phi1[I])
      # }else if(x[i]=="FoPrime"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "F0'"
      # }else if(x[i]=="Fs"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Fs"
      # }else if(x[i]=="FmPrime"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Fm"
      # }else if(x[i]=="SPAD"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "SPAD"
      # }else if(x[i]=="AmbientHumidity"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Relative Humidity"
      # }else if(x[i]=="LeafTemp"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Leaf Temperature"
      # }else if(x[i]=="LeafAngle"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Leaf Angle"
      # }else if(x[i]=="LEF"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "LEF"
      # }else if(x[i]=="LightIntensityPAR"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "Light Intensity"
      # }else if(x[i]=="NPQt"){
      #   x_label_temp <- expression(NPQ[T])
      # }else if(x[i]=="RelativeChlorophyll"){
      #   x_label_temp <- "SPAD"
      # }
       y_label_temp <- y[j]
      # if(y[j]=="LIGHT"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Light Intensity"
      # }else if(y[j]=="RH"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Relative Humidity"
      # }else if(y[j]=="TEMP"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Temperature"
      # }else if(y[j]=="Phi2"){
      #   y_label_temp <- expression(phi1[II])
      # }else if(y[j]=="NPQT"){
      #   y_label_temp <- expression(NPQ[T])
      # }else if(y[j]=="PhiNPQ"){
      #   y_label_temp <- expression(phi1[NPQ])
      # }else if(y[j]=="PhiNO"){
      #   y_label_temp <- expression(phi1[NO])
      # }else if(y[j]=="qL"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "qL"
      # }else if(y[j]=="Lef"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "LEF"
      # }else if(y[j]=="Phi1"){
      #   y_label_temp <- expression(phi1[I])
      # }else if(y[j]=="FoPrime"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "F0'"
      # }else if(y[j]=="Fs"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Fs"
      # }else if(y[j]=="FmPrime"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Fm"
      # }else if(y[j]=="SPAD"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "SPAD"
      # }else if(y[j]=="AmbientHumidity"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Relative Humidity"
      # }else if(y[j]=="LeafTemp"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Leaf Temperature"
      # }else if(y[j]=="LeafAngle"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Leaf Angle"
      # }else if(y[j]=="LEF"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "LEF"
      # }else if(y[j]=="LightIntensityPAR"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "Light Intensity"
      # }else if(y[j]=="NPQt"){
      #   y_label_temp <- expression(NPQ[T])
      # }else if(y[j]=="RelativeChlorophyll"){
      #   y_label_temp <- "SPAD"
      # }

      p1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = OriginalDataPlot,
                                  mapping = aes(OriginalDataPlot[[x[i]]], OriginalDataPlot[[y[j]]],
                                                colour = factor(OriginalDataPlot[[label]])), show.legend = FALSE) +
        xlab(x_label_temp) +
        ylab(y_label_temp) + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "black"), axis.title =  element_text(colour = "black"), legend.position = "none")#, plot.margin =  ggplot2::margin(1, 1, 1,1,"cm"))  #theme(legend.position = "none")

      #p1 <- p1 + facet_grid(. ~ cyl)
      p1 <-p1 + scale_y_continuous(labels=scaleFUN)

      p2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = BayesianDataPlot,
                                  mapping = aes(BayesianDataPlot[[xName]], BayesianDataPlot[[yName]],
                                                colour = Label), show.legend = FALSE) +
        xlab("intercept") +
        ylab("Slope") + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "black"), axis.title =  element_text(colour = "black"))#, plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(1, 1,1,1,"cm"))
      p2 <-p2 + scale_y_continuous(labels=scaleFUN)
      p12 <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
      ggsave(paste("PhenoPro_",paste(x[i],y[j],sep="_"),".png",sep = ""), plot = p12, width=8, height = 3, dpi=600)

predict.Pheno <- function(object, data, x, y,
                          block, orderby, step = 1, width = 6){

  fn <- "predictPheno"
  arugmentsData <- list(data = data, x = x, y = y, block = block,
                        orderby = orderby, step = step, width = width)
  attr(arugmentsData, 'class') <- fn

  predictData <- object$pre
  topFeatureNames <- object$fea
  topFeatureFullNames <- object$feaf
  argumentsDataTemp <- object$arg
  labelTemp <- argumentsDataTemp$label
  label <- NULL
  labelUniqueNames <- NULL

    stop("invalid usage, prediction is not available for clustering")
  methodTemp <- argumentsDataTemp$method
  xSelect <- intersect(x, topFeatureFullNames)
  ySelect <- intersect(y, topFeatureFullNames)

  valueTransferData <- TransferData(data, xSelect, ySelect, label = label, block, orderby)
  WorkingData <- valueTransferData$data

  objectlist <-  list(WorkingDataTemp = WorkingData, step = step,
                      width = width, label = label, x = xSelect, y = ySelect,
                      labelUniqueNames = labelUniqueNames)
  WorkingDataTemp <- BayesianNIGProcess(objectlist)
  EstParametersList <- WorkingDataTemp$EstParametersList
  BayesianData <- WorkingDataTemp$Beta
  WorkingDataTemp <- BayesianData

  inputData <- subset(WorkingDataTemp, select = topFeatureNames)

  if(methodTemp == "RF"){
    par.pred <- predict(predictData, inputData)
  } else{
    par.pred <- predict(predictData, inputData)
  outputData <- data.frame(inputData, Label = par.pred)
  returnData <- list(arg = list(x = x, y = y), Org = WorkingData, Bay = outputData)
  attr(returnData, 'class') <- fn

plot.predictPheno <- function(object){
  arg <- object$arg
  x <- arg$x
  y <- arg$y
  OriginalData <- object$Org
  BayesianData <- object$Bay

  for(i in seq(length(x))){
    for(j in seq(length(y))){
      OriginalDataPlot <- subset(OriginalData, select = c(x[i], y[j]))
      xName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_")
      yName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_")

      if((xName %in% colnames(BayesianData)) & (yName %in% colnames(BayesianData))){
        BayesianDataPlot <- subset(BayesianData, select = c(xName, yName, "Label"))
        p1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = OriginalDataPlot,
                                    mapping = aes(OriginalDataPlot[[x[i]]], OriginalDataPlot[[y[j]]])) +
          xlab(x[i]) +
          ylab(y[j]) + theme(legend.position = "none")
        p2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = BayesianDataPlot,
                                    mapping = aes(BayesianDataPlot[[xName]], BayesianDataPlot[[yName]],
                                                  colour = Label)) +
          xlab("intercept") +
        p12 <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)


cv <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("cv")

cv.Pheno <- function(object, cvNumber, testBlockProp, prior){

  WorkingData <- object$Raw
  argumentsDataTemp <- object$arg
  block <- argumentsDataTemp$block
  label <- argumentsDataTemp$label
  orderby <- argumentsDataTemp$orderby
  step <- argumentsDataTemp$step
  width <- argumentsDataTemp$width
  method <- argumentsDataTemp$method
  defaultLabel <- argumentsDataTemp$defaultLabel
  blockNamesONE <- argumentsDataTemp$blockNamesONE
  blockNamesTWO <- argumentsDataTemp$blockNamesTWO

  topFeatureFullNames <- object$feaf
  topFeatureNames <- object$fea
  x <- intersect(argumentsDataTemp$x, topFeatureFullNames)
  y <- intersect(argumentsDataTemp$y, topFeatureFullNames)

  blockUniqueNames <- unique(WorkingData[[block]])
  blockOrderedNames <- mixedsort(blockUniqueNames)
  labelUniqueNames <- unique(WorkingData[[label]])
  defaultLabelUniqueNames <- defaultLabel
  inverseLabel <- labelUniqueNames[- which(labelUniqueNames == defaultLabel)]

  splitDatabyBlock <- split(WorkingData, as.vector(WorkingData[[block]]))
  FUNALLEQU <- function(x, label){
    return(!any(x[[label]] != x[[label]][1]))
  FUNLABEL <- function(x, label){
  if(!all(sapply(splitDatabyBlock, FUNALLEQU, label = label, simplify = TRUE)))
    stop("data in some 'block' have multiple 'label'")
  blockOrderedLabels <- as.vector(sapply(splitDatabyBlock, FUNLABEL,
                                         label = label, simplify = TRUE))

  WorkingDataSub <- subset(WorkingData,
                           select = c(x, y, label, block, orderby))
  features <- c(x, y)
  inicvNumber <- 1
  outputTable <- data.frame(matrix(0, length(blockUniqueNames), 3))
  rownames(outputTable) <- blockOrderedNames
  colnames(outputTable) <- c("performance", "precision", "recall")
  outputTableTemp <- outputTable
  countTable <- rep(0, length(blockUniqueNames))
  while(inicvNumber <= cvNumber){  # The data will be devided into train and test set, a model will be created based on the train part and will be tested based on the test part
    # if(inicvNumber==4){
    #   print("sssss");
    # }
    cat("computing ", inicvNumber, "\r")
    valueSplitData <- SplitData(WorkingDataSub, block, orderby,
                                testBlockProp, blockOrderedLabels, blockOrderedNames)  # Here the data is divided to train and test data
    dataSplitData <- valueSplitData$data
    trainData <- dataSplitData$train
    testData <- dataSplitData$test
    testName <- dataSplitData$testName

    trainDataTemp <- subset(trainData, select = c(features, label))
      print("Warning: One step of cross validation is skiped; there aren't data from all classes")
    objectlist <- list(WorkingDataTemp = trainDataTemp, step = step,
                       width = width, label = label, x = x, y = y,
                       labelUniqueNames = labelUniqueNames)

    trainBayesianData <- BayesianNIGProcess(objectlist)$Beta
    trainBayesianDataTemp <- subset(trainBayesianData,
                                    select = c(topFeatureNames, "Label"))

    testDataTemp <- subset(testData, select = c(features, label))
      print("Warning: One step of cross validation is skiped; there aren't data from all classes")
    if(prior == TRUE){
      objectlist <- list(WorkingDataTemp = testDataTemp, step = step,
                         width = width, label = label, x = x, y = y,
                         labelUniqueNames = labelUniqueNames)
      testBayesianData <- BayesianNIGProcess(objectlist)$Beta
      testBayesianDataTemp <- subset(testBayesianData,
                                     select = c(topFeatureNames, "Label"))
      inputData <- subset(testBayesianDataTemp, select = topFeatureNames)
    } else{
      objectlist <- list(WorkingDataTemp = testDataTemp, step = step,
                         width = width, label = NULL, x = x, y = y,
                         labelUniqueNames = NULL)
      testBayesianData <- BayesianNIGProcess(objectlist)$Beta
      testBayesianDataTemp <- data.frame(subset(testBayesianData,
                                                select = c(topFeatureNames)), Label = testDataTemp[[label]])
      inputData <- subset(testBayesianDataTemp, select = topFeatureNames)

    #Added by Sajjad
    #                             select = c(object$selected_features, "Label"))
    #inputData <- subset(inputData, select = object$selected_features)
    # End of added by Sajjad

    if(method == "RF"){
      predictData <- randomForest(Label ~ ., data = trainBayesianDataTemp,
                                  importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)
      par.pred <- predict(predictData, inputData)
    } else{
      predictData <- svm(Label ~ ., data = trainBayesianDataTemp)
      par.pred <- predict(predictData, inputData)

    DI <- DD <- II <- ID <- 0
    for(i in seq(length(par.pred))){
      if(par.pred[i] == testBayesianDataTemp$Label[i]){
        if(par.pred[i] %in% inverseLabel){
          II <- II + 1
        } else{
          DD <- DD + 1
      } else{
        if(par.pred[i] == defaultLabel){
          DI <- DI + 1
        } else{
          if(testBayesianDataTemp$Label[i] == defaultLabel){
            ID <- ID + 1
    performance <- as.numeric((DD + II) / length(par.pred), 4)
    recall <- as.numeric(DD / length(which(testBayesianDataTemp$Label == defaultLabel)), 4)
    precision <- as.numeric(DD / (DD + DI), 4)

    inicvNumber <- inicvNumber + 1
    rowID <- which(rownames(outputTable) %in% testName)
    countTable[rowID] <- countTable[rowID] + 1
    outputTableTemp[rowID, 1] <- outputTableTemp[rowID, 1] +
    outputTableTemp[rowID, 2] <- outputTableTemp[rowID, 2] +
    outputTableTemp[rowID, 3] <- outputTableTemp[rowID, 3] +

  outputTable <- outputTableTemp / countTable
  returnData <- list(
    outputTable = outputTable,
    blockNamesONE = blockNamesONE,
    blockNamesTWO = blockNamesTWO,
    topFeatureNames = topFeatureNames
  attr(returnData,'class') <- "cvPheno"

plot.cvPheno <- function(object){

  blocknamesONE <- object$blockNamesONE
  blocknamesTWO <- object$blockNamesTWO
    stop("invalid 'block', which must have two components")
  topFeatureNames <- object$topFeatureNames
  output <- object$outputTable
  Lrow <- length(blocknamesONE)
  Lrun <- length(blocknamesTWO)

  rowN <- c()
  for(i in seq(Lrow)){
    rowN <- c(rowN, rep(blocknamesONE[i], Lrun))
  colN <- rep(blocknamesTWO, Lrow)
  Values <- c(output[ , 1], output[ , 2], output[ , 3])
  Series <- c(rep("performance", Lrow * Lrun), rep("precision", Lrow * Lrun),
              rep("recall", Lrow * Lrun))
  A <- data.frame(rowN, colN, Values, Series)
  avgPerformance <- round(mean(output[ , 1], na.rm = TRUE), 4)
  avgPrecision <- round(mean(output[ , 2], na.rm = TRUE), 4)
  avgRecall <- round(mean(output[ , 3], na.rm = TRUE), 4)

  gg <- ggplot(A, aes(x = colN, y = rowN, fill = Values))
  gg <- gg + geom_tile(color = "white", size = 0.1)
  gg <- gg + scale_fill_viridis(name = "rate")
  gg <- gg + coord_equal()
  gg <- gg + facet_wrap( ~ Series, ncol = 1)
  gg <- gg + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL,
                  title = paste("Feature: ", toString(topFeatureNames), "\n",
                                "Averaged performance ", avgPerformance,
                                ", precision ", avgPrecision,
                                ", recall ", avgRecall))
  gg <- gg + theme_tufte(base_family = "sans")
  gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())
  gg <- gg + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 10))
  gg <- gg + theme(panel.border = element_blank())
  gg <- gg + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0))
  gg <- gg + theme(strip.text = element_text(size = 15, hjust = 0))
  gg <- gg + theme(panel.margin.x = unit(0.5, "cm"))
  gg <- gg + theme(panel.margin.y = unit(0.5, "cm"))
  gg <- gg + theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 10))
  gg <- gg + theme(legend.title.align = 1)
  gg <- gg + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 10))
  gg <- gg + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
  gg <- gg + theme(legend.key.size = unit(0.2, "cm"))
  gg <- gg + theme(legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm"))

BlockSplit <- function(x, blockName, label, discard = FALSE){ # This function seperate blocks which include more than one lable; for example, if a blocm contains both healthy and diseased plants this function break the block into two smaller blocks
  Name1 <- blockName[1]
  Name2 <- blockName[2]
  LabelLevel <- as.vector(unique(x[[label]]))
  blockNameMerge <- paste(as.vector(x[[Name1]]), as.vector(x[[Name2]]), sep = "")
  x$blockNameMerge <- blockNameMerge
  x$idTemp <- seq(nrow(x))
  x$NewBlockNameOne <- as.vector(x[[Name1]])
  x$NewBlockNameTwo <- as.vector(x[[Name2]])
  blockVector <- as.vector(unique(x$blockNameMerge))
  index <- 1
  for(i in seq(length(blockVector))){
    xTemp <- subset(x, blockNameMerge == blockVector[i])  # Select one block of data
    if(length(as.vector(unique(xTemp[[label]]))) != 1){   # If the block contains samples from more than one class
      number1 <- length(which(xTemp[[label]] == LabelLevel[1]))
      number2 <- length(which(xTemp[[label]] == LabelLevel[2]))
      if(number1 >= number2){
        idToChange <- (xTemp[which(xTemp[[label]] == LabelLevel[2]),])$idTemp
        x$NewBlockNameOne[idToChange] <- "NEW_BLOCK_NAME_X"
        indexTemp <- paste("NEW_BLOCK_NAME_Y", index, sep = "_")
        x$NewBlockNameTwo[idToChange] <- rep(indexTemp, times = length(idToChange))
      } else{
        idToChange <- (xTemp[which(xTemp[[label]] == LabelLevel[1]),])$idTemp
        x$NewBlockNameOne[idToChange] <- "NEW_BLOCK_NAME_X"
        indexTemp <- paste("NEW_BLOCK_NAME_Y", index, sep = "_")
        x$NewBlockNameTwo[idToChange] <- rep(indexTemp, times = length(idToChange))
      index <- index + 1
  x$NewBlockNameTwo <- as.character(x$NewBlockNameTwo)
  dropnames <- names(x) %in% c("idTemp", "blockNameMerge")
  y <- x[!dropnames]
  if(discard == TRUE){
    res <- y[- which(y$NewBlockNameOne == "NEW_BLOCK_NAME_X"), ]
  } else{

# This function devide the input data into train and test blocks
train.test.generation <- function(data=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL,label=NULL,defaultLabel=NULL, block=NULL, orderby=NULL,testBlockProp=0.2){
  valueTransferData_sds <-PhenoPro7::TransferData(data = data, x = x, y = y, label=label, block=block, orderby = orderby)
  WorkingData_sds<- valueTransferData_sds$data
  block_sds <- valueTransferData_sds$block
  orderby_sds = valueTransferData_sds$orderby

  blockUniqueNames <- unique(WorkingData_sds[[block_sds]])
  blockOrderedNames <- mixedsort(blockUniqueNames)
  labelUniqueNames <- unique(WorkingData_sds[[label]])
  defaultLabelUniqueNames <- defaultLabel
  inverseLabel <- labelUniqueNames[- which(labelUniqueNames == defaultLabel)]

  splitDatabyBlock <- split(WorkingData_sds, as.vector(WorkingData_sds[[block_sds]]))
  FUNALLEQU <- function(x, label){
    return(!any(x[[label]] != x[[label]][1]))
  FUNLABEL <- function(x, label){
  if(!all(sapply(splitDatabyBlock, FUNALLEQU, label = label, simplify = TRUE)))
    stop("data in some 'block' have multiple 'label'")
  blockOrderedLabels <- as.vector(sapply(splitDatabyBlock, FUNLABEL,
                                         label = label, simplify = TRUE))

  WorkingDataSub_sds <- subset(WorkingData_sds,
                               select = c(x, y, label, block, block_sds, orderby_sds))
  features <- c(x, y)

  valueSplitData_sds <-PhenoPro7::SplitData(WorkingDataSub_sds, block_sds, orderby_sds,
                                            testBlockProp, blockOrderedLabels, blockOrderedNames)  # Here the data is divided to train and test data
  dataSplitData_sds <- valueSplitData_sds$data
  trainData_sds <- dataSplitData_sds$train
  testData_sds <- dataSplitData_sds$test
  testName_sds <- dataSplitData_sds$testName

  returnData <- list(
  attr(returnData,'class') <- "train.test.generation"

# This function test an unseen data. The labels of the test set are not passed to this function.
# In fact, this function just gets some test blocks, add a key index to the samples, transforms test blocks one by one, and then concatenates
# concatenates all transformed blocks, predicts the lables using the model trained in the Pheno function and return the predictions and the key indexes.
test.unseen.pheno<-function(WorkingData=NULL, predictive_model=NULL, pca_model = NULL, scales_matrix=NULL, weak_classifiers=NULL, bst=NULL,label_mapping=NULL , nfeatures=NULL,feature_selection  = NULL, block=NULL, block_orig= NULL, orderby=NULL, step=1, width=6, method="SVM",defaultLabel=NULL, topFeatureFullNames=NULL, topFeatureNames=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, prior=TRUE){
  # This key is added to the data because the function in next line
  # next line changes the order of samples. Therefore this key will ba later used to keep track of test samples and test labels
  valueTransferData_test <- PhenoPro7::TransferData(WorkingData, x, y, label, block_orig, orderby)
  WorkingData<- valueTransferData_test$data

  x_temp<- x
  y_temp <- y
  if(feature_selection != "PCA"){
     x <- intersect(x_temp, topFeatureFullNames)
     y <- intersect(y_temp, topFeatureFullNames)
  blockUniqueNames <- unique(WorkingData[[block]])
  #blockOrderedNames <- mixedsort(blockUniqueNames)
  #labelUniqueNames <- unique(WorkingData[[label]])
  defaultLabelUniqueNames <- defaultLabel

  #features <- c(x, y)
  features <- union(x, y)
  #Here, the testing blocks are sent to the bayes function one by one and then after
  #transforming all testing blocks, they are concatenated.
  for(i in 1:length(blockUniqueNames)){
    # One testing block is selected
    block_temp<- WorkingData[which(WorkingData$blockTemp==blockUniqueNames[i]),]

    testDataTemp <- subset(block_temp, select = c(features, block,"keys"))
    objectlist <- list(WorkingDataTemp = testDataTemp, step = step,
                       width = width, label=NULL , x = x, y = y,
                       labelUniqueNames = NULL)
    # The selected testing block is transformed
    testBayesianData <- BayesianNIGProcess(objectlist)$Beta
      lda_test_transformed<- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(topFeatureNames)){
        #lda_model_temp <- eval(parse(text = paste("lda_res",topFeatureNames[i],sep = "_")))
        feature_I <- paste(topFeatureNames[i], "I",sep = "_")
        feature_S <- paste(topFeatureNames[i], "S", sep = "_")
        lda_data_temp <- subset(testBayesianData, select = c(feature_I, feature_S))
        scales_matrix_temp <- as.matrix(scales_matrix[which(scales_matrix[,3]==topFeatureNames[i]),1:2])
        transformed_vector <- as.data.frame((lda_data_temp[,1] * scales_matrix_temp[1])+(lda_data_temp[,2]*scales_matrix_temp[2]))
        colnames(transformed_vector) <-topFeatureNames[i]
        transformed_vector <- as.matrix(transformed_vector)
        lda_test_transformed <- cbind(lda_test_transformed, transformed_vector)

        #plda <- predict(object = lda_model_temp,
        #                 newdata = lda_data_temp)
        #colnames(plda$x) <-paste(topFeatureNames[i])
        #lda_test_transformed <- cbind(lda_test_transformed, plda$x)
        #lda_test_transformed <- scales_matrix

        #plot1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = lda_data_temp,
        #                               mapping = aes(lda_data_temp[[1]], lda_data_temp[[2]],colour = factor(1))) + xlab(colnames(lda_data_temp)[1]) + ylab(colnames(lda_data_temp)[2]) + theme(legend.position = "none")
      testBayesianDataTemp <- as.data.frame(lda_test_transformed)
    }else if(feature_selection=="PCA"){
        test_pca_data<-predict(pca_model, newdata = testBayesianData)
        testBayesianDataTemp <- as.data.frame(test_pca_data[,1:nfeatures])

      testBayesianDataTemp <- subset(testBayesianData,
                                     select = c(topFeatureNames))
    # The transformed test block will be appended to the test set
    inputData_temp <- rbind(inputData_temp,testBayesianDataTemp)

  # Just keep the features
  inputData<-inputData_temp[, !names(inputData_temp) %in% c("keys","block")]
  # Predict the samples using the test samples and the already trained model
    predicted_labels_test <- matrix(0,nrow = nrow(inputData), 1)
    weak_classifiers <- weak_classifiers[order(weak_classifiers$weigth, decreasing = TRUE),]
    for(ensemble_ind in 1:nfeatures){
      pair_temp <- unlist(strsplit(weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,1], split='*', fixed=TRUE))
      #pair_temp <- c("Lef_SPAD_I", "Lef_SPAD_S")
      #if(pair_temp==c("Lef_SPAD_I", "Lef_SPAD_S")){
      #  print("something")

      pair_data_temp <- subset(inputData, select = c(pair_temp[1], pair_temp[2]))
      #print("Selected pair is: ")
      predicted_labels_test <- predicted_labels_test + ( weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,2] + weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,3] * pair_data_temp[[1]] + weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,4] * pair_data_temp[[2]]) #* weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,5]
      sum_weights <- sum_weights + weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,5]
    predicted_labels_test <- predicted_labels_test /nfeatures #sum_weights
    par.pred <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = length(predicted_labels_test),ncol = 1))
    for(ensemble_ind in 1: length(predicted_labels_test)){
      if(abs(predicted_labels_test[ensemble_ind]-1) <= abs(predicted_labels_test[ensemble_ind]-2)){
        predicted_labels_test[ensemble_ind]<- 1
        par.pred[ensemble_ind,1] <- label_mapping[1,1]
        predicted_labels_test[ensemble_ind]<- 2
        par.pred[ensemble_ind,1] <- label_mapping[2,1]


  }else if(feature_selection=="Ensemble of SVMs"){
    #predicted_labels_test <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = dim(inputData)[1], ncol = 1))
    # weak_classifiers <- weak_classifiers[order(weak_classifiers$weigth, decreasing = TRUE),]
    #num_above_thresh<- 0
    #threshold_ensemble <- 0.80
    #for(ensemble_ind in 1:nrow(weak_classifiers)){
    #  if(weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,3] >= threshold_ensemble){
    #    num_above_thresh<-num_above_thresh+1
    #  }
    acc_ind_mat <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = nrow(weak_classifiers), ncol = 2))
    colnames(acc_ind_mat) <- c("accuracy","index" )
    for(ensemble_ind in 1:nrow(weak_classifiers)){
      acc_ind_mat[ensemble_ind,1] <- weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,3]
      acc_ind_mat[ensemble_ind,2] <- weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,4]
    acc_ind_mat_sorted <- acc_ind_mat[order(acc_ind_mat$accuracy,decreasing = TRUE),]
    predicted_labels_test <- matrix(0,nrow = dim(inputData)[1], ncol = nfeatures)
    predicted_labels_index <-1
    for(ensemble_ind in 1:nfeatures){
      pair_temp <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(weak_classifiers[acc_ind_mat_sorted[ensemble_ind,2],1]), split='*', fixed=TRUE))
      #pair_temp <- c("Lef_SPAD_I", "Lef_SPAD_S")
      pair_data_temp <- subset(inputData, select = c(pair_temp[1], pair_temp[2]))
      #predicted_labels_test[,ensemble_ind] <- as.character(predict(weak_classifiers[[81,2]],pair_data_temp))
      predicted_labels_test[,ensemble_ind] <- as.character(predict(weak_classifiers[[acc_ind_mat_sorted[ensemble_ind,2],2]],pair_data_temp))
      #predicted_labels_index <- predicted_labels_index + 1

    #num_above_thresh<- nfeatures
    #predicted_labels_test <- matrix(0,nrow = dim(inputData)[1], ncol = num_above_thresh)
    #predicted_labels_index <-1
    #for(ensemble_ind in 1:nrow(weak_classifiers)){
    #  if(weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,3] < threshold_ensemble){
    #    next
    #  }
      #pair_temp <- unlist(strsplit(weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,1], split='*', fixed=TRUE))
    #  pair_temp <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,1]), split='*', fixed=TRUE))
      #pair_temp <- c("Lef_SPAD_I", "Lef_SPAD_S")
      #if(pair_temp==c("Lef_SPAD_I", "Lef_SPAD_S")){
      #  print("something")

     # pair_data_temp <- subset(inputData, select = c(pair_temp[1], pair_temp[2]))
      #print("Selected pair is: ")
      #predicted_labels_test[,predicted_labels_index] <- as.character(predict(weak_classifiers[[ensemble_ind,2]],pair_data_temp))
      #predicted_labels_index <- predicted_labels_index + 1
      #predicted_labels_test + ( weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,2] + weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,3] * pair_data_temp[[1]] + weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,4] * pair_data_temp[[2]]) #* weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,5]
      #sum_weights <- sum_weights + weak_classifiers[ensemble_ind,5]
    #predicted_labels_test <- predicted_labels_test /nfeatures #sum_weights
    #==================A QUICK TEST===========================
    #predicted_labels_test <- matrix(0,nrow = dim(inputData)[1], ncol = 1)
    #pair_temp <- c("Lef_SPAD_I", "Lef_SPAD_S")
    #pair_data_temp <- subset(inputData, select = c(pair_temp[1], pair_temp[2]))
    #predicted_labels_index<- 1
    #ensemble_ind<- 81
    #predicted_labels_test[,predicted_labels_index] <- as.character(predict(weak_classifiers[[ensemble_ind,2]],pair_data_temp))

    par.pred <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = nrow(predicted_labels_test),ncol = 1))
    for(ensemble_ind in 1: dim(predicted_labels_test)[1]){
      label_predicet_temp <- names(which.max(table(predicted_labels_test[ensemble_ind,])))
      par.pred[ensemble_ind,1] <-  label_predicet_temp
      #if( label_predicet_temp ==  ){
      #  predicted_labels_test[ensemble_ind]<- 1
      #  par.pred[ensemble_ind,1] <- label_mapping[1,1]
      #  predicted_labels_test[ensemble_ind]<- 2
      #  par.pred[ensemble_ind,1] <- label_mapping[2,1]


  }else if(feature_selection=="Gradient Boosting"){
    threshold_reg <- 0.5
    inputData <- as.matrix(inputData)
    dtest <- xgb.DMatrix(data = inputData)
    pred <- predict(bst, inputData)
    #par.pred <- as.factor(matrix(0,nrow = length(pred), ncol = 1))
    par.pred <- as.character(pred)
    for(i in 1:length(par.pred)){
      if(pred[i]>= threshold_reg){
        par.pred[i] <- "H"
        par.pred[i] <- "D"

    par.pred <- predict(predictive_model, inputData)
  # Concatenate block name, index keys and predictions and return that.
  blocks_labels_preds <-  cbind.data.frame(inputData_temp$block, inputData_temp$keys,par.pred)
  colnames(blocks_labels_preds) <- c("blockTemp", "keys", "par.pred")

  returnData <- list(
    blockNamesONE = block_orig[1],
    blockNamesTWO = block_orig[2],
    used_blocks = blockUniqueNames,
    topFeatureNames = topFeatureNames
  #attr(returnData,'class') <- "cvPheno"

# After training a model and testing the model using test blocks, this function gets
# gets the predictions (out put of the "test.unseen.pheno") as well as the actual labels and then it calculates the performance
calc.performance<-function(blocks_labels_preds=NULL, labels=NULL, pos_label=NULL){
  block_based_res<-data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(blockUniqueNames), ncol = 7)) # Columns are: block name, II, DD, DI, ID, performance, precision and recall
  block_based_res[,1]<- blockUniqueNames
  colnames(block_based_res)<-c("block_name", "TN", "TP", "FN","FP","label","size")
  rownames(block_based_res)<- blockUniqueNames
  # This loop uses the key indexes and replace the indexes with actual labels of samples.
  for(i in 1:length(labels)){
  #Calculating smaple based performance
  sensitivity <-0
  labelUniques <- unique(blocks_labels_preds$keys)
    for(j in 1:nrow(blocks_labels_preds)){
      if(blocks_labels_preds$par.pred[j] == blocks_labels_preds$keys[j]){
        if(blocks_labels_preds$par.pred[j] != pos_label){
          true_negative <- true_negative + 1
          true_positive <- true_positive + 1
          false_positive <- false_positive + 1
          false_negative <- false_negative + 1
    accuracy_samples <- (true_negative+true_positive)/(true_negative+true_positive+false_negative+false_positive)
    precision_samples <-  (true_positive)/(true_positive+false_positive)
    recall_samples <- (true_positive)/(true_positive+false_negative)
  }else if(length(labelUniques)>2){
    confusion_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow = length(labelUniques),ncol = length(labelUniques))
    rownames(confusion_matrix) <- labelUniques
    colnames(confusion_matrix) <- labelUniques
    for(j in 1:nrow(blocks_labels_preds)){
    precision_samples <- 0
    recall_samples <- 0
    f1_samples <- 0
    precision_temp <- 0
    recall_temp <- 0
    f1_temp <- 0
    accuracy_samples <- sum(diag(confusion_matrix))/sum(confusion_matrix)
    # In binary classification, we simply found if the current block is a TP, TN, FP or FN.
    # Here, we are dealing with a multiclass classification.
    # Given that a given row of the matrix corresponds to specific value for the "truth", we have:
    # Precision_i= M_ii/ Sigma(Mji) which means precision for label i is the value in the i,i entry in
    # the confusion matrix devided by sum of column i
    # To calculate the recall we use sum of row i
    for(ind_temp in 1:length(labelUniques)){
      precision_temp <- (confusion_matrix[which(row.names(confusion_matrix)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),which(colnames(confusion_matrix)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])/sum(confusion_matrix[,which(colnames(confusion_matrix)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])
      recall_temp <-  (confusion_matrix[which(row.names(confusion_matrix)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),which(colnames(confusion_matrix)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])/sum(confusion_matrix[which(row.names(confusion_matrix)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),])
        precision_temp <- 0
        recall_temp <- 0
      precision_samples <- precision_samples + precision_temp
      recall_samples <- recall_samples + recall_temp
      f1_samples <- f1_samples + 2* (precision_temp * recall_temp) / (precision_temp + recall_temp)
    precision_samples <- precision_samples/length(labelUniques)
    recall_samples <- recall_samples/length(labelUniques)
    f1_samples <- f1_samples / length(labelUniques)
  sample_base_res <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow = 1,ncol = 4))
  colnames(sample_base_res) <- c("Accuracy", "Precision", "Recall", "Size")
  sample_base_res[1,1] <- accuracy_samples
  sample_base_res[1,2] <- precision_samples
  sample_base_res[1,3] <- recall_samples
  sample_base_res[1,4] <- nrow(blocks_labels_preds)
     for(ind_per in 1:length(blockUniqueNames)){
       # One block is selected
        blocks_labels_preds_temp <- blocks_labels_preds[which(blocks_labels_preds$blockTemp == blockUniqueNames[ind_per]),]
        block_voted_label <- names(which.max(table(blocks_labels_preds_temp$par.pred)))
        block_actual_label <- names(which.max(table(blocks_labels_preds_temp$keys)))
        if(block_voted_label== block_actual_label){
          if(block_voted_label != pos_label){
            TN <- TN+1
            block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,2] <- 1
            block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,3] <- 1
            FP <- FP+1
            block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,5] <- 1
            FN <- FN+1
            block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,4] <- 1
        block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,6]<- block_actual_label
        block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,7]<- nrow(blocks_labels_preds_temp)
     performance_t <- (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)
     precision_t <- (TP)/(TP+FP)
     recall_t<- (TP)/(TP+FN)
     block_based_res <- replace(block_based_res, is.na(block_based_res), 0)
  }else if(length(labelUniques)>2){
     confusion_matrix_blocks <- matrix(0,nrow = length(labelUniques),ncol = length(labelUniques))
     rownames(confusion_matrix_blocks) <- labelUniques
     colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks) <- labelUniques
     for(ind_per in 1:length(blockUniqueNames)){
       # One block is selected
       blocks_labels_preds_temp <- blocks_labels_preds[which(blocks_labels_preds$blockTemp == blockUniqueNames[ind_per]),]
       block_voted_label <- names(which.max(table(blocks_labels_preds_temp$par.pred)))
       block_actual_label <- names(which.max(table(blocks_labels_preds_temp$keys)))
       confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)==block_actual_label),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)==block_voted_label)] <- confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)==block_actual_label),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)==block_voted_label)] +1

       if(block_voted_label== block_actual_label){
         if(block_voted_label != pos_label){
           block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,2] <- 1
           block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,3] <- 1
           block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,5] <- 1
           block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,4] <- 1
       block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,6]<- block_actual_label
       block_based_res[(which(block_based_res$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,7]<- nrow(blocks_labels_preds_temp)
     #After looking at all blocks and creating confusion matrix, here I calc performance using the confusion matrix
     avg_tp <- sum(diag(confusion_matrix_blocks))/length(labelUniques)
     avg_tn <- 0
     avg_fp <- 0
     avg_fn <- 0
     performance_t <- sum(diag(confusion_matrix_blocks))/sum(confusion_matrix_blocks)
     precision_t <- 0
     recall_t <- 0
     # TP, TN, FP and FN are different for different classes. We average them and report them as the final values.
     # The total number of FPs for a class is the sum of values in the corresponding column (excluding the TP which is on the main diagonal).
     # The total number of FNs for a class is the sum of values in the corresponding row  (excluding the TP which is on the main diagonal).
     # The total number of TNs for a class is the sum of all columns and rows excluding that class's column and row.
     for(ind_temp in 1:length(labelUniques)){
       avg_tn <- avg_tn +  sum(confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)!= labelUniques[ind_temp]) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)!= labelUniques[ind_temp])])
       avg_fn <- avg_fn + sum(confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks) == labelUniques[ind_temp]) , ]) - confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)== labelUniques[ind_temp]) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)== labelUniques[ind_temp])]
       avg_fp <- avg_fp + sum(confusion_matrix_blocks[,which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks) == labelUniques[ind_temp]) ]) - confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)== labelUniques[ind_temp]) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)== labelUniques[ind_temp])]
       precision_temp <- (confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])/sum(confusion_matrix_blocks[,which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])
       recall_temp <- (confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_blocks)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])/sum(confusion_matrix_blocks[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_blocks)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),])
         precision_temp <- 0
         recall_temp <- 0
       precision_t <- precision_t + precision_temp
       recall_t <- recall_t + recall_temp
     precision_t <- precision_t / length(labelUniques)
     recall_t <- recall_t / length(labelUniques)
     avg_tn <- avg_tn/ length(labelUniques)
     avg_fn <- avg_fn/ length(labelUniques)
     avg_fp <- avg_fp/ length(labelUniques)

     #precision_t <- (avg_tp)/(avg_tp+avg_fp)
     #recall_t<- (avg_tp)/(avg_tp+avg_fn)
     block_based_res <- replace(block_based_res, is.na(block_based_res), 0)

  #==================================================Block based detailed results
  block_based_res_detail <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(blockUniqueNames), ncol = 11))
  block_based_res_detail[,1]<- blockUniqueNames
  colnames(block_based_res_detail)<-c("block_name", "TN", "TP", "FN","FP","label","size","accracy", "precision", "recall", "F1-Score")
  rownames(block_based_res_detail)<- blockUniqueNames
    for(ind_per in 1:length(blockUniqueNames)){
      # One block is selected
      blocks_labels_preds_temp <- blocks_labels_preds[which(blocks_labels_preds$blockTemp == blockUniqueNames[ind_per]),]
      block_actual_label <- names(which.max(table(blocks_labels_preds_temp$keys)))
      precision_temp_detailed <-0
      recall_temp_detailed <-0
      F1_temp_detailed <-0
      for(j in 1:nrow(blocks_labels_preds_temp)){
          if(blocks_labels_preds_temp$par.pred[j] == blocks_labels_preds_temp$keys[j]){
            if(blocks_labels_preds_temp$par.pred[j] != pos_label){
              true_negative_detailed <- true_negative_detailed + 1
              #block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,2] <- 1
              true_positive_detailed <- true_positive_detailed + 1
              #block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,3] <- 1
              false_positive_detailed <- false_positive_detailed + 1
              #block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,5] <- 1
              false_negative_detailed <- false_negative_detailed + 1
              #block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,4] <- 1
        accuracy_temp_detailed <- (true_negative_detailed+true_positive_detailed)/(true_negative_detailed+true_positive_detailed+false_negative_detailed+false_positive_detailed)
        precision_temp_detailed <- (true_positive_detailed)/(true_positive_detailed+false_positive_detailed)
        recall_temp_detailed <- (true_positive_detailed)/(true_positive_detailed+false_negative_detailed)
        F1_temp_detailed <- 2 * (precision_temp_detailed*recall_temp_detailed)/(precision_temp_detailed+recall_temp_detailed)
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,2] <- true_negative_detailed
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,3] <- true_positive_detailed
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,4] <- false_negative_detailed
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,5] <- false_positive_detailed
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,6]<- block_actual_label
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,7]<- nrow(blocks_labels_preds_temp)
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,8]<- accuracy_temp_detailed
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,9]<- precision_temp_detailed
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,10]<- recall_temp_detailed
        block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,11]<- F1_temp_detailed

        block_based_res_detail <- replace(block_based_res_detail, is.na(block_based_res_detail), 0)
  }else if(length(labelUniques)>2){
    for(ind_per in 1:length(blockUniqueNames)){
      blocks_labels_preds_temp <- blocks_labels_preds[which(blocks_labels_preds$blockTemp == blockUniqueNames[ind_per]),]
      block_actual_label <- names(which.max(table(blocks_labels_preds_temp$keys)))
      precision_temp_detailed <-0
      recall_temp_detailed <-0
      F1_temp_detailed <-0

      confusion_matrix_detailed <- matrix(0,nrow = length(labelUniques),ncol = length(labelUniques))
      rownames(confusion_matrix_detailed) <- labelUniques
      colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed) <- labelUniques
      for(j in 1:nrow(blocks_labels_preds_temp)){
      precision_detailed <- 0
      recall_detailed <- 0
      F1_detailed <- 0
      accuracy_detailed <- sum(diag(confusion_matrix_detailed))/sum(confusion_matrix_detailed)
      avg_tp <- sum(diag(confusion_matrix_detailed))#/length(labelUniques)
      avg_tn <- 0
      avg_fp <- 0
      avg_fn <- 0
      current_label <- unique(blocks_labels_preds_temp$keys)
      precision_detailed <- (confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)==current_label),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)==current_label)])/sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[,which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)==current_label)])
      recall_detailed <- (confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)==current_label),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)==current_label)])/sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)==current_label),])
      F1_detailed <- 2*(precision_detailed * recall_detailed)/(precision_detailed + recall_detailed)
      avg_tn <-  sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)!= current_label) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)!= current_label)])
      avg_fn <- sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed) == current_label) , ]) - confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)== current_label) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)== current_label)]
      avg_fp <- sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[,which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed) == current_label)]) - confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)== current_label) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)== current_label)]

      # for(ind_temp in 1:length(labelUniques)){
      #   precision_temp <- (confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])/sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[,which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])
      #   recall_temp <- (confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)==labelUniques[ind_temp])])/sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)==labelUniques[ind_temp]),])
      #   if(is.na(precision_temp)){
      #     precision_temp <- 0
      #   }
      #   if(is.na(recall_temp)){
      #     recall_temp <- 0
      #   }
      #   precision_detailed <- precision_detailed + precision_temp
      #   recall_detailed <- recall_samples + recall_temp
      #   f1_temp <- 2*(precision_temp * recall_temp)/(precision_temp+ recall_temp)
      #   F1_detailed <- F1_detailed + f1_temp
      #   avg_tn <-  sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)!= labelUniques[ind_temp]) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)!= labelUniques[ind_temp])])
      #   avg_fn <- sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed) == labelUniques[ind_temp]) , ]) - confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)== labelUniques[ind_temp]) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)== labelUniques[ind_temp])]
      #   avg_fp <- sum(confusion_matrix_detailed[,which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed) == labelUniques[ind_temp]) ]) - confusion_matrix_detailed[which(row.names(confusion_matrix_detailed)== labelUniques[ind_temp]) , which(colnames(confusion_matrix_detailed)== labelUniques[ind_temp])]
      # }
      # precision_detailed <- precision_detailed/length(labelUniques)
      # recall_detailed <- recall_detailed/length(labelUniques)
      # F1_detailed <- F1_detailed / length(labelUniques)
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,2] <- avg_tn
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,3] <- avg_tp
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,4] <- avg_fn
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,5] <- avg_fp
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,6]<- block_actual_label
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,7]<- nrow(blocks_labels_preds_temp)
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,8]<- accuracy_detailed
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,9]<- precision_detailed
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,10]<- recall_detailed
      block_based_res_detail[(which(block_based_res_detail$block_name==blockUniqueNames[ind_per])) ,11]<- F1_detailed
      block_based_res_detail <- replace(block_based_res_detail, is.na(block_based_res_detail), 0)
  #================================================== End of block based detailed results
  returnData <- list(
    fn_test= fn_t,
    fp_test = fp_t,
    used_blocks = blockUniqueNames
  attr(returnData,'class') <- "cvPheno"

plot.Bayes.Data <- function(BayesD=NULL, BasesDL=NULL){
  for(i in seq(length(x))){
    for(j in seq(length(y))){
      OriginalDataPlot <- subset(OriginalData, select = c(x[i], y[j], label))
      xName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "I", sep = "_")
      yName <- paste(x[i], y[j], "S", sep = "_")
      BayesianDataPlot <- subset(BayesianData, select = c(xName, yName, "Label"))

      p1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = OriginalDataPlot,
                                mapping = aes(OriginalDataPlot[[x[i]]], OriginalDataPlot[[y[j]]],
                                              colour = factor(OriginalDataPlot[[label]]))) +
      xlab(x[i]) +
      ylab(y[j]) + theme(legend.position = "none")
      p2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = BayesianDataPlot,
                                mapping = aes(BayesianDataPlot[[xName]], BayesianDataPlot[[yName]],
                                              colour = Label)) +
        xlab("intercept") +
      p12 <- grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)


sajjadfouladvand/PhenoPro7 documentation built on July 13, 2021, 2:27 p.m.